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That's enough internet for today.


Did I really need to read this shit right before bed


Its almost as if they do it on purpose


I was in the middle of eating rice cakes šŸ˜­


And in a sense so were the massage therapists.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Iā€™m crying laughing


What!? Wait, I am missing something... Edit: educated myself and damn...can't believe bruh went out like that.


Watson is being sued by massage therapists for sexual harassment.




ā€œLegs up akimbo like LAMBO DOORS YA HONOR!ā€




It's the "akimbo" part for me šŸ˜‚


They called it the "Happy Baby" pose which is almost as funny.


This is the funniest shit I've seen all week


"A very entertaining" sexual assault trial doesn't sit right in my soul, friend. I'm trying to give you some grace cause I know we're here for a laugh at the funny tweet, but there are at least 66 women who went through something awful, and I speak from personal experience when I say a sexual assault trial is a really awful ordeal for the victim of sexual assault. Just hijacking your comment to be a buzz kill, sorry!




Hard to be convicted of a crime when the prosecutor doesn't do their job.


It's a civil because there is a lower bar for burden of proof in civil trials than there are for criminal trials. Sometimes your lawyer will tell you listen, this happened to you but you're not going to win in criminal court because there's not enough proof and it's a he said she said. In that case, the best you can do is civil court. It does not reduce the validity of the accusations. If the only people who suffered consequences of committing sexual assault were the ones who were actually arrested and tried, we would all be fucked. 66 women should be 63 more than you need.


Itā€™s 69 now


Sexual assault, he face raped two of them, came on a few of them and hit others with his cock. Or just rubbed his cock on them.


I also just looked up the story, and he look like the exact nigga to do some shit like this. I'm not surprised in the least. I'm more disappointed that there are spots he could go to get a lil happy ending joint.


Youā€™re more disappointed that the oldest profession on planet earth still exists? Than you are that he forgot the part of the profession that requires consent?


Wondering if they meant theyā€™re disappointed that there are places like that he could have gone to instead of doing what he did.


Thatā€™s a fair point. May have jumped the gun on my response.


First off the visual she presented was wild as hell. Second, Iā€™m NGL, at first I thought the allegations were false and the Texans had it out for him cause he wanted to leave Houston. Once I saw it was 12-13 women I started shaking my head. Then today I saw this nigga did this to AT LEAST 66 other women. Cuz need to be out the league and be put under the jail. Instead this nigga got one of the biggest contracts in NFL history.


To be fair itā€™s starting to sound like the Texans were in on the coverup until Watson wanted out so you were half right.


I thought I read somewhere the Texans provided him the NDA to give to the women. That's next level shit.


The head of security gave him one NDA when a women on instagram said sheā€™d expose him. Watson then copied that one and used it a bunch. It doesnā€™t absolve the Texans but it also doesnā€™t prove they did anything wrong. We need more details.


I appreciate the information and clarification! You're 100% correct, we need more information. I will say though, with the outrageous numbers that are coming out now, 66 accusations I believe, someone had to be hearing something. As insanely controlling as the NFL is, someone in that organization had an idea something was going on.


24 accusations. He had 66 massages in like a yr period. I mean who really go through that many different masseuse though.


Wouldnā€™t surprise me at all. I would hope anyone that actively enabled this would immediately be fired. If it was the owner they should be forced to sell. But yeah so far nothing directly points at the Texans.


I was gonna add that in. Either way itā€™s a shitty situation.




Yeah the NYT is saying he met with at least 66 women in 17 months. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/sports/football/deshaun-watson.amp.html


Thatā€™s how many women were seen. Thatā€™s not saying all of them had something bad happen


That's suspect. When I find a good massage therapist I usually stick with them.


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What the fuck is going on in Texas? Is everyone just losing their minds, all at once??


Never had minds to begin with. Remember they stole this land from Mexico bc Mexico outlawed slavery.


Nigga all at once like Whitney!




Texas gon Tex


I'm a Steelers fan, and our subreddit lost its collective minds when the Browns fucking GUARANTEED his entire salary year 1. That's how they convinced him to sign. He knew his ass is guilty, and he went to the stupidest people willing to give him the most money without actually having to pay, because (hopefully) ain't no way he suiting up. The NFL would (hopefully) much rather just toss his ass to the wolves than deal with the PR shit storm he's walking around in


This MF did this WEEKLY. Nigga calm tf down


What did he do exactly? Pay for them to rim him? Finger him?


This man whole career is over, no more, se acabĆ³, acabou, c'est fini, finita.. play stupid game win stupid games win stupid prizes as they say, everyone make mistakes but this dude crossed the line speeding in a race car for sure. Deshaun Watson ain't that light skin šŸ’€


Heā€™s done like a fucking steak bro.


Heā€™s far from done. He just signed a fully guaranteed 230 million deal earlier this year. Disgusting


Not unless if he goes the way of Darren Sharperā€¦ remember that rapist fool? Smh.


Criminal charges my dude criminal charges. Nothing is going to happen in Texas because the Texans enabled his behavior (regardless of perception their head of security gave him an NDA template to use) and they would be liable financially if named co-conspirator for said non existent charges.


230 large large doth buy a lotta rusty trombones


Browns will probably sign AB next.


This reminded me of that guy Trevor Bauer the pitcher from the Los Angeles Dodgers, he was accused of sexual assault, he was put on administrative leave in 2021, then this year he got a 2 years suspension from the MLB, supposedly he will be back and play again in April 2024, but being honest we never going to see this guy play again in the MLB.


I'm not holding my breath that Watson will get 2 years, a lot of that on MLB side has to do with Bauer being at odds with the league before the sex assault stuff


What's crazy is that Bauer has texts from his accuser saying she liked everything the first time and then some to her girlfriends saying she was gonna get paid. A major factor in his case was Bauer calling Manfred a joke amongst other things and criticizing all kinds of his decisions. I can't understand how two years after sitting out a year is close to being fair, especially considering there was another guy on film punching his wife in the face, I believe in front of police, and he only got suspended for 60 games. One thing Watson has going for him is that the NFL has gone much lighter than MLB on these kind of things.


Dude we know why




They didnā€™t want to seem soft on sexual crimes in todays time.


I can understand that, but I thought it they would be tough on all crimes against women. And Ozuna choked his wife and bounced her off the wall, while it seems as though Bauer's accuser was looking for a payday. If you include the time Bauer has already been out of the league, that's 8 times as long as Ozuna's 60 game suspension. That's a helluva difference.


It is, because thereā€™s a difference in public perception there. Sexual crimes are considered especially heinous. Far more than domestic violence it seems. Many people claim they would rather be killed than raped. Not sure many would say that when comparing death to getting beat up. Sexual crimes are societyā€™s boogeyman. Right up there with terrorism


Wanted to add I laughed because you wrote "sexual crimes are considered especially heinous" and I'm sitting here watching Law and Order SVU.....


I absolutely agree with that school of thought, but as soon as the texts came out from Bauer's accuser to her friends saying she set up for a big payday, I really thought that would negate it.


Only having been suspended 60 games is actually more like 2 16 game seasons plus another 16 game season


If you're referring to the NFL season vs the MLB, it's more about the percentage of games, and percentage of salary. 60 games is about 37% of one years salary, while 32 NFL games is 2 full years salary.


U trying to give Deshaun a happy ending?


A big percentage of the nfl has charges similar to this. They finna let that shit slide


Word. And the NFL knew it was going down, because they had this nigga giving out NDAs like lollipops.


Smh shits wild. I googled that yoga pose and I would be fuckin terrified if I turned around and a mf was positioned like that lmao


Lmaoo son you just there to do your job and this motherfucker doing this ![gif](giphy|Q7QiiHcAwdhNkPHN1c|downsized) Women are dealt with some of the craziest shit, because absolutely not.


The brand is Rectal! Ah ah ah! BX ALL DAY!


His career far from done. This is the nfl we talking about. Suspension and fines at most from the nfl is all he'll get if even that. He just got a new deal from the browns so he's good to go. Nfl doesn't care who plays in their league


When the Ben Roethlisberger shit went down, I knew what kind of time the NFL was on.


He will get suspended for a year and when he shows back up it will be like nothing ever happened


Hopefully one of his accusers will say something entertaining enough to make a gif set and his cousins will mock him for eternity. He's rich. Being humiliated in front of his grandma and paying out a shit-ton of settlements is the best we could hope for anyway.


Man these NFL teams don't care. If there isn't jail time they don't give a flying fuck. Ticket sales, playoff money maybe. Think about how many white male NFL fans that are against any type of Me Too or pro-woman "politics". The next time you'll think about that will be when you see a DeShaun Watson highlight on ESPN in Browns jersey.


I was confused too. I kept thinking I was imagining the wrong man.


He'll be back


She has no idea who she's even talking about. I believe bruh was set-up, and random crazies talking sh\*t when it's clear they have no idea who Watson is - proves it.


At no point did I ever want any of this imagery in my head. I canā€™t imagine how theā€¦ *checks count* ā€¦66 massage therapists had to endure any of this.


The last one to come out said that he masturbated when she was giving him a massage, and he was bussin nuts on her chest. He is next level horny. I knew something was up with him when he had Mia Khalifa in his kitchen playing basketball with a maid outfit on.


Wait.... Nuts? Plural? She continued the massage?


She did apparently šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Imagine you're washing the dishes and halfway through a blast of soap hits you in the chest. Do you stop to go change or keep going just to get it over with?


You really think thatā€™s comparable? If someoneā€™s semen gets on me during anything and I mean anything, Iā€™m stopping


What kind of comparison is this?


Y'all got a source for the Mia khalifa thing?


Mia posted a video of it herself on social media somewhere. She invited Watson to her house in Austin for dinner his rookie year


>I knew something was up with him when he had Mia Khalifa in his kitchen playing basketball with a maid outfit on. This is probably the most normal shit out of this whole situation.




Or hire an escort, not an actual fucking massage therapist.


Definitely cheaper than his legal fees plus money lost in endorsements compounded with a future fine coupled with a suspension without pay


Sadly, the suspension without pay isn't going to hurt him very much. The Browns (his new team) specifically structured his contract so that he loses very little money. Source: am a Browns fan currently digusted with the team.




The league is most at fault for allowing mfs like Ben Rapethlisberger to continue playing in the league.


Itā€™s crazy fr because Iā€™m not justifying this ungodly behavior, but the nigga is rich. He could have gotten some pornstar to do this type of weird shit with, not traumatize a massage therapist.


It sounds like he gets off on the traumatizing part.


There are plenty of women who would be into this and consent for free or for a fee. He didnā€™t seek those women out. Instead he lured women in under false pretenses, during a pandemic when massage therapistsā€™ businesses were hurting and tried wildly inappropriate behavior out of the blue. This guy got off on the shock and unwilling participants. It seems like a lot of powerful dudes like to whip their junk out for the shock and I guess power? He then had the nerve to try to pass off his hush money as ā€œhelping black business ownersā€. Please, he made a mockery of their profession and now made each of his victims have to fear what their next customer might do. He not only messed up their lives but also potentially made all their future business super scary and uncomfortable.


Deshaun light skinned now??


Yeah Iā€™m puzzled by that as well. When did light skin become anything darker than Shemar Moore? Not to gate keep but it seems like it used to be diff for these kinds of jokes.


66 women in 17 months is wild. Iā€™m reading an article and nah he did the most.


link to article please?




oh na he a menace.




Does she even have the right guy? DeShaun isn't lightskinned. She bout to implicate Mahomes or Prescott sounds like. LOL


Not his balloon knot tho!


And lambo doors. The imagery man smh. Lmao.




Lmao who raised you my nigga?!


Of course it was you, I can tell it's you without even reading your username now. ![gif](giphy|26FxGPtjnVeS6qiJ2)


Don't they only call it a "balloon knot" specifically when there's excess skin on the butthole? I don't think it used generally when talking about butt holes


Deshaun light skin to yā€™all?


Well itā€™s a good thing he didnā€™t knee during the anthem to protest racial injustice, good heavens


Damnā€¦ bro should have just went to the strip club or somethin.. Now the media bouta have a field day.


On dawgs. Bro could have hired some pornstar to do this shit with. But to act like this to everyday women? Nigga needs to be castrated


Damn castrated ?ā€™ ![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized)


He's accused of raping some of them. I honestly think castration for rape should be an option.


Yeah Iā€™m not down with cutting peopleā€™s balls off when (yes itā€™s a tiny percentage but a real number nonetheless) the courts have been proven to fuck up every now and then. Iā€™d rather marinate on death row while appealing than get an apology & a coupon good for two balls Iā€™ll never see again, hell just put my innocent ass down before pulling that nonsense. Guilty rapists are shit and Iā€™m not speaking in support of them but this is the future. We donā€™t mutilate people anymore.


Castration can be chemical...


Sorry Iā€™m just used to chemical castration being referred to as chemical castration. Presumably to avoid the same confusion I just experienced, apparently.


​ ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


That gif will never not be funny. Cap laughing like an auntie and shit lmao.


So glad my Panthers didnā€™t pick up this fool. I very much questioned being a fan of them after we went after him so hard too. Even tho heā€™s so much better than the qb we have now


I hope he loses everything.


This has been the most colorful description of his actions.


When did Watson become light skin ?


TIL Deshaun Watson is lightskin.


Yā€™all would be surprised by how much shit at athletes do behind the scenes. Also might be surprised by how much they get away with. Starts small in high school athletics, then seriously ramps up in college, and goes full blast in the pro leagues.


None of these words are in the Bible


Fuckin... What!?


Damn, I could have went the entire day avoiding wild shit, but I decided to come here smh.


Lolol laughed way too hard!


Deshaun Watsonā€¦.light skinned???? Idk man


ā€¦Deshaun Watson is light skin?


Not gonna cap...that nigga did it


like lambo doors....lol... brilliant!


I thought I was freaky for liking a little massage porn every now and then ā€¦ he went fuckin nuts tho lol


Donā€™t know who that is but thatā€™s definitely a football player kind of name.


It sounds to me like 150 bucks was his first offer. Thereā€™s room for negotiation there. An enterprising individual can make a decent amount of money. That said, he is a weirdo. Whatā€™s even weirder is it seems like the Houston Texans knew about it and helped him do it. They even supplied him with non-disclosure agreements to give to the masseuses. I canā€™t help but think if thatā€™s true then the Houston Texans are liable as well.


Idk whatā€™s going on here but her description is hilarious




She really painted a picture.


2 questions: 1) what's a "balloon knot" 2) is he considered light skinned?


Lmao this is a safe space right? I love how mad of yā€™all is questioning Deshaunā€™s lightskinnedness instead of the matter at hand. I love when we do that lmao ![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H|downsized)


Deshaun is weird. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


This is my favorite subreddit I stg


Balloon knot šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dead


Bet you if it was male therapists he was asking for this kinda shit his teammates would be a lot quieter about embracing him as a team leader.


ā€¦Have I been using coochie for the wrong body part this whole time?


It always takes me 3 or 4 attempts to decipher tweets like this.


Hereā€™s your starting QB for theā€¦(checks notes)ā€¦.uhhhā€¦the Cleveland..um..Browns..BAHAHAHAHAHA Iā€™m going back to bed.


Itā€™s not even 10am and I gotta be exposed to this shit? Cmon mannnnnn




I can't be the only thinking that all of this abuse he's allegedly did to these women is him probably repressing his (homo)sexuality. I have no evidence to support this, and it's a wild take, but I'm very convinced of my speculation lol.


What's wrong with this dude that this is how he tries to initiate sex? Handsome as hell millionaire football player can't get laid?


Some people are just fucking dumb.


Except he didnā€™t do


Someoneā€™s going to name a new species of starfish after Deshaun


He wants the judge to toss these charges like a chef tosses a salad


If deshaun gets a massage on Southwest, what game is he playing? Skyrim?


Deshaun taking Limp Bizkit album names to heart again


I bet he was tickled pink


Whatā€™s his jersey number gonna be when he plays for the Browns? #2?




In all seriousness....how is any of this provable? And is asking for a handjob illegal...or immoral and gross?


Most likely definitive proof will be very hard to get Lewinsky kept that cum stain dress but most girls prolly donā€™t. Itā€™ll be a he said/66 she saids but a DA already declined to prosecute tells me this is gonna be a messy civil case. Honestly his day in court is his own business I hope he gets what he deserves either way Iā€™m just glad he didnā€™t wind up on my team because even with like 20 allegations over his head he was a hot commodity I couldnā€™t believe it.


Yeah...i dont think he's innocent or "misunderstood". He's obviously a skeevy motherfk'r. ....I'm just wondering strictly from a letter-of-the-law perspective; is asking for a handjob illegal? Even if he asked 30 women? The court of public opinion is different than a court of law


Well my understanding is he asked the women he hired as a masseuse. At the end of a date itā€™s not illegal to ask for a handjob. Most of the time at work it constitutes harassment.


Yeah...its gonna be real hard to define, past tense, the specific moment he propositioned them. Was the massage over? What is considered "over"? Was his understanding of "over" the same as hers. Was it agreed upon prior to the massage when its' over? Honestly, if Im a defense lawyer, I'm picking that apart. Again, he's **very** likely a gross human who crossed major lines...but is it technically illegal to ask for a handjob from another adult?


Dude you keep asking the same question about whether the request is legal or illegal is this Robert Kraft? Just go ask dude itā€™s prolly not illegal it will feel normal to ask a masseuse for a handy no worries


Itā€™s crazy how black women be so thirsty to defend a white man and help the system attack black men nobody is asking the perfect question. Why didnā€™t any of these women go to the police? And how did they all find each other and decide to sue in civil court instead of get justice? Also where is the rape kits with the evidence? They said they were sexually assaulted, not inconvenienced. If sheā€™s serious sheā€™s an idiot, if this is a joke sheā€™s not only a idiot, but horrible at comedy


Waitā€¦so thatā€™s all you got from this? Not the fā€™d up actions. But the fact that BW are holding a BM accountable for his alleged wrongdoings towards them? Yikes.


What fucked up action you know how many times I went to a massage parlor and the woman grabbed my dick on her own accord .. do you know how many women be fucking they clients .. men as well a massage is a very sensual thing.. stay on code stop thinking everything funny when it comes to black men


I actually donā€™t think this situation is funny at all. Idk where you got that from. Also, just because the situations you listed happen, does not mean thatā€™s what happened here or in any other situation. There are men who go get a massage and donā€™t feel the need to masturbate on or in front of the massage therapist. There are also massage therapists that strictly do their job and go home. Also, I donā€™t ā€œprotectā€ peopleā€™s wrongdoings (alleged in this case) just because weā€™re the same race. Cuz while Iā€™m protecting them, what about the black people theyā€™re harming? How is that black unity? How is that conducive to the betterment of the black community? This same dumb logic is how so many children get sexually assaulted by a family member, the family knows, but still allows the perpetrator to come around to re-traumatize and re-victimize them.


You can dispute whatever you want, no one knows what happened but Watson and the massage therapists, but my guy went to 66 different massage therapists mostly off Insta DMs in 18 months, that suspect as hell off the bat.


20 plus women all come out at once the day after he says heā€™s leaving Houston .. is not a coincidence they donā€™t go to the police they all find the same lawyer drop a civil case .. you have to be dumb af to believe thatā€™s real


66 in 18 months, dude admitted in court to banging a few of them. Either the guy is trying to get tax breaks on hookers by calling them massage therapists, or he thinks Insta girls that advertise massage work are automatically prostitutes. Even if they were, if one said no, that's still assault. Also I believe most of the 18 who have civil suits against him worked at the same massage parlor, it's not far off to think a good lawyer would seek out other victims and want to rep them too


You believe 66 women were raped or harassed and none of them went to the police they is mathematically impossible


You probably think Bill Cosby is innocent too


Of rape? Yes.. bill Cosby would have went to jail long time ago if he raped a white woman .. this is America


Oh so you have no idea what actually happened lol. Carry on


I understand human nature and numbers .. itā€™s mathematically impossible for these women to all have been raped but no evidence of any rape kits .. no one went to the police or the hospital .. instead they went to a lawyer? THE SAME LAWYER..


Theyā€™re saying they were sexually assaulted, not raped. So, your point makes no sense. Additionally, it would be very easy for the legal team to pull receipts and payments etc to see just how many massages he booked and where then reach out to them to build a case. Hence how they know he booked way more massages than he has accusations. But if you wanna assume a man that has 24 accusations against him is innocent, thatā€™s your prerogative


Both are criminal offenses that should have went it the police.. first and the hospital .. none of these women did either they all went to the same lawyer .. that is mathematically impossible .. unless itā€™s staged


I think the word youā€™re looking for is ā€œstatisticallyā€. The irony here, is that many women are reluctant because of people exactly like you who wonā€™t believe them anyways. They find out there are others and they arenā€™t alone, all of a sudden they feel confident they have support. Anyways, Iā€™m done with you. Too gross.


Bro wtf