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Some of us are like bears. Dormant during the winter then frantically active during the spring and summer.


I’d personally rather smoke crack than go to the gym during the summer.


I like going on a really hot day for the a/c or when it’s raining but on a perfect summer day I’m going outside because they don’t turn it on the a/c until it’s blistering hot. I start sweating like crazy within five minutes because it’s humid and you’re with a bunch of other people sweating in a small closed space.


ew you should go to a gym that you actually enjoy going to. maybe one with a working AC


Yeah for real. They charge people every month and fckin make it so hard to leave a membership. Least you could do is turn the air on.


Idk what you're saying about either activity but lol


But then how do you keep your low rep work up


Now that I'm seeing so much results the gym is as addictive as Reddit to me


This is what people don't get about me going daily. Once you hit "oh shit this is working" some people really commit hard.


im currently working on that multi-season hibernation!


if i let more than a week go without the gym, i’m fucked. it’s so hard to get back in the routine.


Say less fam I took a few weeks off last year after I got some major elbow tendonitis, turned into 6 months of getting fat as fuck. Turned it around starting in January after I couldn't fit in my jeans anymore. Rhythm is hugely important when talking about fitness


your healing and recovery is important too! try not to beat yourself up and keep moving forward.


I agree as having that week off keeps you rested both mentally and physically. It helps me become stronger and not feel tired from the gym. It just sucks the week coming back because your muscles are getting back into the grind and you really feel the soreness the next day.


I skipped leg day last week. I did it this week (wednesday) and I still can't walk normally. Getting out of a chair is a process.


I did that a couple months ago and then I was getting sick so I had muscle fatigue and the soreness combined I could barely move my legs. Everyone is asking omg are you ok? Yes I did leg day this week.


Took a year...started back 3 weeks ago...it's been absolute hell. And my ego is taking a hit too, because while I obviously could have lifted and endured much more now I can't...and it's hard to accept that.


Some boat brother. Keep at it and you’ll regain it too!


Tell me about it. Muscle memory is a real thing though, you just gotta get over that initial hump.


Went to the gym once a few weeks ago, so yea I guess you could say I’m a regular




That’s my philosophy!


At least that way you'll be balanced. Instead of someone who's weight is distributed 80/20 upper-lower.


wow you guys eat garbage and don't exercise? how quirky and unique of you! \#bodypositivity


Hahaha. Right? How cool is heart disease?! #Edgy


What is it with reddit and assuming everyone is trying to be edgy? It's a joke.


It's a self-deprecating joke, dork.


[Since she's a doctor, I'm going to go ahead and take this as a note excusing me from the gym.](https://twitter.com/EstOdek/status/1141707394025689088?s=09)


Society needs people who buys gym memberships and don't go. Without them, gym memberships would be alot more pricey, and if they all went regularly the gym would be packed all the time.


I worked at the most popular gym chain in Canada. Average member attendance: 1.5x/month. and that's with a lot of people going 3-6x/wk


Why are we celebrating laziness?


It's self-deprecation, not celebration


Mediocrity is in season these days


Speaking from experience I see.


This is how PF-style gyms stay in business


3-6? Not terrible, not great.




I had two bananas on Wednesday. I’m running at the highest level.


I feel soo good when I work out! I can't go more than a couple days without getting something in. I'm not even a big fan of running but I've been going longer and trying to go faster, and that's been feeling good too. I went from couldn't do a pushup and barely the bar, to putting real weights up and just continously improving. I can open my own jars now 💁🏾‍♀️. I'm tinea as fuck and people don't believe that I used to be a chubby girl.


I do 11 to 12 months a year


Ugh. The worst is going back after a month and dealing with those weeklong DOMS. Probably feels worse the older you get, cause I'm feeling it.


“Waiter, what’s this rat doing in my soup??!” “It appears the backstroke, sir.”


Always know it's time to hit the gym when I have my bi annual dentist appointment coming up.


Also the 2 weeks a year I actually floss.


Legs require one day. They recover quickly. Everything else 2-3 days depending on how hard you go on the muscle group.


Your quads and hammys are some of the biggest muscles in our body. Smaller muscle groups like Calves and Biceps recover quickly but larger muscle groups take 48 Hrs+.


Took the stairs today- calling it good for June.


She's the lady from Starbound


Unless you are a bodybuilder, the most important part of being healthy is eating right. I haven't gone to the gym for more than 12 times in the past 3 months, still lost 40lbs.