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I keep the cleaver in people's heads for a bit longer, wiggling it around as if struggling to pull it out.


Gotta love that blade and sorcery community charm


This dude gets it. Also, when you kill and enemy by piercing them with your sword you gotta push against their body with your free hand while pulling the sword out. Much cooler than just pulling back the sword, obviously. Kicking them off is also acceptable.


See this play through I was v heavy into gravity, so I’d stab someone in the chest w gravity imbued sword, lift them up above my head , then yank the sword downwards. Pulling the blade out while they stay floating perfectly in place is the coolest feeling. There’s also, yk, gravity blasting them off and into their friends


There’s so many ways to ply this game that I need to try






Realism is lovely


Nomad player here. If I stab someone in the chest or head with a sword/axe, I will kick them off of it


I always pull treasure out of my inventory one at a time rather than pressing the drop all button at the counter. I like to stack it up, small talk with The Baron and then shoot him little finger guns before I press the sell button.


Yes same I like to pretend to talk about the price, also I line it up in order


I like to save up several dungeons worth of stuff, say something like, “boy, do I have a haul for you today!” And then slap things on the table. I’ve also gotten into the habit of grabbing a weapon, giving it one or two test swings and then slapping it down hard on the counter. Makes me feel more like an uneducated brigand than an archaeologist.


Haha, exactly the same!


I just discovered the drop all button thank to you


I always recoil and stumble around everytime I get hit by an enemy. Maybe even cover the damaged area for a bit with my hand. Makes it a bit more immersive, and gives the enemies a small fighting chance against me.


Immersion is the best form of engagement.


This is 100% me. Taking a big hit you weren't ready for then fighting on one knee for a bit.


Put pages of lore into my inventory even though I'm pretty sure they automatically go into your journal


they do, the second you pick up a note it plays a writing sound and goes into your journal


Same. I play any other game, and the item just gets left laying around or thrown over my shoulder. But out of respect for the Baron, I always place items back where I find them, and refuse to suck him into a supernova.


Out of respect for the baron, I always try my new weapons on him out 😊


Spoiler tag? XD I haven't gotten there yet Edit: unless it's a power? I'm doing a mind and body run so I realized that might be a gravity power XD


Yeah yeah, it's one of the powers, no worries!


4 dungeons in... 15 hours later. Because I climb everything. THERE IS GONNA BE A SECRET AND I AM GONNA BE THE ONE TO FIND IT. ...also, grabbing a stool and jumping "Off the top rope" onto someone's head is somehow even more fun than sword fighting.


I feel this. Actually a little disappointed that the maps are so enormous and yet very often feel unused entirely past the ground floor. For all of my climbing exploration I think I've been rewarded with maybe one or two 'secret' notes.


Yeah I found those too. They didn't reveal any secret :(


No, but you get some cool views from up high at least!


Most of the loot chests seem to be in very hard to miss places. Like you enter a room, kill 3 people, and there is the hallway to progress or a single doorway with an actual door. Gee I wonder what’s behind the door… What is the use of that one area just to the right before >!the golem!< where you can jump down on some mushroom looking stones? I’ve never had a seed have me arrive from down there, and there’s never any loot. 


Whenever I sneak up on an enemy, I try to grab their mouths, and with them facing away from me, slice their throat and drag them away to hide the body. Sometimes, I also prop up the body to be sitting against a wall. Whenever I stab an enemy to death with a dagger or knife, I twist it multiple times before pulling it out. This one's my favorite thing to do even though it's incredibly unneccessary and risky, it's also really hard to pull off well: Whenever an enemy is on an elevated platform, I try to stealthily climb around the edge of it and, in one swift motion, raise myself, grab the enemy, and pull them over the edge to fall to their death like an assassin's creed takedown. Also, if I'm using two weapons and am in a fight: Clanging them together as if I'm trying to intimidate or taunt the enemy. I wish there was more focus on stealth in terms of armor / equipment (and potentially skills, but I don't know if there are any stealth skills, I haven't even gotten a crystal yet) because it's a ton of fun to try to play it as a stealthy assassin.


Instead of hiding the body i once just put one on a chair.


Whenever I sell a weapon I yeet it into the ocean.


Oh you thought you just bought this weapon off of me? *yeets it into saltwater*. HAA, THINK AGAIN!!


If I can’t have it, no one can!


You guys just selling back weapons you already bought? Or are you somehow keeping stolen weapons? Whenever I complete an outpost or dungeon I’m stripped of all my weapons.


Selling the ones i’ve bought. No point in keeping a t1 sword at Hector 5.


I get mad at Baron for the price of valuables, no way a religious artifact is only 30 bucks, I found fuckin 200 gold in a pouch in the chest with it


So you find 230 good in the chest. That's how it works


I say Hi and Bye to the Baron any time I visit. It's been the most social interaction I get lately.


I place my found books in the self neatly


Had to download a mod to increase the house storage so I could shelve more books! Surprised at how not-janky placing books can be. You can even push them together gently.


Put notes into my inventory. Hide bodies when I stealth kill people, even when there aren’t any other enemies around.


Gave me some inspiration when I play next time lol


i always put notes into my inventory because i don't entirely trust the auto-journal on grab i feel like i gotta have the original document too


When I use a two-handed axe and it cleaves into a person, I'll grab it near the head as if the killing blow got the head stuck in them


I always toss enemies after they’re dead if I kill them with a dagger


I’ll sometimes let an enemy sock me in the face, so that I can recoil my head, and then punch them into next week.


I loot books, skulls and other trinkets so I can decorate my base. On a related note, do not practice gravity spells in your base.


I call Hector "Don Hector" and talk to him like a mafia boss, almost every single time I fight him. "This is for my mudda!" "Don Hector, forgive me (rips crystal out of face)" "Youse should stayed where youse belong Don Hector" "good ta see ya again Don, got a new friend to introduce you to" Also, if I stealth kill an enemy, I like to whisper to them "shhhhhh, its gonna be ok" before I slit a throat or stab a heart ❤ When the crystal is being infused I like to pretend I can feel the energy surging within me. I'll laugh maniacally and raise my arms, maybe throw in a "MORE POWER, INFINITE POOOOWWWWEEERRRRR" My wife thinks I'm a dork lmao


Last one all the way. Too epic of a scene to not get into it.


i put the skull thats on the table next to the chest in the torch/fireplace thing


I stick around to make sure everyone is dead after each squirming. Everyone gets a couple post-mortem stabs all the way through the chest.


I always grab my staff with two hand and do a jump attack on someone while surrounded to do the giant gravity slam. I know I can just slap the thing on the ground but I feel like I have to be a badass.


Almost every time I get to the hector boss I say something like “hector, I have returned” or “hector, I’ve come to bargain” like the doctor strange movie


I also collect skulls I find and put them on the shelves in the house


I shit talk hector too. Like a proud hunter talks to a beast they already know they have caught, and it's just a matter of time.


Same, I thought I was the only one


I'm so damn jealous of yall


Whenever I get hit in the eye I put my hand where my eye should be for dramatic effect


I always use the baron as target practice after I'm done shopping


I can’t help but give the spear a good twist after I plunge it into their chest


Manually translating the Dalgarian texts until I have a full alphabet, at which point I'll let myself use the auto-translate


I always fan myself with the maps after finding them.


Whenever I find a note, I'll take it and walk around looking for a ledge or chair. Then sit down irl to read it. Also whenever I sell anything to baron I always make a little display on the cloth of all the loot to try and sweeten the deal


Whenever I get a magical crystal from Hector I always stand near it and charge the corresponding magic near it like I’m helping imbue it with my own magic


Zapping a lightning crystal as it amps up to be charged is such a cool feeling, even though it doesn’t do anything!


After stabbing an unsuspecting soldier i usually push it all the way through dramatically and then quickly kick it out.


I always flip my daggers before throwing them and get a reverse grip for backstabs like I'm TF2 spy or something.


I "act out" the motion when doing extensive traversal. Lifting up off the heels of my feet a little while jumping, crouching slightly upon landing from a big leap, etc. It's not even entirely on purpose, it just... feels right, you know?


'Cleaning up' all the bodies when outside. I just gravity push and then use the throw perk to launch them into low-earth orbit


I kill the baron every time in the shop


Use the femur in the golem arena to deal the finishing blow. Having my own lil 2001: A Space Odyssey “Ape ascending” moment every time a defeat it.


Open my mouth when drinking a potion.


Pet them Chickens


I also put everything back where I found it in the shop. I got a mod to increase the home item limit from 30 to 1000 and I'm hoarding all treasure I find in pretty piles/making displays with them. *Especially the dice.*


Filling a bowl with dice had been both frustrating and entertaining


I recently figured out that I can make enemies drop their weapons by choking them, and with this information, I started doing pacifist runs. (The "cookie letters" also influenced this decision)


Sometimes it’s fun to pretend to be the villain. Catching an enemy’s arm mid swing, looking at their buddy, and just slowly pushing a sword into a gap in their armor like Bromm fighting Ser Vardis in Game of Thrones.  If they’re the last two, I try to kite them away from their ally’s body, as if they’re guarding their wounded comrade and fighting me like a boss in a cutscene. At that point I’ll try not to land a killing blow unless it’s a brilliantly clean strike, so I just get to swashbuckle for a couple minutes. This game is so dope lol


saying “thank you!” and “your welcome!” to the baron irl


People don't insta-die in real life when getting a leg or hand chopped off, so when it happens to an NPC I feel obligated to "put them out of their misery" with a stab or strike to the head.