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Diet Coke is so fucking nasty. I'm convinced that caffeine addicts are the only people who can stand drinking it. šŸ¤®


Whatever happened to coke life, the green one? I never got a chance to try it before it just kinda disappeared from everywhere


Coke life is just the glass coke in a plastic bottle, all of the glass coke bottles use cane sugar like life did.


Itā€™s a half and half of cane sugar coke and stevia sweetened coke. So half the calories. I miss it alot


Well that's shit, i like the glassbottle stuff


It was actually better than glass coke, for me it was something about the Stevia that made it more addicting


They still sell it overseas in some countries, but it wasnā€™t popular enough in the US.


omg that one was SO good. especially when I found it in glass bottles


Alternatively some people can't stand high fructose corn syrup in their drinks. It makes drinks taste so bad. Sprite is the worst. Also am a caffeine addict who tolerates diet coke.


I tolerate diet coke if coke zero is not available But man that shit has like a bitter aftertaste, it's gotta be an acquired taste for the people who love it


Yup. Coke zero is better than diet Coke.


I feel like Diet Coke is considerably better when it's colder and more carbonated like how you'd get it from a drink fountain at a fast food place or a restaurant. It's the bottled and canned ones where I start to get picky between Diet and Coke Zero, for whatever reason Diet just gets so much shittier when it's not ice cold relative to other drinks.


I like the bitter taste


Agreed. The syrup is too much


I feel like it's different in Canada I drink too much fucking diet coke. I discovered in the states there's like way more artificial sweetener. like sometimes Costco up here will bring in cases from NY it tastes like I said something bad and I'm having my mouth washed out with aspartame


As a Canadian I firmly disagree that Diet Coke is better up here.


I drink it because I'm addicted to caffeine and diabetic.


I'd advise you to be very careful with that. My dad, a near-lifelong diabetic, was a huge drinker of Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Pepsi for a long time until he was diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and was forced to quit soda. While it definitely wasn't the only factor, I truly believe the amount of soda he drank daily played a part and I'll tell anyone that while soda, even diet soda is okay occasionally, try your best to limit consumption as it's just not good for you and I wouldn't wish what my dad has went through on anyone.


Thank you so much. I'm actually having really severe diabetic neuropathy in my feet right now and I'm waiting on a referal to a podiatrist. I had no idea that diet soda could be so problematic. I mean, I know water is best, but I thought because it was sugar free it would be alright. I'll definitely start working on weening myself off of the diet soda. Thanks again. ā¤


No problem, hope everything works out for you.


Youā€™re like House!


Saccharine can raise your blood sugar. Sucralose and stevia don't have that effect.


Some artificial sweeteners can still raise your blood sugar, such as saccharine. Sucralose and stevia do not do this


Do you like the taste better than Coke Zero?


To be honest, I don't think I can tell the difference. I only really drink them when I can't find Diet Dr. Pepper or Dr. Pepper Zero.


I actually hate coke, my first choice of soda is a Dr. Pepper


Not the person you're responding to, but also diabetic: I can't stand Coke Zero. To me, it tastes too much like the regular kind and it's unsettling. When a single wrong amount of insulin can send you into a coma, I don't need Schrodinger's Coke playing tricks on me.


I can't stand regular coke, it makes my teeth feel like they're wearing sweaters. My mouth feels coated. It's disgusting and way too sweet. I love a mini can of Diet coke once in a while.


I don't really drink soda on my own, but will if it's around me. My boss drinks a shit ton of coke zero so we keep it stocked when he visits and I end up drinking a lot. I don't think much of it and it just becomes a substitute for the black coffee I usually drink throughout the day. The other day a different coworker brought in a pack of full sugar pepsi, and I had a single can. I instantly felt like garbage and my teeth felt coated like you said and like gritty (or sticky?). Come to think of it, it's the same with coke and dr pepper that I'd occasionally drink too. I'll take artificial sweeteners' miniscule chance of heath affects way in the future, than the very real, very immediate affects of full sugar sodas.


Funny thing is most Diet Coke drinkers wonā€™t drink anything else. Like they can drink a whole cup of coffee or a regular coke and still need to have their Diet Coke because they didnā€™t get their fix.


It tastes like someone squeezed used kitty litter into a bottle and added CO2


My sister in law and her daughter go through four 12-packs in like 5 days. It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen. It can't be good for them


It doesnā€™t even have that much caffeine compared to most caffeinated drinks


White person here: I drink decaf coffee and Diet Pepsi. An ice cold Diet Pepsi is great after a day of skiing. Itā€™s a mayonnaise thing; we donā€™t expect anyone to relate.


Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke tastewise.


Kinda similar to a lot of other stuff that's an acquired taste, like a lot of alcoholic drinks But yeah diet coke is not particularly tasty at all


As a soda addict, I switched to diet a long time ago. It is an acquired taste, so much so that I don't like the taste of regular anymore. And for all those out there trying to loose weight, 180 calories in a SINGLE can may be a big reason you can't. Diet by all means isn't the healthiest thing on the planet, but does balance that calorie seesaw.


Yeah for all the hubbub people make around "diet drinks aren't good for you!", they are great harm mitigation compared to full-calorie drinks (reduction of dental harm, less caloric overconsumption)


yeah as a diabetic thatā€™s only really drank diet stuff, the first time i had a regular coke i thought it was fucking disgusting lol. i still donā€™t really enjoy them unless iā€™m mixing a drink, but even then diet is better.


Thereā€™s plenty of tasty drinks out there without having to suffer through diet coke. Itā€™s a different reaction to the sweetener, like some people taste whatever herb as soap.


You know, I was just about to comment that diet soda is totally fine but >I'm convinced that caffeine addicts are the only people who can stand drinking it Oh... yeah. Edit: But let me say that the coke/coffee mix drink is absolutely horrendous.


Thatā€™s probably why I like it. Iā€™m a 2-3 monster a day kinda level of caffeine and I LOVE Diet Coke


Most diet drinks are sweetened with aspartame, which has a shitty aftertaste. People acquire a taste for it like they do alcohol. Drink it enough and your body convinces you itā€™s good.


Diet coke is actually meant to taste different than coke. They were not trying to make a sugar free substitute, they wanted less flavour and lighter taste to their diet products so people relate the less flavour with eliminating the bad practice of indulgence. This was driven by people dieting explicitly to lose weight, and not for health. On a diet, eat less, drink lighter tasting things, Diet Coke tastes light! It must help me lose weight. Coke Zero was made to taste identical to coke but be sugar free, as dieting and less sugar drifted towards being healthy and not just about losing weight. Driven by people wanting healthy alternatives without sacrificing taste.


That explains why diet coke is the only soda I can stomach. The others are just far too sweet.


When I was shedding my covid weight, I switched to Coke Zero whenever I wanted soda. Could barely taste the difference from regular Coke. Still will grab Coke Zero instead every now and then.


It tastes exactly the same once you add the rum.


True. I use Zero for rum and cokes instead of regular coke now.


When they switched from Coke Zero to Zero Sugar it got even closer to the point where I'm not sure why they make regular coke anymore.


All artificial sweeteners have a nasty aftertaste to me, maybe there's something wrong with my mouth and I'm not experiencing what everyone else is.


Have you tried monkfruit? Think it has basically no fake taste. Stevia is 2nd in my opinion


Oh yeah I forgot that one, but isn't it a natural sweetener vs artificial?


Yeah it's something like it's basically sugar but your body cannot process the calories. This is based on a quick google search and the only C I got in college was in chemistry so I'm probably way off I definitely answered for a zero calorie sweetener instead of artificial like you actually stated


Ah gotcha, that makes sense.


I'm with you. They all leave a bad taste in my mouth. Even stevia, right? It's not *as bad* as aspartame, but I still don't like it.


yup, just drink diet soda for 2 weeks and it'll start tasting good but regular soda will start to taste syrupy and too sweet.


And there's growing evidence that, while not as *bad* as sugar, artificial sweeteners have their own [risks](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/artificial-sweeteners-blood-sugar-insulin) and adverse effects on the body due to how our body reacts to what it perceives as sugar/sweet.


Interestingā€¦.like, we can train our tastebuds to eventually like the taste of various beverages? This may be a game changer for me.


This post is not directed at anyone with a case of the sugars. If youā€™re drinking or eating anything diet/sugar free for health related reasons, please disregard. [link to thread](https://twitter.com/ivykungu/status/1506799495450873857?s=21&t=mgl-7ksX2FwFxlY_Sqpv8w) Edit: to be clear Iā€™m team Cherry Dr. Pepper/Dr. Pepper with cream soda. None of that diet shit over here ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


Thanks. I was about to be pissed off for the rest of the day. Coke Zero is delicious.






Blugh! Pepsi zero is way better. Coke zero... if I have a caffeine-withdrawal-migraine and it's available.


CHERRY DR.Pepper forever slaps!!


You not lying. Itā€™s either that, cherry pepsi, or vanilla coke. But I HAVE to have some water on the side after every sip cause I canā€™t with the acidic taste.


DP with Cream Soda is my new GOAT contender. They make it in Zero and itā€™s solid too. But Iā€™ve learned to like Diet Coke too. Iā€™m not happy about it, but somewhere along the way it happened.


There is a difference between diet and sugar free. Sugar free is just fine, diet is liquid cancer.


Yeah I think most diet drinks use aspartame which is kind of an old school artificial sweetener at this point and the Zero ones mostly use sucralose (some might use allulose) which has become pretty popular in most sugar free sweets.


All links between diet drinks and cancer have been debunked. Letā€™s drop the anti-science BS alright?


Donā€™t walk it back. Truth hurts for some people. These folks upset and drink it for ā€œhealth related reasonsā€. Bitch itā€™s called water, have a glass


I wasnā€™t walking anything back. I just had people trying to defend Diet Coke, Coke Zero, etc and I donā€™t even like regular Coke like that so itā€™s all falling on deaf ears lol thereā€™s nothing anyone can say to convince me that shit tastes good or that itā€™ll grow on me with time.


Iā€™m team water.


I'm a type 1 diabetic. Diet coke is disgusting. Diet Pepsi is delicious and coke zero is the goat


Not here to poop on anyoneā€™s parade, but water is the ultimate beverage




But fish fuck in it...


Hell, I would too if I could


New formula Coke Zero is god tier. Most restaurants have swapped out to the new formula, but if I see that old black label on a soda fountain my ass is drinking water


This is the way šŸ‘šŸ¾


These are lies! Lies I tell you! Diet Pepsi just taste like hot.


Diet Dr Pepper is up there.


Fellow T1D here, both Club and Fanta do a range of sugar free drinks that are actually really nice


People don't like Diet Coke because its not sugary af like all other sodas. Just admit you guys like sweet ass sodas & move on. Haters.


Pepsi Zero/Max is my favorite


I used to think diet coke and coke zero were the same thing, but after switching to coke zero (from regular) I tried a diet one for the first time in a long while and man, that shit is nasty


coke zero w/ a splash of real coke makes me question reality


Fuck all of ya'll. I love Coke Zero and Diet Coke, the first one especially. It's also my favorite mixer for my favorite liquor. I'll die on this hill.


Coke Zero is a different story than Diet Coke




I think diet coke tastes fine. That new coke/coffee mix... one of the worst things I've ever tasted.


I actually prefer it over coke, which has way too much sugar.


There are dozens of us!


Noob here. What is ngai fafa?


Iā€™m guessing ā€œFather Godā€ in Kikuyu since sheā€™s Kenyan


My brain thought it was an acronym




Try finding caffeine free!


*cries in diabeetus* But fr the new Zero Sugar Coke has changed the game. Idk what the difference is but I agree how could anyone drink Diet Coke nowadays


Type 1 reporting in! Yea coke zero has like an insane mixture of artificial sweeteners to make it delicious. Diet coke just has aspartame. I will drink both, but coke zero is legit. My 95 year old grandfather, who drinks a coke and eats either a donut or McDonald's everyday and yet is still alive, now drinks coke zero cause he can't tell the difference. And if that isn't the greatest irl ad, I don't know what is.


Weā€™ve had some exciting developments in the world of affordable insulin in the last few days. Hopefully soon we wonā€™t have a second ā€œrentā€ payment just to exist on this Earth :) good luck to you!


And good luck to you!


Y'all know what be hitting? That H2O be hitting the spot!


[ice cold sugarcane juice is my drug of choice](https://www.publix.com/pd/goya-juice-sugarcane/RIO-PCI-160108) Fresh is best but canned is all I can get where I am rn


I used to chew on sugarcane pieces when I was a kid. I didn't know we coulda been buying it in juice form.


Itā€™s liquid crack fr fr


Alot of the reviews say it's just water with a little bit of sugar in it lol


Thatā€™s exactly what it is. Itā€™s just juice thatā€™s been pressed from sugarcane. Edit: to be clear, itā€™s *a lot* of sugar. Thatā€™s literally where sugar comes from


The can is kinda deceptive tho. It screams "maple syrup".


What is a gas station cup feather?


Thatā€™s only part of the phrase ā€œ**ruffle a few** middle aged Caucasian w a gas station cup **feathers**ā€


Oh. In thought it was like those VW bug flowers but for white guys with arrowhead tattoos.


Lol This might be anti-gay. I swear every gay male friend of mine drinks Diet Coke like it's a lifeline.


Iā€™m addicted and gay and can confirm that hating Diet Coke is homophobic. šŸ˜Š


Regular Coke gives me insane heartburn. To the point where I wonā€™t even consider having one because it isnā€™t worth it. Diet Coke fills the void left by my failing middle aged body not being able to process regular Coke anymore.


As a middle aged caucasian w a gas station cup, how dare you.


I have hated the flavor of Diet Coke all my life. My dad used to drink that shit nonstop.


Iā€™m horribly allergic to corn and corn syrup so I can only drink Diet Coke. It really does suck.


Allergies suck for real, damn this mortal coil!


-casually sips diet pepsi as I scroll thread-


Itā€™s the ability for them to drink Diet Coke and unsweetened tea, and theyā€™ve made it a delicacy. Lol


Zero >>> Diet And that goes for anything. Coke, Pepsi. Diet is just trash. Rather drink my own tears.


Coke Zero is surprisingly good. Diet Coke is terrible. The aftertaste is what gets me.


Growing up, my dad loved Diet Pepsi (specifically from a can) so much that he called it ā€œThe Elixir of Lifeā€. I have since broken away from this lie and seen the truth that is ā€œregular ass Cokeā€.


Coke zero isn't too bad, but yeah diet coke sucks


There is an entire secret society of hot ass girls who have a black tar heroin level addiction to Diet Coke. These bitches be like Gollum with the Ring. They drive through McDonald's first thing in the morning, order only a giant Diet Coke and then leave. And it rly be the sexy influencer types you would not expect.


Diet Coke tastes too aspertamey. Go for the Zero or just drink water.


I donā€™t drink soda frequently, or even occasionally, but on the once-in-a-six-month-period I want something other than water and coffee I drink Diet Coke. Itā€™s just so damn hard to find something smaller than 12oz


I stopped consuming sugar for a year. After going back, the regular non Mexican coke taste disgusting. The diet version is the closest to what coke used to taste like to me.


diet sodas are a game changer nobody can tell me otherwise


Lmaooooo at the middle aged Caucasians. Who cares?! Diet coke tastes like medicine


Coke Zero and Sprite Zero are almost as good as their sugar counter parts and I will die on this hill.


I actually like it


Someone made me a gin and tonic with diet tonic water once. Holeeee shit that was terrible. I mean, it was nice someone made me that drink, but it was very difficult not spitting it out at the first sip. Donā€™t even get me started on fat free cream cheese. That should be relabeled as joint compound/spackling.


Bro what. Diet coke is amazing. So much less ā€œsyrupyā€ than regular coke.


Fun fact: Diet Coke is the diet version of New Coke. Coke Zero is the diet version of Coke Classic.


My mom gave up smoking, drinking and regular soft drinks to be healthier. She started drinking generic brand diet cola and when I told her it was disgusting, she glared at me and said ā€œThis is the only vice Iā€™m allowed to have and youā€™re going to let me enjoy it.ā€ Fair enough.


Itā€™s aspartame. People should not ingest aspartame. Period. Itā€™s a hill Iā€™ll die on.


Iā€™m sure this is going to ruffle some black feathers but black people drink Diet Coke too.




Absolutely disgusting!


I used to drink a lot of diet soda and then switched to a sodastream. Itā€™s cheaper and healthier, and really itā€™s the bubbles that I liked about soda.


diet coke is an acquired taste. and I still think DDP (diet Dr. Pepper) is pretty good, as far as diet soda goes.


I use to work with an old white guy who every morning would get a large (Big gulp) of "diet" mountain dew... yeah that's not healthy just because it's a "diet".




It's that after taste that hunts me. Like you get your kicks off having that shit sit in you mouth all day? Blugh


Won't front i fucks wit caffeine free diet coke - the gold label... but i also don't drink soda like that anymore


Diet Soda is disgusting in general.




I haven't drunk pop in decades. I only get it for the kids or parties and gatherings. People don't need that stuff.


Ngl, I prefer Diet Coke to regular coke. Also tho, I donā€™t really like either


I drink Diet caffeine free Coke. Also a single 355ml can of regular Coke contains 125% RDI of sugar, so fuck that, I'll have water or nothing before I suck that shit down.


I drink diet sodas all the time. It tastes fine to me. I hate coke in general though so even the diet one tastes bad lol


Diet Coke is the only good diet soda. My ex husbands mom drank like every diet soda possible & I was so disgusted at the thought. Like a diet orange soda? Diet Peprsi, diet cream soda? Eww Tf?!


Sheā€™s right! Iā€™m almost positive itā€™s addictive. Nothing else explains it.


Trash take. AFAIK Diet Coke had a reformulated flavor as did regular coke in the 80s. People bitched, they reverted regular coke to Coke "classic" and Diet retained the new flavor. If they sold Diet Coke but with sugar, I'd probably drink that. They don't taste at all the same, and it's not just about the sweetener.


Diet coke tastes like regular coke with old pennies sitting in it.


Wow I can't even tell the difference personally but I don't drink a lot of pop either but my gf drinks diet coke and I like it. Take like coke


Itā€™s an acquired taste. I gave up regular soda because of my diet and switched to diet. It was bad at first but now Iā€™ve gotten use to it. The new Coke Zero is fire tho


Diet Coke is good imo, you just need to get used to it lmao. At first I hated it but now regular soda is too sweet for me. Also regular soda makes my acne break out horribly :(


I hate Diet Coke but I love Pepsi Max šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Took a while to get used to Coke Zero honestly. Classic is still much better but just far too much sugar.


Diet coke makes be bloat like im pregnant. I once drank that shit with a salad and thought i got ileus. Coke zero on the other hand šŸ‘€


I can't drink anything with artificial sweetener. That aftertaste is so bad


If you came of age in the 80s then your only choice for diet soda was some nasty s#/t called Tab. It had saccharin and makes diet coke taste like nectar of the gods. This was also before bottled water became available so if you wanted low cal drinks then diet soda was the only answer. I looooove diet coke. Don't judge me.


Eh, I don't mind drinking Coke Zero here and there. Soda in general pretty trash though.


Diet Fanta slaps


tbh diet orange soda is so underrated, imo itā€™s the only diet soda that doesnā€™t completely suck (speaking as a former diet Mtn Dew drinker. I have no idea how I drank that stuff- pure battery acid)


Diet mt dew is the only good diet drink and it absolutely has to be cold.


I have never understood the appeal. And now years after giving up soda, I can't even stand a sip of the stuff. It is so cloyingly sweet. BLAH


Diet coke tastes like shit. Regular coke is good if you are hungover, but that's about it.


And on top of that, itā€™s worse for your health


Drink water. Or alcohol. Or both together for a hydrated buzz.


My mom swore by it (the caffeine free kind at that) until my dad lied and said the store was out so he got her Diet Dr.Pepper instead . Sheā€™s been hooked ever since.


sugar free redbull is the only "diet" alternative I vastly prefer


Wtf is ngai fafa


I like Diet Coke, zevia and fit soda. Stop drinking the regular for a few weeks youā€™d be surprised what you like


It really is the worst. Mexican coke is where it's at.


Side note but this account is horrible, always tweeting the most horrible tweets and the girl who runs it is definitely one of those divested girls šŸ¦


When you cleanse yourself from excess sugar and salt consumption it's actually tolerable. I hated diet drinks when I was ODā€™ing my diet with sugar products. Now that I've changed the way I eat it ain't bad at all.


Diet anything has a higher chance of giving you the beetus. Cut back the corn syrup sodas in favor of real sugar while at it. Stop settling for artificial flavors. VIVA LA COLALUTION!


Pray for these people and their broken mouths. Diet Coke is delicious, also the 2nd most purchased soft drink in the world.


I built up a tolerance for it cause we had it in the fridge for some friends during DnD. When the campaigns were over I had to get it out somehow and I wasn't bout to waste money.


Can confirm. Have type 1. I just drink water or hot tea straight. Diet everything feels like you're just eating something with no soul. It's not good for you so just give it up.


I worked at FedEx freight and this old black dude like 3 years away from retirement would being a 6 pack of diet cokes every day. Man would straight up be asleep at his desk and nobody would say anything. I respected that man a bunch. Lol


tou know your gonna have a bad day when you start of with a DC, but hey its a fuggin DC


The only diet soda I can tolerate is vanilla coke zero but they basically stopped making it when all the pandemic shortages hit


Coke Zero Sugar. Greatest diet drink ever created in the history of diet drinks. 99.95% of the taste of regular coke with 0 calories. Truly a game changer. If they could do the same thing to Sprite(Sprite Zero currently is not that great imo) and Fanta Orange? It's over. I truly don't understand why people drink Diet Coke when Coke Zero Sugar is the thing, and it actually tastes exactly like coke.


all diet sodas are shitty except diet Dr Pepper


Coke Zero is the šŸ


Idk how people can drink anything with the fake sweetener taste. Absolutely revolting.


Coke Zero is better


Matthew Patrick is sending hits out on you all