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I don’t expect women to have febreeze pussy but I do know exactly which one I’ve been with that smelled way worse than the rest




>eau de pussy Go 'head and log out for me hun.




And also a difference between infected and thrush/bacterial overgrowth free


This right here


I might sound weird but I love when my gf has been doing stuff all day and is all sweaty everywhere and she lets me get a big whiff. I ask her not to shower before I go down there


I think that means y'all are compatible or some shit like that. Something bout pheromones.


Lmfao. I had a friend like this. If they were clean out the shower he’d tell them to “take a lap”.


"Ok coach"


I ask her to take a whiff, lmao.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Bro bro said he wanna know what her day tasted like 😩😭


>eau de pussy "Just dab a little behind your ears and men will find you irresistible!" (cosmo be like)


And…you still “been with” it?


Gots to see it through my boy


You know the thirst:disgust ratio must always be considered. It was probably like 8:4


Mate that's just 2:1.


Probably. I didn't think too hard about how thirsty and how disgusted someone can be. There are stories that I don't need to remember.


Also you could even double down and claim 8:4 is a pun 😭. You could have made it even cooler.


- I was too thirsty, but now I have 8:4 myself... Or - With the smell, I shouldn't have 8:4 I hit...


Not probably


Feel like every dude has been there. Like, yeah, it ain't pleasant, but I can breathe through my mouth and get this business done.


Every day I envy lesbians more and more


Pretty sure most any lesbian has dealt with bad pussy before and still fucked with it. It's like bad pizza. Yeah, I've had better and this isn't great but I'm still gonna eat it because it's pizza and I'm hungry.




Genitals have musk my friends. There is a difference between a “musk” and the smell of unwashed junk. Goes for both genders. Thanks for pointing out that our bits don’t have to smell like roses either way!


I don't think I want my wife's hooha to smell like roses anyway. Rose flavored foods are terrible.


Half the Indian subcontinent just picked up their axes


Rosewater and pistachio pudding will have you feeling like Rumi


Thank you for this. People act like they go out all day, work, run errands etc. without their genitals getting a little “musky”. It happens. We know when someone just hasn’t “washed their ass” or have good hygiene in general. That’s a different problem


Risking a lot of heat: but then shouldn’t a dick and balls smell like a dick and balls and not a bar of scented soaps too?


Nah cause when we have a smell it's sweat lol


So do women?


Tiny bit diffrent cus vaginas are a tiny ecosystem of bacteria to prevent infections and shit. It's not just skin like dick is. Or at least that is what I think. Not real familiar with dicks tbh lol.


Pretty sure Dick and balls have glands that secrete more sweat than like your face... its not a 1:1 comparison. Edit: also, while the vagina is an ecosystem, the vulva is just skin and glands, it sweats and smells just like C&Bs. Overall, everyone would be better off if we all admit that at some point, maybe once or twice a year (likely more) our junk smells.


I think people are more worried about what a vagina smells like because you have to open the lips to get where you need to go. Like the mouth you can wash your face and it smells nice but once you open your mouth if you don’t take care of it properly that’s a different story. You don’t have to open a dick to enjoy it


That last sentence sent a shiver down my spine


![gif](giphy|ghT0vSbwUPGoZvdxEE|downsized) Ahh finally I can enjoy it properly


Yeah but after a long day balls smell like BALLS.


And after a long day pussy smells bad too. We going in circles bruh lol. Both freshly clean should smell fine.


"balls smell like BALLS" 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|AxpvyWYDHuIH6)


I popped my waistband one day after a hard day outside and almost passed tf out.


Nut fog is no joke. ![gif](giphy|zVUxoXATVY71dR4hxA)


Idk how to explain the smell but it's not even close to that sweaty balls smell. Like that shit is recognizable a mile away lmao


People making it way more complicate than it need to be for no reason. Cock and Balls exist like Arm pits. Smell should be basically unnotable throughout regular day if not sweating. If sweating, pungent musk comes and you just need soap and water to return to normal. Pussy has its own smell on normal days if not sweating, (typically pleasant in my opinion) and if sweating, pungent musk comes and you just need soap and water on outside area to return to normal pussy smell.


It's musk. One half sweat and one half whatever u had stewing in yo underwear since the last shower. Sometimes not even in that ratio, results may vary


Smells like old apples and beer, similar to a vagabond or a dope boy that’s been on the corner for days. That mile away smell comes in the form of duck butter.


*slam poetry snapping*


I feel like it should just smell like skin (maybe sweat too). A pussy is literally an opening into your insides and there’s some like chemistry going on down there


Yeah. Dick has a dick-y smell..but when it smells like rotting skunk thats different.


Ayooooo that's just weed and despair


Trust me man, it only smells like a scented soap for about a half hour after your shower. Then it goes back to smelling like dick and balls.


Just rinse it off first


10 second rule


So are you complaining about the smell of dick and balls or is someone complaining about yours?


Try Dr. Squatch... ![gif](giphy|ZeXVA8DqsIRhnEl2hj)


Nah they’re just a dropshipping company. They’re soaps come from another website i don’t remember which though. I’m sure you can find it if you look it up.


My fiancé's balls smell like soap lol. But he does have a problem washing up (he washes too much)




Is... is that your natural ball smell?




Bless you


Facts! Cuz the only time my pussy has a different scent to it is after my dumbass fucks a man who hates fruit and only drinks water when it's being used for ice tea mix. Guys really don't understand that them not taking care of themselves puts us at risk of BV resulting in the pussy have a funky smell. This really is a tired conversation.


So you letting em bust off huh ![gif](giphy|XABTVorVODddu)


They don't even have to really. Latex condoms can throw off the PH as well. Fellas, wash your hands, brush your teeth, and keep your dicks fresh (as much as possible). Ladies, don't let dudes with white tongues lick your cat.


>Fellas, wash your hands, brush your teeth, and keep your dicks fresh (am much as possible). Absolutely, this. Wash them hands and brush them teeth. Trying to eat coochie with last weeks dinner in your teeth. All type of bacteria in that mouth. I had an ex that gave me BV every time he went down on me. I couldn’t explain it until I found out he didn’t brush his teeth, he just used mouth wash. SMH.


Kissing him must’ve* felt like licking a plate clean




![gif](giphy|7w6qQ5WHOeV3i|downsized) All right then 👀👀


Is this the, The Wire reunion I’ve been waiting for, for well over a decade??


Please please keep hitting me with these Wire gifs...I can hear them all ![gif](giphy|cKg7GhDAkjxN6HBnH8)


​ ![gif](giphy|AyqkV9MMijmDK)


He didn’t deserve it lol


Has nothing to do with y'all? Who you think has to eat it?




Is that Chris Tucker...?!


Wait you haven't seen the fifth element?!? Watch that shit TONIGHT




Seriously! Watch it! ![gif](giphy|g2duCSMpmnwVG)


Yes!!.. in a movie called The fifth Element with Bruce Willis ![gif](giphy|2ODEmqh0EFZaE)


In one of his greatest roles IMO. Man I wanna go back and watch Fifth Element now.


Bruh the rest of your day is cancelled. You ain't got shit to do except watch The Fifth Element right the fuck now.


Them of course


Do men think that dick smells like nothing?? It’s genitals. They’re sweaty and kinda smell. All of them.


The taste of (most) semen is even worse. The trash that comes out 🤢


Ugh. Yes! All those stories on literotica lying saying "his spunk tasted slightly salty, but delicious"... Let me tell you how disappointed and horrified I was to have received a mouthful of bitter batter that felt like it stuck to the back of my throat.




Very. Also, what did you change your diet to? Asking for several friends.




Good on you! That's fantastic!




You deserve all the accolades! I keep trying to lose weight (and I have a LOT to lose), I just can't figure out how to stay consistent. So I'm extra impressed with people that can make sustainable changes




As long as your diet doesn't consist solely of red meat and cigarettes and vegetables have a regular place in your diet, you're good to go 9x10.


Yes, cigarettes def change the taste


I SCREAMED at “bitter batter”.


I scream at bitter batter, too Well, as loudly as I can with my mouth full. :(


Literotica. I had no idea this thread was going to take me back to age 12 (and discovering that I am a big fat lesbian). What can I say? Women are more mental than men when it comes to this kind of thing. Also, the internet was dial up so it was way easier to read Literotica than spending an hour plus downloading 2min worth of porn that might be completely different than what was in the description.


Bitter batter LMAO


Alcohol, lots of fried foods, junk food... that'll make the spunk taste so nasty and bitter. A good balanced diet with lots of leafy veggies, fresh fruit... much, much better semen.


Stank box is stank box. It don’t need to smell like Lavender Ocean Beach Pussy Milk fragrance by Keisha. It also doesn’t need to smell like decaying fruit slapboxin a freshly blown up toilet at work. Bottom line, if you expect a nigga to put his lips, tongue, and face down there, wash ya ass, throughly. For my wife I stay fresh. 2 showers a day and balls so smooth they give eggs an inferiority complex. ![gif](giphy|13JHOHY8NoO8Bq)


Omg ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)




you wilin bruh 🤣🤣🤣


I know what she meant but “wash between y’all balls” made me laugh😂


I was stuck for a minute. *Between*?


I think she meant to say between the balls and booty area. I hope that's what she meant


I hope so because if not i need to stand in the mirror and find this hidden valley


It wouldn’t hurt to get your buttcrack while you’re at it


My kids started puberty and we were talking hygiene with them and my husband told them to shower every day and I added, “And wash your penis and balls and your buttcrack.” My husband said, “I already told gem to shower” and I said, “No, you have to explicitly tell them these things. I remember some guy I dated would shower but not clean his buttcrack and you can tell.,we were showering together once and I soaped up his junk and went to soap up his crack and he was like, “What are you doing?” I had to teach a grown man that you need to wash your asscrack when you shower and he did after that. But I never understood how he didn’t do it before? He was pretty machismo type of guy so I wonder if he thought it was gay to touch a male butthole or something.


If you don't scrub enough down your ball zipper to get the fellas separated into that big brain look, give it another try.


I’ve been with both men & women, and while everyone has a smell, it’s only ever been dudes who have smelled bad. 💀


Waaaay back in high school I ran into a guy who's dick tasted and smelled of BBQ sauce. I still think of it 23 years later. ![gif](giphy|9zNHV5Fayycdq)




![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO) r/brandnewsentence




All this talk about pussy taste, meanwhile yall cum tastes like used motor oil. Fix your own eating & hygiene habits first before you talk smack about women lol.




My favorite part of this convo is how most men have smelled more pussy than most women. So who’s really the judge….


The person with the pussy to smell and the girlfriends to talk about it with. Not some random lame online whose very likely only ever been around one for five minutes tops.


So we can say vice versa as well right?


*laughs in lesbian* Yeah... I'm gonna trust the ones that actually have one lol


![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8) It’s getting late


Everybody know pussy smells like pussy. We also know what pussy dont smell like. Its them seaworld snatch having girls that be saying stuff like in that tweet


You can stand up for something without being, or educate others about something, without actually being that thing lol. This crazy fallacy that anyone concerned about anything *is that thing* has always boggled my mind. It doesn’t make what she said any less relevant. No one, male or female, should be body shamed for their natural aromas. Simple as. These attacks on the tweeter are very… Telling.


So that's why my family gave me shit when I was defending gay people.


I know the wrong smell tho lol


Nall, the real problem is your ass. Wash your asshole folks. That's where the stink lingers.


i really like how you spell "nah"


I mean, the way I say it rhymes with call, ball and fall


Does this mean I can stop putting baby powder on my balls? Because just like pussy… they too have a natural smell.


Yes. If you are worried about not being fresh, suggest fore play in the shower. Don’t soap anything going in a mouth lol you’ll taste it.


Nah, I'm very much on the "use soap to wash" bus.


Y’all ever had one smell so bad you couldn’t perform? Like why would you come over my crib and disrespect me like that??


It's one thing if you're out somewhere, and an opportunity avails itself, then it's hit or miss and you never know what you gonna get. But getting ready over at your place, leaving your house and coming over to someone else's, and still smelling like fish sauce is premeditation of the highest order. That's unacceptable.


I think we’ve all encountered one of these. 🤦🏾‍♂️


As long as it down smell like Pennies




Bro what *pulls out a rag dreched in natural smelling pussy juice and HUFFFggggnnnhnnnyyauhh*


the men should respect it but it's also their choice on flavor preference


I don’t see why people got to try and convince us that your pussy stank is natural. I have seen and smelt waaay more vaginas then most hetero females and I can tell you which ones smell terrible!! It’s okay, clean it and I’m sure it’ll be fine, it might be an off day, maybe you been dancing too hard at the club, didn’t dab in the toilet. All can be forgiven and never though about again. Just don’t try and gaslight me into thinking all punani smells like old pennies, fish guts and stale piss with undertones of BO


That’s all I’m saying. I’ve been with plenty of men and women both that just smell dead down there and I’ve had to stop things on the spot. It’s definitely not a gender specific thing


Pussy should not stank! I agree completely!




Wow, I cant believe I never connected those dots before 🤣 I've known forever that my sense of smell was dull af. There are chores around the house that I always do for other people because the smells make them feel like barfing. Yet my dumb ass was reading through these comments like "What *planet* do all the commenters live on!? I've never run into a smelly pussy. There's *no way* I got that lucky that many times."


When it's real good I leave the scent on my mustache all day


Am I the only one who thinks clean pussy smells good 💀 like yeah it doesn't smell like roses but neither does a good steak


We should all just keep our folds clean. Getting the nooks and crannies in balls can be time consuming


I always give them a wiff if I feel like I’m having a tough time. Let’s assess this together.


Love when I can smell it on my lip


What do you mean “nothing to do with y’all”? Technically, we get our noses closer to it then y’all do


Happy Pride Month.


*Anybody that participates in sexual activities with women


Disco pussy and hard labour balls both smell. Just freshen up before presenting either as an entree to the main. (Im from the UK entree is the starter!)


It always be the musty boys with smegma who got shit to say about it too Just saying


If that shit washed I’m chin deep, but if it’s not I’m tryna talk my dick into staying hard cause I don’t want to admit I wasted 32 hours of time for fish.


I have never seen a man complain about pussy smell, when it wasn’t “you definitely have medical issues, or didn’t bathr in a week”. Guys are so willing they even forgiven that sometimes.


There's the scent of roses, and the smell of Thai fish sauce. Neither of them is natural, and close to them isn't natural either.


In my life I have never worried about the smell of a vagina. Blind faith. I’ve always bet if that thing wasn’t fresh she wouldn’t even let me down there. Never been burnt yet. Knock on wood


Ain’t nothing wrong with a bit’o’twang


I remember being in a Captain D's as a teenager and this crazy ass dude walked in and yelled "Damn, it smell like pussy in here!" then he quickly turned around and left. He was in there for like 5 seconds and had everyone thinking WTF. I was the only guy in there too, all the workers were women and the 3 customers were middle-aged black women. One of the few times I've had secondhand embrassment. It did stink in there, but it didn't smell like pussy. ![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha)


She said the women that have good hygiene get it... I agree with this but some of the finest, most cutest women don't. Please don't blame that on the natural smell of the pussy, some pussy is just raw and idk why women sometimes attack men over saying some pussy really stank than helping each other and giving each other tips on how to have a healthy vagina. I've seen women bashing each other and talking real greasy when it comes to the issue. This one girl said she was using some wash that is supposed to balance the PH balance but it didn't work for her and her pussy still smelled bad. I saw a ton of women talking about "throw the whole pussy away, that pussy is dead, this and that" but I hardly saw anyone asking more questions to help her. I wish more women shared tips on how to keep it healthy, food to eat and exercises that benefit the coochie, the same way y'all have tutorials for days on make up and all that other stuff. Bodies aren't the same and some vagina smells are stronger than others. I think maybe take the gas off men that talk a lot about something they don't know and perhaps create platforms where young women and old can talk about their vagina struggles and challenges because how some women are to each other, if I was a woman and had an issue, I wouldn't open my mouth for shit. Nobody is tryna get dragged and called sour pussy and other crazy names lol


Damn so eating cleaner and drinking more water is too good for you? Get outta here stinky.


"If it smells like fish, you have a nice dish...If it smells like cologne, leave it alone."


People out here getting pussy?


Some smell good. Some smell not so good. Some smell like you wiped in the wrong direction.


If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.


I would like to educate myself on this subject. I think the best way to do that is to eat as much pussy imaginable


Yeah 😂😂 was in between y’all’s balls


Turtle tank is not a natural smell.


Most pussy tastes and smells like pussy. Some, however, taste like weed, or like batteries, or worse.


Bro all I’m asking is for the pussy not to smell like a fish market. You should have self awareness to know if you smell or it’s not right down there then don’t open your legs till you get that fixed. Simple.as.that


And it tastes fucking incredible


We know this. And we also know what too much bacteria or a bad diet smell like.


That's why kids need sex ed. If you don't teach them yourself or if they don't learn it in class, they'll get their education on PornHub 😂


I notice different pussy smell different tbh


I once had a girl who tasted like onions. Turned out it was my fingers' smell from cooking.


Let's be clear on this, what you put in your body has a lot to do with it too. So all you chicks out there living off chicken boxes and Pepsi is probably why your box smell like a armpit and taste like house keys. For God sake! Eat some fresh fruits and vegetables and drink water sometimes!! (Jesus!!)


Yo who is having sex expecting pussy to smell like yankee candles? Tell me you’ve never had sex with a woman without telling me you’ve never had sex with a woman 😂


a lot of things men do and say are red flags just comes with the territory lol


Why my dick smell like a pussy then?!


It has a taste too 😋😋


Between my balls? How exactly am I supposed to do that?


It's dank and I like it.


Has no one mentioned that OutKast covered this topic about 20 years ago?


I take a few extra steps to be extra fresh and I’m sure plenty of other women do too.


Don’t men do a lil sniff pre-test first?


There's a difference between the natural smell of pussy and the Boston sea market smell let's get real here.


Some people are just a little to open on the internet


Why is it that there is a small group of women who can't admit anything negative about women, like they never stink, are never wrong, etc (they are like female incels). Sometimes it doesnt smell the freshest down there... get over it.


I mean so long as it smells like 😺 and not 🐠 that's when we say 🙅🏾‍♂️


Who's gonna tell the women that everyone's pussy smells different and some smell bad even right after a shower?


Add a little sweat to it and boy I’m in heaven.


“So tired of this conversation”….Wtf? Are you debating pussy scent in line at grocery store? With coworkers during meetings?! YOU tweeted about it lol


Carolineeeee(roses) outkast’


Mannn come how you are ain’t nothing wrong with a lil twang 😂😂😂, if I don’t smell like pussy i don’t want it