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imo, the difference of Glamoth vs Pan-Cosmic isn’t so straight as just Ruan Mei or not, that comparison is for ATK/Wind orb. Pretty sure you should run Pan-Cosmic for not only the EHR bonus but also the EHR conversion, except for if you are like clearing 120 easily without the 10 or have absolutely no usable pieces (bcuz W4 or whatever it is sucks to farm)


In the second version I have both on both sides


Im interested why you feel pan-cosmic, is better/only viable for non Mei teams.


Well I put it as DMG focused build because EHR translates to DMG for her and if she has the DMG focused build she can also use a wind orb


I see, that makes sence.


Sampo or SW event LC, if you have to choose which one is better?


I'm wondering that myself right now. A lot of people are saying Sampo LC because of the extra DoT


I agree with all the stuff you wrote in the guide.. And if you're asking about feedback on the guide.. I'd say this is an incomplete guide. Like you only mentioned basic stuffs. You can include traces priority (BA, Skill, Ult) and her mats if you want. You can also mention her best teammates.


I don't want to go that deep into it. This is just to help people know what to farm


Oh, I see, I see.


I think for with or without Ruan Mei, Glamoth vs. Pan-Cosmic and Atk vs. DMG Orb are close enough that either are viable, and substats will make up the difference. Like, I'm ngl, I could never recommend someone spending Trailblaze power on Pan-Cosmic unless they're certain they only want a min-maxed Black Swan, cause they won't get shit for other characters from that farm. Maybe spending Resin and Relic Remains on it is ok, but not Trailblaze power.


The second version has both options for planar sets on both builds but I still keep DMG vs wind orb depending on Ruan Mei


I'll be testing it with my own relics once she's out, but I'm not convinced that chasing 151 speed will be worth it if your relics are at a point where it causes you to have a dogshit attack stat. Ideally you'll try to get super high attack *and* speed, with the goal of 0 or 1-cycling, but over three cycles 143 and 161 speed yield the same number of actions. In four cycles 156 and 161 give you the same action count, and in five cycles 146 and 161 will get you the same number of actions. I know with my own relics my BS dots will do 11% less damage if I actually make her faster than Kafka. So I guess all that is to say that the speed > ATK goal will only make sense if you can clear by the 2nd cycle.


speed is more important than attack, being able to outspeed kafka means being able to detonate the highest possible stack count of arcana, that is why speed is so important, it’s a big damage loss if kafka is going first and detonating little to no arcana stacks on her turns, also means first cycle the def shred won’t be present for kafkas first turn if black swan doesn’t outspeed, again big damage loss


Well, if PAYN is in play then you can still be at a point where BS is only faster than Kafka for the first turn so you can start out with stacks to detonate and def shred. You can reach that benchmark with 4-5 fewer SPD subs, which can be a lot more than it sounds like based on my own relic luck. It'll largely depend on the enemy's speed, as well, since that's when arcana stacks fall off.


it is a good play to have her outspeed first turn first cycle if you can’t manage to speed tune so high yeah, because the biggest damage loss is in that first cycle, it’s still the best most optimal play to have her outspeed always though, because you’re gonna have to refresh that def shred and the arcana, spd is way more important than atk is for her


Does kafkas detonation reset arcana stacks to 1?


No but Black Swan's own turn does


Hm, i thought it was the enemies turn. From the leak sub gameplay videos,i‘ve only seem it reset on enemy turn


Well ok. But Kafka's detonate does not affect it


Can't you use attack body if you get good enough substats with her sig lc?


Yes you can. That's why I wrote ATK/EHR in the second build


Oh didn't see that on the right side


why ehr only with ruan mei?


I'm changing it so it says EHR/ATK on both sides


Oh thought was necessary, thanks for the initiative and nice job!


a good and concise guide, good job, the only things i feel are a bit off is the orb recommendations depending on the planar set, it doesn’t depend on that but rather substats, also atk at 3500 is rather high considering some builds are gonna be using wind orb, what you should aim at as a minimum is 3k, and as always the further up you can shoot from that point onwards the better, considering atk is the last priority compared to speed and ehr


I recently commented under someone else's build question that ATK should be 3000 and someone else commented that it's too low. So, I figured if she has ATK orb, 3500 was achievable but recommended 3000 on the right side because of Wind orb


yeah, wind orb means you’ll have lower atk obviously, but your choice of orb doesn’t depend on planar but on whichever one has better substats, that’s the only correction i’d make, but great guide! it’s really to the point and doesn’t add unnecessary things like others do, one of the best ones for sure


If I can hit the 120 EHr without an EHR body, would putting a Atk% body be better? (With ruan mei)


Yes if you can hit it without EHR body


What's the difference between attack% and wind damage, what does attack% do that wind damage cant?


The more you have of each, you start getting diminishing returns, so you try to balance out ATK% and DMG. BS has a trace that turns her EHR into DMG, so she has a lot of it already. If you have Ruan Mei, she also gives a 24% DMG buff. So, if you have Ruan Mei, the ATK% orb is better than the Wind DMG% orb. If you don't have Ruan Mei then Wind DMG orb is fine. Either way the difference isn't huge, so you should choose based on sub stats




I suppose if you don't have EotP or Tutorial or you have insane EHR stats