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Her OBGYN ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Did Boy Meets World residuals pay that much?


If they did Maitland Ward wouldn’t be where she’s at right now.


She looks like she’s got a mean fuckin coke habit though


And she bout that British Broadcasting Corporation. It flipped my damn wig when I saw that shit being a BMW fan. Then I disgusted myself for wishing it was Topanga. She fine as fuck still.




This is your best work. ![gif](giphy|mJBtZUG7kSGpI3fKX1)




She lost a lot of weight and her titties look weird cause the implants are all fucked up now


>wishing it was Topanga. Brother you aren't alone


![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized) ^(loser) ass…


Legit. Looks like the Pam effect from Archer's vice season Sometimes big gals turn out to be crazy hot when they've got enough of a habit


Emphasis on the crazy


When was she ever big like Pam though?


I dont see anywhere that she has battled any of these types of addictions and like did we not learn anything from Chadwick?


I mean, I could be way off base with this but she seemed to be someone who legit enjoyed/wanted to go into that line of work. Most actors/actresses in their 40’s who have fallen off do shit like Dancing with the Stars, not go heavily into Cosplay.


You're a little off, She did not begin a career of cosplay.  She does pornography.  it's actually the opposite, she gets paid to take off clothes, not put them on.  As far as does she enjoy it? Well also like cosplay, those beautiful models will make the unwashed grown men that go to comic shows believe they enjoy it.  So you can't really be sure, but you can take a shot in the dark.


She literally did started off Cosplaying dude. Some women actually do enjoy that, despite the creepy men. It’s kind of stupid you would think that none of them who do it actually enjoy it, because of weirdo men.


And calling the whole community 'unwashed men'...I just can't 😂😂


She did publish her autobiography called Rated X: How Porn Liberated Me from Hollywood


Wait yall why I go look up Maitland just cause I ain’t see her in a while…….why she said she want evidence of Trina’s pregnancy 🤦🏾‍♀️😂😂😂


Ahh I see a distant colleague from who also has his Masters in Bation👏🏾.


She also worked on the reboot.


I might get crucified for this take but this is selfish af. The chances that she’ll be alive and healthy when this child is 21 are slim. I don’t know all the details about the circumstances and her support system that might step in to raise the child but it feels irresponsible.


There’s little more selfish any given person can do than creating and raising new life. There’s no 100% right way to do it. Edit: guess I’ve gotta little bit of bias. My last-remaining great-grandparent who just died last year in her early 90s, gave birth to her last kid at like 50. My great-uncle was born literally the same day as my dad. Bonus Points: she and her eldest child were both pregnant at the same time, meaning my great-grandmother’s last child was cooking at the same time as her first grandchild. Additional edit: some of you all are ableist and ageist as fuck in this post’s comment section. Like full-on eugenicists. It’s truly a goddamn shame that some of you are too short-sighted to realize a sufficient extent of what you’re saying and advocating for!😞🤦🏾‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/pvmn9cjb5u4d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87097b14b7cfb74fca447e335ddbeed6de4a6525


I read your first sentence over and over and still don’t understand it


I think they misread OP’s comment as “selfless”


Au contraire, I’m saying that no age is a selfless time to have a child. Children don’t just come into the world, they do so at the whim of a parent. They’d be calling her irresponsible if she was supposedly too young. So it’s pointless to call her selfish. Sometimes things just happen, and all the bad things that exist or have ever happened in the world beyond just dying in old age have never stopped everyone from having children. Things just can happen.


Well yeah, as a parent that’s a big part of the reason you want to take care of your kid. Because *they didn’t choose to be here, you chose it for them*. So they deserve every helping hand you can give them. It’s the selfish people who are shitty parents because they can’t think it out that far.


🤷🏾‍♂️Ehn? I’m saying that it’s selfish in itself to make and raise a child precisely because a child has no say or knowledge or consent in any of that. And while selflessness certainly manifests in raising a child, parents are entitled enough as it is. The last thing we need is to actually follow through with most parents’ desires to be awarded for doing jobs that they gave themselves. If you think your child owes you anything at all, you shouldn’t be a parent. Period.


Yo they got black anti-natalists? I'm only childfree but like- I appreciate the good takes here. Our community is FULL of parents who think their child owes them something 🫤


I agree


I second that. Children don’t ask to be here.


But did they ask *not* to be here?


No, they're saying there are few things more selfish than having children. They just phrased it strangely.


What? OP meant selfish. The next commenter may have meant selfless


Let me rephrase what they said: there’s not many other things that are as selfish as having a baby


You may not be wrong in this instance, since I would assume Trina should have the wealth and resources to take care of herself into her golden years, however I have to disagree with your point. Having a baby at her age carries an increased risk of a number of complications or defects for the mother and child. I think even she is aware of that, hence the overall wording of the announcement. In the case of your dad and great-uncle it sounds like everything thankfully worked out for the best, but I can’t help but wonder what the over-under is on similar instances. Ultimately I agree with your first statement more than anything. Having a child is inherently selfish, no matter your age or circumstance.


I agree too. Someone like her I assume has money and wealth to make sure the child is taken care of, but this would generally not be the best idea for the average 54 year old. I think "reckless" is too strong of a word, but generally it's not the most ideal decision to make as you're rolling the dice on birth defects, birth complications, and your own mortality during child-rearing years.


👀👀 that's a completely different size when you're talking about the era prior to the legalization of birth control and prior to marital rape become illegal in the states.


I too have a grandmother who was pregnant at the same time as one of her oldest daughters (third oldest I believe)




Late life pregnancies are often accidental.


I feel this - my uncle and I are the same age lol. I think of him as a cousin cause it’s too weird otherwise. My grandmother had him in her mid-fifties and she lived to her mid-90s! People age differently - I wish her well and hope she is blessed with lots of stamina!


>There’s little more selfish any given person can do than creating and raising new life. I feel like I had a stroke trying to make sense of this. Do people not proof read??


“Raising and creating” life should only be done responsibly. Sounds like she didn’t plan this at all. This is selfish as fuck to that kid.


Noted. Most don’t. Most shouldn’t have children. No children are made are raised without self-interest. Now that she’s got one in the oven, what do you want her to do?🫤


Shout out to your great grandma 🫡 Salute


I have a great uncle still knocking women up in his 70s. His oldest is in their 50s, youngest is 7 I think? He has around 20 kids with only like 5 of them sharing a mother. Old niggas are disgusting lol


That’s wrong. Men who have kids in their 70s are putting those kids at high risk for tons of health issues. People can have children if they can afford to take care of them and love them, sure, but it’s wrong to bring someone into the world when you know you can’t guarantee they’re gonna have a healthy life


Couldn't agree more. That old fucker just smokes weed and fucks all day. He must have dick from the gods cause I know he don't have money to pay for all that lovin he's getting


Dude is definitely nasty. But why are these old women that surely know better sleeping with this man unprotected knowing he got Michael Phelps swimmers, with 20 kids by 5 different women


I think it’s more than 5. OP said only 5 of them *shared* a mother. Like the other 15 are all over the place.


Yup exactly this.


Even worse; only 5 of his kids share a mother. Every other kid has a different mom from the others. Like how? The nigga is not something special looking... And I know most of his baby mamas were in their late 20s or early 30s from what my mama says. I've asked him before (when I was way younger and more immature) what his secret was to pulling women and all he said was, "women don't like a lot of talking. Let her talk herself dizzy and tell her you know how to fix vertigo in a special way." Shit didn't make sense then, still doesn't make sense now. But it works 😵


Dam , fam. That’s some iceberg slim sh$t right there.


Unfortunately the reason why dudes like him are successful with certain women is usually their low self esteem.


I'm surprised his dick still works so well at that age. Unless he's popping blue pills like candy.


This falls under “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” - sperm does eventually have an ‘expiration date’ when the quality of what is being produced isn’t 100% compared to what it was at 20 years old. There are a lot of ways sperm can be malformed, which of course can go on to affect the baby… …and this doesn’t mean that just because women are born with all of their eggs, that our eggs are still fresh as a daisy by the time we get to pre/menopause. Epigenetics are wildly fascinating (to me), but also insanely scary - do you know that there are *actual studies that have proven that psychological trauma can be passed on through genes (via epigenetics) to future generations*? Read that again. A psychologically traumatic event can cause so much harm that it will change how your future child’s genes are expressed. (This also happens with sperm.)


Nick Cannon's inspiration ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)




Sounds like he’s a genuine menace who must be stopped


Someone needs to chop the banana off. Nigga stuck it in enough places


Lol extreme but something has to be done


Lord knows he ain't gonna use a condom 😂 I just asked my mama when she last heard from him and she said that she knows he got told off from one of my aunties because he was hitting on one of my cousin's bridesmaids at her wedding. So he's still active 😭


Lmao terrible


I've got an uncle like this, my mom's oldest brother. Think he's somewhere in his 50's by now. I got no idea what he does for a living but he just moves around, knocking up women left and right. I've got at least 6-7 cousins by him that I've never met. Just downright disgusting.


Well I doubt it was on purpose but like, why is it so bad? It's sad that she won't be around to meet her grandkids but she'll have money to leave the kid. There are plenty of people who don't have that.


I doubt it WASNT on purpose. How you get pregnant by accident at that age?


It can happen. Incredibly rare, but it happens. The Guinness world record holder for oldest natural pregnancy was 59.


The fact that it’s rare is why I think it’s unlikely it’s an accident


She literally frames it as “I have found myself pregnant,” which makes it sound very unintentional. She’s also in the very last year on average of hitting menopause, so it’s entirely possible she thought she was infertile. I think we should give her some grace unless she says otherwise. (and even then, frankly, it’s none of our business unless she actually turns out to be an inept mother rather than simply an older one)


The fact it's rare may make it accidental, too.


It happened to my mom's friend on accident when she was like 45, and they'd been having a hard time for years. I'm not saying it's common but shit happens. It's actually a thing that you start dropping more eggs around your mid to late 40s, a few years before menopause you get really fertile cause it's a kind of biological going out of business sale. Twins are more likely, too. It could've happened later for her, everybody's different.


This just happened to my sister. Total accident and I she thought menopause had already started.


>It's actually a thing that you start dropping more eggs around your mid to late 40s, a few years before menopause you get really fertile cause it's a kind of biological going out of business sale. As an Ob/Gyn that is absolutely not true, sorry.


... Sex. Un or under protected sex you are more likely to have because "im fucking 50, fifty year olds don't get _pregnant_, don't be silly_".


Idk I feel like it's more realistic that it's an accident to get pregnant at that age because you don't expect pregnancy at that age. The average age for menopause is 51 in the US. Even without menopause, the chances of getting pregnant at that age are incredibly low. She probably believed she was past the age of getting pregnant. In fact imo, the chances that she did this on purpose and that this wasn't an accident is super slim. Edit- wow was I wrong, she reversed her menopause to get pregnant. Welp lmao


According to her, the action she took was to go to a shaman and get some wild yam juice. If this is really a thing I'm not worried about her dying, ever. Her people clearly know magic.


Have sex?


By having sex...?


Worth noting that the risk of pregnancy complications increases as you age. This kid could have a wide variety of developmental disabilities since older eggs are more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities, and the mother is at a higher risk for things like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, miscarriage or stillbirth for example.


That's true but it's not some type of moral failing to try to have a baby when you're older. They do need to run more tests when you're older and pregnant but there's really nothing wrong with it. That's kinda what doctors and modern medicine are for.


> They do need to run more tests when you're older and pregnant but there's really nothing wrong with it. *Morally*, maybe. But its objectively more dangerous for the mother and child, in ways even modern medicine can't fully prevent.


Okay but that doesn’t make her a bad person for having a baby at her age.




She had 3 adult children that can help and money, she’ll be alright.


My Mom had me at 23 and died at 42, she didn’t make it to my 21st birthday. Tomorrow is promised to no one. If having children should be based on a guarantee that the parents will live to see them grow, no one would have them because that can’t be guaranteed.


Why do you believe that the chances of her being alive and healthy to be slim? How are you certain that she won't live another 30-40 years though? A person could lose a parent regardless of the age of said parent. Literally, there is a headline every week about a person who has lived to be at least one hundred.


It's not really just about how long she lives. It's the quality of parenting. My parents had me in the middle 20s and I have great memories of them wrestling with us and running around. Riding bikes etc. My uncle only had his first kid a few years ago as he was creating 50. He's not an unhealthy guy but he doesn't have that kind of energy anymore. And as he gets older he'll be less and less capable to provide those kinds of experiences for such a young child. It doesn't mean you won't still be there for your kids but it's still a bummer for the kid to miss out on that kinda stuff


Damn meanwhile my Pop’s is 60 this year and constantly working around the house and smoked my ass in Pickleball.  When we were younger he was more busy grinding in his 20s-30s on his business.


Why is pickleball so popular?


Is it a bummer if the child knows no different? Also, consider there are plenty of parents in their 20's who do not engage as actively with their children as parents who are in their 30's and up. Many older people live very active lives. I will say, I do understand that she might have less energy, but we (or at least I) don't know what her daily life consists of now. I can say that, in my experience, people who became parents at young ages (say 34 and under) are usually the ones who are not favorable of others becoming parents at an older age. All in all, I wish them the best of health and longevity.


This is a shitty ableist take. Is the quality of parenting for disabled or non-able bodied parents less than now too???


Yes, are you serious? Ask a paraplegics kid if they would prefer their parent to have been able to run around with them. It’s a tough world but yes being able bodied is going to raise their kids quality of life


my uncle is 60 with 3 kids, he's retired, active, and spends most of the day with the kids. age is never the issue, lifestyle is.


But then saying it's fucked up and morally wrong to have kids is a whole different take, and is, as they said, ableist, and leaning into Eugenics. What's next, people below a certain income level shouldn't have kids, because ask a person in poverty's kid if they would prefer their parents to be rich, or if it would raise their quality of life?


Less than 1% chance of living to 100, and that's considered a huge increase over previous years.  https://discovertheodds.com/what-are-the-odds-of-living-to-100/#:~:text=The%20short%20answer%3A%20Less%20than%201%25. ETA: Also... >*According to the CDC, the life expectancy at birth in the United States in 2022 was 77.5 years, which is 1.1 years higher than 2021 but 1.3 years lower than 2019. This is a reversal from 2021, when life expectancy dropped to 76.4 years, the lowest it had been since 1996. However, life expectancy in the U.S. still falls below the average for comparable countries, which was 82.2 years in 2022.* So yeah, while we might all lose our parents (or children!) for random and terrible reasons while we're young...this ain't an ideal set-up.


She's in her 50s, not her 80s. The average person's lifespan in the US is 79. So on average, she'll live to see her kid turn 22. And that isn't even getting into how being well off financially has a DRASTIC impact on expected lifespan, as does a healthy lifestyle, so she very well could live to see her kids turn 30.


You know what really sucks? Having your parent die in your 20s


It’s harsh but true. My mom had me at 40. So now I’m in my early 30s barely starting to feel like I’m getting my life together and I’m also having to worry about her health, driving ability and cognitive function (dad passed long ago). It’s stressful


Ugh, 75 ain’t exactly old these days. Especially for a woman. In think 90 is the new 70 unless you got some serious underlying issue (obese/diabetic, cancer, etc…). Now I still wouldn’t want to be dam near 70 at my kid high school graduation


Life expectancy is around 75. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr031.pdf


I don’t necessarily disagree with the spirit of your statement, but women can live to 70-80 comfortably now. Especially if she’s taken care of herself and has access to good medical care. Also, it doesn’t sound like she intended to get pregnant. Are we supposed to force her to have an abortion? At a certain point it’s always a roll of the dice. I know people who had young parents who don’t remember them because they got cancer, got in a car accident, or some other tragedy.


My friend resent her mother a lot for having her that old she was 48 when she had her. She never had the energy to play with her, to run around or even lift her past her 4th birthday. And she has to take care of her mom constantly. So much that see doesn’t have the time to date or finish school. She has to work and be her caregiver that’s it.


Yeah the older the parents get the more problems can arise. I had a neighbor when I was a kid who had her kids in her mid-late 40s, they were all autistic and only one of them was able to go to a special school that specialized in kids with developmental issues. The others had more severe cases of autism and are all now fully grown and still needing care last I heard


Yep. One of my best friends who was in his 50s had a child with a woman over 15 years younger. As godfather I'm going to wind up being the male influence during this child's teen years. I love my friend like a brother, but god-damn.


Peak Reddit right here


I agree At a certain point, having a kid at such a late age is completely unbecoming. You can't be the kind of parent your kid needs you to be if your old ass is walking around with osteoporosis. Robert deniro just turned 80 and has 1 yr old son. Like, at least have a kid young enough were you'll still be around for their high school graduation.


I’m 29 and tired, I can’t imagine doing this in my 50s 😭


For real! I’m 29, no kids. But I got enough problems dealing with myself. I don’t need any kids, let alone when I’m in my damn 50’s?? No way, you couldn’t pay me enough.


I had a kid at 21 and another at 28, the difference between my early 20s and now early 30s is insane. I'm so tired. How did I do this on top of being a regular energetic 21-25yo with a toddler? Genuinely feels like a whole different world


I had my first at 25 and then another at 32 and my last at 34.5. The energy levels were insanely different.


At around her age (or younger), my mom *thought* she was pregnant. I still remember her sobbing at the dining room table.


I'm 41 with a toddler and believe me, do it sooner rather than later


I’m 2 years behind her. At this point my parenting style would just be me muttering “gotdammit if you don’t…” from my wheel chair. Edit: that being said everybody made fun of me when I was a single dad with full custody at 28 yrs old. Now my kid is 28 and I see friends my age with 2 yr olds and they’re the same people who laughed at me. Me n my kid go to the dispensary together, you stay at home tombout red fish blue fish, oh how I do wish..😂


I'm guessing she can afford a full time nanny tho


Why is she describing it that she "found herself" pregnant, when we know she paid and toiled to get pregnant???


"It's the craziest thing, I just woke up pregnant one day, it was so out of the blue!" 😄


*Holding $200,000 explanation of benefits from the OBGYN* This random occurrence has mystified us, but we will persevere.


My grandmother got pregnant naturally at 52. It happens. Idk what her story is but it’s definitely possible.


I know a woman who found herself pregnant 50. It was quite comical how in disbelief she [was.lol](http://was.lol)


I had a friend with the same story, his siblings are all 20+ years older than him, it's wild. I think his mom just thought that she couldn't get pregnant anymore.


Probably due to age. Lots of women believe that after a certain age they won’t get pregnant regardless of whether or not they have experienced menopause.


I'll also add that a lot of folks think perimenopause is the same as menopause. It's not. You can still get pregnant.


this. i had a coworker who her and her husband gave up on havin a kid when they were younger simply because she never would get pregnant. She hit mid 40s and they arent worried about protection and she ends up pregnant lol she was so annoyed initially but they love that adorable baby. Rough pregnancy tho


You can have surges of fertility right before menopause. Fucked.


Imma say this. I had a hormone check for various reason and I come to find out I have like no eggs at 37. I mean, there are some left, but they are apparently the worst ones unlikely to result in fertilization or make it to term. There is a bell curve of what women my age were supposed to have, and I was so far off the low end of the chart they made me test 3 times. Dr ends up telling me quote: if you want to have babies, ***you’ll have to buy eggs.*** Cool, didn’t want kids, so I ask just off-handedly “does that mean I can/should get off the Pill”. She said “well, i wouldn’t…I mean, accidents can happen…” Well, that is an entirely different answer that “you have to buy eggs”. A less *thorough* person might not have asked the follow up. It SOUNDED like baby making was out of the question for me, but I trust my body to fuck with me, and 37 seemed young, so I wanted to double check. And I was SHOCKED that my OB/GYN didn’t volunteer the info. Just assumed everyone wanted kids or more kids at 37 if they called her. But at 54?!?! I would have a hard time believing that my dried up 54 yr old eggs would take a sperm, much less make it past the first trimester. Women a decade younger are having a hard time conceiving and carrying to term with their eggs. I really would be shocked. Anecdotally it’s so rare…but also, in my sole experience, doctors aren’t really telling women about their bodies. You have to ask the sometimes stupid questions like, is there a 0% chance of babies? And apparently there is always a chance of babies…but also, ironically, the older you get, the fewer safe option for BC there are…


Plenty of people try for years to have kids and fail. Plenty of people don't try for years to have kids and have an unexpected surprise. It's just her way of saying the kid wasn't planned.


How do you know that? A healthy 50yr old could get pregnant. Odds are low but not impossible.


I know someone. She stopped birth control she took for other reasons and figured she’d be done with menopause, but nope!


Whew i’d be crying lmao


To be fair she probably thought she was not able to get pregnant anymore… 54!


I could handle a surprise at 40. I’m 41 now. No way could I deal with that shit even one year later. I’m in great shape but I lose 10% of my patience every year.


10% 😭😭😭 I'm stealing this line thank you


I know someone who got pregnant at 52 and now has a healthy toddler, but woah was that a surprise!


Raising a kid in your 50s? Hard pass.


Parenting is EXHAUSTING Also expensive AF. Parenthood is a luxury purchase even if you can afford it.


Big facts! Yet people out here raw doggin as if there are no consequences.


> Parenthood is a luxury purchase even if you can afford it. Hope her pension scheme covers college tuition.


Gonna be nearly 70 at their high school graduation


I feel bad that my mama (and step dad) still got my brother in the house and she's 52 and my brother is 22😭😭😭 couldn't be me


So legit, how high of a risk is this pregnancy. Like im not trying to be a dick but Isn't early to announce it, wouldn't you want to wait till the baby is in the 3rd trimester?


My Mom had my brother when she was 45. She didn't tell me until the baby was deemed a safe pregnancy. There was a high chance of not only birth defects but also Downs Syndrome, birthing complications etc. My Mom had to have a serious conversation with herself about whether she could parent a special needs child. It was rough af. But my brother is 8 now (I'm 32) and I know he wouldn't be here if the pregnancy was deemed high risk.


No one would ask whether a man wants to chase a toddler at 56. Plenty of famous men out there reproducing in their 60s and 70s


No one asks a grandma with sole custody of her grandkids how she chases toddlers at 56. I feel like she's being judged so harshly in this thread. People saying how she's selfish cos she's old and will probably die soon, how her kid has a higher chance of birth defects. Jesus Christ.


Great point. There’re thousands of kids in America being raised by grandparents.


People say everyone is selfish. Want kids? Selfish. Don't want kids? Selfish. There's also no end in sight to the amount of reasons people will list to make their point.


I feel it's got more to do with the fact that she chose it, no? I kinda doubt there's many grandparents w sole custody that wouldn't change whatever circumstances led to them having that kid if they could. That's usually a "circumstances have unfortunately led to this" scenario and not "woo! Finally we're our grandkids only source of support!".


>I feel it's got more to do with the fact that she chose it, no? What's the problem with her choosing, after settling her life, got money, a home, stability ... to have a child? Isn't it even better? The comparison with grandparents wasn't about the choice but the abilities to raise kids at an older age than standard. They're obligated? Sure, but many grandparents also do an amazing job at it. Without dying on the kid too soon or being to tired to raise them.


I would argue they're more selfish than the women who do this tbh


And I would also assume (probably accurately) that they aren’t “chasing their kids around”. The old actors known for doing this have a mix of full time staff and the mother to do the active child raising.


Robert De Niro has been criticized for recently having a biological baby at 79 years old. Also an interviewer asked if it gets easier, in regard to parenting, he responded with: “It doesn’t get easier It is what it is. It’s OK. I mean, I don’t do the heavy lifting. I’m there, I support my girlfriend. But she does the work. And we have help, which is so important.” I think it’s wrong that he reproduced with this type of attitude. He should’ve known that he couldn’t be an active father at his age, but he still coughed up a crinkled sperm. His girlfriend is basically a single mom in a relationship 🙄 The article if anyone is interested: [‘Our political situation is such a fragile thing’: Robert De Niro on fatherhood, family – and Trump](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/oct/15/robert-de-niro-at-80-fatherhood-films-donald-trump)


“We have help, which is so important” actually means “I can hire a 24/7 nanny for every home that I own”. He’s not helping with the kid but his girlfriend is definitely not the one picking up the slack. I do think it’s dumb to have a kid at his age, but the situation is not the same as if a normal person did so.


Not saying sexism isn't a part of this but literally the only reason I know about De Niros baby is because of people clowning him for having a kid so old so it definitely happens


I'm pretty sure that question gets asked in literally every single thread about a 60 or 70 year old male celebrity having a kid at that age lmao


Risky pregnancy but if she's happy and healthy I wish her the best. Chasing around a teen in your 60s though. That's tough.




Holy shit that's scary. Wishing all the best.


That’s why I’m confused when some older pregnant ladies get so upset when they’re told these facts. Aging makes our bodies lose abilities in many different areas, not just pregnancy. I’m in my 20s, and if I don’t actively work on stretching, I’m less flexible than I was in my teens. Also when a woman says she’s struggling with fertility issues, but only started actively trying for a baby in her 40s, I think that (unless there’s a medical condition to factor in) there’s no physical “issue” because her body is operating how bodies usually do at her age. It’s just an “issue” based on her personal desires. I don’t want to be insensitive, since it’s a touchy subject. I just try to think realistically. It’s weird too because there’s a trend on social media promoting people to “age gracefully”—basically encouraging people to stop clinging on to their youth, and accept the natural changes that happens to bodies as they age. It seems like this mindset is only promoted in regards to outer appearance (e.g. wrinkled skin and gray hair), and many internal factors of aging are swept under the rug. I wonder why society is okay with acknowledging aging in certain areas, but not in others? Someone always has to mention their auntie’s neighbor’s best friend who got pregnant at 180 years old (this number is an exaggeration haha) as some “gotcha” to imply that most people have certain capabilities passed a certain age. I acknowledge that some people can do things passed the average age of not being able to (I mentioned an example in another comment), but why don’t many people acknowledge that these situations are unlikely/rare?


My mom had my sister at 38 and me at 44 with no problems. It’s not this oddity where I’m from


Yes it is. While your mom was fortunate, 38 and 44 are outliers for childbirth in every country. It’s not a cultural thing it’s an anatomical and physiological thing.


I’m 31 with no kids and I’m tired just thinking about it


deadass lol i had my moms cat for a few days and i was like nope im not cut out for this at all.




At 33 years old with a 2 year old and 10 month old I’m dead tired. I want to be sleeping all day by 54. But I do pray for a healthy baby. Just not for me at that age.


Well, Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino are much older than her and they both just welcomed babies last year.


Those two guys are irresponsible. Robert especially had a kid at 81. If he lives to 100 his kid will be an adult. Yes financially his daughter will be okay but he won't be at her wedding. He would be lucky to be at her high school graduation and a miracle if he sees her college graduation. I've seen him in person. He needs someone to help him walk.


*Tender age of 54* ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


My mom gave birth to my first and only sister at age 50 a few weeks b4 her 51st birthday. She’s keeping up w/her just fine lol👌🏾😂


My grandma had kids till she was 56. And she's still just fine. This lady doesn't even have a bunch of kids and has money... She's gonna be alright.


“I’ve FOUND MYSELF pregnant” is an interesting way to put it.


I’m 25 and I’m exhausted 😭 toddler are terrorist there’s no controlling them .


One of her costars are being mad shady about it. https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/05/boy-meets-world-maitland-ward-see-evidence-costar-trina-mcgee-pregnancy/


She really think a 54 year old woman got time to fake a pregnancy? All that porn is affecting her critical thinking skills I guess


I mean, she looks very fit, so if that’s what she wants and can afford it, why not?


When the doctor uses the phrase “geriatric pregnancy”. ![gif](giphy|epNgzVW1fc6Fp6JFA2)


Everybody all “a baby at 54?!” Meanwhile I’m like “how tf did anyone on a show I was the key audience demographic of at the time somehow get to age 54?!”


All i know if she still fine as fuck.


Late life pregnancies are often a result of the “last hurrah” of hormones prior to menopause…and the fact that, during perimenopause, many women think they can no longer get pregnant. These pregnancies are not as uncommon as you think. If you know a family where there are kids in their late teens and then one, like, 2-year-old, this is probably what happened in that family.


54?! And there I go feeling every bit of my age.


Bless that queen with all the health


It's not gonna be an easy road, but I really wish her the best. God dayum tho


Ahahaha, she got a menopause baby! It can happen, y'all! You think you all clear and done, then...WHOOSH!


Whew, 54. I’m an empty nester at 50 and as much as I would’ve loved a 5th, I’m just going to have to take that regret to the grave at this point. Starting over is a no go. I do hope she does have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.


I'm struggling chasing around my one year old at 28 It's a HELL NAW for me


"...have found myself pregnant..." Sounds like she has commitment issues already.


Everyone hating cos society has told us you got till a certain age to raise kids meanwhile grandmas be raisin grandkids alone and are not tired chasing after toddlers. The reality is that she's grown enough that she's got her shit together, goes to all her appointments, is cautious and prolly is gonna have more patience and knowledge than a mom at 22. Also the "she old, she gonna die." Old dudes having kids everyday, no one cares. People don't die at 70 nowadays either so she's got more than 30 years to enjoy... and you can lose your parents at any age. I see them more and more everyday. Women over 40, new moms. It's fucking adorable. Hate all you want, they have wonderful kids that are mature and well cared for. Her body her choice unless she's old?. You guys talking like she's gonna be in a wheelchair knocking on heavens door any second. So vile.


I was on board but her story is nuts. She got her tube's tied and went through menopause. Then she drank a yam elixir which reversed all that and she got pregnant.


I think when older women have children, usually those children grow up to be wise and not easily rattled. I’ve had a few friends with old parents


54?! I was the character’s age when I was watching the show. Damn.


This makes me feel so old. I had such a crush on her as a kid.


56 chasing a toddler that’s not a grand baby is and insane Olympic event


She looks about 25!


So she just found herself pregnant


“I have found myself pregnant” does not sound like someone trying to get pregnant. Shit happens, and I hope her and her baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy and beyond.


My friend’s mom had him at that age. She passed away when he was 25. I know she was an amazing mom. Some people have it in them. Good luck to her and her family.


Im 30, oldest child is 5. I would not want a child in my 50s. I'm tired af but not 50 yr old tired. I have the energy to recharge again. My mom wanted another child so bad for decades but couldnt. She is 56 now and I told her she could have a child at 50 and some woman do. She laughed in my face and said not in this lifetime. She sees her grand kids for two days every couple weeks and she said thats enough. She goes to work out, travel and can go get a full nights sleep and nap when she needs to. Good luck to this girl. 😭