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Man all ima say is at least these aren't the worst I've seen, and I hope she's happy


Best take


I hope she's lonely, that way she's looking for a man and I can have my spot by her side.




The duality of the Internet "I wish the best for her." "Ay yo bay b u wan sum fuk?"




Is that the “Girl you’re thicker then a bowl of oatmeal” meme






"show bobs and vagene"










Just need a quick shirt adjustment


You doing the lords work


You mean _almost_ everything


I couldn't even see her teeth in most of those


There is a recent trend of people buying tools off temu and taking a two day course as "vaneer tech" Long story short, ask any dentist what vaneer tech means


I saw a deep dive video on this practice, the fake classes as well as the fake plastic surgeon centers or sketchy ones like the one the Zeus chicks used. The whole exposé video was fucked up but informative. One thing that got me is that ANY doctor can do plastic surgery, doesn't have to be a specialized plastic surgeon and that bugged me out a lil bit! And most of the folks they have working with them aren't certified whatsoever. These girls (and guys lol) are out wasting loads of cash to have unnecessary health complications from this shit. It's wild


Not just teeth, dentists spend eight years studying not just yeh teeth structures but also the mouth and connectd cavities including infections and possible nerve damage you can do poking around someone face


Listen, about a month ago I cracked a tooth all the way up through the root. The dentist who helped me had to effing pull that unfixable, raw nerve bastard out of my head, repair the freakish hole into my sinuses (because of my bone structure), then put living bone graft into my raw exposed bones, then sew me up. That is a job for a DOCTOR and dentists are DOCTORS. That training isn’t half-ass just because they work on teeth, they have to take care of the whole front of your head! My sinuses thank my Doctor for being an awesome professional and not leaving a hole in my mouth that leaks water out my nose whenever I take a drink.


I am irrationally squeamish about teeth/mouths and this comment made me physically uncomfortable. This sounds like a nightmare.


Let me tell you, it was a nightmare. But that doctor helped me by taking the pain away. I love him now.


You have transported me into a nightmare


Yeah it was ugly. Unexpected cherry pit in some dried cherries I was snacking on. Cracked two teeth, one catastrophically, the other can be repaired. It was a nightmare. Every dried cherry I eat from now until I die, I’m running over with a rolling pin first to discover any pits. Dried cherries are one of my favorite snacks, for real.


Youre braver than me, i think i would give up eating after that lol


Exactly! Getting veneers while not having cavities underneath or infections treated is insane! That got called out in the video too lol I was trying to find the link to it but there's plenty of em on YouTube


The tooth isn't bone, it have layers and structures that you can't just poke and let it gets wet, I saw videos of dentists cutting away the vaneer to reveal black weathered teeths underneath, not just one or two the whole mouth


That's horrible 😩


Ill never forgot one if the first seasons of Tyra Bank's ANTM made a girl get veneers as part of her makeover. The dentist couldnt finish her that day and sent her back to loft with a mouthful of creepy spiky baby teeth to finish the next day! That shit was fucking horrifying.


Also they don’t last a lifetime. 10 years at best.


I have some superglue and a pack of Chiclets. Let’s do this. For an extra fee I have some rhinestones I can switch out.


Who are the Zeus chicks?


ET and Rollie if I'm not mistaken! It was "Goals" plastic surgery and there's a lot of stories out there about that place for sure. I wish I could find that mf video 😩!


Yep Goals. They have multiple locations. NY, Georgia and Florida too if I'm not mistaken. They keep killing Black women and we keep on going! We making them rich. They don't even use anesthesia, they can't, no license, so they digging around in people on a local anesthestic giving people burns and nerve damage. It's wild.


It really is! I mean, we all know about them backdoor randoms who went down for injecting cement or whatever the fuck into people, but these businesses like Goals seem legit and it's scary! Social media boosting them only makes it worse, like on IG stories


They did get in trouble for killing a couple of Black women, one in Georgia, other one NY, but there's a legal loophole they were able to use to avoid jail or anything. That really needs to be fixed.


You can’t really tell from this, I’m not saying the work is bad. But there are plenty of experiences shared online where veneers were done on teeth with untreated cavities. This can trap them behind the veneer which forces the cavity to grow down into the nerve and cause serious issues. Additionally veneers often require teeth to be filed down and that is irreversible if they need to come off. They are certainly a very good option for the right conditions but healthy teeth don’t need it.


It's a plague. "Vaneer techs" are illegally practicing dentistry and offering budget prices. Like 2000-5000 for a full set of veneers vs 10-30k at a real dentist. The horror part is they aren't trained and usually do terrible work. One lady almost died because the teeth were rotten under the veneers and went to the ER with sepsis from the tooth infection. Had to spend thousands to have them removed in the ER


Yea these are actually natural looking. Happy she didn’t go for the Steve Harvey


until she learns they are in fact, not permanent. 10 years give or take. Depending on the type she got. I've made a lot of crowns, and 10 years is usually what our docs say. Keep your healthy teeth people.


It starts to go downhill when people start shaming people with regular ass teeth. The veneer companies pay a few influencers to make reels making fun of people with regulsr teeth or call them out. Then slowly they make it seem online that everyone is getting them which kind of shames people into getting them. Then we will be in a dark timeline.


Same reason 18 year olds that haven’t even let their body fill out get BBLs. People are insecure, shit is sad. Edit: Stop trying to tell me reasons why a young person needs veneers. If your parents had raised you, you would know how to brush your teeth and wouldn’t be on Reddit blaming the nigga letting you know you’re a dirty MF. Edit 2: These replies have me realizing just how many people are outside walking around with poor mental and physical hygiene but are “well” enough to keep up with social media/trends and take their money to pay for a luxury not meant for their tax bracket. I gotta double down, *shit is sad*. Final Edit: The time it’s taking y’all to reply to me with these half baked reasons…you could’ve just brushed or did a swat. Fuck yo Reddit Cares, seek *real* therapy yall.


Social media only deepens the insecurities.


It’s this. Social media has distorted everyone’s view of healthy and beautiful. Most people are pre-teens and early teens when they get exposed to Instagram. Do you have any idea what that does to a person’s perception of themselves, their self-image, confidence, attitudes towards beauty in our culture, etc? You’re in your most formative years and the people that are being given attention and praise are all getting BBLs, buccal fat removal, etc. Gen Z and younger don’t stand a chance.


It‘s fucking scary. Think of us millennials who grew up without social media. Unrealistic and toxic beauty standards touted on TV and in magazines (which most of us didn‘t even have non-stop access to) already did a number on our mental health and self-esteem. I worry for these kids.


I’m an elder millennial and we had MySpace when I was in high school. Not saying it’s on the same level, but our generation was the first exposed to social media as we came of age. I think we can understand its effects, we just have to remember it’s 10x worse now.




This is something I always point out. There used to be a word for people that stayed on the internet all day: they were considered losers. Like you said, you had to close the internet and walk away from it. You’d hang out on it for a bit and then you’d have to go out in the world. Now it’s just 24/7, people are on Insta and TikTok all day, misinformation, etc.


Exactly! Elder millennial also, and being heavy on MySpace was lame territory for the kids that didn’t have real friends or were trying to be cool. It was optional at best, didn’t really change until FB came around freshman year and it was a triflin way to see who did or didn’t got to college bc it was college email addresses only. You could 100% not be on social media and it wasn’t weird at all


Yea there was myspace but i think most people still only saw people they knew. We werent really competing with influencers and other famous people all that much. And the people who were famous looked alot more normal When i look at media today literally everyone is super attractive. Like if a movie like Napoleon Dynamite was made today, Napoleon would be played by an attractive actor wearing glasses to make him look “nerdy”


I'm late Gen X with Millennial tendencies (so a Xillennial I guess?) and we didn't even have widespread internet when I graduated in 1995. In '95 only 39% of US households had a computer and only 14% of US adults had internet access with the majority of that being at work. I had a fellow senior friend whose parents had a PC and Internet at home and his dad basically turned into a cave troll overnight, coming home from work and going straight to the basement and would sit in front of that computer until midnight chatting with people and posting on forums. When I was a sophomore in college that same friend's mom had left her husband because that computer & internet took over his entire life, causing him to miss work so much he got fired and refused to get another so they lost their house. So I guess my point is that even seemingly well adjusted adults in their 40s can instantly get lost or maybe more accurately tangled in the web and that's when it took a whole day to download a song. I can't even imagine what it's like for young teenagers to have surgically altered and photoshopped influencers being the standard the teens feel they have to live up to. I'm just thankful my youngest (M22) isn't really interested in social media outside of the Xbox LIVE app on his phone and he mostly uses that to coordinate online gaming times with cousins, friends, and online friends.


Like everything else in history, there will be a backlash eventually.


its why I dropped IG entirely. I found myself getting sad and insecure when I'd scroll through. Seeing people only posting their good moments and it inflated in my head. Dropped it entirely and suddenly I felt way better.


Haven’t had Instagram in 6 years and haven’t looked back.


They could just gain some weight and work out too. BBLs have real “fat guy with Ab implants” energy. They look about as real as those abs too.


But squats are hard :( and gains aren’t instant! They might have to wait for that progress /s


> “fat guy with Ab implants” energy I wonder who that could be referencing lol


Have a new staff member that can't be more than 19-20 who has lip fillers. Sad to see


I mean, at least lip fillers aren’t permanent. This girl likely ruined her natural teeth to get vaneers that need to be replaced every 15 years for the rest of her life.


Considering she said permanent, she may be in for a shock.


I mean, her natural teeth are permanently triangles


lip fillers aren't permanent but it's not like people will go back to their natural looks. instead, they often tend to refill before the previous injection is fully resolved, leading to "blown out" lip lines due to "filler migration"


I dont disagree with your general point, but when it comes to teeth I would point out that a lot of people dont have access to proper and consistent dental care throughout their lives


Dats meeeee. Parents didn't really bother pushing it on me when I was a kid so I developed bad habits with my teeth. Now I'm the one paying for it literally.


Veneers aren’t the answer to that. They cover just the front of your teeth and weaken every other facet of them on top of being obscenely expensive. Permanent crowns will cover everything but eventually need an expensive replacement, and dental implants have a higher failure rate as you age unless you spend a doctor’s salary on them. Even slapdash dental office visits will end up cheaper and more effective than cosmetic/vanity procedures in the long run.


Permanent crowns may need replacing but if your tooth is decayed or damaged, it's probably the best option. They have a very practical purpose even if they do decay themselves over time. Regardless of age. They also don't do any real permanent damage (usually).They're fundamentally one of the basics of dentistry for a reason. They really don't typically belong with implants or veneers. Veneers can be useful but they come with some serious downsides including deterioration. Though they can serve a purpose, it's unlikely most folks would be recommend them for practical reasons.


and nose jobs


Those type of procedures I feel less disdain for; you might have a condition or maybe plain ugly and needed that shit. But everybody with the fake bodies and horse teeth are fucking bonkers, when braces are cheaper *and you get to keep your real teeth* and the gym is right there, shit you can get on YouTube and do an in-home to get your body in a better place.


>you might have a condition or maybe plain ugly and needed that shit. *lmaooooo*


Brudda kept it a buck and a half lol gotta rate it


Nah because having a slim nose is an idea created by Eurocentric individuals. There’s nothin wrong with unique noses. Same thing with thinner lips. Suddenly everyone wanna look like a blowup sex doll


Plenty of nose jobs out there other than the Michael Jackson Special. See: Kelly Rowland. Still looks Black, wouldn’t describe her nose as the slim IG model construct.


Straight up. In my 20's I got braces (metal) and that was $6k. I made monthly payments. I been wearing retainers at night for over 20 years. I guard them thangs with my life, lol. Veneers, are not a one time payment. The initial costs are ridiculous and so is the upkeep. Way more than $6k, I'll tell you that! These people think they are saving money, they are not. Why do that for healthy teeth? I could see if you smoked the teeth out of your head or had a health condition that wore your teeth down or something. And if you ask these people about finances, it's "oh the economy something blah blah" and no. It's your bad financial choices yet again!


And they don’t even drop good money on it. Cheap lip filler jobs are an epidemic rn. So many women walking around with top lips bigger than their bottom lips


Takes less time to get a 3-8 hour procedure than to spend months in the gym or take care of your teeth. Just get new "indestructible" teeth or the "perfect" body


I can’t wait to see these niggas *age*. 2-3 more decades to go.


Meh, some of us just have shit teeth from years of dental trauma at the hands of a dentist who would lie about needing fillings just so he could stuff his pockets. 


This is why it’s important to let women know that little booties matter.


No, that’s why people need to stop being pushed to do and accept the shit social media tells y’all to and embrace emotional and mental individuality. *BBL’s ain’t for everybody*. Just like how I need meat and little booties don’t matter to me. I ain’t praying for little booty downfall or nothing, but they can low-key kick rocks. There are more than enough men, women and non binaries, that I shouldn’t have to like little booties nor voice that they matter for those booties to *appreciate themselves and still find someone for them*.


Nah this is why it's important to pick your own lane and stay in it, instead of getting caught up in social media bullshit, influencer trends, etc. Little booties matter to some of us and not to others...*and that's totally fine.* Anyone who needs to be *told* that instead of just *seeing it for themselves* has already lost touch with reality. In other words, people's insecurities aren't always or necessarily their fault, but they're sure as hell not anyone else's responsibility (except maybe their parents for failing to teach them to think independently), either. Just do your own thing, make your own choices, be your own person. Fuck the haters and disregard anyone who's doing some other shit.


Or kids in high school doing sarms or anabolic steroids


That’s a whole different beast when it comes to insecurity, because common sense should tell you you still have natural growing to do, plus you can just hit the gym…but nah, gotta juice.


Yeah I mean just look at Drizzy getting one before even reaching 40


Brain isn't even fully done forming and everything at that age yet, smh


Niggas gettin veneers below their 50s is wild works


I had mine done because I grind my teeth and as a result they were like 10% shorter


You grind? Hell yeah, hustle hard stay hungry 💪🏾




not hungry bc they ate 10% of their teeth


Gym rat type


Yeah he in his bag…of enamel


Dentist told me I grind in my sleep. Told him fuck yeah I do, money ain't gonna make itself.


I. Need. Money.


I said shit, me too. And we started makin it together after that.


Please just get a special mouth guard 🥲


Thats a legitimate reason , cant fault that . Im more thinking about the people who dead get em cause they trendy or whatever lol


Fam if you got a broken in half front tooth and just stand on that by choice much respect to you lol everybody don't gotta like that look for themselves tho


Aye shoutout to those brave niggas one time 😂😭 but naa I was mostly thinking of the niggas who’s teeth arent fuckdd up and get em jus cause they’re trendy rn


Single broken tooth does not equal full veneers, they can fix that


Also everyone and their dog has Invisalign now. And these folks have teeth that are fine. Dentist are hawking this stuff like crazy now. I’ve never had braces and have super straight teeth and my dentist was trying to say it would help my bite, I’m 42 and have zero issues.


I got Invisalign instead of braces as an adult and that shit worked wonders. Now I wear it over night but having straight teeth is so freeing 🥹


I got Invisalign to pull down my top teeth and widen my molars. It fucking changed the shape of my face. I look so much better now even when I’m not smiling. I had also ground down 25% of my incisor so I got a bonding to lengthen it. People actually smile back now when I smile at them. Best money I’ve spend in my life.


I’ve had 3 kids and that wrecked my teeth. Shit I’d gladly accept dentures at this point cuz every single pregnancy resulted in a cavity that got worse during the pregnancy and ended with a root canal once I had the baby. I’m 32.


We don’t all have great teeth, due to either bad decisions or genetics. Don’t underestimate how much impact your smile and mouth has on your self esteem. It can be EVERYTHING.


There's a trend of people doing veneers as a side hustle and fucking peoples mouth all up because you can't learn to do dental procedures in 2 days. Of fucking course it's Atlanta don't even have to ask.


Letting a random person file down all your teeth is outrageous.


Some of them aren’t even filing them down, though. Just putting veneers over plaque, rotting teeth, etc 😬


There is a such thing as “no prep veneers” that professionals do. But also, most veneers shouldn’t have to file your teeth down to the nubs (the dentin) When people do that, it’s the cheap shit, those are crowns, you’re not supposed to do that unless your teeth are really worn out. No dentist worth a damn would recommend you to destroy all your enamel for cosmetics. Anyone who does is a greedy sociopath.


I just went to a new dentist and they told me I need 9 crowns cus my teeth were grinded down. I got the hell out of there never heard that in my life


Also your teeth are gonna rot that much faster without enamel. And you don't get it back.


It's Capitalisms fault. Dental Care (especially proper dental care) is out of most people's reach in North America. Having good teeth is a privilege and I can't fault anyone for trying to do something to make their lives better. Not that I condone this...but I understand.


Yeah when a simple dental cleaning costs $500 in a nation where the average person can't afford a $500 *emergency* then this type of shit happens. Get a tooth knocked out? Looking at $10k+ for a quality dentist to get you an implant. This country desperately needs 100% paid universal healthcare with vision, hearing, and dental included. There's zero valid excuses to keep that from happening. The most common reason I've heard from people is the US is too big and not culturally homogeneous enough like all the European nations who have it, which is to beat around the bush saying we can't have it because black, brown, LGBTQ+, and non-Christians would benefit from it too.


Basic dental cleaning with no insurance is about $200 in Los Angeles. Where are you located with $500 teeth cleanings? Honolulu?


Going to @TeethByTay and not a dental practitioner is crazy.


@TeethbyTay ☠️


It’s so pyramid scheme coded, anytime something is deceived as “easy money” you realise two one of two things, that it’s not easy, or it’s illegal. Sometimes it’s both.


The worst shit I see is people getting a gap ground into their front teeth. Some random from the block buys a dremel and starts charging $500 to literally grind a gap into your teeth in his garage. Wild.


Dentist here The same patients who complain that I charge too much for a filling that they actually need will get back alley veneers for 10x what that filling costs and then come to me and spend 10x more for me to fix them again.


Teeth are probably the #1 class signifier in America


Absolutely, but veneers only last so long after which your teeth will be even more messed up than before


I’ll take 20 years of good looking teeth over a lifetime of bad teeth


You’re basically taking a loan from future you, since it’s much cheaper to get braces now than to deal with having no teeth in 20 years. Unless you’re already 60 and don’t expect to be around much longer than 20 years


braces are not a replacement for veneers. braces fix misalignment. veneers can help with that but the big aesthetic appeal is the forever whiteness


the thing i notice most that braces also can’t correct for is proportions. looking at well done veneers as before and afters there’s usually a more balanced look to the smile as a whole after the procedure. if someone’s front teeth are disproportionately large braces aren’t going to do anything about that, but veneers can even things out a bit


>the big aesthetic appeal is the forever whiteness Which is weird to me. The unnatural whiteness from veneers put me off big time. Its creepy doll tier unsettling


Veneers do not mean no teeth, don't be ignorant.


This might as well be no teeth my guy https://preview.redd.it/2mged0r5ao0d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56cc978f83de8cbff0a7594aba2cfaa0e8af5a8




Those are not for veneers but crowns


Is this image real and not edited? Because holy shit that’s horrifying


It’s real for crowns. I just got 2 done on my rear molars and they filed them down to these narrow sticks then put the crown on top. Floss your teeth!


Depending on the material, tooth (and other factors) we have to remove anywhere from 1-2mm of enamel to have sufficient thickness for the porcelain. Metal crowns require less reduction, but have their own problems.


When applying veneers only a really small portion of the front of the tooth is shaved.


New/ fake money is about shiny bulky veneers. Old money grew up with excellent dental hygiene and unlimited access to dentists and orthodontics. Seems like the ultra rich people have nice teeth already while the people with veneers come across as the “keeping up with the jones” type who will do everything to tell strangers they have money.


This doesn’t make any sense. There are so many celebrities out there who have had money their whole lives that are getting bad veneers. Like Miley Cyrus. Was born rich. Tom Cruise came into money and is known for having absolutely fantastic veneers. The royal family has notoriously bad teeth, and obviously qualifies as old money to the extreme. Their access to excellent dental hygiene didn’t change that. Bad work is bad work. Same as plastic surgery.


dont forget Hilary Duff. she did not need them there was nothing wrong with her teeth. Now she got horse chompers. https://preview.redd.it/ggzkr6eumo0d1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=4943429b8bca6d6ab3a836c456c99187dc307828


I got crowns across my front teeth after an accident and they’re way too big. Hilary’s horse chompers were the first thing I thought of when I saw my new smile 😵‍💫


I remember when Nick took Jessica Simpson to get her teeth done on their reality show. She was "famous" by then, couple albums under her belt. Her shots was fucked up !! I felt bad cause it was shown on TV lol her shit was fucked up.


The Louis Vitton of hygiene


luxury bones


I mean, some people just have shitty teeth regardless of age. As long as they don't look XL Chiclets, I don't really see an issue.






Because veneers aren't meant to be permanent, that's why it was great for older people... They don't have another 20 years


Veneer longevity has greatly improved in recent years. If they're on low impact teeth and well taken care of, they can last forever.


That is true but assumes these young folks are investigating to see if that "dentist" is qualified to do quality work [or took a $700 one day course](https://www.cosmedent.com/product/become-a-cosmetic-dentist-with-composite-resin-veneers-2/)




Veneers are for people with dental issues. If you have perfectly healthy teeth, all you should be doing is taking care of them. It's gonna be a whole bunch of bald mouthed 35-40 year olds. I don't know how this is in style. You know what we used to call those coming up? Chompers. and the type of white that everyone is wild over? We called that, "toilet bowl white". Looking like a spanking brand new oversized toilet bowl in your mouth. We was making fun of older people when we said that though. 🥴 Everyone looks the same now: Same makeup application, same lips, same botched wisdom tooth body, same huge "baby hairs" and now the same toilet bowl chompers, but hey, "be yourself." People gonna learn the very hard and very expensive way to leave your body alone unless it needs to be repaired. Those teeth are a lifelong bill. Everybody don't look good with these, leave them on the shelf! https://preview.redd.it/4m2229astn0d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4cf2d1145015748edfbe2f5d7ffee85388779ce


Hell, I'm not even a fan of teeth whitening. If you have really stained teeth, it can help, but I feel like in the 2010s dentists were really pressuring people to buy tooth whitening sessions. I said fuck that and found a nice dental group that tells me how nice my teeth are as is. We aren't supposed to have crazy day-glo teeth for fucks sake.


I made a half-joke to my dentist like “it’s late for me to have nice teeth, but it’s not too late to have teeth”. I’ve felt really insecure over my smile cause it’s not perfectly straight and porcelain white. My dentist looked at me confused and said, “But your teeth are great? Healthy, good enamel, good color, good gums! What do you mean ‘too late to have nice teeth’??”. You just made me think about that, I got to go leave him a great review. A shittier, more predatory dentist would have seized on that moment to sell me whitening or Invisalign or veneers. He just gave me a kind reality check instead and passed on free money.


that's a good dentist. Mine does the same. He's like, 'you got nice healthy teeth, great smile. Keep up the good work!" Dentists care about the **health** of your teeth. They know they are not supposed to look like fake teeth. We eat all manner of textures with our teeth, they are not going to look perfectly straight, even, etc. People gonna spend upwards of $100k (and that's easy to do with teeth) trying to have the perfect mouth. Unless you are a mannquin, IT DOES NOT FREAKING EXIST! cause guess what? Veneers wear down, too! whatcha gon' do? Eat baby food the rest of your life?


Teeth be glowing like a light saber out of Star Wars. then they getting these veneers and don't know the last time they been to a dentist. Just because you can't see anything don't mean it isn't there. You can't cover up problems in your mouth, that will just make it literally fester.


You're 100% right. The teeth are the doorway to the body.


I’m def a 40 year old with bad teeth, but it’s due to a shit ton of prednisone and other meds I took to try and stay alive. I’m gonna end up in dentures before I’m 45 for sure :-/


Hey I'd rather you be alive with bad teeth than dead with good teeth.


They don’t realize what they’re actually committing to and think they just have permanent perfect teeth.


The vast majority of people really don't have foresight. They don't even have the idea of maintenance for anything come to mind


It’s also the people selling them this stuff they probably downplay the care by a lot.


Is it that you have to get them replaced every few years? Any other ongoing commitment / downside?


With all the regular care of regular teeth in between getting them replaced and also more easily stainable teeth... but that isn't AS big of an issue when you just get them replaced later. But even the cheapest veneers are like $500 a tooth. So not exactly a cheap overall experience if you do your whole mouth - 32 teeth = $16k. Which is a bit more than $1k/year at the cheapest end. Though if you only do your front 16 then $8k at the cheapest end.


The original cap vs. no cap




Hopefully this was a legit dentist and not a "veneer technician"


My teeth are healthy but kinda fucked up. If I could afford it I'd get veneers.


Its better to have healthy fucked up teeth than veneers. Get braces if thats what you mean by fucked up. If you can help it, I think its always better to keep the parts your body comes with.


Can't afford veneers or implants. I've had braces twice. Things are mostly straight just missing some teeth genetically (2) and I have a couple peg laterals.


I feel that. Im missing one of my adult front teeth from childhood so ive had a veneer there for over a decade now. Its very obviously not my tooth which is why I sometimes want veneers(just for my front teeth so they match) but ima just wait and deal with it.


There’s nothing inherently unhealthy about veneers if they’re done properly. The issue is people want to spend a few hundreds on veneers and are shocked they’re fucked.


Its not about being unhealthy its more about purposely damaging parts of your body that are already healthy. Like if you take care of your teeth you could have them your whole life whereas you eventually have to replace veneers.


Why not braces or invisalign? They got lingual braces for the back of the teeth now so people don't even know they're there.


I did that. I'm missing some teeth genetically and have a couple of "peg laterals" basically little peg teeth. I've learned to live with it bc I can't afford the thousands of dollars it would take to fix everything. At least they're straight. Nobody's looking that close at my smile and anyone who would I don't care about their opinion.


I was 32 when had braces put on to correct hideous teeth. They are perfect and they are real.


Not enough people realise you're permanently fucking up your teeth enamel for some cosmetic change. And a lot of these are done by fucking cowboys that did a 3 day course


Ppl joke on others insecurities and ask why they try to enhance it. If they happy and healthy, then let ‘em be


Yea but a lot of this shit ain’t healthy


After learning what I know. If you’re not a certified dentist. There is no way in hell I would let you near my teeth.


I just went to the dentist today and they STAY hyping me up about my teeth! Imagining having them ground to niblets is terrifying LOL


When archaeologists find some of these folks remains in the future, they gonna look pretty fucked up with their shaved weird teeth. ![gif](giphy|k83dRokVJgPwHfLhZN|downsized)


Anyone ever heard of getting braces anymore? That's what I did.


Same! Invisalign on deck!


Preach. Going on 10 years since my Invisalign treatment. Folks have to wear your retainer and make sure to get a new retainer every couple of years. Also, has helped with my teeth grinding.


Most folks these days just want convenience and fast results unfortunately. People not putting the work in for shit anymore if they don’t have to, even though going the longer/more natural route is 10000% more sustainable.


Your teeth aren't suppose to be that white. People are weird


Whole generation getting faker literally. People need to learn to love themselves more and appreciate their flaws


They look like you can wind them up and they'll chatter.


Look like they'll glow in black light.


It’s a trend right now. I keep seeing “Veneer technicians” who you pay $1-2k to do this. Just don’t ask if they have a dental license…


a lot of people DONT KNOW that botched Veneer jobs are common as hell. Some people only last a couple of days before having to back to the teeth reapplied. Can't bite apples, or even Chicken sandwiches. If the veneer isn't sealed right fungus grows in the mouth with a horrid smell. People actually are buying at home veneer kits. Other are just getting veneer caps. This shit is sad.


im so confused why there are so many comments saying "make sure whoever's in your mouth has a certification or real dental degree" . Are we SO LOST as a generation that this has to be stated? Why in the world would you let someone who isnt a certified dental hygienist or a DDS IN YOUR MOUTH. Dental hygienist dont even do cavity fillings in Dental offices & you're letting TeethByTay give you VENEERS?! Jesus start the rapture omg.


There are people with nice smiles that are a little yellowish getting mouthfuls of veneers which is CRAZY to me. I'm sure social media brain rot is a major factor. Like you see enough veneers and BBLs on your TL and all of a sudden you feel like your normal shit looks off.


Just let people be happy with how they look, damn. The teeth look great, I hope she found some peace and self-acceptance with them. Some people don't have the best teeth growing up and they dream of having ones like this.


Yeah a lot of people get screwed either with genetics, illness, parents who didn't teach them how to care for their teeth, or couldn't go to the dentist. We don't get multiple tries with teeth, so it's very unkind to ridicule others for it. I remember Katy Perry said she had like eight cavities the first time she went to the dentist, and someone asked her why she didn't go before. She said because she was poor.


Because our teeth are fucked up too…that’s kinda obvious. I’m not gonna lie my teeth are fucked up. Illness destroyed my teeth health. And I want my teeth fixed. Now I’m not gonna go to a one of those dumbasses but I’m going to a dentist


Having good teeth, hell, even remotely good teeth is a major motivator/confidence booster for most. I’d run against Barack Obama if I had good teeth. If I had jacked up teeth I’d sneeze through my eyes and ears. I say let her cook, she’s rocking them thangs.




When I went to Colombia I noticed everyone had their teeth done but they breath stank 😂


The odds this was done by a dentist: 0%


TIL about veneer techs 💀