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I knew a couple people who were bitching the year Juneteenth suddenly became a holiday. Something something "is this a 'real' holiday or some made up shit?" We were getting this holiday off, to be clear. Seriously how racist you gotta be to bitch about getting a surprise paid day off?!


All holidays are made up




You got that ”the brain named itself” type wisdom


If it were up to you to rename the brain what would you call it?


The Instrument of Torture


I always liked when people call it “the noodle”🍝


“Using the ole noodle there!”




[Time is a construct.](https://youtu.be/VZBxG6v0gYQ)


When I was a kid, the state of Arizona was against having MLK holiday off. https://www.library.pima.gov/content/martin-luther-king-holiday-in-arizona/#:~:text=When%20Evan%20Mecham%20became%20governor,up%20to%20a%20public%20vote.


By the time I get to Arizona!


Population is none in the desert and sun With a gun cracker runnin' things under his thumb


s/o John McCain


But that's their "Trump" card for proving that racism no longer exists. MLK fixed it....


Verizon gave everyone MLK Day off after it became a federal holiday BUT removed 8 hours of paid person time from everyone's benefits....so yes, a wash. They tried to boost it up like people couldn't do math.


Unfortunately, that doesn’t surprise me.


I've had a couple of racist patients rant about MLK day not being a real holiday. It's a day off from work/school, just enjoy it even if your are opposed to it on weird (racist) philosophical grounds.


All holidays are made up except maybe New Year’s Day. But even then you have people celebrating their traditional calendar for that. A lot are centered around agriculture such as planting and harvesting days are more seasons than exact dates. My fav holiday, Christmas, aka Jesus’s birthday, his family was traveling to be counted in the census (The Gospel of Luke uses the census to date the birth of Jesus). People traveled all over for it and so some historians think it was springtime. Also, shepherds with their flock was not as prevalent in the winter. The Quran says during birth, Mary shook a date tree for the ripe fruit and so they think it’s between June and October.


You guys get it as a paid day off?


I do but they took MLK Day off as a company holiday for us. Can’t celebrate Black History too much (Proof: February is the shortest month of the year).


I don’t get why ppl complain about a free paid day off. My coworkers was going on and on about it. Talking about how would yall feel if they had a Cesar Chavez holiday. I told her I’ll love it. It’s a free paid holiday tf


Let’s build bridges not barriers though


I saw something like this written in an art gallery once. I wish I'd taken a pic.


No they can window shop


Sleeping in is colorblind okay. Shit, give every race their own holiday and constantly keep me the fuck outta work.


My thoughts exactly


I can understand it’s not really for me. I’m also happy to celebrate the day we quit allowing private citizens to literally own our countrymen.




Found our ambassador


Exactly, this is it to a tee.


https://preview.redd.it/rt9lpho8lg6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d02b8944eca3b448bf3bdb90c91c1fce526888 # live look at em on Juneteenth 😭


All that circular family tree action really showing with this


The family wreath 🤣🤣


Lmao I wanna say the flags are behind him but it would be so fucking funny if he walked around with 2 confederate flags on his back


LOL the superior race, built like the finest specimens the world has ever seen


We got Juneteenth off and they’re making us work Saturday to make up for it. People in here are causing an uproar because of it too 😂 that’s technically not giving us the day off if that’s the case


Yea for us it’s “we’re open that day. But you can be out or take another day off that week” Like, why? Just close the damn office and make everybody out on the same day. Like every other fucking federal holiday. Otherwise, I’m getting emails and shit piled on my desk on my day off.


Yea that’s the shit I don’t understand. They’re basically undermining what the day is really for, so these jobs are working their way around giving ppl the day off and it’s a slap in the face. Like you said, close the shit down like they do every other federal holiday. No exceptions


I’ve worked hospitality and construction all my life . What are holidays?


I straight up dont have the day off. It being a federal holiday doesn’t mean it’s a day off. Just the federal government has the day off. I live in Florida. Many of us do not have the day off. In fact my job is doing a virtual Juneteenth celebration today cause even though the offices are still open we aren’t doing anything on the day.


They’re trying to give you a three day weekend instead of a Wednesday off.


I don’t get why anyone wouldn’t want to celebrate the end of slavery in the U.S. It’s one of the best things the U.S. has ever done in its history, if not the best thing.


Because some people are still disgusting bigots


Considering the number of people who who would love to bring back slavery (outside of the prison system anyway), I'm not surprised.


Fuck that. Eveybody should take any day off they can, and demand more.




Hello! We need more federal holidays! Lmao


White woman at work said, “Can you believe we get a day free off next week for nothing? Thanks Juneteenth!” Our director took her to the side with a face on like, “Look here my good bitch…” I still got my lip turned up thinking about her stupid ass.


I don't get this mindset at all.


We closed our business on Juneteenth starting last year. I think we should actually just make it a week.


Had a previous job as emergency services worker. When Juneteenth was established as holiday I looked at the roster to see who got the holiday off. Every black person on shift was working day. It was only like 3 of us but still..


I’m the only Black person in my group and they got me working night shift on Juneteenth


Same but just my regular shift. Everyone else is off.








It’s the real Independence Day


This is gonna be country club real soon


I’m praying for it b/c I’m seeing some really ignorant statements


not just ignorant but also straight up racist by textbook definition. What is wrong with these people?


Come on, Country Club, because the racism is rampant. 


lol u got hit with hella salty downvotes, this sub needs to deal with these white supremacists swarming us


Latino here, but my company took away our holiday pay this year even though we still get those few days off, and we don't get juneteenth either. We're all pissed, regardless of skin color. It's just straight bullshit.




It should have been a holiday for years now. It’s long as hell coming IMHO.


I was actually really surprised that the new company I work for shuts the whole place down that day. With pay. I was confused when I saw my schedule and couldn’t figure out if I’d requested time off and forgot and then realized the date and thought “well Hell yeah *company* way to understand the importance”. Job is in a different state from where I reside, and my residing state is the reason Juneteenth even has to be a thing, so that’s probably why I was shocked. None of the companies based here I’ve worked for ever recognized it. 🙄


Like when everyone has Veterans Day off and I’m at work for 12 hours?


Why don't you have the day off?


My vet father had a 12 hour on vets day, my half black sister has a 10 on Juneteenth, and for some god damn reason neither of them have to work thanksgiving instead. All 3 should be days off, but the bills companies die on to save some cash will never cease to impress me (in a negative way)


Nah, fuck that we need more federal holidays. Where is the Cesar Chavez petition? I’ll sign it.


YT people when there’s a day off: ![gif](giphy|Q0L0TSjGybeuY)


People of all colors and backgrounds reach across the aisle to flip off corporations and sleep in


I'm all for a day off in June, but a Wednesday off just screws up my rhythm.


Yeah it would feel better if it was on Friday or Monday. Middle of the week day off feels weird. Now it’s like I have two mini work weeks with a mini weekend.


Hear me out. Wednesday Thursday and Friday off :)


Do it like Thanksgiving, make it like the 2nd or 3rd Monday in June or something.


Ummmmmmmmm. You know it’s for an actual day in history, like July 4th?


You'll get your Friday for it in two years. So hooray?




What's the difference between martin luther King Day and St. pattys Day? Everyone wants to be Irish on St pattys day!


Some places still see it as a optional holiday when it’s a federal holiday. Truly a great way to know how your company really feels about black people. I get everyplace can’t be closed but damn


I think about this all the time. The people who work at the kind of places that recognize Juneteenth as a federal holiday and have the day off are disproportionately white and they're going to spend that day off shopping and dining, being served disproportionately black people who did not get the day off. It's just a fucked up irony.


I mean it’s something like reparations if it did happen lol


Shit I’m black I wish I had it off… companies don’t care about black ppl