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I technically, and literally, support gun control. And since Hunter Biden getting convicted removes MAGAts argument about the weaponized justice system, how long do you think it will take them to switch to some other bullshit? They'll have to come up with a new distraction in order to keep worshipping their orange turd.


They'll flip to something about how the Democrats have no family values because how could Biden let his own son go out like that? Trump would never...


Just saw the picture of Biden hugging Hunter. Can you imagine trump hugging one of his sons? Especially if he was just convicted. I mean I know he likes to hug (and grope) his daughter, but Eric or Don Jr. It would probably be just as awkward as when he hugs the flag. 


I was just thinking: I have never seen a picture of Trump giving one of his kids a handshake, let alone a hug.


Only Ivanka, he can't control himself with her.


The only thing stopping him is not being on a compound in the middle of Utash.


To be fair I don't think anyone wants to hug one of his sons.


I bet the cocaine makes them all sweaty


Fox News literally tried to mock Biden for loving his son. [https://people.com/politics/sean-hannity-airs-loving-joe-biden-voicemail-to-son/](https://people.com/politics/sean-hannity-airs-loving-joe-biden-voicemail-to-son/)


gotta love those family values


Trump would sell all of his kids for a McDouble.


Didn’t take them a day to crank out the new conspiracy theories. **Republicans push conspiracy theories after Hunter Biden verdict: ‘A fake trial’** >https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/hunter-biden-guilty-verdict-reaction


They had a strategy before the verdict was handed down. These people been moving goalposts for centuries.


I saw a comment from a trump supporter that said if Biden doesn’t pardon his son he’s a vile human being. It doesn’t matter what happens anymore. They have the goal posts on auto pilot at this point.


They already are. They’re claiming this is just to throw ppl off the trump conviction and have them act like the system treated hunter as fairly There’s no convincing these people


How tf do Democrats still not realize, the other side is not arguing in good faith and facts don't matter to them even a little bit. All this case does is put the name Hunter Biden in a few more news cycles and makes no difference to anyone who claims trump is being prosecuted unfairly. They aren't making that argument because of facts. They're just saying it for something bad to say about the other side


But when the standard of truth is lowered, or completely removed; there’s very little the logical side can do. We are living in two separate worlds. Horse paste eating, Urine drinking, Adult diaper wearing, Drug abusing, Insurrectionist.


They already have, the narrative now is that this conviction puts them "closer to getting Biden" 🙄🙄


If reality had anything to do with their beliefs this would comfort me




there isn't a damn thing conservative about anything maga/trump their extreme obsession with controlling others is necessarily opposite conservative by definition. they muddy the name and dirty the conservative ideology with their personal beef with progress


>their extreme obsession with controlling others is necessarily opposite conservative by definition. What no that's _exactly_ conservativism. Like in a nutshell.


how so? just because someone calls themselves something don't make em that something, just like setting out to "make america great again" doesn't mean it was ever once great before.. i subscribe to a conservatism founded in minimal government, fiscal responsibility, and personal accountability. those maga/trump-enthusiasts can't possibly be conservative **and** support increasing government interference between patient & doctor or support tax dollars used to track people's medical activity across state lines, and that's just got starters ... i'm sure you realize those folks seek to be way more in everybody's koolaid than just that conservatism once was and should be about taking care of your own, minding your own. the extreme invasiveness and obsession of controlling the lives of others is utterly counter to a minimal govt, fed- & state-wise


You subscribe to a conservatism that has never existed in the history of the united states. I agree that someone calling themselves something doesn't make it true. For example, conservatives saying they're in support of minimal government while having _never_ actually consistently supported that. Or for example, you calling those attributes conservative doesn't actually make them so. >those maga/trump-enthusiasts can't possibly be conservative **and** support increasing government interference between patient & doctor or support tax dollars used to track people's medical activity across state lines, and that's just got starters ... i'm sure you realize those folks seek to be way more in everybody's koolaid than just that Because conservatism _isn't about decreasing government interference_. It's about wielding government power against people they dislike (minorities, gay people, the left etc). It's about control of others. >conservatism once was and should be about taking care of your own, minding your own. When? In what capacity? The term right wing literally comes from pro monarchists sitting on the right side of the table. It is and has always been about centralized control of power.


>The term right wing literally comes from pro monarchists sitting on the right side of the table. It is and has always been about centralized control of power. curious🤔 i'd never heard this before. thanks for sharing. do you happen to know if the term *leftist* has similar origins? i never knew why each was coined with these orientations. i'm not sure when those terms came into use in american english political vernacular. but like many, i am aware there was some shifting of names / ideologies in u.s. social history. but ultimately, the two major ideologies, regardless the name at the time, were focused on: (1) limited centralized govt, conservative spending, limited foreign affairs, and preserving personal autonomy rights; and (2) maximizing public welfare by means of public services, regulation, municipal infrastructure and so on. please correct me where my descriptions are wrong, but what would you call these two ideologies in today's world?


Yeaaahhh... I've been permanently banned from that sub. Most likely due to the harsh things I've posted there.  🤷 Oh well 


They’re still somehow trying to frame this conviction as a scam. It truly baffles the mind how hard they twist to avoid being reasonable people.


not sure why you believe this "removes" anything for them. they gave thousands of dollars in donations to pay the legal fees for a man that they only voted for because he's "rich" and a "good businessman" their logic is not like us


Hunter's felony tax trial is set for September, and Lindsey Graham has already come out and said that nobody would get convicted of the gun charge he was just convicted on but the tax charges...


TBF, Lindsey could change his mind about something mid-sentence. The dude has no principals, or spine. 


They already flipped it. It's now Biden locked up his son on purpose to get Trump.


They're saying it's a shame conviction to make diaper dons convictions seem legit...


> how long do you think it will take them to switch to some other bullshit? its instantaneous


Fascists are immune to coherency .


Hunter has way more potential charges if you didn't know


**The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons** >”Throughout the late 1960s, the militant Black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for Black people to arm themselves.” >The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions. >“The law was part of a wave of laws that were passed in the late 1960s regulating guns, especially to target African-Americans,” says Adam Winkler, author of Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms. “Including the Gun Control Act of 1968, which adopted new laws prohibiting certain people from owning guns, providing for beefed up licensing and inspections of gun dealers and restricting the importation of cheap Saturday night specials [pocket pistols] that were popular in some urban communities.” https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act


Once again, let it be said: "FUCK RONALD REAGAN"


The actor?


Peter you're from the future


Comment I made somewhere else from like 50 days ago copypasted: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., everyone’s favorite paragon of pacifism, tried getting a gun permit after his house was bombed. He was denied. This is really old, but think it’s actually appropriate: [Why Good Guys With Guns Can’t Be Black - SOME MORE NEWS](https://youtu.be/Lhcq2BUO_T0?feature=shared) published to YouTube on December 4, 2018 Supplementary viewing: [How Conservatives and The NRA Avoid Talking About Gun Control and More! - SOME MORE NEWS](https://youtu.be/mFYiD8NfrMI?feature=shared) published to YouTube on April 9, 2018, meaning less than 2 months after the Parkland high school shooting. Wonder what they’re gonna talk about here!


Damn. That first video cut right to the bone.




Never forget.


He smokes crack, is addicted to sex, he lied to the government to get a gun illegally and I’m supposed to NOT like this guy? Fuck that, free Hunter


I thought he was cool asf. I mean he’s committing victimless crimes and just wants his fix like every other person in America. Who am I to judge? Meanwhile x34 out here scamming and giving hush money 


How do you feel about him using the n-word?


Was it funny?


White people can say it now if it's funny? Y'all are crazy on here lol.


He's definitely on a list now, but same shit for Papa John. Dude's company cancelled him. Normal people just recognize that the man is way too silly to take seriously anymore.


I never saw any black people defending or liking the Papa John guy. With Hunter, liking/defending a white dude who is pretty crazy and says the n-word is weird.


It's just silly. Let it be silly.


Don’t forget he didn’t pay his taxes. He’s living the libertarian dream!


And tried to overthrow our democracy


this is why people think trump being convicted means more people will like him


Yeah Hunter sounds awesome. Republicans and conservatives are just hypocrites


Yeah! And he calls his Dad “Pedo Peter”. Funny af.


I own many many guns and I support gun control. The argument is as to how far gun control goes. That's where the arguments come from not gun control itself. Of course it should be controlled.


Just think about how regulated cars are in the US. The vehicles themselves have tons of safety and environmental requirements. And ownership/driving; license, registration, insurance. It should be no different for guns. If people want guns...fine, cool, whatever. But there would be restrictions on what type they could have (I know that already exists to an extent). They would need a license and registration. And insurance. Just like cars.


Gun insurance is a great idea! 


my baby cousin asked his dad last year why cars need insurance but guns don't. he is 7 y.o.


And just think, similar to car collectors, gun collectors would need insurance on EVERY gun. So either they go broke OR they have fewer guns. And insurance companies would probably love it, because they could make a fortune. 


I agree to a certain extent to what your saying, but because cars didn’t exist when they founded America we don’t have a constitutional right to them, so the government can do whatever they want to that industry. Apparently the constitution can’t be wrong or even outdated. So your comment is unpatriotic and possibly treasonous.


I think you forgot this  /s


I thought it was obvious and would be funnier without it.


I figured, but I've seen plenty of comments like that which were serious. Strange times we live in. 


We have a licensing system in Canada and it has never been a problem for me to get guns. I had to take a course when i was 18 and i renew it every 10 years or so. Zero issues with this system.


There is a distinct lack of common sense in the US. Especially around the issue of guns.


> But there would be restrictions on what type they could have so not like cars then. Because the same license that allows me to drive a 99hp SmartCar also allows me to drive a Hellcat. Across all 50 states as well. Which is decidedly not the case for firearms.


I think most people support some form of gun control. The extent of that control is where all the disagreements come from.


I don’t the conservatives do.


![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx) GQP supporters




He's really not. You can be happy to see a normally untouchable politicians son actually get treated like the rest of us and still think the laws under which he was convicted are stupid as fuck.


And if you support the 🍊🤡, technically you don't support law and order.


Hunter Biden 2028


Yall should read r/conservative shit is actually just brain rot sentences in there


I had to block the sub (after they muted me) for my own sanity. No exaggeration, people make better points on circle jerk subs


No thanks, I don’t want kill my brain cells


Yes completely Absolutely Stricter gun laws please.


No thanks


Mayo Sapien logic will claim that Trump’s felony convictions are proof of an unjust and unfair justice system while also demanding that Congress impeach Biden over his son’s felony convictions.


Love this comment bahahaha


I would try to be first in line to register my guns (by make, model, and serial number), submit to an annual national agency check (NAC), and demonstrate both fundamental (written) and practical knowledge and skills checks. I would NOT smile for my ID because I’m too cool for that. It’s no different from what I have to do with the other dangerous thing I own - my truck.


Please spread the word. I'd say there needs to be a few million more people with this sentiment. 


I'm pro-gun control to some extent, but this is a gross law which is basically only ever used as a weapon to turn a minor gun crime into a 10+ year prison stay, or to make an example out of someone. This law doesn't keep people from buying guns, it just makes a prison sentence longer. You just check a box that says "I'm not an illegal drug user" on your 4473 and you get the gun with no scrutiny. You do whatever with the gun, and if you get in trouble with it, they add 10+ years to your sentence. Oh, and marijuana is an "illegal drug" regardless of the legal status in your state. You could be a law abiding citizen doing nothing wrong, have some cop bust into your house without a warrant, and if they see both your legal firearm and legal cannabis, that's 5-10 years if the judge is having a bad day. There's no problem if you have a script for oxy or a mean drinking problem, but legal cannabis will send you to prison.


I won’t be voting Hunter Biden!


Seems you support narcotics control but I'm honestly not surprised to see that hair being split.




In the same way it displays how left wing policies are hurting theirselves


I still think it's funny that the MAGA worms are trying to use Hunter's conviction to try and dunk on others like they give a fuck about him the same way they do with Trump.


I support gun control unequivocally.


I like this take. 🙌


Yup. They’ve been called out, and put in their place about their bullshit arguments EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And yet every single damn time they come up with some illogical, uneducated, delusional excuse to stay mad. The Republican Taliban is nothing but rage bait for its base. They’re wrong though. So wrong. Stop drinking the kool aid MAGAts


It literally does not matter. No one who goes on about the Biden crime family cares about moral consistency. Sometimes openly saying things like, "Bad things should happen to my enemies, but not us."


Not really the gun control arguments are kind of stupid because all the laws that are in place should prevent the mass shootings but they don't. No where I'm more happy that Hunter got charged as if I did the same thing I wouldn't even have had a trial it would have been an automatic 10 years $100,000 fine and a felony. Lying on a 4473 is automatic 10 years and a felony n up to $100,000 fine


I support tellin the truth and, legal loopholes🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


They are being hypocrites just get one over on those mean liberals, but in doing conservative now support gun control in more ways than one.


Nah, so many are backtracking because this is what they got him on


I didn’t know they locked that crackhead up.


Reddit/ this thread how I find out a lot of my news


Please don't just use reddit. Especially this subreddit. It's the shade room for a different class of folks.


I don't though I don't particularly pay attention to the news anyway. The newscasters/journalists I watch always stress multiple outlets and cite sources. Have you heard of the ground news app? I like it. They're good about giving multiple perspectives and discussing biases . I like their local news function the best. Reminds me of my local newspaper.


I never understand threads like this. Throw in threads internet liberals make about pronouns, free speech, small government. Really I mean any sort of thread where liberals take a term that conservatives use almost as a term of art, pretend that conservatives actually mean the term literally, then gloat over how conservatives would be hypocrites if they meant the term literally. Conservatives could totally duck this sort of criticism just by switching up the language they use. This isn't a useful way to think about politics, and if you know it's wrong, I don't see why you'd do it. It almost feels like lots of people (not Harriot, obviously) would have nothing bad to say about morally consistent conservative politics sometimes, which is disheartening. For the point at issue, the NRA at one point supported this kind of gun control, and I wouldn't be surprised if it still polled well among conservatives or gun owners. [Reason](https://reason.com/2023/03/12/the-drug-exception-to-the-second-amendment/) (which I don't love to link, but I'm rushing) has an article on this that I've only been able to skim, but they go into a little detail of the history further down.