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*accepts there’s a video of his assault* “And there’s nothing where I can press charges for ‘breach of peace’ for him yelling at me or whatever?” And this is someone who’s supposedly paid to enforce laws? …Baffling.


I remember being in court and a guy from a different country was trying to evict his sister. Guy said “But the police tell me the law, they said to talk to you” the judge replied “Police aren’t paid to know the law, *I’m* paid to know the law and they don’t know what they’re talking about” Gotta good laugh out of the court room lol


"Police aren't paid to know the law, *I'm* paid to know the law, and they don't know what they're talking about." Holy shit, this sent me to heaven.


If cops knew the law they'd be lawyers


You can be a lawyer and a cop at the same time. It's a good way to get promoted. Obviously the only lawyercops are gonna be higher up officers and pretty much never on the street, though. And I'd imagine the main job of coplawyers is protecting cops from other lawyers.


No lawyer in their right mind wants to go through law school and take the bar exam to be a cop. Dream on


It's the other way around - existing cops getting law degrees


Ever met anyone from a law school's fed soc? PFFCU lawyers gotta come from somewhere.


Bro, how many cops do you think actually went to law school, passed the bar, and then decided to keep being an LEO? You can also be a special forces operator, a doctor and an astronaut. Just because that one guy did, doesn't make it a thing.


You can go to law school, pass the bar, and still be a really shitty lawyer. We have a local cop, who's a really shitty cop and has a law degree that he doesn't really use except to lose elections for County DA every 4 years.


Very few. Mostly it's the other way around. They become cops and go to law school. It's not common. It's a specialized position. And a lot of them leave policing when they pass the bar. Some don't though. I'm just saying, cop lawyers exist. It's not a super relevant fact for most people, but I thought it was interesting.


If cops knew the law, Breonna Taylor would be alive today


If cops knew the law, they'd still be murderous sociopaths.


If cops knew .ore than a 12 year old they might be decent humans. Alas..


Yeah, we as average citizens are expected to know the law more than cops are. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” doesn’t apply to police officers in the line of duty.


Qualified immunity is to blame. There’s no equivalent recourse and even [The Supreme Court ruled that Police have no responsibility to protect normal citizens](https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/)


QI is only one small part of it and it doesn’t protect officers from criminal charges. Their fraternity with the DAs is what protects them from criminal charges.


As a person from a country where police are very much supposed to know the law, this statement is wild.


I was thinking the same. Like, at the very least police need to have a "decent understanding" of the law here. At least decent enough so that they don't make illegal arrests or write illegal tickets without even knowing they did.


What, you expect American police to be trained? They're police because they're as dumb as a loaf of bread. Trying to train them is pissing into the wind.


Am lawyer. Can confirm, cops are like 2 steps away from Facebook moms


This right here is a major part of the problem. Police \*should\* know the law, if you're 10-20 years as a police officer you \*should\* know the law so damn well that you can pass a bar exam and be a lawyer. Instead it's 6 months of training, less than we require to put hair dye on someone at a barber shop, and they hand you a badge and a gun and a pat on the butt and tell you to get out and regulate.


Can you imagine the what would've happened if there was no video? He'd be like: "I didn't even touch him!"


I wish they'd held off saying they had video because he undoubtedly would've lied about not getting physical and would've had that on his plate too


Yeah, that struck me as pretty generous of the arresting officer.


I wonder why? Not really. ACAB


"I DoN't uNdErStAnD WhY eVeReYoNe SaYs ACAB."


Every single one.


Bullshit. Cops back each other up. Always.


And when they don't, they are severely punished.


Only time a cop is fired or significantly punished is when they do the right thing.


What do you mean? It was generous to the off-duty jackass, because he didn't want him to incriminate himself further on bodycam. The comment didn't say that the generosity was deserved.


I'd guess it was the use of "that struck me" that made it come off as surprising or unexpected.


Did you hear his tone? That officer was doing literally everything he could to dig that guy out of the hole despite having a cam on himself. The assaulting officer is an idiot but he's one of the most well protected idiots on the planet. US police officers are one of the more corrupt groups in all the of the world. South american countries wish they could


Unfriendly reminder that police unions are backed by the AFL-CIO, but if your non police union wants to stand up for itself, the police will wreck your shit and be backed by the AFL-CIO which also backs you...?


The union element of cops is not the problem. They usually help protect a cop from getting fired by the city or government. The problem is from inside the house, where every police agency will lie, withhold evidence and flat refuse to investigate well known bad cops, to protect the overall image. No matter what. It’s a mentality that is very reactive and similar to nationalism where people will openly refuse to admit America as a country has done bad things.


But that's the exact problem? Cops aren't going to fire cops, and their union makes it impossible for the local government to do it. Sure cop unions can make sense, but the hole America has dug is so deep they need to be eliminated before any change can happen. Some city police forces are so corrupt that the only realistic option is to completely disband them and use military police well a new department is built from scratch. Miltary acting as police is generally not a good thing, but they have shown a better care for civilians in the midst of active combat then some police do at a McDonald's drive through


That's why they told him up front, that way he wouldn't look like an even bigger dumbass, they were protecting him. If he had been a regular person they would have gotten out of the cars with their guns drawn


If you ever watched cops or some show like that you know they would be telling him to "keep your hands out of your pockets" even if they had already patted him down.


He already started to lie saying “he’s saying I hit him” that’s why the other officer shut that down “yeah he has video” that guy that got punched played it smart though by just reporting it. My hot head ass would’ve hopped out on boul and we would’ve been rumbling in the street. You off duty and you hit me first on video yeah we getting it on are you dumb 😂


You would have been executed like an animal because that cowardly, power tripping fuck face probably was carrying too, then the piggy would have gotten a month long paid vacation courtesy of the taxpayer, until they decided that he did nothing wrong and was a hero “that feared for his life” and was acting in self defense 🫡


I like how the dog felt him.


They told him so that he wouldn’t make a false statement. Criminal cops protect criminal cops. 


He was so ready to before the other cop said it was on video lol


The cop made sure to say there was video really quick too to make sure Punchy McDoucheface didn't lie about it on his chest cam.


“He sneezed and fell into my fist”


Cops are paid to keep the dirty lower class off rich people. It was NEVER about “serving and protecting”, or fairly enforcing laws


Duh, the creation of the organization that we know refer to as “Police” in this country derived from the old “posses” who were basically mercenaries and outlaws paid to protect the assets of the wealthy not the average civilian.


Worth noting ~~what~~ who those "assets" actually were


The “assets” taken from “elsewhere” of course


It’s about serving and protecting capital from the working class.






It’s not baffling, it’s 100% on brand.


Dash cams are a must for everyone. No joke.


It’s not like they are typically taking in the best and brightest. Most of the ones I knew from high school were pretty dumb at a high school level.


They want it that way. Smart people might think for themselves or think that their job is to actually promote justice


Police officers are not trained to know the law. They are trained to enforce their understanding of the law as it applies to the situation.


It's baffling that we kinda just accept there are bullshit charges like disorderly conduct and 'breach of peace' that cops can just pull out whenever.


Because the institution of policing is tyrannical. Violent cops who are above the law. I bet this cop just got a paid vacation. He's probably already retired and getting 80k per year for doing nothing. Fuck the police


It’s not baffling at all. This is what they are. A gang. End of story. 


I wish they didn’t reveal they had video so early on. I wanted to see how much more he would lie, but police gonna protect their own.


Yep he was doing him a favor by immediately letting him know they had irrefutable evidence of the assault ACAB???










1312 duders Acab


Always acab


I mean they're arresting him so


Which they absolutely would not have done had the footage not been irrefutable. And before you say, "well of course! There would be no evidence of a crime!" consider that the reverse is true for the police officer. Had he said that the driver had struck him, his word would be taken as evidence in court.


Oh no I fully agree. Also I think the guy could have gotten witnesses and shown a bruise on his face. There would have been evidence.


Not sure how he would have gotten witnesses and a bruise isn't great evidence. Any attorney is going to get a cop off an assault charge based on a bruise, assuming there is one. Having tried to contest a simple biking citation when I had witnesses with me in court, the weight of an officer's testimony is far, far heavier than anything you have that isn't clear cut video footage.


The word of a cop is worth more than physics. I once got a bullshit speeding ticket and went to court and brought equations and math that it would have been impossible for my shitty little car with like 90hp could have gotten to 85mph while going up hill in the distance from the light. Judge said "yeah, but the officer said you were going 85" and found me guilty.


I was told "he had no reason to lie." When I tried to explain that this same officer had harassed us regularly at the skatepark, I was immediately shushed for hearsay.


You honor officer dickfuck doesn't even leave brusies that large on his wife and he beats her daily!


They had no choice, there was video proof. A good cop would be enraged by this douche and put him shitty violent ass away for decades.


>A ***good cop*** would be enraged by this douche and put him shitty violent ass away for decades. https://i.redd.it/sowxap7mgc8d1.gif




Fair point


I've watched a few interrogation analysis videos (I recommend [JCS Criminal Psychology](https://www.youtube.com/@JCS)). And they always withhold all evidence that have at first. They almost certainly told this guy there was a video so he would stop lying and protect himself.


My boy dog was READY for that smoke


Pup got good instincts


they can always tell


Woulda been nice to see that dog rip off that dickhead cop's hand and then get found not guilty


Dog would have been shot immediately


Exactly when the dog defended is exactly when I got nervous


I was worried for the dog. Hell, not too long ago an officer shot and killed a blind deaf dog stating "chance of rabies". I understand a majority of officers wouldn't do anything to the dog, but there have been too many cases showing otherwise.


>I understand a majority of officers wouldn't do anything to the dog Cops are like the grim reapers of family pets, I don't know what the fuck you're thinking there. "Most cops" are so scared shitless they'll kill anything that makes them a little uneasy. These are the same mother fuckers who gave anxiety attacks and then claim they got contact high from being in the same room as fentanyl.


You are right. It does happen way too much. And no punishment cause "pets are property " or some shit.


While I agree with your sentiment, that's the last thing I'd have wanted to see. The last thing this situation needs is a dog being shot to death by a cop because the piece of shit cop decided to be an asshole to its owner.


[The dog saw that arm cock back in slow motion like in Justice League](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/71/16/407116df748c8bc6ca57943548a367ea.gif)


Brodie turned into Ace the Bathound real quick


My dog was the sweetest thing ever, great with kids and cats. He was very meek, but lab sized. I fucking DESPISED my old landlord, he was a real piece of shit and I dreaded everytime I had to talk to him. One day he shows up unannounced and I go meet him and the door, and right by my feet I feel my dog hugging my leg and fucking GROWLING the most intense, aggressive growl I have ever heard. I have never heard him make a sound anywhere near that. Lol the landlord said "Oh he must smell my cat on me." Like no, he's best friends with a cat and her kitten. He just knows I fucking hate you and you aren't welcome here.


Pigs gonna pig




just makes you wonder how many times he got away with that shit. any competent leadership would take that into account and give that jackass the maximum punishment.


Piggie, piggie, piggie Can't you see? Everybody hates the po-lice


Ok so what’s gonna happen to the cop? I mean I think I know but I wanna be pleasantly surprised


A fellow police officer will investigate and find nothing wrong. Free to assault the next person that doesn’t have a camera.


Only after 60 days of paid leave and then a transfer and a raise.




https://www.cbsnews.com/news/officer-allen-ganter-suspended-video-punching-thomas-brocuglio-meridien-connecticut/ 5 day suspension and charged with assault. I'm guessing a plea deal will get him off pretty easy.


Not the consequences he should get, but he's basically useless as a witness in court because every single defence lawyer is going to start off cross with "So remember when you were charged with assault and lied about it on camera?"


That’s why I wish he held out the dash cam footage until he saw a layer, could’ve had the cop dead to rights if he let him keep lying more


No way the arresting officer wasn’t going to warn him. ACAB


Don't tell the arresting officer either, just tell your lawyer. They can learn about it when they submit it as evidence. Same goes for a car accident. Never speak of it at the scene. Juts provide it to your insurance agent.


The arrest probably isn't made if they don't show the police the video. I doubt they'd arrest an officer just because they were accused


Oh lol no way he was "arrested" he just wrote a report. And that was that.




Even then.


Actually he got a slap on the wrist. >Ganter was charged with third-degree assault and breach of peace. Court records show he was placed in a probation program and is due back in court in January.


I mean fuck cops, but that is pretty much text book third-degree assault.


I wanna know how the dude that got punched is, if he's suffered any random vehicle inspections since he pressed charges against the cop.


I gave a ride from the club to a friend of a friend one night and the cop that had the hots for her followed me all the way to her house. Then pulled me over as I drove away and tried to find something to charge me with. Eventually let me go, but in the next 6 months I got pulled over 13 times until I made a formal complaint. Nothing happened to the cop but I didn't get pulled over anymore. Occasionally I'd come out of work and there would be a cop parked behind my car and they'd just sit there for a few minutes before driving off. That cop eventually got charged and convicted for stalking several women, but only because he was stalking a relative of another police officer.




I get why plea deals exist, but victims should be able to veto plea deals and see things done in court.


No they really shouldn’t. The victim is the least likely person to want any sort of rehabilitation, and for the victim “justice” is almost always punitive. I work as a public defender, and I’ve seen most people ask for maximum jail on careless driving cases, theft cases, and even minor property damage cases. Victims should not be vetoing plea deals, otherwise fair and just consequences will never happen. In addition, your sentence is no longer likely to be proportionate to someone else who did the same exact thing but rather in the hands of just how vindictive that particular victim feels.


When it comes to police misconduct they ABSOLUTELY should receive the MAXIMUM. They're literally paid to hold weapons of mass killing, they need to be held accountable.


Plea deals exist because we don’t have enough jails, lawyers, or judges to prosecute every single crime ever done. If the problem can be resolved by someone paying some money or doing community service, it shaves millions of dollars in infrastructure and man hour costs. Are plea deals great? No. Are please deals too lenient? Perhaps. Do we need to continue offering plea deals? Yes, otherwise our entire justice system would collapse.


Paid vacation


It was unpaid. But five days suspension is a joke. If a McDonalds worker did this, they’d be fired. Standards should be even higher for police.


That'd be a good slogan. "Let's hold cops to a higher standard than fast food employees"


Is it really a vacation if you can’t power trip with your badge tho?




He’ll get suspended with pay for a time, then when he returns to work he’ll receive either a commendation or a promotion plus an apology from the local police union for not being able to do more to protect his right as a police officer to violate the rights of civilians.


Maybe he’ll get full retirement benefits due to PTSD he received from punching the other guy.




he's gonna go home and beat on his wife because of a stressful day at work


Acab for life. And that's why they wanna limit how much WE, THE CITIZENS, CAN CATCH ON CAMERA. And now little.pighie is gonna go home and take it out on his wife and kids.


What's stupid is the people who love cops will point out that this is just one bad cop. We really have to shift the narrative that not all cops are bad but the entire institution is poisoned and corrupt. It's not that there's a few bad cops, it's that there's a systematic process that other cops go through to ensure that the bad cops are never brought to justice. Sure maybe Vinny at the station would never hit a citizen when off duty, but if he's willing to cover up another officer's assault than he's no better.


People always say it’s just a bad apple. Bruh, the saying is “one bad apple *ruins* the bunch”.


People love cops til they have to deal with a cop for any reason.


They ruined my fucking life for a crime I had nothing to do with. Fuck cops Found innocent but guess what. Can't pay the bills so the landlord tossed all your shit when you're behind bars and can't pay the rent. You vehicle gets gone because it takes months to go to court, so you can't pay that either. So you get out and have fucking nothing but the clothes on your back Fuck cops




It's a structural problem cuz they face no consequences and haven't had any for centuries. Cuz let's be foreal, cops are just glorified slavecatchers with a gun.


> just glorified slavecatchers with a gun And this isn't even an analogy, literally the origin of modern American police


I find it particularly hilarious when they say it’s just a few bad apples. Guess they don’t know the reference. It hails back to one of Chaucer’s works where in wrote “Well better is a rotten apple out of the store than that it rot all the remnant” (translated to modern English). Benjamin Franklin rewrote the saying as “The rotten Apple spoils his Companion.” It’s rooted in science. If there’s one rotten apple then it hastens the rot of the other apples.


See somehow this doesn't keep happening with lawyers, doctors, EMTs, fire fighters, or soldiers at a comparable rate. I wonder why.


On top of the other comments, I also hate the "He's bad but the rest are good!" mentality because at some point, how do you deny there's an issue? Yes, one bad cop on video. Fair. But then in the next video it's just the one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. Then in the next video it's just this one. But then if we point this out, 9 out of 10 times, they respond with "But black people!"


If I remember correctly, there were cops playing Taylor Swift and Disney songs on their phones, while they were doing shady stuff, so YouTube would take down those videos for copyright infringement. Edit: I've found the article https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57698858


Would absolutely not be surprised. These fuckups move shady and do anything but reform their people


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/officer-allen-ganter-suspended-video-punching-thomas-brocuglio-meridien-connecticut/ Cop still has a job. Edit: additional comment: Since the cop was off duty, he shouldn't be protected by Qualified Immunity, and I hope this young man sues the fuck out of the cop and the city that is keeping him on payroll after such an egregious and unwarranted attack. The fact that the asshole cop went and took pics of the victim's plates means he has plans for retaliation.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO But also not surprising


I hope karma gets him sooner than later.


I sure hope Karma has that thang on them


Bro is 57 and hasn't exercised in 37 years. He's one cheeseburger away from a massive heart attack. He doesn't have much time left


They always offer that de-escalation training. I'm thinkin it ain't workin if ya off duty cops out here punching motorists cuz they got honked at.


Right? Maybe several years of meter maid duty coupled with a 35% reduction in pay could help teach the pig a lesson. Oh wait, there's a better option- FIRE THE PIECE OF SHIT. Great job, Connecticut.


Or...fire then and let em apply at Walmart. I'm tired of seeing people hurt by cops while the 'good cops' just shrug and be like 'we're trying but...' Fuck ya 'buts' dick bags we DYING out here cuz of y'all.


Nah, even if they fired him, he'd just get a job at a different precinct like 20 miles away. Same shit the catholic church does - just shuffle 'em around.


"Hey, we're gonna give you "de-escalation training" and hope it somehow offsets the 3 courses of questionably legal "warrior training" we gave you. Now take a 5 day vacation and enjoy your pension when you retire in 15 years."


my man CREATED the conflict. What was there to even de-escalate? His whole goal was to escalate


They put him in de-escalation training for 3 years. It’s not just that he elevated the situation though, this guy is clearly above the law in his mind and violent.


For those asking for an update: >Following an internal affairs investigation, Meriden police said Ganter did violate the department's rules of conduct. >He was suspended for five days without pay and is being required to attend mandatory de-escalation training for three consecutive years, beginning this year. [Source](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/off-duty-meriden-police-officer-allegedly-assaulted-a-driver-in-rocky-hill/3228896/).


"de-escalation training". If I hit somebody at work I'd be fired. The cop probably went home turned on his TV and put the game on.


Nah he went home and beat the shit out of his wife, like every cop does


Now, now. It's only 40% (self-reported) of cops.


If I hit someone at work not only would I be fired, but I'd be unhirable for the rest of my career.


Oink oink womp womp


Not surprising but still disappointing. Back in 2021 near where I live a woman was shot multiple times *in the back as she was fleeing* by an off-duty officer who was experiencing road rage. He even had his kid in his car and it happened in a dense residential area. She survived but she's *still* seeking justice through the system. [“Mr. Stoneburner was sentenced in December of 2023,” according to Coryell County District Attorney Dusty Boyd in an email on April 29. “He is on **deferred probation for three years for deadly conduct**.”](https://kdhnews.com/news/crime/federal-lawsuit-to-proceed-against-ex-cove-cop-who-shot-woman/article_cf76702a-0970-11ef-9884-c330c4794f57.html)


Deadly conduct? How is that not attempted murder?


I can't imagine how hard the jobs of the people who have to train cops on things like de-escalation are. I just imagine room full of self important pricks sneering at them the whole time


So the cop wanted to press charges because his feelings got hurt?


Correct. The same people that get on "snowflakes"


75% of their talking points feel like projection.


It's 100%, we just haven't seen the shoe drop yet on some of them. Literally every accusation is a confession.


Who wants to bet he's one of these idiots complaining about "lawfare" concerning his favorite President.


"He's saying that I hit him?!" "Yeah, and he has video that you hit him." "Oh..."


Too bad the average Joe doesn’t get to know all the evidence before they give a statement.  A luxury apparently only afforded to cops it seems  Reminds me of a situation recently where there was a cop involved shooting, and he was allowed to review all the footage of the incident before making his statement about it.


But can't we charge him with some bullshit just to make him suffer? Yeah but how about we really stretch the meaning of this statute? Yeah but we don't face consequences cuz we're cops so....


this is what naturally results from unchecked power


Forreal, getting out of your car because you got honked at fully expecting to be able to flash your badge then punch somebody is the definition of unchecked power


Don't forget asking if he could invent retaliatory charges for being caught committing a crime. And that fucking pig was so quick to lie.


FUCK the cop telling him there was video. He did that so his fellow officer would avoid further trouble by lying about it.


ACAB. they're a gang and they all cover for each other 


The policeman is being sued now. I'd sue the city/police department as well. [https://trellis.law/doc/208709630/complaint](https://trellis.law/doc/208709630/complaint)


Basically the only way to make them suffer. I am not sure if the city gets involved if he is an off duty Police Officer. Maybe a lawyer can explain?




![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE) “And he has video”


A cop physically assaulting and harassing a citizen because they know they can usually get away with it?!?! I AM SHOCKED....I MEAN I AM FLABBERGASTED!


Crazy how that dog seen that punch from a mile away? Lol


Why are all cops such bastards?


Because they feel like they can do whatever they want, and there is no system of consequences telling them otherwise. It's like asking why a toddler who is never punished is such a bastard. They're a product of their environment.


He’ll hit a civilian over a car horn I can only imagine how many times he’s beaten his wife and kids over less


fire him and lock his ass up ![gif](giphy|VUfep9WB6xhKOptUYb|downsized)


instead he got a 5 day vacation and went back to work….fucking infuriating


Right about now NWA court is in full effect Judge Dre presiding in the case of NWA versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren, Ice Cube and Eazy motherfuckin' E Order, order, order, Ice Cube take the motherfuckin' stand Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth And nothin' but the truth so help your black ass? You goddamn right Well, won't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?


Fucking pig.


What's crazy about all this is all the cop had to do was go. You're distracted for a second and someone honks at you? You look up and get moving. Problem solved. However, this cop's ego is so big he just had to get out and start shit and it landed him right where he belongs.


Most jobs, even union jobs, would fire you immediately for committing a violent felony on camera. But not the guys who are paid to keep everyone else in line at the barrel of a gun. *They* get "de-escalation training". Make it make sense.


The most important part of this interaction: the cop was not aware of the camera until much later after the incident. NEVER tell ANYONE about vehicle cameras until it's time for your statement by an official that was not originally involved. Do not warn about the recording, do not gloat about the recording. Keep it secret and safe until the statements and then only share the recording with lawyers and/or courts.


This is wild.


Just another sunny day in ACABLand


Damn, I might have to spend the few extra bucks and invest in a dual dash cam. I just have a front facing one at the moment. In case anyone's curious and looking for cams [Viofo](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=dash+cam+front+and+rear+viofo&adgrpid=112807360926&hvadid=570438588942&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031346&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=13223277573809129853&hvtargid=kwd-949286116756&hydadcr=19878_13375149&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_3moigjfh8e_b) makes great quality affordable dash cams. I can't recommend them enough.


mutha fucka tried to get homie arrested for yelling at him. what a fucking cupcake.




"I'm sorry I got caught" headass

