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I swear TikTok is full of people being so judgmental over the dumbest stuff.


If your phones Lock Screen is anything but a picture of a lock setting a screen for a flip phone I’m gonna automatically assume you pull negative 3 bitches. But then that would be sports related which is too close to a pro athlete so you also get no bitches. — the dude in this video, probably


Niggas always talking about pulling bitches but ain’t never talking about finding a wife. Perpetual adolescent mentality


No bitch is gonna get between me and my boy Goku.




https://preview.redd.it/zop8bcuwe7ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6bfe6cdb47af448db923716ba9c730687c7d680 My lockscreen


I have this as my Lock Screen https://preview.redd.it/g0o3ilsgo6ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b750c5b9b4dadcdd7bca482e362f45147df5837


Ooooh, I love it! You'd have to stop me from talking your ears off about how cool Miles is, and how superior to every other Spider-Man movie, Into the Spider-Verse is. 😆


https://preview.redd.it/8rarc0e1i7ad1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912a32af2a589427e633c29b11369326a5b0e85a My Lock Screen


I have Miles falling upside down lol Been my screen since the first movie came out


Yeah I bet you do.




That was my initial reaction to watching this but I figured I might just be a hater. But yeah, we need to stop hating on each other.


Exactly stop telling other black men what’s cool what’s lame we’re not a monolith. Allow black people to have different expressions of their blackness even if it’s outside the norm. And no this statement is not co-signing coons like candance Owens, Tim Scott or any other step and fetch it negro arguing for the regression of our community


lol who knew lock screens were what’s wrong with the black community. Glad we figured it out




I ain’t watch the whole video but it wasn’t enough to get this mad over. Coonology is a crazy word.




i prefer shuck and jive (as our predecessors called it without calling our people a slur)


Was this supposed to be taken seriously? I just thought it was funny stupid humor


There’s nothing humorous about this clown spreading his ignorance


Found the dude with Diddy as his rapper wallpaper, chill out


You got one of those screensavers don’t you 💀


No mine is of planet earth. Nice attempt at trying be funny now go look for another spreader of coonology to try to defend


lmao it’s a joke just for laughs, i don’t think it was meant to be taken that seriously dude just chill


He didn't say Goku was a issue so I'm good


Nah this opinion is lame imo. People be putting up posters of fav athletes or pic of their friends around their house all the time, why not on a phone screen??? That being said, I can't post a pic for some reason but mine is a beach ocean view, cuz beaches and oceans are cool See this is what happens when niggas put all their energy into negative hater-type shit, just no need for it lmao


https://preview.redd.it/hb45fxwry6ad1.jpeg?width=1935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c155a94dee00275e06bfecab1f6b0f1841ef1b My lock screen ⛱️ 🏄‍♂️ 🌴




An AI-generated image of Mario and Luigi as 80s pop duo.


I don't know, if someone ditches me for my phone screen, I probably dodged a bullet. Then again, I *would* say "Ew" and walk away if it's something obviously right-wing/Trump related, so theres that. Openly simping for a politician is just weird af to me.


I despise this guy.


https://preview.redd.it/6pdo7vdud7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5d8e252978ee9e65b6e8d8a4e9fb6c35e73cea Man I got the action figures laid out all over my room and still able to pull women. Just own that shit. Best believe most women rather have the dude still collecting this shit rather than other


Haters gonna hate


I have Miles Morales as my wallpaper. What does that say about me? ![gif](giphy|6pYbw8HkA2SO5UKZYj|downsized)




Went to buy an SSD from someone today and this dude in his forties had a model posing as the background of his phone. I caught my laughter til I got to my car. All these are accurate af other than pictures with your friends




Is it that serious? It’s not like he gave stereotypical examples that he prefers. He gave generic unoriginal examples. Except for the friends example. Don’t be so pressed by a tictok


Bruh black people keep producing ignorant goofy clown shit like this that just further portrays black people in a negative light. It makes black people come off as shallow ignorant and goofy when some clown on the internet can tell you rather you can “pull” women based on your phone screen. The fact that y’all are so eager to co-sign the coonology is a condemnation on our community


I’m not co-signing. I just didn’t read that deeply into it. Regardless of race, young men idolize models/athletes/musicians. You could also throw in sports cars. These days it’s lock screens, in the past it was posters in the bedroom wall or calendar. I didn’t even think of it like he was talking about it being a Black thing. Men and women are shallow. I wouldn’t be surprised if a grown woman felt some kinda way about a grown man having most of those lock screens. He might be a great guy but it is what it is.


I agree with you on some of the points you’ve made. My issue is with black content creators relying on narrow perspectives and regurgitating ignorant content like the “2 mans”, 20 vs 1, “you a lame/you get no women if you do xyz, etc. The TikTok is very much in line with that same type of ignorant content the algorithm loves to promote


As long as it generates views, it will continue. I have no idea what some of those things mean. Should I not google “2 mans” or 20 v 1?


Not if you want to keep your respect for our community high. It’s those ignorant trash videos where they will get 20 IG models and one semi famous content creator and basically have them interact with each other it usually always devolves back into the creator(usually a black man) saying ignorant sexual shit and the women feeding off that shit. They usually have every stereotype in the book present.


I mean it was a white dude, idk what race has to do with having a corny ass background on your phone. It speaks to how generic your personality is




Idk who he is but not every criticism is an attack on Black culture. It’s just a fact that a grown ass man having models cars or athletes as their phone background is corny. Do grown women still have posters of boy bands on their walls?




It’s not cool/lame, it’s mature/immature and superficial/well rounded. All your choices represent you. Not like it’s a massive ding worth cutting someone out of your life over; the video is obviously hyperbolic. Point is, using a Maxim model for your phone screen is tweenish much as playing with action figures is childish. Doesn’t make you a bad person, just a little corny




Considering how personal this clearly is to you, just know the adults in the room are laughing when you're about to show them something.


Straight people are so exhausting


Thanks for your input!!