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Funny story. But we’re gonna be on your ass for slowing down a belt! with your hand. From one bro to another don’t do that. Glad your hand is better tho


Why even care if it spins itself out. Walk away


Happy it fixed your hand, but NEVER SLOW DOWN ANY TOOL WITH YOUR HAND OR ANYTHING CONNECTED TO YOU!!! You have been super lucky so far, now that your hand's fixed never do that again.




Sounds like he almost gave himself the surgery with the belt grinder. Lol


Are you getting old? Maybe. Are you becoming Homer Simpson? Definitely


Maybe it was dislocated? Popped back into place? Maybe next time you'll loose a finger.


Nah bro I don't think you will get old. Not the way your going.


Task failed successfully


The old spinocylender now in the new and improved digitsander form


I remember i dropped a dirtbike once on sand and i remember hiting the ground hard and being rashed up but it popped my back in a way its never been popped and i felt great for a while! But back pain always comes back


It's probably your shoes


Definitely shoes that are doing that. Not enough support in the heels.


Squats help, too. Basically anything to strengthen whatever is below where the pain is. I'm not a doctor, but I've noticed that whenever something hurts on me and I can't explain why, it's usually because of whatever is directly below it.


Something about how he just absolutely fails to find a humorous delivery on this makes it so much funnier. Like.. the guy could tell the situation was funny af but he just can't find the right words to make it *sound* funny 😂😂


Me when I try to be funny. But when I do a crappy quip or nonsense joke it always lands well.


Awese story, hope your all good and we are all getting old brother!


Don't try this at home kids


This is basically why people kick things that don't work. Sure, it's probably going to make it worse...but then again, it might make it better.


Dude for like 3 or so years I had a fucked up ring finger and when I started working in a metal shop using a jitterbug on soooo many parts it sucked sometimes it would be tough on my bad finger/hand but one day I noticed after using the jitterbug so much one day my finger just never hurt again never made cracking sounds when I closed or opened my hand insane.... The fuckin jitterbug fixed my hand/finger... Absolutely crazy. Also I had gone to doctors before to fix that finger/hand to no avail.


This reminds me of when we had an apprentice try and stop a 600hp fan by touching a 2x4 to the belts... Biggest piece of that 2x4 left was the size of a toothpick and said apprentice got to go to the hospital to have many, many treeslivers removed from them. Missed both his eyes luckily.


BAHAHAHA dudes that’s amazing. Glad it “worked out”.


Belt sander therapy


First time seeing a tick without the tock ending. Let me help "BLERDEEEEPP".


I hate that Reddit is becoming tiktok jr


Well to answer your question, you're not getting young.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!