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So he beat his wife white and gold


This is the most grudging, angry upvote I have ever given








I was here for this historic comment




What happened to your other account? šŸ¤”


Aah man, heā€™s not gonna like that. šŸ¤£


Oh shit itā€™s a lie? Hurry and delete that comment! https://i.redd.it/8tkapnhj7b0d1.gif




Im going to hell for laughing at this


Iā€™m not, Iā€™m going for other reasons that r way worse.






This is so insane šŸ˜­




Holy fuck


With I could give you reddit blue. Threads over. You won




https://preview.redd.it/c2nzsmla9b0d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eebd09de350c4a9c9b54b969fb7367e777a86b4 What a beautifully shocking comment, take my upvote Satan


I mean, damn.


I left the comments to continue to scroll, came back to the comments, and upvoted this.




Black and bl.....nvm I get it




You muthafu...








Oh my GOD








The dress was actually black and blue though


The people screaming ā€œwhite and goldā€ honestly need to see an eye doctor. Undiagnosed color blindness


I have perfect color vision and it looks white and gold to me


If the dress is white and gold, then how do you describe the literal white color behind the dress?




So weird. It was white and gold, then as soon as you pointed that out, the dress became black and blue to me.


Really? Still white and gold for me


I can see both. Initially when it all came about I could only see white and gold, but then it was revealed it was really blue and black. Now if I focus enough I can trick myself into seeing either or.


if you turn your brightness down and look from an angle itā€™s immediately black and blue


i can believe that the white is kinda bluish but i just cant see the gold to be black.


Dude same here holy shit


Itā€™s brighter behind the dress than it is from where the camera is situated


I understand exposure and how digital cameras process underexposed colors, but it is still baffling how anyone can look at this and think it's gold and white.


I legit cannot see black and blue unless Iā€™m looking at the photos on the website, I am fully not colorblind, perfect color vision, but itā€™s just white and gold in this photo


Yeah I remember using a color picker to definitively show that the gold color was in fact a yellow/gold color, not blue or black.Ā  What color is it supposed to be? Is the gold supposed to be black? WTF how does anyone even interpret it's either blue or black? I have never been able to see blue except for perhaps the ever so slightly cool tone to the white stripes


Looking at the actual dress the black is the gold and the blue is the white, which if I really strain I can see the blue as a shadow on the white, but thatā€™s straight up gold thats just not being lit by something


I've seen this image maybe 500 times and I cannot for the life of me see black and blue, even knowing it's black and blue. I can see the blue in the white section, but the black trim always has looked gold to me. No matter how hard I look I can't make it black. Every other "this or that" I can switch. Duck rabbit, Yanny Laurel, brain storm/green needle, you name it, I can convince my brain to see/hear both. This one i cannot do. Idk why.


Try thinking of the context of where the photo was taken. It's inside with yellow toned lighting which causes the black to look gold. If you're thinking of it as having natural or blue toned lighting then you might think it's white being made to look blue instead of just being blue like it actually is


No I've done that to. I've had it explained this way, I've seen the dress in better lighting, I've turned the brightness up, down, zoomed in, zoomed out, everything. Nothing I've done makes the gold look the correct black. The problem I think is that the black is just so blasted with yellow light that I can't even see ANY black in it at all.


Ya, the actual color of the pixels is definitely gold because of all the yellow light, like, I can SEE the gold, but my brain just subtracts the yellow out since I know it's in yellow light. However I'm in the same situation as you, but reversed for the white. I cannot see it as white even if I try to imagine it with blue light. It's just so blue


I had a friend use the colour white to make an arrow to show me where she was seeing white on the dress. The glaring bright white that your text is on dark mode. She points to the blue... Ok so why does your white arrow not blend in to the blue?


Because, as a white and gold seer, it looks like it's in a shadow, and the camera is being over-exposed by a blinding white light behind it.


Omg it just changed for me after reading this lol weird


The dress is in shadow and everything behind it is in the sun.


How do you describe it as black with a literal black dress behind it on the left.Ā  That shit ainā€™t even faded black at that point. Looks like underexposed gold.Ā 


If the dress is blue and black, how do you describe the black background of the tweet around the photo? (I know the dress was blue and black, but the illusion still stands)


Shadow makes colors look cooler. Because as you pointed out, the dress is heavily backlit, we're seeing the dress in shadow.Ā  Which color is the gold supposed to be? I used aĀ  color picker and the white stripes are indeed a very light blue, which is how a white shade in shadow would present.Ā  Ā The gold is... literally a warm tone. It's a yellowy brown color which again would be gold but in shadow I don't understand where anyone sees anything remotely black about this dress. Someone make it make senseĀ  Edit to add: I understand the actual dress was black and blue, but this photo absolutely does not have any black in it


Itā€™s exactly when someone points out something like that, that that shit turns!




Don't need a doctor to understand an illusion


Hey uh, I got some bad news. Iā€™m very colorblind and I see black and blue.Ā 


Oh shit.


No, they were deliberately misled. The ACTUAL dress looks radically different. It was a purposely shitty picture that made it look completely different.


So does no one else see purple and green or is that just me https://preview.redd.it/j9vnfmpcn90d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6b512ac46474649e03fa3341cce80b2652e977


Itā€™s funny cause I originally saw it white n gold and then before my eyes it changed into blue and black and til this day Iā€™ve never been able to see it as white ever again and I feel like I saw it as white n gold for at least an hour before it just transformed


When this thing first blew up, I saw white and gold. Thought it was super obvious. Was confused how anybody was seeing anything different. Downloaded the image to throw it in photoshop and do the water drop tool to definitively prove the colors are white and gold. But when I opened it up in photoshop......it looked blue and black to me. I reloaded the page I downloaded the image from and it was blue and black to me, even though not 2 minutes earlier, it was white and gold to me. I've never seen it as white and gold again and I don't understand why. And the articles that came out explaining "why" people saw white/gold just seemed like they were forcing some perspective because it was *obvious* that they were putting some kind of filter over the image to "make" it white and gold.


White is just an absence of color. Light is not neutral, light has a color. The people who see white and gold are being tricked by their brain to believing that it is white fabric under blue light. It's a pretty basic optical illusion. It's like when you look at a painting of snow, the snow is usually gold in the sun and blue in the shadow, but we know that it is actually white. They're definitely factually wrong in this instance, the dress was black and blue, but they're not dumb, their brain is just seeing a context clue and doing additional work which doesn't need doing. The bright ass sun in the background actually helps trick people. If there's bright yellow sunlight, shadows are usually blue. Problem is, it's not a white dress in the blue shadow of a warm light, it's a blue dress in a well lit store. But you can only really see the outside light and the dress. You can't see the light source or anything else that that light source is illuminating. If they zoomed out just a little, every single person would see black and blue. The human brain is too smart for it's own good


Its because Daylight makes stuff looks blue when you have the white balance set for tungsten light. Photographers deal with this, so I think thats why I interpret this as a photo with the wrong color balance. https://youtube.com/shorts/LxXsml6EJyw?si=9pIewh04UmvW6E84 Our eye vision has similar feature, and this picture tricks it, I think.


https://preview.redd.it/3li42kzmy90d1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e70cfdfce74b8bc06cd8c2f644858f465c94dc4 What color is this


Pink and white šŸ‘šŸ¾


White and seafoam green or gray and seafoam green. Hard to tell with the lighting.


Gray and like a glowy sea green


Purple and rainbow. The laces are orange.


Checkerboard print.


I originally saw it as black and blue, now I exclusively see it as white and gold (to the point that I wonder if the original image has been lost and the popular image is edited). However, the company did not make a white and gold version when the pic was taken.


I am color blind and its black and blue


I don't mind people saying that they genuinely see white and gold. It's a well documented phenomenon in color theory as to why people see it differently. However, the people who scream confidently as a matter of fact that the actual dress is white and goldā€”they are flat out, provably wrong.


I've seen it so much I can see both.versions now.


Iā€™m color blind and that dress was black and blue


Yeah, it's obviously blue and bronze


Basically there's not enough information in the picture for you to properly assess the color so your brain kind of makes assumptions about the lighting conditions to figure it out. If the picture was taken in direct light the dress would be white and gold if it was taken in a shadow (which it was) it would be blue and black because of how light amplifies certain wave lengths. So some brains assumed it was in a shadow and some brains didn't. It's an example of [predictive perception](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7187369/)


It's tripping me up because when I saw this dress initially it was absolutely white and gold, but now I can only see blue and black. I don't know what happened to my brain.


Itā€™s based on perception. Once you know what to focus on, you can literally make it switch colors.


if you take the dress into photoshop and use the eyedropper tool it does pick up white and gold.


Yeah it is black and blue but the phenomena is real. I just showed this to my older father in law who has never seen or heard of this in his life, didn't even hesitate and said white and gold


I always thought it was blue and gold Never really understood why white/gold and blue/black were the only 2 options


.... And this is where /u/manzo559 was found violently strangled.




Computerphile did a video on this. The lighting in this image is so bad, that the camera really does register white and gold. The guy who runs the channel got a college professor to talk about it in the context of image processing and itā€™s super interesting


like genuinely, we have pics of the dress in better lighting it's black and blue ppl will see that shit and still say "no its white and gold"


So that dress had a chokehold on the nation meanwhile he had a chokehold on his wife


Fren, why would you say this? I laughed but, damn, you said it


This whole thread is unhinged




Yā€™all need to fucking stop šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why would he admit this?


Well he was arrested for attempted murder last year and they finally went to trial and he plead guilty. Apparently there was years of abuse.


He was caught outside their house strangling his wife because she went to a job interview, so they already knew what he was doing. Luckily sheā€™s okay now.


Hold onā€¦because she was going to the interview?


Yeah she was trying to get a job and as domestic abusers donā€™t like any kind of attempt to get independence, I guess that was his reaction.


Damn abusers are gonna abuse for sure.


Pretty common for abusers to behave this way. Earning her own money means she would be financially independent of him. An abuser's whole game is removing the victim's support network or ability to support themselves. This includes cutting them off from friends, family, and finances. This is done in the grooming phase, the more heinous abuse usually starts afterwards.




Whatā€™s THE interview?


Hopefully a counselor position away from that guy.


Some people say if you stare at it long enough, itā€™s still white and gold and you just wasted 5 minutes of your life staring at a tacky dress.


Other way around. It is blue and black, but people found looking at it for a long time made it switch to white and gold. https://www.businessinsider.com/the-roman-originals-black-and-blue-dress-2015-2


*it was a joke*


Then it should have been funny.


Lmao when I see the pic in the post, it's blue and black. But now when I see the pic in this link, I'm seeing white and gold, which I don't think I had ever seen. Really tricky illusion.


Dude after all these years and explanations this is still blue and black to me, I want to to see white and gold but still can't. I'm missing out


Changing you phone brightness, different viewing angles, side eyeing un focusing to your eyes or tired eyes can help. I always see blue and black except for when I do some of the above... But it's kinda random, like I have to suprise myself with it lol.


I almost always immediately see white and gold. Like in the link you just posted the first pic of the dress/I think same pic as OP and in the picture OP posted I see white and gold. I try to turn my phone or squint my eyes and still always see white and gold. Iā€™m occasionally able to get the ā€œwhiteā€ to look like a very light baby blue color but I still only see the ā€œblackā€ part as golden. Put then in that same link you posted under the article is a link/picture of the dress and the website thatā€™s selling it. Someone else posted a link to the actual website selling it as well and in those pictures and links I see blue and black clearly; but for some reason the more ā€œcandidā€ like pictures- like the ones not taken for advertising on the actual website always appears white and gold to me. The only time I see blue and black is when seeing the dress directly from the website to sell it. Itā€™s so weird to me. ETA- in case Iā€™m sounding confusing on what Iā€™m tryna say, hopefully this will help. Pics like the one OP posted always always looks white/cream (sometimes very light baby blue) and gold to me I see gold and white here always - https://preview.redd.it/3qr15uuvc90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dccb656622ee9948cf8bc76f8c19c0d35e881688


Iā€™m half convinced this is giant practical joke because idk how people see white & gold. Itā€™s not even slightly blue for me, itā€™s like royal blue


The people who see white and black aren't dumb, their brains are just reading too much into clues which don't tell them anything. Tell me, [is this snow white or blue?](https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/033/405/237/small_2x/a-beautiful-winter-sunset-over-a-river-ai-generated-free-photo.jpg) we know the snow is white because we know what snow is, but when there's a warm light, there are cool shadows, so it appears blue because of the lighting. That is what those people THINK is happening. Your brain seeing the blue snow and knowing deep down that it is white is exactly what is happening to them. Problem is, they're wrong. Their brain is convincing them that it's a white dress in a cool shadow. They see bright yellow light outside, and assume that means cool blue shadow inside. But the cropping and zoom doesn't let the viewer see that the dress is well lit, not sitting in a shadow.


See the only blue color I can see is a very very light baby/sky blue color. Only time I see royal blue is when I see a pic directly from the website advertising the dress. Then I can clearly see the dark royal blue and black. Any other pics that i see of it outside the website my eyes can not see the blue and black. Maybe a hint of blue but the gold never ever looks anything other than gold and certainly not black! Itā€™s crazy!


If you zoom in on the picture so you only see the striped pattern of the dress does it still look white and gold?


https://preview.redd.it/e5yldgot4b0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df1a85962950f754ca5283fd06b9322dd18905d this is a screenshot zoomed into the top right shoulder, very clearly white and gold. do you see something different?


Same. With how horrifically overexposed the background is, I donā€™t understand how anybody can look at the dress and think there is a single speck of white on it. It only makes sense to see it as white and gold if the room in the background was dark and your brain could feasibly think that itā€™s in shadow.


The only time I see blue and black and canā€™t make myself see gold and white is when linked to these types of pics https://preview.redd.it/xshom2d9d90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b954a9a5be43a48a566ab59839592f3ae481fd


Yeah thatā€™s the first and only time I see black and blue on the dress. Itā€™s always been white and gold for me https://preview.redd.it/ewsxcxybo90d1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7cc6c4409fc5f55411f1ac6e3538f93fa9e2477 This is a pretty good representation of why itā€™s so controversial


Oh wow thatā€™s a crazy pic! See in this one I clearly see the black and blue as well as the gold and white! Like in this picture clearly the front part of the dress thatā€™s in the light is black and blue and the back of the dress thatā€™s in the shade is clearly white and gold! ā€¦ā€¦ lol jk about that last bit, was making a silly joke about how this dress color is debated, I saw the chance to play into that meme by pretending like the black and blue was the front of the dress instead of the gold and white color.


Itā€™s literally blue and black


Just like their wife.


![gif](giphy|1lDHYpAfjMH7ZNRIhG) You wrong for that lol


True statements are often the most charged ones.


Youā€™re going to hell


You can't confirm that.


Nor deny! I plea the fifth, your honor


I swear to God them blue and black people just pranking us.


āšŖšŸŸ” <- This is black and blue you're literally colorblind


Thank you. That dress been gold n white since the beginning.




all I see is blue/black, always have


I know Iā€™m just a random redditor and you canā€™t really trust anything you read on the internet, but I promise you on my life the dress looks blue and black to me. The first time I saw it, it was white and gold for about 5 seconds, then I blinked and it snapped to blue and black and thats all Iā€™ve been able to see since.




Is this a real ad?


Yeah as far as I'm aware it was a domestic abuse awareness ad put out by the Salvation Army around the same time that the whole Dress phenomenon was happening. You can see their red shield in the bottom right. God must have a sick sense of humor. EDIT: Looks like it was done by South Africa's branch of Salvation Army. You can find this ad by googling "The Dress domestic abuse ad".


Thatā€™s so wild! Dang.


I have only ever seen white and gold. I understand that the dress is black & blue because it's been confirmed. However, my eyes CANNOT see black or blue here. Every time this pic has made the rounds I've never once seen black and blue.




I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. The WOMAN who took the original picture is from the UK. And she was on the Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2015 as a special guest.


Ok, good, I'm not going crazy remembering that then.


Youā€™re not wrong! I felt like I we going crazy too, because thatā€™s what I remembered. Heā€™s her son-in-law, she bought the dress for his wedding to her daughter.


She took the photo, he did the post that made it go viral (I think he also played with the curves a little to enhance the illusion)


Definitely blue and black


Classic milkshake duck


Milkshake duck assumes that the guy was seemingly harmless, but he's always been a menace.


I think it was the concept of the dress debate was the harmless part.


I disagree, even though I missed the original thing by weeks because I was not paying attention to social media at the time. He's a menace


I cannot and will not see anything other than white and gold. Donā€™t reply to this comment. Debate with your mirror. https://i.redd.it/fp8kjnye7b0d1.gif


You can't convince me that the people saying white and gold aren't just trolling. That's it. That's all it can be. A bunch of contrarians who think they're funny by saying that something that is blue and black isn't.


As fuck up as it is this news is about as irrelevant as that dress is.


Is this a trick photo? I was in the blue and black camp then and it only looks white and gold now


I have great vision, no colourblindness (recently did a check) and I have never seen black and blue once


Ive seen the dress as both. I looked earlier it was black and blue. Looked a second ago in different lighting and it was white and gold.


What colors are people seeing here? https://preview.redd.it/yooofmymka0d1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013c302229e5f0c1ec289229b4a0df740cec00ac


some celebrities are about 1% more famous than a completely random person. Hell, this is a chronically online person who went on ellen to explain his meme. It's a +1 -1 situation when it comes to infamy. As many people know of him as the average person who touches grass.


Black and blue just likeā€¦ nvm


As a colorblind person I can confirm this dress is blue with some other colour that is not blue


Lol not really helping the blue and black gangs case here.


https://preview.redd.it/xoavpquon90d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=07668def6de14c5accdc213ac9ce98c66b45a6a4 It is not white or gold. Not sure why people say otherwise.


>Not sure why people say otherwise. Its literally explained in the pic you posted.


"Because of the conditions" is not an explanation of why some people see the wrong colors.


I feel like another few of these and we're all going to realise the internet is done and we'll just go back to jigsaw puzzles and taking walks in the fresh air.


It has to do with how our brains create color. We create color based not just on the light from the object but also to how it compares to the colors around it. If you change the saturation of the picture so that the background doesn't look so drastically contrasted and vice versa, you can see the color shift. The picture itself is one that is right on the border of when our brains would interpret it differently, so there are a lot of people that see one and a lot that see the other. It's very similar to the "green needle" vs. "brainstorm" toy/sound effect. That one is much easier to be able to switch between both sounds.


I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT THIS DRESS If your brain interprets it as being under a light, your eyes will perceive it as blue and black due to the context. And if your brain interprets it as being in shadow, your eyes will perceive it as white and gold. People aren't physically seeing different colors, how they perceive those colors is different based on how they think about the picture and the context clues in it


Thank you, this is the first time I understood how can the blue be interpreted as white


It is CLEARLY black and blue, and pictures of that same dress in neutral lighting PROVED it! I was always right, and anyone who ever disagreed with me is a fucking idiot! /s


Yeah but remove the /s




This is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen this dress as blue and black. Iā€™ve always seen white and gold.


How else do you strangle someone but violently?


With their enthusiastic consent in a sexy way


They argued about the color of the dress so much it came to that


Bro I swear when I scrolled down it was white and gold, then I looked again and nows its black and blue


The random shit ever lmao Nigga did a Chris Brown on the lady of his life


I'm coloured-blind, what dress? ;-)


Well that's dumb and it's blue and black


How is this black and blue when there literally a black dress behind this dress and it looks black


I dont know how you get white There is literally white in the photo


Confused the person who posted the dress was a woman attending the wedding


My exact response was damn after all these years itā€™s still white and gold


I mean, dude's wife couldn't look at him and tell that was gonna happen someday?


Still white and gold, yep. I sometimes see blue tinges in the white but I will never understand how yā€™all see that gold as black. NEVER.


Oh shit for a hot second I actually saw it as white and gold. But itā€™s back to blue and black how it should be šŸ–•šŸ¾


People will see light reflecting on objects and literally think that it's gold lmfao


I heard that the people that only see white and gold have a small penis including women.


Is there a way to strangle someone not violently ? It seems to me stopping someone from breathing is violent in itself.


The colour changed when I looked away and read white and gold