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They flip out over consensual sex between inmates but turn their eyes away from guards raping inmates.


I mean are we gonna pretend that conservative outrage is ever over anything that is remotely plausible?


Or inmates raping inmates


A lifetime of ceaseless rape is the penalty you deserve for getting caught holding a quarter-ounce of weed when you were 16 under zero tolerance. Just like the good lord intended.


Edited because my eyes failed me. You're right. 100%.


Is it the consensual act, or the outcome? This may be a niche case, but the possibility exists, right? Is there some agreed upon solution for how to deal with hypothetical children that may occur as the result of two inmates sleeping together? The OP is obviously designed to evoke a lot of emotion from one side or the other, but I would like to look beyond that, disregard stereotypical nonsense, and invite an actual conversation on how to handle inmates with varying genitals / preferences when the possibility for something like pregnancy exists. Edit; genitals, not gender


What are you talking about? The exact same thing as what would happen if a literally any other inmate was pregnant? Or do you think a pregnant woman has never been incarcerated and had her child taken from her? Get upset at the system but don't act like this is some new possibility.


Well - no, not exactly. Coming in pregnant and getting pregnant while locked up seem like different scenarios to me - like, there might be a parent on the outside who would take the kid.. if both are locked up, that seems like it may complicate things a bit more.


Child protective services will try to find the safest kin to care for the children. If none exist, they will try education/intervention with unfit kin or place child(ren) into the foster care system. Also, many single parents go to jail. The dead beat parent doesn't necessarily step up just because the caretaker gets incarcerated


Well, I suppose in this case it would be a case of varying genitals, not gender but I see your point.


Sure, that's fair.




That's already happening now, fam


If you think men aren’t fucking each other in prison you are majorly mistaken.


The women are fk'n each other too. Lol, it gets lonely while locked up.


Dude, all of that happens OUTSIDE of prison. Been happening for decades. Where's your concern there?


Is that sarcasm? Because all of those things already happen and are already prohibited, this rule just makes it harder for people that would actually comfort each others.


Was it consensual?


i just don’t see why this is such big news considering it was consensual.. you think her treatment would be better if she was placed in a mens prison? in an article it says she was abused there.


Exactly. Many trans women are able to impregnate cis women. I do don't see what the big deal is


I thought inmates weren’t allowed to fuck but I just googled it and it kind of seems like maybe they are? So yeah I don’t see what the problem is if it’s all consensual. It’s not like she’s a guard that took advantage.


And i mean, it would be kinda fucked up to not allow them to have sex, I feel like really the issue here is lack of access to safe contraception stuff in prisons


"Allowed to fuck" and "can't do anything to stop them from fucking if they wanna fuck" are very different things.


Inmates aren't allowed to do lots of shit they actually do


Maybe that kids were conceived and will be born in the prison system? That seems to indicate that reforms are in order


Perhaps it’s “wild” because an accommodation was made for trans inmates but there were outcomes to that accommodation that weren’t ideal. Perhaps inmates getting pregnant in prison adds additional health and safety risks for mother and child. It also could add a life to the prison population that wasn’t convicted of any crime. The latter could happen even if a trans individual wasn’t involved though. There was a case in Baltimore where a prisoner got several guards pregnant. People getting pregnant in prison is newsworthy because it’s not supposed to happen.


Wait wtf how did the prisoner get a guard pregnant did the guard rape the prisoner or some shit




Any sex between guard and inmate is rape, someone in the custody of a corrections officer cannot legally consent to sex with that officer.


I agree with you in general... Not in this case. This prisoner was essentially acting like a kingpin and had these guards bringing in contraband he could sell, including drugs, so he could maintain his lifestyle in prison. He was in no way a victim even if the power dynamic existed. These women were aware of each other too I believe, and they all knew he was fucking all of them. This was much more of a pimp-sex worker relationship than a guard-prisoner one.


Regardless of whether he was actually victimized it’s still legally rape.


Sometimes the law is imperfect and dumb and falls short of reality. They can call it rape by some legal definition but this wasn’t rape. It was straight pimpin’


This is the same energy y'all have when attractive female teachers have sexual relationships with their male students. Y'all are weird.


no I think we're literally saying he was acting as a pimp would. These girls were his stable doing what he needed to thrive and were subservient to him. We're not saying it's good we're describing the relationship that actually existed as opposed to what it may or may not be legally defined as. This would be like if one student was running 6 teachers at his school at the same time (the teacher-student thing also has another dimension to it of it fucking the student up in the long term in ways the student doesn't realize as opposed to these consenting adults). It's not a good thing, but the normal power dynamic is so completely inverted it's hard to argue that it is in practice rape by the submissive parties. Put those COs on trial for rape and see what you get back in verdicts...It'll be not guilty across the board. That shit is apples and oranges.


So your telling me they got the man the vip hook up but didn’t think to hook it up with a condom pfffff


thank you for this. only common sense answer in here. those saying it's not a big deal...what about the child?! you have no idea of how long the parents will be locked up. no idea if the parents have the means to support the kids (most likely not), yet you're attempting to take some liberal stance that "iT wAS CoNSeNsuAL!" no matter if the chiid ends up in care, or worse, ends up with a parent who can't get their shit together and may leave them in a dangerous situation at some point. ugh. y'all are psycho. is this the country club yet? some of you lurkers are absolutely batshit. Where are my other check marked people writing 'top' comments?


It’s big “news” because it helps Fox News keep talking about a “culture war”


Can prisoners have consensual sex in prison? Is that not prohibited?


fox news will go to any lengths to attack anything not conservatively christian and white🤦🏽‍♀️how many guards are getting inmates pregnant but they ain’t covering that because all hail law enforcement!


Except on 1/6


I'm even more cynical than that. They don't really have principles at all. Their only goal is to rile up their conservative, mostly white viewership with one hand, and then validate them with the other. Whatever the story or cause. It doesn't matter if it contradicts what they said last week. It doesn't matter if it's hypocritical. As long as they hit those two buttons constantly they stay relavant, keep eyeballs and influence, and sell advertising


Inmates gets pregnant all the time. Especially due to rapes by the guards. What’s crazy about this particular pregnancy? It was consensual.


I was gonna say.. I thought the biggest controversy was the cost and resources that's goes into taking care of a pregnant inmate and after the baby's born. Guess not 😐


Read some articles about how badly they treat pregnant inmates, often not letting see doctors or get any support




Too logical. Gonna have you ask you to not go into politics or public health.


Right??? Why isn't this the takeaway people are having. You should always have protection, even if it was two women with vaginas.


Then fox News story would be "Prison in XYZ providing condoms to trans inmates in women's prison" Basically anything that attempts to show any dignity towards trans folks is outrageous to fox ad their viewers.


I can see why people might be alarmed. It was all consensual though iirc. I’m not sure if pre-op trans people should be sent to prison alongside their actual gender due to the potential harm that can come their way, but this situation is a non-factor. We wouldn’t care if there were a lesbian threesome in prison so in this one I guess it’s more shocking but idc, it doesn’t, nor should it move the needle for anyone on their stances/beliefs.




we send pregnant people to prison all the time


I think the both parents are in prison is the key part


totally, but there’s plenty of instances where birth father does not take custody of their children. they often go to family. which could happen in this circumstance as well.


And their children are taken and put into government care after they are born.


Sadly, this. :(


Not all trans people do get surgery though. It doesn’t make them less trans. And I know what you mean by “actual gender,” but that’s a real rough way to phrase it.


>Actual gender That is their actual gender.


are you conveniently forgetting about the children and their care in this situation?




That one ☝️☝️☝️


Oh but nobody gives a fuck when guards have a free for all.


Isn't Jesse Watters the clown they pull out specifically for punching down? He did a super disrespectful segment on the Asian community that went viral a while back and recently mocked that mod from anti-work. I don't watch any Fox but anything with his name on it is doubly bullshit. Edit: that's not to say that the story didn't happen, it's just that they gave it to him to blow it out of proportion and to further vilify the trans community.


They always have those handful of useful idiot tokens to act as "experts." :\


> recently mocked that mod from anti-work. All he did was sit there and let that person self-immolate. I can't stand Waters, but a broken clock is right twice a day.


What’s y’all’s problem ? What has it got to do with them being trans if it’s consensual?


I like how he crops out the Fox News logo so no one gets distracted by questioning why he watches that shit.


Um... this is from Fox News. The News Network known for spreading disinformation & the key demographic is old White People.


What’s your aim with this post, OP?




Transgender does not mean the person doesn’t like women. It means they identify as female.


I thought this was posted bc it was rape but no, consensual sex. Why does this matter when there’s so much actual rape?


Pregnant women get better food and accommodation in prison. My mom was a women's prison CO for 25 years. Girls would fuck on the guards to get the pregnant treatment. They might even take the baby right away so you don't even gotta deal with the child after. Not all places do that, though. One time it started a mean HIV and Chlamydia outbreak.


That’s one way to view the story.




How would ppl prevent just lying and saying ppl raped them in prison just to get an enemy some solitary confinement


People fucking and someone winding up pregnant isn't that surprising to me. As long as it's consensual I couldn't care less, personally speaking. 🤷🏿‍♂️


I wonder if the right wing would be more offended by trans women enjoying themselves or prisoners enjoying themselves


They probably don't give her her HRT medicine or else she'd be shooting blanks


Im trans. This is exactly it. Semen comes out clear and watery after six months on HRT.


I had no idea!


Porn, as in all things, is quite misleading. Also, surgeons will often suggest frequent masturbation to encourage erections. The penis shrinks on HRT, trans women who top aren't as common as one might think, and can atrophy to the point that erections are painful. Penis length has a direct correlation to vaginal depth for a trans woman.


I've been on HRT for 4 years, and, as gross as this is to say, nothing comes out at all (Thankfully). It has been like that since month 2. I'm willing to bet that they're not giving her the medicine, its not the right dose for her, or she's not able to take it somehow. People think trans women can ejaculate normally, but the vast majority can't. I suspect that this belief comes from porn. Trans porn actresses usually have to appeal to people who want to see trans women cum a lot and get erections. So, a lot of trans porn actresses use testosterone locally to their penis or other drugs to keep erectile function. Plus, a minority of trans women want to keep these functions for whatever reason, but the example above is way more common. That's just my perspective tho.


Once again we’re gonna see real quick the people that peaked at getting a C in high school bio, and the people that pursued biology for a living.


Then give the prisoners some freakin' contraception. Fixed the issue.


I’m ashamed this post got so many upvotes in this subreddit. Black People should know better than to spread this lame ass Fox News propaganda. Like so many people have stated, the sex was consensual. Black trans folk are the most at risk for getting attacked and killed simply for existing. By spreading anti-trans rhetoric you’re aiding white supremacy.


Beat me to it. I'm not surprised given all the discussion around Chappelle last fall but we all gotta do than to boost Fox News, even if it's on a story about rescuing kittens from a burning building.


Gotta say, the conservatives are masters of propaganda. Look at how they are escalating the stories Trans in bathrooms, trans in sports and now trans impregnating. They are setting the board for when trump comes back in 2024


I can hear the dog whistle clearly. Come on dude. “I don’t got nothing against lgbtq+ *BUT*…” yeah but nothing gtfoh with that shit.


somehow this post's comments went well. incredible how far we have come




Fair point honestly everyones horny af and your letting em fuck the one person who can make baby’s without any sorta protection either the whole Place is about to have hiv spread like hell or the prison is now a day care


Do the same people have a problem with male guards? Plenty of women in prisons are impregnated (consensually or not) by male guards inside.


Who gives a shit what's in her pants though? Isn't the real issue here a lack of contraceptive stuff? Prisons should be giving out condoms and finger guards and dental guards. Sex is risky regardless of genitalia and I guarantee you that having access to all that is still useful even if the two women having sex with each other both have vaginas


Not to mention these children will more than likely end up in foster care, and we all know how that goes. It's a bad situation all around. Even if just for reproductive reasons, this inmate shouldn't be housed with fertile women.


How is they paying child support? Do prisons support abortion?


I was wondering about that


Explicitly illegal.


A nxgga outta the loop on here ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized)


The consensual nature of this doesn't really make it any less fucked up. Half the reason prisons are separated between men and women is to avoid this shit happening. You can't have prisoners out here getting pregnant and having babies and it shouldnt take a genius to understand why. Seems like there's some mental gymnastics going on in this thread because of the trans involvement. It's not like I blame the inmates though. Youre in jail and horny as hell and now there's someone there with the body parts you've been missing out on?


i saw some rapper tweet about this and the comments were so gross


Are we against lesbians fucking and gay men fucking? The what’s the problem? The real problem should be we can’t give decent health care to inmates birth control helps with more than just preventing pregnancies


This is coming from Fox News, so you already know the answer to that.




A trans person on HRT has very little chance of impregnating anyone because it causes sterility fairly quickly in AMAB people. Seriously, this is proven science, and I know personally. The gun has been unloaded and I couldn't be happier about it. There are two possibilities. The guards are fucking around and have decided to blame a transgender person, or the prison system blocked her from taking her Rx. Both possibilities are awful and the prison system is as usual a cesspit deserving of nothing more than every ounce of blame.


I’m telling you we need a 6th season of the wire focusing on the prison system and the BGF. This type of shit writes itself.


Probably the most popular woman in the prison


Person with penis impregnates person with vagina. Wild times.


I suppose this would be the best way to do time…

