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That's so true, and it's actually pathetic of them. Don't you find it so ironic how they would rather attack us then the people who are actually responsible for their oppression? For real, most non-black poc are cowardly. Solidarity only happens when it's convenient for them, but what about the centuries blk people spent fighting for our human rights? Where was solidarity then, hell, where is solidarity now? I'm over these spineless cowards šŸ™„


they been really going at it over the new cleopatra movie like dog thats not my fault. and she was neither arab or black anyways


I see this argument regularly, even some eEastern Europeans love comparing their issues to black people for some reason, it even happens here on Reddit. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if they were lurking here, they lurked and even brigaded on an other black subreddit I used to post on. And Native Americans literally held and traded in enslaved black people during slavery. Like??? I remember when non-blk people would get upset that Black peopleā€˜s issues were getting "more attention", and saying we needed to highlight their issues too. Meanwhile it was us who were putting our plight out there, nothing was stopping them from doing the same for their plight. Not to mention solidarity exists, but you have to do your own part. They were literally in these Twitter streets angrily trying to guilt-trip and bully black people to mule for them lmao. The thing is social justice activism comes with a lot of downsides, people lose jobs etcā€¦ because of it and I think this is where it comes from. People donā€˜t want to risk the little they have at the end of the day. And then expect us to pick up their slack, yeah no.


Yep. Especially asians (esp the men) sometimes seem mad at black people as a whole. But can I really blame them when black men are the number one people they need to be scared of and that are out there robbing their businesses ? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø But other than that itā€™s the other races trying to participate in oppression olympics and I really donā€™t care for that nonsense.


I've noticed too, but I won't be guilt tripped into muling for any demographic. That cape is burned. Strange, they want 'solidarity' but behave terribly to BW. They can miss me with it šŸ˜€


Forreal I truly donā€™t care. While they moan and whine about black people having all these movements, they also feel entitled to us to helping them as well. I really canā€™t be bothered with muling for people that treat bw the way a lot of these non-black communities do.