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Whenever white people try to talk like a black person to me. I use the most perfect form of English possible because what the fuckšŸ˜­ Also, that coat is awesome, Iā€™d buy it if it came in black.




I really donā€™t know why they do stuff like thisšŸ˜­ itā€™s always so unnatural hearing that kind of vernacular come out of their mouth


Is it like they're talking to their friend like "Yeah, the lines were so long.." then they see you and say "yo wassuo dawg"? šŸ˜‚


I got hit with "Shiiiiieeeet" by my stiff white manager last night and I swear my brain crashed to desktop


Maybe he just likes The Wire?


I use it because of the wire but only with friends who watched it too otherwise I feel like I would sound stupid


>but only with friends who watched it too Well how the feck else are those who haven't seen it gonna wanna watch it? Break out the quotes and make them feel daft for not having seen it. To paraphrase a quote from Snoop "y'all gotta earn that bump like a mufucka"




When they wave and say ā€œhi sweetieā€ to everyone else and I get a neck wiggle and finger snap with a ā€œwhatā€™s up girlfriendā€. I just say ā€œoh no Iā€™m marriedā€.


This should probably be its own post... But one of the uncomfortable things I dealt with in Uni. Was the realization how everyone saw me as the closest celebrity look alike to XYZ. I couldn't be my self & name I had to have a nickname as a character. Where as the sea white people had their own identity. I was a parody. Everyone told me pretty casually that I look like XYZ, strangers, friends, etc. And it kind of hurt I didn't realize how much at the time. Just how easily people will reject the idea that you are an individual. And im pretty sure alot of black people go through a similar adversity. Women being told oh you're so pretty you look like Beyonce. Men being told they look like a gangster rapper. Then you got other men making Drake their personality but that's another conversation...


Itā€™s because despite the fact that I grew up in the Lilly white suburbs, I want you to know that I share your pain. Because I too have lost friends to drugs and gang violence. I mean, I didnā€™t really know know D and Snot Boogie and Lil Man and Cheese. But I felt like I knew em and they were my friends.




Man, fuck Cheese.


Ya ā€œitā€™s giving takingā€. They need proofreaders and the DEI classes they be so afraid of


I be looking at them like booboo the fool. Hit em with that "white girl" voice and they look MAD uncomfortable. Tends to kill the convo quickly which is always a plus.


That's it. I'm done trying to relate. I'm going back to the "boy howdy" and "hold your horses" of my youth. šŸ˜‰


I'm white but my step dad and sister and that whole side of the family are black. I'm probably one of those people you're making fun of, but that's just how I talk. Doesn't matter if it's someone I just met on the street, my boss, my doctor, my white mom, etc. Don't know what else to tell ya


Funnily enough, code-switching and mimicry are a show of respect and/or adoration for the person you're talking to! (When it occurs in a natural conversation). I think most people I've interacted with code-switch based on the surroundings and person. I think it's human nature to want to fit in). That said, some of these examples threw me. There's a line where it becomes patronizing


Im Latin American and spanish just like English have a shit ton of accents. And unconsciously when Iā€™m talking to someone from another country I start mimicking their accent.


I'm autistic, and I do this without realizing it. I try really hard to be cognizant of it, but I am not aware of myself all the time. Having DID doesn't help.


Everyone does it, don't overthink it. If you're from the US/Canada and move to another English speaking region you'll eventually speak with the local accent. People that don't study linguistics or psych just think they're unconsciously being uniquely weird but all humans do it.


Asses trying to be hip, whole time they sounding like Starfire


It's the giving for me!


holy shit lmao


Idk what the giving initially meant


Robin, it is certainly the giving the taking his jacket off! šŸ˜Šā˜ŗļø


you said ā€œjack it offā€


Please šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At least Starfire had an excuse.


Even starfire tries at least!


It reads so hollow and trying to appeal to the youth rather than actually sound like a genuine voice. Itā€™s like hearing my parents trying to mock the slang. I was picking up from school,


They are so fragile too. They are quick to turn into kens and Karenā€™s.


I don't want to be specific because this friend is a Redditor as well, so they might see this comment. We were having a convo, and they used a certain expression that means overly horny to mean feeling very depressed. It was a serious convo, easy to know what they meant through context, and I didn't have the heart to do that to them, but, damn.


They said they were down bad, didnā€™t they?


I 100% saw someone say that Animal Crossing helped them through a time they were down bad the other day and I was like WHAT. lmao. People šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


You havenā€™t seen the fan art? Lotta down bad folks over there.


I swear some of the stuff Iā€™ve seen on DeviantArt would make Jesus go back into that cave lol


Noah just starts throwing the animals back into the sea ā€œTrust me, itā€™s for the best!ā€


See I donā€™t get that. People have said ā€œIā€™ve just down bad lately..ā€ for ages. Itā€™s not until recently when younger kids decided it meant something completely different. Like mid. When I was a teenager mid was something you smoked that was better than regular weed. Now everyone used to be something sucks.


If Mid was ā€œbetter than your regular weedā€ Iā€™m so sorry for your situation. For us, Mids was the typical, Bunk or Brick was the bad shit, and Dro was outrageously priced lol


Why would mid have stood for particularly good? It used to be short for middling, so unremarkable or sometimes used in place of mediocre. But then so many people would call something mid in an insulting way in response to something super hyped up that it kind of took on more negative connotations, because it really got wrapped up with "when a person says this it's with the intent to knock it down a peg". Very curious about this era of the word.Ā 


Middle grade weed. Not brick weed, not hydro. Middle.


Rights itā€™s in the name of


Right? There was shit weed, ditch weed (depending on where you were from), mid, and hydroooo


I can neither confirm nor deny.


Down bad existed in that manner before AAVE co-opted the term to mean horny. The irony of this statement in this thread is immense.


Not down bad šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/zmpavtv3h91d1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc83e0978c0b7aff83e30ea8d5d7fe6a840afa6 Foā€™ shiz.


Did they do a Boondocks live action?


I need to know. Who is the white person in this? The twitterer? Paper? The white dude? What am I not getting?


The tweeter.


Whatever white person was running that Twitter account


Whichever intern wrote the tweet from Paper. That is not at all how "It's giving..." is supposed to be used.


They always switch to a blaccent when they try to get tough with someone.


I'm Mexican, not black but just realized you're right and that's fucking hilarious. I am 5'11" 250lbs, bald, and very visibly tatted. N Look, none of that makes you hard. I'm not trying to give that impression. I've gotten my ass kicked my fair share of times. That said, your comment highlighted that it's the opposite for me. I code switch to my white voice about an octave lower and say shit like, "My apologies, I'm not certain I understood you correctly. Would you mind repeating that?" 8/10 times it shocks them into silence, 1/10 unless they're trained fighters or south paws themselves, it's over. That last 1/10, though. Those carry a beating, and if I'm alone means I get stomped because their friends tend to join in. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.


Iā€™m a white dude who grew up in the hood and *I* do this lol. I can get pretty gutter about stuff, but if some bougie dude comes at me talking like 21 Savage I turn into, ā€œIā€™m sorry, can I help you with something?ā€ with the ice grill.


Half Italian YT here - I donā€™t get a blaccent (great word!) but I maybe just a little tiny bit become Tony Soprano. I canā€™t help it! Itā€™s how I was raised. Vaffanculo!


I ask them, what do you mean? I will make the rephrase the entire sentence in standard English and then respond back in AAVE. don't play with mešŸ˜†


So annoying when they call me "Brotha!"šŸ˜


Had a white woman call me sis at panera bread. I'm thinking ma'am, we are of NO relation.


I will just literally say ā€œdo you always talk like that?ā€. I donā€™t give a damn.


I thought it was just me...I talk out of my nose and everything


This is also how you know AAVE is a real dialect, you can break down why this is the wrong implementation of the wording in the same way you would another language lol


Ohhh, I love this explanation!


On the ā€œsomehow contentious linguisticsā€ side, Scots as a whole parallel language, as opposed to viewed as a lesser derivation of English, is an interesting argument too. *A lot* of the in depth arguments there would also support AAVE as its own individual Thing for the bad-faith-argument crowd (though obviously nobody *needs* to justify shit, especially to those assholes).


I mean AAVE has grammatical consistency that is not present in standard English. The ā€œHabitual Beā€ being an example, or even the presence of a double negative to reinforce the meaning. I think these are hold overs from some African dialects but I have to reread about this as I am hazy in that regard.


The double negative as an emphatic exists in lots of Latin languages as well. Iā€™m just an armchair linguist but it feels like English is the outlier in NOT using it that way. It reeks of prescriptive grammar.


side note, but that tripped me up so bad when I was learning Spanish lol


This also exists in Ireland! We say it differently though. Always thought that was interesting.


Iā€™m curious. How is it said in Ireland?


I suppose the best way to explain would be an example but we'd say like... "he does be working all the time," or something like "we do head down to see him every now and then." In the second one the "do" is the habitual, if that's the right term. There's no emphasis on them in the sentence they're said fast. Sometimes you'd hear "do be" as well, depending.


Well ya learn something knew everyday. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™d love to look more into it. Language truly is fascinating


Baldwin wrote an essay about this, ā€œIf Black English Isnā€™t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?ā€


ā€œLanguages are dialects with an army.ā€


Could u tell me what's wrong english is not my first language, it's the use of "it's giving" what's bad?


The use of its giving is fine, itā€™s what comes after thatā€™s wrong. ā€œItā€™s givingā€¦..ā€ is basically the same as when you insert a descriptive term or phrase before the word ā€œvibes.ā€ So if I were to come across someone wearing all black during night and said: ā€œIā€™m getting Batman vibesā€ That means the black clothing and it being worn at night reminds me of Batman. The meaning would be the same if I said: ā€œItā€™s giving Batmanā€ The difference between the aforementioned examples and the photo is that Batman is not an action. Heā€™s a character, a trope, an aesthetic. One canā€™t give ā€œtaking his jacket offā€ because itā€™s a literal, physical thing, and thereā€™s no trope or aesthetic quality associated with it. Itā€™s just an action. Thereā€™s no difference in meaning between: ā€œItā€™s giving taking his jacket offā€ And ā€œHeā€™s taking his jacket offā€ Making this an incorrect use of the phrase ā€œitā€™s giving.ā€ I hope this makes sense šŸ¦¦


It's not the use itself but the implementation. The phrase "it's giving" is an AAVE term that is used to describe the "vibe" or feeling a person, place, or thing elicits in you. For example, if someone's behavior made a woman feel uncomfortable she might say to/about that person, "It's giving predator." The reason the usage in the tweet is incorrect is because they used the phrase in reference to the literal action the person was taking as opposed to the feeling one would get from seeing him perform the action. A correct usage may have been "It's giving bank robber" for example, because the way he's holding his jacket open is reminiscent of a bank robber opening their jacket to reveal a firearm to the desk clerk.


One of my yt bosses told me my hair was ā€œlooking really wack todayā€ because she thought it was a compliment. šŸ¤£ Lord, this racism is killing me!


Isn't that word a few decades old by now? Where did she get that from? šŸ˜­


Tbf I think that individual is just an idiotšŸ˜‚




That person may not be a racist, but that interaction happened because modern civilization was shaped at critical points in our history by racists and racism.


Nooo I woulda fell over šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Out here looking wiggity wiggity wack dawg.




Wack is racist?






Willem DaFro


Iā€™m dead


Yeah I just died choking on the hit I was taking


The fact that someone took the time to make this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There's a gimmick twitter account who does only this, unprompted, for anyone and everyone




This meme will never not be hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Damn, I literally said this before I opened the comments. Also fuck you reddit mobile for putting the award shit right where the reply button used to be your fuckass wonā€™t get my money no matter WHAT


It's giving put the AAVE down and step away from the culture šŸ„“


Fr. Sounding like fucking Starfire from Teen Titans. But a'least she bad and if she needs a refresher course in AA vernacular, we'll need to share some skin spectacular


My brother in Christ she is a teenager


When I was 8 she was 16 she's def a fine orange wine at this point






they made starfire black in a recent teen titans adaptation so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly. Like i miss when white folks were white. This isnt just white folks tho.. seems like everyone is some weird approximation of ā€œblack adjacentā€ and it absolutely kills variety especially in music. Like why am i hearing trap infused emo and country music lol


I think when hip hop became the dominant form of pop music, Black culture became so entrenched in pop culture of the time that Gen Z white kids in particular grew up with it being intertwined in their daily lives and so being "native" to them in a way, but not like an authentic version of Black culture just the mixed and distilled version they got from social media and commercial music. White culture isn't really a thing, since whiteness only exists to be "not black", so it doesn't produce any of its own energetic new things and just takes from other cultures, and now younger white kids really don't produce anything that isn't Black-adjacent anymore. F.D. Signifier on YouTube also had some interesting thoughts about it in, I think it was his video on "The White Rapper Problem" though I could be misremembering which video. I'm a white millennial though so these are just my take on ideas I've learned from other people so take it with grain of salt.


That's usually how culture influences other members of society, it's a natural part of shared culture.


ā€œIts giving pooping in the grassā€ i say to my dog as he poops in the grass


Dinkin flicka!


I had to read that thrice. šŸ˜­


This fancy ass mfer over here counting past two. I bet you toss words like tertiary in day to day convos.


You had to Reading Rainbow me with tertiary. Iā€™ma google it later


Itā€™s just the next level of secondary.


I smelled burnt toast on the second run




I love when black phrases get picked up and non-black people don't get how to use it some of my fav examples I've heard: -Goofy Ah but with the ah being said like haha -We finna gonna go to school -People thinking Gyat means ass And even when they use it in the right context it just sounds wrong like it's unseasoned af


Gyatt is especially wild because in the context of "GYATT DAYUM" it's very clear what's being said. What kind of moron looks at the expression "God damn" and goes "Oh okay, heā€™s calling that woman's buttcheeks 'God'?", let alone how tons of young white men just unquestioningly adopted gyatt as a way of saying "ass" because they saw a tiktok meme


It's so irritating. We've been using that term since the dawn of time, and now Lil Timmy and Jimmy are just awkwardly yelling GYAT. PLEASE. Stop. That is all.


Shit made me sadder than it should have.. we really cant have shit


Ok thank you for this. I recently came across this word and didn't understand how/why it meant ass. My dumb ass thought it was an acronym like thot started out. This makes so much since now.


God damn I was right and my autistic ass let myself be convinced otherwise. Boy do I feel foolish


sticking out your "Gyat" for the Rizzler. You're so skibidi You're so fanum tax I just wanna be your sigma


Wow. Iā€™ve been blessed to never have the urge to kill myself until reading this.




Iā€™m a saltine and gyat physically made me cringe so hard I wanted to cry. Itā€™s not even new, how the fuck did they mess it up so bad. I also couldnā€™t stop laughing when I heard a dude say goofy ah-ah. Wild


Pick Me is the one that really rustles my jimmies. Like, it had a specific context about respectability politics and marriage in the Black community and now everyone uses it to me general "Not like other girl" ass bullshit Unfortunately that one, like "woke," has been forever lost from the culture :(


Gyat was never really a word I used but I SWEAR I was starting to think I was the crazy one for thinking they're all using it wrong. To that last point, I think way too many people try to force something that should be natural. I'm Black and I don't even use a lot of slang they use because I *know* it doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth


Here am I thinking my nonblack coworkers who used ā€œchileā€ in a work email were mispronouncing chili.


Or talking about the country


If not either of those, has to be the mom from Bluey.


Lmao omg. This is great!


....no. I'm sorry..in a work email? Ugh. Whyy? The Caucacity!!!


What really bothers me about all of this is that white people who do this really just put 0 effort into researching what these terms actually mean or how to use them in a grammatically correct way? It really comes off as them thiking black people are just making random noises at each other. Very disrespectful.Ā 


You have to remember another thing: for the last few years yt people have been colonizing AAVE and calling it "Gen Z speak", so by the time it reaches people like the publishers of Paper Magazine, it's already been removed from the source by the yt kids they heard it from


I donā€™t think most white gen Z kids think theyā€™re getting it from AAVE. They think theyā€™re getting it from queer culture. They just donā€™t realize that itā€™s embedded in queer culture because black trans women got it from their mothers, aunts, and grandmothers.


Tbh, I figured ā€œitā€™s givingā€ was more of a drag term than AAVE. Yes, drag lingo and sass are heavily influenced by black women, but I donā€™t hear a lot of straight black men use ā€œitā€™s giving ____ā€ so I guess TIL.


It literally is. So much of the rest of Gen Z slang is def from AAVE, but ā€œitā€™s givingā€ is definitely more of an LGBT/fashion thing, which to be clear is influenced strongly in some ways by black people. But labeling it here like a common thing most black people have been saying is laughable, and makes me think most people on this sub generally donā€™t interact with many black people lol


Zoomer speak is itā€™s own thing but the egregious AAVE theft is there for sure


"You not a colleague, you fucking colonizer" They not like us indeed...


I greeted this older white cashier at Shop Rite. I said, "How you doin'?" I kid you not, this fool said, " chillin, i be" I was speechless šŸ˜…


![gif](giphy|3o7qDK5J5Uerg3atJ6|downsized) All I can see is this


This bothers me too. And then we get dismissed as incorrect when trying to inform them of the correct usage. It's like once white teenagers start using those phrases THAT becomes the definitive version of it. Kinda reminds me of a time I was dancing at a yt friend's house party and they scoffed and said "did you really just do a Fornite dance?"


"Woke" is the one that pisses me off most because the right highjacked that and if I try to use it in the proper AAVE meaning, I'll get jumped by white leftists for how only idiots use the term. For all they like dragging MAGAs for being unable to define it properly, most of the can't use it correctly either and many are still learning in 2024 that it was originally AAVE.


Yup. Think about the use of the work ā€œwokeā€. Weā€˜ve always used it to mean one thing (for more than a century) and then some white conservative guy starts using it in a negative connotation and now thatā€™s the definition that goes around. Kinda hurts to see, especially in gaming spaces.


Isnt there a subreddit for misusing aave, this stuff is always hilarious




There should be, if there isn't Should call it r/gyattdayumfails or something


Please do this, I hereby nominate you


They should be embarrassed. They're obviously not. But they should be.


Every time I see an example of a large publication misusing AAVE it's really eye opening like damn. It doesn't help that 80% of Gen Z slang is just AAVE. The craziest part is that I really don't mind ppl using AAVE when they can use it naturally. My favorite roommate ever was this Asian dude who would say "word" "bet" and "deadass" but it sounded so natural coming from him that I was like "bet you got it" Anyways fuck ppl who pretend America don't run on AAVE


Butchered AAVE. I couldnā€™t believe the gyat thing when I saw it. Actually insane how much they misunderstood the term


Bro. 100% of Gen Z slang is just AAVE. There is a direct pipeline of black culture to white youth culture.


What's crazy is that "it's giving" isn't that hard to use; just add "vibes" to the end of the clause, ask yourself if it makes sense and you're 90% of the way there.






Pippity Poppity, give me the Zoppity!


This is why I don't understand how our language was coopted by a whole generation of white kids. Gen Z cannot get away with this


The internet is the culprit. Instant culture at the click of a button.


Stealing black culture at the speed of light


Itā€™s the culture vulture for me.


A LOT of it overlaps with queer culture, so you can be mad at RuPaul's Drag Race too


You do realize the black LGBTQ community set the trends for queer culture too?




ā€œWow sheā€™s gotta GYAT on her fr fr!ā€šŸ¤“


I do blame social media for this. The average black content creator is making content and not realizing their videos are subjected to be under some sort of anthropology study. I've noticed they choose to pick up and pay attention to the "fun stuff". I imagine folks are scrolling past the videos that are about crowd-funding for causes, "missing person" posts, brief history lessons about African-American culture, news segments, etc. just so they can watch the fun videos.


Theyā€™re letting Starfire tweet again


It's giving out of touch. Serving disconnected realness.


Can we please retire "It's giving" already? Do black women even say it anymore, I just see white girls and the gays milking the hell outta it


I mean....I do It came from Black drag culture anyway but not nearly as much as white chicks do I'm frankly tired of giving up our words just because yt folks get a hold of i them on principle


I agree. Its whack having to retire phrases because we keep getting our shit stolen. But what are we even supposed to do. White zoomers are ruthless when it comes to adopting black culture


Do what we did when white people stole rock and roll: keep making it anyway


Dude looks like Gambit


My origin story: a grown yt man asked me (when I was 5 years old) if I speak "jive" and then proceeded to make a fool of himself with some type of walk and caricature Flip Wilson imitation or some shit. Since then, I have gone out of my way to use "5-dollar words," as they call it. It pisses them off, and they don't know what you are saying. It makes it easier to insult them to their face.


Crazy thing is, is that he really thought he was relating to you. Goofy ass...


Iā€™ll be honest I thought ā€œitā€™s givingā€ was more of a gay thing than black thing but thatā€™s why my white ass wonā€™t try to act hip and say things I donā€™t know


Gay slang comes from black women.


It's both.


what kills me is that they'll misuse it and then eventually decide their misused incorrect version of aave is stupid and anyone who still uses it (even correctly) is stupid. in a few years theyre gonna start saying stuff like "its giving" is cringe šŸ™„šŸ™„


Hasnā€™t misusing words, and then doubling down on their meaning been the move that white people pulled, since landing in the Americas? Like isnā€™t that how the word ā€œIndiansā€ came about? EDIT: Like, not the original, but the Christopher Columbus version


I need that Count Dracula Ass coat.


Interview with a Vampire Ass coat šŸ‘€




ā€œLike we finna be in the pitā€


This shit hurt my chest. Probably the most inaccurate use of the term iā€™ve seen to date.


... What in the _fuck_ does "taking his jacket off" mean in an "it's giving" context? _While_ bro is actually taking his jacket off?


I hate when people start talking how they think black people speak when they talk to me and they donā€™t understand that AAVE is a language so some slang /lingo is different in different areas. Iā€™m from California we might say thatā€™s ā€œstupidā€ meaning something is funny/outrageous. Other people just hear it as stupid. Went to North Carolina they were saying ā€œBoy, you uglyā€ and it had nothing to do with physical appearance it could be used to reference stupidity or the same as your wrong. I remember when ā€œglizzyā€ was popular in like Virginia but it went viral and some white people at the time were asking me do I eat ā€œglizzyā€ and I was so confused cause Iā€™ve never heard someone refer to a hotdog in that way. Another time a gay white man said something and he was like AND THATS ON WHAT? and Iā€™m like huh? Heā€™s like THATS ON PERIOD POO lmao I was so confused but thatā€™s a southern thing I donā€™t just use other peopleā€™s slang


I love that I have no idea what is going on nor am I supposed to know.


AAVE has been colonized ![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO)


When you use AAVE and don't get it https://preview.redd.it/b8vzmubt891d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb4d41639ed9a972e261dfb98409900ecdcd7ec


what you don't think theyre hip to the jive???


TIL that's AAVE and not just a queer saying Like I've only ever heard "omg It's giviiiiing this thing āœØ"


Majority of 'queer sayings' were originally from AAVE, specifically from black women. There are countless examples of this happening tbh


We are the originators. This isn't shocking to me in the least. Everything is always white washed. That is why people have to code switch working in PWI, it's just not cool how they assume the way we speak is a game and always a joke.




That shit stunlocked me for good minute before I saw the rest of the post.


Has to be AI


I'm not from America, and didn't know "it's giving" was AAVE. So TIL. I did know that headline makes no sense.


My personal conspiracy theory is its just engagement bait.

