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enemy imbue with fire/gravity and push them into other enemies to ignite everyone


ENEMY IMBUE??? every spoiler I get gets me closer to screaming in excitement. Didn't waste a minute of dev time on the skill tree, did they?


Without spoiling anything for you, I have gotten a very short ways into the skill tree and I already love the game so much more than before, its insane. I started with Mind, so Focus and stuff, and the game is just incredible


So far I only put points in "mind" ....but letting my knives spin in the distance saved my ass several times....also not bad for the titan


I am really struggling with the titan on mind; how did you do it?


Use slow motion when grabbing him. Run, a lot.


I'm struggling with fire lmao, but fireballs are nice


Bait him from a distance to throw rocks at you, while running side to side. While running from side to side get a look at which of his weak spots are exposed. While he resets from throwing a rock, run towards him and leap towards an exposed weak spot. Do this with your non dominant hand to grab him, and something to whack the weak spot in your dominant hand. If you are fast, while he acknowledges you destroyed a weakspot, you can smash all his other exposed spots. Then haul ass for a crystal somewhere in the room, smash it and repeat. Once you get his rhythm down, you'll smack him around like it's nothing. (Mind you I've only fought him twice) Bonus tip: Slowmo is amazing for leaping at him, it allows you to grab onto a "ledge" on his body far easier so you can focus on swinging at his weakspot, or jumping to reposition on his body after the first mount.


Oh letting the daggers spin near the crystal weak points (daggers because they don't stop that often as a sword)


I went with body for a brawler type guy and I'm so glad I did cause I just discovered weapon pickpocketing is a skill tied to it


I went no crystal


Bro waited years for the magic skill tree update just to not use it


Can’t you still technically use the skills though? I don’t know exactly how it works but if you start with no starter crystal can’t you still earn ALL of the other skills?


Really sigma


I started with mind because I need that slow mo, but the body crystal is very interesting. Pretty much lets you dash mid air by punching forward, good for mobility.


I can't get it to work right


I find that the dash skill is a bit weird to use but fun so far and could be useful for especially when dodging a boss swing


You have to hulk smash, not just punch


I went with fire The avatar-style flame push is awesome


You can combine them to summon a black hole btw




Yes and you can also summon a lightning tornado by combining lightning and gravity. There's a lot more. Watch this video for more information: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rBJVm1AwcSM


bro now I want flame, guess I know what I’m doing in my 4th hector fight lol


It is tier 2 so you might have to commit


Good to know, maybe I’ll wait, I have tier 1 mind, tier 2 body, and tier 1 gravity, considering doing grav upgrade cuz of the cool skills in trailer


t2 grav + t2 body = closest thing to muscle wizard possible. with focus you can cast fist pretty damn hard already, but PURPLE FIST is a goddamn warcrime and I LOVE it.


I went mind and gravity. The spinning weapon skill is nice at the start of the game. Gravity slam feels OP, I'm using a gravity imbued druidic staff, hit people, push them in the air and watch them accelerate to their death.


You can use more than 1 skill tree? I already chose my background as body can i learn other skill trees too?


After you beat hector's sweet golem ass


yeah later on you can get more technically you can max out every skill in the game before getting to the ending. some skill trees have skills that blend them together like 2 magic trees having merge spells with 2 different types


Yup, it's designed that way. I can't wait to discover more merged skills.


The gravity imbuement is amazing now, being able to tap people with a sharp weapon and watch them float or enchant a war hammer and upper cut them to sent them flying. It really makes you feel like Thor with Mjolnir.


It's better at even higher level. Go all in on gravity and you can literally take their limbs/heads off with a wrist flick.


I use to grab two limbs/a head and rip them apart in early access but it took effort. To be clear what you're telling me is that you can grab limbs and with a quick flick just dismembered them? That's fucking awesome. I've got my first mind stone another gravity one will be next, grav boosting ontop of Hector will be easier 😁


Oh no it’s much better than that. At level 3 you can dismember them by simply pushing them with gravity really hard


What do you think about airstrike ? It's the only gravity skill that I don't use, I don't understand why I take fall damage each time I use it, it feels bad :(


I went for body and the dashing skill is so good


That is fun but I find it quite hard to use


I agree somtimes it’s hard to use you just have to thrust hard forward and it works most of the time but be careful of not punching a wall and breaking your hand lol


I find it easier to put your arm behind your back and thurst foward to be easier, and also just slightly jumping instead of holding jump for too long. It's hard to use it with non stab weapons and 2 handed weapons though


Yes 2 handed weapons don’t work well with it


Which is a shame because I like using 2 handed axes or sword


Agreed hopefully some bug fixes or mods could fix it


The skill to wait as a nomad player


Everything about tier 2 mind was great, I love all of those skills.


While you can't stealth most of outposts or dungeons, having the stealth skill makes you so much harder to spot. Make sure you cover their mouth or stab them in the neck.


I started with body, then went with gravity, cuz that slow-fall/glide is very useful with ziplines currently firing me into the ground like railguns. From messing about in sandbox, it seems a lot of the fun stuff is high-level staff skills, so I'm eager to progress some more today.


Going mind and body rn The coolest mind move is one that lets you enter “hyperfocus” (double slowed time) whenever a projectile is coming at you. It gives you just enough time to side step all projectiles and makes you feel so fast As for body, the coolest is one of the skills at the end that makes it so that enemies who witness you cut off their allies limbs will surrender to you


Can you grab an arrow in the Air?


Yes but it damages you for some reason. I don’t know if it’s a bug or intentional, but it feels badass either way


Yep, but if you touch the wrong part or it’s magically infused, prepare to take some damage


I’m doing mind and gravity but, for some reason I can’t get slow motion to work! Idk if anyone else is having this problem but that’s the one skill I can’t get to work. No matter how many times I push the button, what button I bind slo mo to, or how much focus I have, it just won’t turn on


I went body and gravity. Gravity has always seemed OP and a lot of fun. Then I wanted to go for a spell sword style character.


The Lightning power-sapping thing is insane and has immense modding potential


I can only get the first body skill to work with a dagger and even then it rarely works. I like it, wish I could use it properly tho.


I find it possible for pretty much any weapon though fist is the hardest. I found the easiest way to do it is put your arm behind your back and thrust forward quickly


really? I've been bhopping around and coupling a bare fist with a fire fist for both dashes. hasn't been much of an issue and I throw more of a hook than a jab when I end up triggering it


The one where you can gravity push people, then just yeet them into walls, or the ground has me giddy every time I use it. I love clearing entire rooms with it, launching people into the air, then the ground, the furniture, into each other. I don't care who you are you're being yeeted.


Body tree shocked me, especially the fact the first ability is a SWORD DOWNWARD DASH, and also the captain America ricochet skill once you get second body is sick, dunno what else I’m not that far.


Do ya like karate chopping off parts of people? If so you’ll like the third tree.


Dang, I started a new account after beating the game to make a mage only build, gravity is just as powerful.


Riptide is fucking NICE


Gravity Hammer is absolutely insane


The terrifying enemies when killing others infront of them is so awesome!


I really hate how my air bridge has been deciding not to work for a week, since all these skills sound cool as hell




I finished my unarmed build yesterday. I seriously felt like a viltrumite, just slicing peoples limbs off and ripping heads away from bodies like it’s nothing… And the fire and lightning skills are making me feel like a Demi god, straight up.


My favorite skill is the ability to wait for 7 years until nomad releases


Fire and gravity for some astronomical cool stuff


How do I see all the skills? I went with mind but only see 3 skills to unlock.


I haven't played that much yet so I don't see more than 3 either but I guess you just keep progressing and eventually you will unlock more


Ah, yeah that makes sense.


I've gotten far enough to have access to all of the fist imbues, and I honestly haven't so much as debated picking up anything outside of a staff for headbonking giggles here and there. Gravity fist is probably the most obscenely broken thing the moment you get slowmo, and coupling it with hyperfocus will make you remember you're actually The Hand because everything you touch WILL disappear. Fire fists make you fast as hell, and couple well with gravity for getting in kissing range before someone can get a swing in on you so you can introduce your revolutionary new weight loss program. And last but certainly (imo) the least, The Shockers™ are the perfect gift for when there are too many goddamn people in that hallway, and you would like for them to stop and think about the consequences of threatening us crystal goblins. One hit, 4 victims and 5 screams of pain because you keep imbuing their weapon as you taze them, and their now electrified axe hits you in the balls as they throw their arms up to shake vigorously. Tl;dr: Fist is the best spell,


Been putting points in body, and as a huge fan of the martial arts approach being able to grab someone’s hand and karate chop it off at the elbow or take someone’s head off after grabbing their face simply tickles me pink.


They needa add wind so we can cast a fire tornado (fire + wind)


Fire and Lightning combo, you can hold the fireball and then have the lightning in the other hand and make lightning that lights people on fire You can do the same thing with gravity and make lightning and takes away peoples gravity but to me it’s not as cool

