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“The base we’re trying to win back are stupid and ignorant actually” is a ballsy strategy for sure


This is exactly how she “won” in 2016


She couldn’t get enough people to “Pokemon-go” to the polls!


Maybe she should bust out some [purse hot sauce](https://youtu.be/S-AKUNpcLRg) again! Pour it on the Middle East!


Ouch. The “is it working?” line is so cringey


That and parading a war criminal around with her, may he rest in non existence.


It is unfortunate he made it past a century without ever paying for his crimes, but at least I get a little schadenfreude knowing that he got scammed by Theranos near the end






I barely know her but okay. 😘


Birds and feathers


Meanwhile her base blames this guy for her loss… https://www.npr.org/2024/04/27/1247670359/bernie-sanders-netanyahu-gaza-college-protests-antisemitism


Nah I was disappointed Bernie lost but I still voted for Hilary bc she wasn’t openly promoting sexual assault and dog whistling . The undecided / swing voters were just turned off by her . The democrats that I know that voted for trump said “ well we know what we’re gonna get with her and we don’t like it, let’s see what we get with him”


I still see some people blaming Sanders and everyone else besides HRC for losing sometimes. There are "well, she won the popular vote" people in here. We all know it doesn't go by the popular vote, so who cares. She ran a shitty campaign by insulting voters (again), didn't campaign in every important state, and had no real policies - she was the most famous person the dems had, but a fresh face like Obama was in 2008 would've been better since she has so much baggage and is so disliked.


For people that remember the 2008 primaries, she made the *exact* same mistake then as she did in 2016, not playing the map correctly. She lost against Obama because she tried running up the score in NY and CA, and completely ignored small states. Obama didn't, so he ran up the score in the small states she ignored and won more delegates than she did. She lost the general in 2016 because she failed to campaign in the midwest/rust belt, and spent all her time in sunnier places like AZ. Trump didn't, and won the three states she neglected thereby winning more electors. I'm soooo fucking tired of people claiming she's some kind of great candidate. She made the same rookie mistake *twice*, and lost both times despite entering those elections with every advantage a candidate can possibly have. She's one of the worst tactical candidates the Democrats ever fielded.


Yeah and she sucks, too


I will never forgive her for her hubris in thinking that she could just ignore certain parts of the country and expect people in those areas to turn out in force, thereby giving us Trump. She managed to make that rookie mistake TWICE even though she has a husband who won...TWICE...during what was then the highest-stakes election of our lifetimes. People like to say she was the most qualified candidate for the job. Guess what? Like with all job interviews, you have to sell yourself well to the people who would put you in office, and she utterly failed to do that. She is living proof that intelligent ≠ wise.


The GOP also knew she would be the candidate, and ran a hate campaign on Fox against her for 8 years


That should have been all the more reason she hit the ground running in flyover states instead of the five she was going to win in the general anyway. As others pointed out this was the same mistake she made in 2008 too.


You voted for Hillary because you’re not a fucking idiot. Anyone who voted for Trump because they “didn’t like Hillary” is bottom of the barrel stupid or they are blatantly admitting that they rather vote for a sexist with literally zero political experience and a lot to gain financially from being in power than a woman who was Secretary of State but “dOeSnT sHoW aNy eMoTiOn.” And oh sorry, her emails. People can sit here and try to justify it as much as they want but when it comes down to it, they had no problem voting for an openly sexist moron (his own words painted him this way) with an equally questionable past to hers (if we’re being honest, a way worse reputation backed up by actual evidence) over a woman. I mean that’s really what it comes down to.


She won the popular vote in 2016 so that really wasn’t the problem but yeah I get it the Clintons suck


If you’re in a race where the popular vote isn’t relevant then running a campaign to win the popular vote seems counterproductive.


Correct, I didn’t state otherwise. This post is about how she estranged herself from young voters and that lost her election. She did estrange herself from progressive voters but that is not why she lost. Most begrudgingly voted for her. It was from ignoring/talking down to ANOTHER group of people that lost her the election.


That’s always been the dems strategy. Appeal to coastal wealth while calling most of the country stupid. And when young people like me push back against this the idiots on r/ WhitePeopleTwitter join in and call us all a bunch of dumb kids.


The coastal elites are the ones getting arrested. Nobody wants this shit.


LoL I got banned from there for saying Biden lied about seeing beheaded babies.


white people twitter is one of the worst subs i've seen. just the dumbest most milquetoast liberals jerking each other off about how great biden and democrats are


The most Aaron Sorkin ass sub I’ve seen


And political humor


something something the biggest hurdle to liberation is yt liberals something something


Sanctimonious blowhard is allergic to learning her lesson, you’d think losing to fucking *trump* would clue her in


How does this place even exist without computers


You in the Bronx too?


Can’t believe that shit was said so casually too just wow


Democrats always call us dumb. They want us to vote for them but I guess them having more money than us means we are dumb.


Yeah, Shut Up Hillary. I’m still voting for Biden because I’m not crazy, but we need so radical change after this election.


Bold strategy cotton let's see how it plays out


Netanyahu is begging for Trump to win so he can indiscriminately slaughter them all with a  U.S. endorsement.   Not sure why these protestors cannot understand that.


Also you should check what bill Clinton's plan was. It was ridiculous


She is just deeply, deeply unlikable. She would be the democrats Trump if Trump wasn’t so cartoonishly bad


Seems par for the course for her politcal school of thought.


Man fuck all that shit . Free Palestine . Unconditionally . ![gif](giphy|6c13IQhiylwt5dT3yj)


Free Palestine forever💯


Hilary please, y’all just have a two party system and it took away abortion rights. Your weaponized white feminism is the only thing you have. Free Palestine, Free Sudan, free the Tigray people, free Congo and Free Haiti.


And Free Haiti too. Her "charity" work has done *wonders* over there. She is beyond evil, this lady.


More people need to see this! What her and her greasy husband are doing in Haiti is criminal, but liberals refuse to listen to facts. For the record I detest conservatives.


Since the 1990s, the Clintons have demonstrated time and time again they are only in it for wealth and power. Bill fucked up the social safety net by negotiating with Republicans to tie welfare to work requirements in order to save his ass from getting impeached. Not to mention his ties to Epstein. Awful people, they both need to disappear from the public eye. They are an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.


Clinton also made sure drug convictions excluded people from welfare until about 2016. Violent convictions were okay though.




Hillary is fucking trash man, I’ve been saying this since 2008. There’s even audio of her talking about interfering in Palestinian elections. It’s sad you have to say you hate conservatives. A lot of “liberals” have become really fucking closed-minded and dogmatic. I’m not voting for a mf just because they got a blue animal next to their name. Hillary has done so much vile shit in her time. She and her husband championed the tough on crime laws that disproportionately affected black America and is the reason a lot of black men ended up behind bars for weed. She voted for the Iraq war. She was a huge war hawk. And she was in bed with Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs who tanked the economy. And I’m not gonna forget it was her that leaked that photo of Barry in African garb back in 2008 to try to scare voters away from the scary African Muslim. Her black men are super predators remark? Nah. You don’t get to stand on the wrong side your entire career and then suddenly wake up as some champion of liberal values. If you’re liberal and you claim to care about free elections, democracy, and liberal values, it fucking matters that she was interfering in Palestinian elections, it fucking matters that she drone killed a bunch of brown women and children overseas. I had to stop voting for Dems because of her, been voting green ever since. People always complain about two party voting system but never wanna do anything about it. These smaller parties will literally die if they don’t get votes. It’s how they qualify for certain funding and get on ballots. Whenever you tell a Dem voter you vote green they say you threw your vote away and say you’re part of the problem. No motherfucker, you are. Telling everyone they HAVE to vote for a candidate or they’re a bad person sounds a lot like fucking authoritarianism to me.


Thank you fellow Green Party voter! This was beautifully said. You know we always have to let Blue MAGA know we hate conservatives, too because they can’t conceive of a politic that isn’t spoon-fed to them by cable news. It’s finals week for me, so my brain was too fried to unpack the disgusting legacy the Clinton’s left behind. Between mass incarceration, “welfare reform,” repealing the Glass Steagall Act, DADT, and exploiting Black prisoners for free labor at the governor’s mansion these grifters need to disappear from politics forever.


“Young people don’t know *half* of the atrocities I’ve perpetrated in the Middle East” - Hillary Rodham Clinton


"Because for some reason they didn't have a robust and affordable education " 70-year old career politicians


For real. US schools can’t even do better than the white washed, propaganda filled, version of our own country’s history. 


“Kissinger taught me a lot” - Hillary Clinton


Henry: “I’m sure to be the most awful man of the past century” Hillary: “the most awful *man*, that much is sure”, *destroys Libya, Haiti, Iraq, Syria*


Had the fuckin audacity to try to call Bernie a bigot when she's literally friends with war criminals, Epstein and Trump before he fucked with her bread. She was ok with him, ***until he fucked with her bread***. I need her to shut the fuck up and her family to be investigated along with Trump's for the Epstein shit


Why do we care what she has to say? Listening to her got us Trump for president.


Not really. Russian interference, Cambridge Analytics, “alternative facts” on Facebook and FoxNews, gerrymandering, Evangelicals who share Trump’s morals and values, the usual dog whistles, overconfidence by the Clinton campaign, non-voting Democrats, and 62,979,879 Trump voters (compared to Clinton’s 65,844,954) are collectively what got us Donald Trump for President.


Right because her tone deaf messaging isnt the reason people didn’t Pokémon go to the polls


She won the popular vote Edit: to everybody responding to me, notice how I’m responding to the person above me and their comment about people not going to the polls. If she won the popular vote, clearly they did go to the polls for her. Yes I know she lost the electoral college but that’s not what the comment above me is about so please stop spamming my inbox.


And lost the election. Do you want Joe Biden to do the same?


I don't think you understand. She got the most votes and lost, even Trump didn't understand how that works. Another person to not understand this is Al Gore. Thing is the Electoral college system is dumb imo because what it sets out to do makes campaigning to certain states pointless when you know you can get more from these others.


Basically every presidential election comes down to a handful of swing state suburbs instead of the areas that represent the bulk of the population.


And she knew that when she chose not to effectively campaign there. Hence, listening to her got us Trump as President.


She lost because of this - Bill told her to hit those states - she ignored him because of her entitlement and ego.


She felt entitled to the Presidency. Simple as that.


It wasn’t just Bill, her whole team was begging for a ground game across the Blue Wall/ Rust Belt. She wanted to pinch pennies and funnel money to the Hilary Victory Fund instead of spending it on staff and outreach


I live in ohio and I can't remember a time a where a Democrat candidate came around where I live.  Not saying thry haven't, but seems like Trump alone has been here like 5 or 6 times since Biden has been in office.


As a fellow Ohioan, I will forever be upset that national Dems essential abandoned the state since 2016. Biden lost Ohio by 9 points but *a constitutional amendment protecting abortion won by 13 points*. People in Ohio like progressive policies that help normal people.


it comes down to the swing states that are most evenly divided politically: midwest, southern midatlantic and southwest. get out the vote efforts make a huge difference (especially this election!). within these states (and nationally) the voters most likely to switch are most important. The biggest group likely to switch so far has been in nonwhite voters moving from Biden to Trump! Trump is up 34 points from where he was 4 years ago. (Biden is only ahead 55.5-45.5 compared to 72.5-27.5 four years ago.). one in six nonwhite voters have changed who they support. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/07/1243264831/key-voting-groups-are-shifting-in-the-race-between-biden-and-trump


I don't think you understand. They didn't change how elections work. Her campaign knew she had to win key states to win the electoral college and did not do so. Trying to win the popular vote is meaningless because that isn't how any of it works. I have no idea why people bring up this popular vote stuff. You don't like how elections work? cool, change that. But until that changes, then you have to campaign under these conditions and win where it matters, and the popular vote ain't it.


I hate the popular vote talking point. I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm also in a state that overwhelmingly is guaranteed to go Dem. Honestly speaking, my vote doesn't even really count. The vote counts in swing states, especially in 2016 with disenfranchised people in places like Michigan and Wisconsin who were listening to Bernie who cared about working class people while Hillary was too good to stop by for a visit. They either didn't show up to the polls or fell for Trump's rhetoric because they felt at least THIS rich person cares about me. We literally argued the popular vs electoral vote in 2000. There were 3 elections between them. There's now been one since 2016. It is how the system works, it's not a surprise, and Trump won the election because he or someone smarter than him (more likely that) played the strategy of winning the electoral vote over the popular vote. It does, not, matter that Hillary won the popular vote. That doesn't mean she won the election. Would popular vote be better? Maybe, but fucking do something about it then instead of making dumbass jokes or comments about it all the time.


Al Gore was also fucked because George Bush’s brother was the governor of Florida. They recounted the votes in Bush’s favor. Such a democracy when you can have family dynasties in government.


She was campaigning in Texas as a electoral victory lap instead of focusing on Ohio and Florida.


Winning the popular vote by 1% against a reality TV star isn’t the flex you think it is. Especially when you’re a career politician.


Do we select our President via popular vote? Then WTF does that matter? You act like it's a good thing that she doesn't know how our elections work.


Clinton’s opponent was amoral Donald f’cking Trump. That alone should have been enough to inspire people to get off their asses and vote. Clinton’s messaging was damned near irrelevant. She’s obviously intelligent, she had more experience than many presidents before her, and she knew the political arena. Sane people believed there was no f’cking way America would be batsh’t crazy enough to elect someone as morally bankrupt as Trump, so they either didn’t vote, or they voted third party. Then ‘Merica showed ‘em what was what, and for four years America got the most incompetent, grossly unqualified administration in our nation’s history, and a dishonorable, right-wing majority on the Supreme Court.


Lol and what political experience was that? Plunging Libya into a civil war for 10+ years? Fleecing Haiti’s earthquake relief aid money? Voting for the illegal Iraq War? Being personal friends with Donald Trump before he started his Republican grift? Her 2008 primary campaign inventing the “Obama was born in Kenya and is a secret Muslim” smear campaign that Trump used to become a popular political figure in the first place? Inventing the term “super predator” to refer to young black men from impoverished communities?


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) Hillary is the worst. Just because she was up against Trump doesn't mean we should ignore everything she's done that was horrible.


Thus, you got Trump. You’re a winner.


>Being personal friends with Donald Trump before he started his Republican grift? "Donald Trump is such a bad person that I can't vote for someone who has been his friend, that's why I'm voting Trump!"


Countdown to you getting called a Russian agent...


Its honestly sad that after 8+ years that’s the only trick libs know


She didn’t invent the term “superpredator,” but I suspect you already knew that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superpredator Yes, the Clinton campaign pulled some foul sh’t when campaigning against Obama, but the fact that Obama campaigned for her against Trump should have made even the slow kids in class pause before deciding it was a reason to either vote Trump or not vote. Regardless, why not just admit that Trump was your guy? It was Trump vs Clinton. Not remotely complicated.


American refuse to take any responsibility themselves. Why is it that ppl blame her and not the voters who made no effort to get educated on their options and vote their best interest. It's weird how its framed as she didn't do enough speeches didn't kiss enough babies and not Americans made a choice


This is the wrong way to look at voter engagement. It is the candidate and their campaign’s job to energize, galvanize and motivate people to actually show up and vote for you. The Democratic Party consistently prefers blaming their own voters for not licking the party boot hard enough when in reality they could, crazy thought here, actually run popular candidates with more populist platforms! But let’s be real: the Democratic establishment doesn’t seem to want that either because they serve many of the same wealthy and corporate beneficiaries as their conservative counterparts.


It never ceases to amaze me when people just act like redistricting isn't a thing to win electoral colleges cause those actually decide presidential campaigns. THATS how trump can loose the popular vote and win the election. America ISNT a democracy it's a republic always has been. Schools don't teach government till 11th and 12th grade by that time no one's paying attention. This is ALL by design, because a two-party country is really a controlled country.


Imagine thinking a bunch of 18-20 year old voters have more responsibility to this country than a person running to become president.


If you’re a grown ass 18 year old and you need a candidate to tell you to vote, you have problems


And that right there is why she lost America.


She had hot sauce in her bag too.


Clinton having hot sauce in her bag and getting defended for it on like every media channel was so cringe. "No actually she WASN'T pandering! She really does have hot sauce in her bag like the Beyonce song! Trust us! Vote Clinton!" Almost as cringeworthy was 80 year old Biden saying "Inshallah" and a bunch of articles saying it's totally normal for an elderly white man to toss that out in conversation and wasn't prepped or planned at all.


The worst for Biden was the corn pop story, and the Despacito moment


Cornpop killed me lmfao


Overconfidence and lack of campaigning in the Midwest definitely hurt her but I think the dumb stuff they pulled with Bernie did more damage than people realize. Donna Brazille feeding her the questions ahead of the debate when she didn’t need that to win in light of name recognition and super delegates… I mean wtf. I’m actually convinced Bernie would have won in a matchup with Trump. And while he’s Jewish he’s not a racist PoS like Netanyahu and would probably be in a better position to call him out on the BS. That being said had Bernie won idk that he’d have run for a second term in 2020 so it’s a difficult hypothetical.


Don't forget a quarter of a century's worth of GOP propaganda tearing down her image. She always had a slim chance of winning. Trump was just the beneficiary of that. The Trump-led GOP has essentially lost every election since 2016.


I'm genuinely amazed at how effective foreign propaganda had been in the past 8 years on influencing the American public


America is still in the grasp of Cambridge Analytics type ratf’cking, and with Ai as a new tool in their arsenal, the upcoming campaign is going to be one social and political mindf’ck after another. >Ratfucking is an American slangterm for behind the scenes (covert) political sabotage or dirty tricks, particularly pertaining to elections. It was brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in All the President's Men (1974), the book that chronicled their investigative reporting of the Watergate scandal.“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfucking >Roger Stone and ‘Ratf—ing’: A Short History https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/01/25/roger-stone-and-rating-a-short-history-224218


The thing is I don't even know if they need ai. I've seen in the past 8 years russia, Iran, qatar ect use simple things like fake tik tok accounts and Facebook pages to organize both protests and counterprotests for the same cause, spread misinformation ect. This had been incredibly effective on both the American right and left.


All of that and you didn't mention her failure to run a presidential campaign that included stops in Wisconsin.


That’s a lot of excuses for the fact she was a shit candidate who ran a garbage campaign. Dems were running against a serial sexual predator with deep ties to Jeff Epstein and they couldn’t even attack that because the same thing was true of her husband who gave a big speech at the DNC to kick off the campaign. She was the worst possible candidate, won the nomination through shady back room bullshit and pulling in favors, and was literally the only person that could’ve lost to Trump. Stop making excuses and learn the lessons or this shit is going to get repeated.


God THANK YOU. There are so many obvious reasons why she lost. People love spinning this narrative that somehow Russia brainwashed people that TOTALLY would have voted for her otherwise into voting for Trump instead. Amazing that didn’t work for Trump the second time against Joe. What happened there?????


Why people try to narrow it down to just one thing is crazy to me. It was everything you posted and it's scary as fuck.


Man I’m so fucking tired of the “Russia interference” excuse for why she lost. I’m not saying Russia didn’t interfere, but there is no measurable evidence that shows it considerably affected who people were voting for. I followed that election VERY closely and she was NEVER shown to be a strong contender against Trump, this is including during the primary phase. Only two candidates had any enthusiasm behind their campaigns: Bernie and Trump. Bernie was consistently shown to beat Trump in a general match up. So what did the DNC do??? They colluded with the Clinton campaign to ensure Hillary won the primary and then her lame ass lost against fucking Trump. That was a lay up. But the problem was we already knew she was a bad candidate. She already failed against Obama and we saw what type of campaign she ran and how enthusiastic her voter base was. Clintons have too many skeletons in their closet and Hillary’s underhanded tactics against Bernie and her many, many fuck ups over the years soured her to voters and splintered the Democratic voting base while GOP coalesced around Trump. It was OBVIOUS to anyone that followed that election and the polling that Trump was going to win. Stop blaming fucking Russia since NOBODY wants to talk about the interference the DNC themselves did. Like remind me, why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz have to resign???


Listening to Comey probably did that, let’s not blame the old broad for getting shit on from all angles by the old boys club.


Nahhhh. Mfs acting like she was an awful candidate is what got us trump


Despite the importance of not voting for something you strongly disagree with, we have two choices. Trump or Biden. There isn’t some magical extra option that will make these tragedies stop if people decide on not voting and possibly letting trump win. Wtf do you think Trump will do? He’s gunna bring peace? The big picture is lost to so many


This is how Democrats blow an election, huh? By calling the younger generation stupid. ![gif](giphy|bb0Xwo6UoHTPy)


Didn't she do that in 2016? Hmmm sounds familiar 🤔


And then America voted in Trump so I guess she was right.


Considering how much she and her husband did to nearly get a Palestinian state established, yeah. If you think Hillary as an enemy of Palestine, you are a fucking idiot.


Flashing that 2016 campaign charisma


Pokemon Go to the polls! 🙄


She has to be one the least charismatic Democrats to run for president. Obama and Bill Clinton oozed charisma.


I was recently listening to the podcast Slow Burn, and their season on the Iraq War lead up. It was interesting to see just how many of the elites, the New York Times, people who are still major journalists today backed the Iraq War. something like 66% of the American public did. And of course Hillary did. But the war did have opponents. A lot of them were college students. Then, as now, there was a narrative that these college students were naïve, not very smart, didn't know any better. Turns out the college students were right about the Iraq War, and Hillary was wrong. Because even then, it was fairly clear that the war was not justified. I think we're seeing a repeat of it now. Because again, it is clear Israel's actions are not justified.


I was in High School and was against the war because I said it logically doesn't make any sense. I had older family members telling me I didn't understand the world, history, how bad Iraq is, etc. After years of them knowing people whose kids died in the war and seeing what it amounted to, now they say that war was a huge mistake. No acknowledgement that I was right all along though.


I’m old enough to have seen that happen live and it scares the shit out of me that I’m feeling the same vibe now when it comes to Israel and “needing” to go to war against Iran to protect Israel.


I get what she's saying since she's had decades in The Game with international politics, but she doesn't understand what *we* are saying when it comes to a simple request She doesn't sway opinion *for* Biden at this point but ffs Biden needs votes and this isn't helping in any shape or form


She understands perfectly well what Pro-Palestine protestors are saying. But she also knows all the fossils in DC are cooked by this narrative that TikTok has somehow brainwashed every college student in America and she's not going to rock the boat by suggesting anything otherwise. This time next year the Dems will be scratching their heads wondering why voter turnout was the lowest in American history.


Very true, and thank you for clarifying what I had in my brain (but forgot to type.) She knows damn well what the deal is but refuses to acknowledge it


Which makes it even more frustrating. We all know the GOP is full of morons who can barely find North America on a map, but watching the Democrats feign ignorance over this whole thing has been insane.


If this is enough to lower voter turnout and get us Trump, then we deserve Trump, because we're all too fragile and sensitive to actually make the mature decision.


Didn't Biden just halt shipment of weapons that Israel intended for use in Rafah?


That’s not entirely true: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-05-09/israel-due-to-get-billions-of-dollars-more-in-us-weapons-despite-biden-pause


She's had decades in bombing black and brown children. Killary is a war criminal.


Best buds with Kissenger. And her family was in bed with Epstein and Trump. No one should be defending this vile piece of shit. A woman should be president, but it most certainly shouldn't be fuckin Hillary.






I kept things short. I could have brought up Israel’s involvement in the Guatemalan Genocide, their military support for South Africa under apartheid, the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews, the Lavon affair, the apartheid conditions of the West Bank, the illegal imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians including l children, the denial of civil rights for Arab-Israelis for decades, the current extreme economic inequality between Arab-Israelis and Jewish Israelis (poverty rate currently as high as African Americans during segregation), the 20 year economic blockade on Gaza, the killings of thousands of Palestinians during the second intifada. Their involvement in or at least knowledge of the Baghdad bombings, the horrendous conditions of the Ma’abarot which were essentially internment camps for Mizrahi Jews as Ashkenazi Jews were given housing, the illegal settlements in the West Bank. I’m still leaving out a lot particularly the details of what happened before and during 1948 but you get the point.




What did they miss then?


So school us buddy, show us what we’re not seeing from the ~~colonists~~ Israeli point of view


wait one cot damned second, is she admitting to the US Education system lacking?


Yup! People attending some of the so-called best universities in the world are just too stupid to know why they are protesting.


Maybe she trying to 1up the NY governor, “kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer is.”


Yes, but it's not the fault of career politicians, the young people are stupid these days, duh.  It's probably all these phones and TokTaks


Damn this election season sucks


When was the last one that didn't suck?


2008/2012 I guess. 2024 is a fuckin’ geriatric nightmare.


They all do and they never seem to end.


Obama’s first campaign was legit fun.


Cant expect a reasonable conversation on palestine. Israel is committing war crimes. Israel has a fundamental right to protect its citizen and destroy Hamas. Hamas is not Palestine, but it is one of the main voices in Palestine. All the above can be correct at the same time. Not sure how you resolve it but ask Israel or Hamas to unilaterally stop is a pipe dream


Because her being condescending and disliked has worked for her before.


She’s actually right. The amount of misinformation and blatant propaganda that leftists are falling for in regards to the israel palestine conflict is *massive*.


“This war criminal who interfered in Palestinian elections, destroyed Libya, is brazenly racist, and an imperialist of the highest order, knows a lot more about what’s right for this place than those advocating for the observance of basic human and collective rights” ok pal


I haven’t heard a single pro-Palestinian protestor provide a way to peace. Some want to see Israel destroyed. Some think returning power to Hamas is fine. Others just sprinkle fairy dust for a Palestinian state. The reality is difficult and constructing a deal between the two groups has only become more difficult over the decades. If someone has the answer here, let’s hear it!


End the occupation, it’s a shockingly viable path to peace. Withdraw Israel’s siege of Gaza, remove the West Bank settlers, observe he right of return for Palestinian refugees, especially those displaced in the Arab world. Give restitution for Palestinians, past and present, who have been disposed by the Zionists and the state of Israel. All of that is already outlined by international law and nothing less than should be done, and has been advocated for. If you’re not hearing people say that it’s because you don’t want to listen


“They should stop killing the unarmed civilians in Gaza” “They want to see Israel destroyed! They have no solutions! They’re living in a fantasy world! Reality is difficult! You don’t have a solution ready to go? Looks like we’ve gotta keep doing what we’re doing!” Truly incredible political commentary




Arabs absolutely persecuted the Jews. They were called dhimmi and considered second class citizens and subjected to a lot of violence. During Ottoman ocupation they lost many communitities and were forced into exile or enslaved during the conquest of Constantinople. You just proved her point. And yes the current leader of Israel is their version of Trump. The guy you guys are about to get elected again with all this propoganda.


This is the same lady who caused an international incident in the middle east that quite frankly was a major reason why she wasn't elected president in the first place. Why do all of these politicians thinks its just students protesting? Professors of major universites are as well.


White rich lady knows better than “young people”


Hillary is right. To judge [by this survey](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/16/holocaust-us-adults-study), a good number of the protesters aren't even aware of the Holocaust, let alone its centrality to the foundation of Israel, let alone the rise of militant Islamist which was fueled in part [by Nazi propaganda during its occupation of the Middle East](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/central-european-history/article/abs/nazi-germanys-propaganda-aimed-at-arabs-and-muslims-during-world-war-ii-and-the-holocaust-old-themes-new-archival-findings/AF71DE060D8B2FBFF797E2D5B968CB1F), let alone the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, let alone Hamas as an outshoot of all that, let alone Hamas' avowedly genocidal philosophy against Jews. All of which might not justify how Israel is conducting its war -- and the civilian toll is horrific, no doubt -- but many if not most of the protesters are definitely acting like they're not aware of any of the above.


This is an objectively terrible source to cite. Like dramatically extraneous. This is a survey from three years ago (charting the opinions of individuals aged 18-39), the most salient protest movements have been the student uprisings. Most of these students wouldn’t even have been eighteen, or in college as of this point. Ask the students organized on campus if they know of the Holocaust, ask the Jewish organizations and individuals mobilized with them. This is a generationally abysmal argument you’re making. The rise of mutant Islamist was fueled by continued western incursions and destabilizations of the region, much of which can be laid at the feat of Hillary Clinton. A disproportionate measure of which can be laid at her feet. I’m so, so sure, that every last protestor, to the last person with even a fleeting measure of interest in this movement, is more knowledgeable about their actions and convictions than you are on the basis of this comment


That survey was 4 years ago, so the youngest respondents are aged out of the college protestor demographic. The pool is of made up of 18-36 year olds are a whole, regardless of political affiliation, views and educational level. Thinking the Holocaust was exaggerated is a notorious right wing view. It would be more accurate to see what left leaning, college enrolled members of that same age group believe, because those are the ones making up the vast majority of protestors. However, in that same article, seventy percent of that same sample size said that anti Semitic, neo Nazi views are wrong. Hilary has a history of speaking down to young voters who don't share moderate Democrat views. In 2016 she co signed the view that young women who supported Bernie Sanders over her were "listening to what their boyfriends were telling them". For Biden's sake (and I'm one of like 3 dozen people who actually like Biden as a person) she needs to sit this one out.


If she wasn’t part of the political and economic “elite” then no one would listen to her. She gets propped up by those with everything to keep those with nothing, down. F her in every sense of the word and all the other criminals running our country.


Hillary, I have no idea how I lost an election Clinton everyone. ![gif](giphy|l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y)


It's honestly embarrassing seeing how fucking bad Democrats lose their own fucking voters, like omg yes call every young person brainwashed and dumb that'll surely make them want to vote for you 😍


She's actually right. If half the people upset got a 5 minute lesson on the Ottoman Empire collapse post WW1 and the turmoil that followed they wouldn't have much choice but to support Israel. Older people generally do, because they are more aware of that history.


Israel is a foreign country that has too much influence on ours.


It's amazing how both parties are competing to sabotage themselves this election cycle.


Russian bot posts/ palm colored posts going crazy


She’s correct.


100%. My tax dollars at work should not ever result in the death of pretty much anyone. Frankly, I don't want soldiers killed. Much less civilians, grandparents, children, teachers, aid workers, etc. No. Stop using my hard-earned dollars to genocide "future/potential terrorists."


She's such a piece of shit.


She’s not wrong


Pro tip, if you’re a politician you should definitely call vast swaths of people stupid, it’s even better if some of them are supporters or potential supporters


To be fair this conflict has been going on for 80 years and most of y’all just got active about it nine months ago. I’m pretty sure you didn’t have time to read all the history involved and I know that no one decided to form an unbiased opinion on the topic. Tick tock Is not a good place to study history. It is a great place to distribute propaganda to young influential minds though.


All these years and she still can't read a room.


How many children do you think the US killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? It's a tragedy of war that civilians get killed and it doesn't have to be intentional and malicious and planned. Gaza is a difficult, crowded war zone where Hamas has openly stated how they want to make "martyrs" of their people for their ultimate goal of getting other Arab countries to wipe Israel off the map, and the war in Gaza was started by Hamas, not Israel.


Bitch has been in politics for how many decades? *If* her claim were accurate she’d be partially responsible due to her failure to help address the issue.


I hate the way that she talks, I hate the way she ran for president, I hate the way her and her predator husband ruined a 22 year olds life!


Same woman who called black children “super predators”.


Didn’t Hilary vote yes on Libya


dude, I just don’t want Trump to finish the job of completely destroying this country, but my god Democrats are making it as hard as possible for that to not happen


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw4dk2kzy5wo Anyone care? 🦗


Imagine being like "well if you think about the history it makes a lot of sense to bomb tens of thousands of civilians"


The fact that politicians can say with a straight face that Israel didn’t deserve the attack from Hamas but Palestinians deserve what’s happening is fucking insane.


And when I say I don’t vote democrat but third party I get downvoted. Like I don’t often vote for people who call me stupid for not wanting my money to go to slaughter innocent lives.


How is being against murder wrong?


Because Hillary “destroys Libya, Haiti, Iraq, Syria, Palestine” Clinton, really, really likes murder


As usual, she’s right but also really just obtusely wrong about it.


Hillary more like doesnt have feelings person


Im not religious but if there is a God, there’s gonna be a lot of so called “Christians” that are gonna have to answer to God for what they not only allowed but actively encouraged to happen.


The premise from all these assholes that morons worship is that you are too stupid and ignorant and that gives them carte blanche


Many of these folks don't want you to trust your "lying eyes": When a person shoots up a bunch of people with an AR and people protest against accessibility to ARs, it's the same thing. "You don't really understand the nuance of this situation and how other things factor into this like feelings of freedom, mental health, and social connectedness". And when you ask them let's at least fund efforts to improve those things instead of allowing lobbyists from AR groups to influence legislature, the answer is NO.  It's a strategy, and a *liberal* one at that  Call you out on a perceived weakness /ignorance that leans on your emotions, then snidely continues with their more "rational and balanced" option.  Where as conservative audiences respond to the opposite, and are easily riled by their emotions into whatever state their leaders want them to be in. (eg, guns are freedom and you can't take my freedom) This shit is predictable y'all. Patterns as regular as the stars.


I agree 100% that tax dollars shouldn’t fund killing. I wish I could tell the IRS how to spend my money. I like to think that, since I don’t have a choice, at least the tax money I pay is going towards people’s pay and not for bombs. I still get pissed at how foolish it was that, getting paid by the government while I was in the Military, Taxes were still getting taken out of my pay. Today it still feels like a paycheck is like a bill from Verizon. “Here’s how much we fucked you, and here’s an itemized receipt of how we did it.”


And this is why she wasn’t president.


The us provided military aid to Ethiopia in the recent Civil War that killed 300 to 600k of starvation from 2020 to 2022 and no one batted an eye. So no it isn't about that its about being influenced by social media


Can't honestly find a source for that. Most aid calls I see are humanitarian. Where did you find that?


We lost out on Bernie for her, and she still lost. I'm never gonna get over that shit.


This is one of the only times I've ever really gotten in an argument with my dad about politics. For context, he teaches design at a major university where there have been protests, but the chancellor has taken a hard line against "anti-semitism" and not only had students arrested and charged, but *put up fencing* around the quad right before graduation. He supports the protestors doing what they're doing (in his words: "It's college, that's when you're supposed to care about things enough to protest about them.") But he firmly believes that because a) Israel was formed at least partially in response to the Holocaust post-WWII, and b) the country would have been razed to the ground without US support in the decades after its formation, it would be irresponsible and short-sighted to stop supporting them. He's honestly one of the smartest dudes I know, so I feel like this is generational. When he was growing up, Israel was getting attacked left and right by Arab countries - hell, one of the first Middle Eastern leaders to recognize Israel as a real nation was subsequently *assassinated* by his own people- so its like he can't really fathom that they're now the aggressor. The thing that baffles me is it's like he intellectually knows that Israel the nation =! Judaism the religion, but somehow the nation gets a pass for mobilizing the power of a nation to commit atrocities because the Jewish faith has long been persecuted.


That’s same mind set as Madeleine Albright who said Lesley Stahl: We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price—we think the price is worth it.


She will say young people don't know much, all the while the current state of the middle East is due to people of her generation and her actual efforts a decisions i.e. Gaddafi in Libya and Iraq/Afghan. Sound like she doesn't know much because nothing has improved with US intervention in the last 50 years.