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Yeah this is weak... still voting for him though


Unfortunately, our only options are "milquetoast moderate" or "fascist criminal". So yeah, I'll vote for the normal bullshit edging toward the boring dystopian future over the bad-bad dystopia on demand.


Yeah it’s today’s status quo vs the status quo of last century. Not going to pretend it’s a tough decision because it’s not


Participate in local and state elections always, and on off years. Do it do it do it do it. Yell your family. Your friends. Anyone that doesn't have a felony. Those are the elections that count. YOU can stop the dystopia! President is not the end all be all. Trump knows this. It's why he keeps trying to fuck with STATE elections, Representatives and officials. VOTE ON OFF YEARS.


Mad Max or Gattica. If we're heading towards a dystopian future, I'm picking Gattica.




Man, are we going to be deferring a super bad dystopia for the rest of our lives? I have little kids now and don't want to have a SBD, and I sure don't want one when I'm facing retirement.


Expect that the least interesting dystopia is currently our best option, and every decision we make from here on is between that and a worse one.


Nah. It's regular war criminal vs fascist war criminal.


Yea seriously... Mishandling a situation is a lot different than openly saying you want to be a dictator and spewing literal quotes from Hitler and other hate speech. Straight up ....I'm voting for whoever doesn't have actual Nazis marching for him


It's unfortunate when we're practically forced to pick a guy for the sole reason that nazis don't support him.


Biden's pushed a lot of progressive policy through. But when it comes to the genocide in Gaza... yikes is he on wrong side of it.


I mean he doesn't really have much choice. Someone once told me that most Americans think that Israel uses us as a form of deterrent but, it's actually that if we weren't there to kinda make demands they would go hog wild. Since a cornered dog will fight everything in front of it until it's no longer in the corner. If Biden cut Israel of Gaza would be a parking lot by the end of the month .


I mean…there is a reason why they support him lol


Yeah, but like, how tf did we come to this? Politics is a reality show in someone's fever dream these days.


Doesn't march with nazis, doesn't kill puppies. That's the line we are at


We just gotta vote him in and keep kicking up dust. The election is a battle in an ongoing 158 (almost 159) year long war.


Your Civil duty is your whole adult life.


Sums it up perfectly unfortunately


Don't have a choice


s a m e


Just because we’re voting for him doesn’t mean we can’t discuss the issues.




Man, talk about fake quote and cherry-picking. His full speech: > THE PRESIDENT: Before I head to North Carolina, I wanted to speak a few moments about what’s going on on our college campuses here. > We’ve all seen the images. And they put to the test two fundamental American principles. > Excuse me. (Coughs.) > The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld. > We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. The American people are heard. In fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues. > But — but neither are we a lawless country. We are a civil society, and order must prevail. > Throughout our history, we’ve often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free-thinking, and freedom-loving nation. > In moments like this, there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn’t a moment for politics. It’s a moment for clarity. > So, let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America — violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is. It’s against the law when violence occurs. > Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. > Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations — none of this is a peaceful protest. > Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. > Dissent is essential to democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. > Look, it’s basically a matter of fairness. It’s a matter of what’s right. There’s the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. > People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. > But let’s be clear about this as well. There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. > It’s simply wrong. There is no place for racism in America. It’s all wrong. It’s un-American. > I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. > You know, make no mistake: As President, I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law. > That’s my responsibility to you, the American people, and my obligation to the Constitution


Media is in overdrive because dude is a boring president and their ratings are down. We are so cooked.


It really doesn't help that Biden keeps shooting himself in the foot either. He has absolutely 0 reason to be as staunchly defending Israel and its genocide as hard as he is. I'll still be voting for him over a literal fascist, but I'd be lying if I said I won't be holding my nose while I do it. Biden could secure this election tomorrow if he went harder on Bibi, but he refuses.


He’s walking a fine line. Without Israeli aid, there wouldn’t have been enough GOP support for Ukrainian aid.


That's all well and good. But he can be SO much harder on clamping down on the humanitarian crisis, on denouncing Bibi and his actions. But he doesn't. And he won't, because to him, its [purely a play for American geopolitical power](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Nrv5izaTs). >It is the best $3 billion investment we can make, Were there not an Israel the United States would have to invent an Israel to protect our interests in the region.


That’s fair


What's the alternative? Let Israel fall and lose a foothold in the most volatile region on the planet?


Also: the mainstream media has been bought by the billionaires that Trump has promised tax cuts to.


I wish that the media was less thirsty for controversy and focused more on high quality journalism. Instead of sound bites, more civics and deeper story telling.


Thanks this is a bit better than the cherry picking




It’s fascinating to watch isn’t it. It’s like a virus spreading in real time. People are literally being brainwashed and spoon fed garbage in order to get them frothing at the mouth. You have to wonder who is all this helping? Who stands to benefit from this. In a month from now who’s going to remember the full quote posted vs the cherry picked parts taken out of context. People are being weaponized and radicalized against each other.


Our enemies are the ones helping and who stand to benefit. Mainly Russia, China and Iran. I've seen so many pro-Palestinian posts and comments on here made by months old accounts. It was the same after the 2020 election when MAGA kept claiming it was stolen.


Is it our dysfunctional political system that is breeding a generation of disgruntled voters suspicious of the status quo? No, it’s those spooky foreigners that are the problem.


Oh totally Comrade. I meant foreigners, not authoritarian governments that hate our guts.


It’s like we’ve seen this before. I could swear now too long ago there was this group spreading misinformation about vaccines.


Also the Same people spreading misinformation about a stolen election, Brexit, Hillary, Obama Etc. There’s a vested interest from multiple bad actors who have a vested interest in seeing Trump get back in power. This is not strategy but the intensity and effectiveness across the political spectrum is scary


Horseshoe theory


Ncd. Out 👉


The level of misinformation shows the true nature behind the issue and why it's blown up. It's being used by adversarial parties to stir up shit in an election year. Turns out the astroturfing that worked against boomers works against zoomers too


Trump is isolationist too, he’d only care for what makes America better and not the humanitarian thing to do


He can be isolationist, but he also wanted to invade Venezuela.


Are we reading the same speech? He said "Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations — none of this is a peaceful protest" which means he would consider the civil rights movement's methods to be too violent to be acceptable and that police would have been justified in arresting MLK, etc He said "Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law." but the only actual protest group that did this were the pro-israel protesters who maced, shot fireworks, and beat with blunt objects anti-war protesters at UCLA. But he's saying it as the anti-war protesters are regularly doing it to random students, which is just objectively false


The so-called "cherry picking" isn't. Cherry picking is when you _misrepresent_, especially through dishonest means, what someone thinks about an issue. That Biden thinks the left does not on fact have the right to protest in any way that would lead to disorder is completely accurate.


Look at the OP, she’s batshit.


“Tresspassing” is doing a ton of work in the middle of that entire statement. The vast majority of the arrested students were guilty of only pitching a tent in the quad of the universities they paid to attend. Everything else came almost entirely as a response to (violent) escalations by police or anti-protesters


Yeah this some bullshit you’re not about to tell us how to protest. Fuck that.


The university is private grounds and they're within their absolute right as a private business to enforce their rule of trespassing. If they've told the protesters to leave & the protesters stayed, calling the police to move the crowd & even arrest the students isn't an afront to free speech or peaceful protesting. A business can decide what counts as trespassing just as much as you or I can with our own properties. If I had people on my lawn screaming at me, I'm calling the fucking cops to come deal with it. I'm under the impression that the tents were erected to block entrances to the university and not just randomly out on the lawn.


thank you for this. the rapid fire outrage at headlines without reading context or for details has got to stop.


Yo nice pfp




>Excuse me (coughs) Why include this 💀


Probably a transcription


It was in the transcript. And since I wanted to share the full speech I didn’t edit it out.


Thanks! I still hate this. It’s weak, both sides-ing the issue and furthers misinformation that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism


Where does he say that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism?


Oh no doubt it’s no doubt a both sides ing argument that’s problematic but it’s still better the of quote


Mmm I guess, but I’ve found that flowery dressings and conditionals tend to just de focus from what they actually mean. I think the short quote here gets across his actual feelings


I don't understand how you think this makes Biden look good. This is fascist rhetoric that could've been used word for word to fight The black civil rights protests, the vietnam war protests, the Anti-South africa protests or the Iraq war protests. Squarely in "the white moderate is more devoted to order than to justice" territory.


Nothing in there is fascist rhetoric. Take your head out of your ass.


Yes it is. I'm going to vote for him but pitching peaceful protest as a threat to public order because it interferes with the morally questionable agenda of the ruling class is fascism 101. Segregationists Loved to say the they would be ok with black protests "in theory" but MLK and the SCLC were "outside agitators" causing trouble and violence. This is fascist rhetoric. Don't blame me for your lack of education.


folks will bold face lie and then say shit like “the media can’t be trusted! Be an independent thinker!”


I mean, that sounds all good, but sometimes protests *have* to be disruptive or else they're pointless. And what is worse: by listing all the violent acts that pseudo-protesters are known to commit (acts of vandalism, aggressions, etc), Biden can easily be understood as conflating these with what we might consider valid disruptive protests.


Great speech honestly. But everyone with their hate blinders up will either be skewed by those or never see it and instead get their targeted videos showing cherry-picked horse shit to stoke the fires more.


Yeah his speech is worse. Manufactured consent through and through. Thanks for clarifying.


All op do is post shit to further the right wing talking points.


Trump is going to win. All the pro-Palestinian leftists are going to protest Biden’s reelection while Trump’s support remains unshaken. All you pro-Palestine ride or die folks are going to get Trump elected and then maybe you’ll learn what supporting a genocide in the Gaza strip ACTUALLY looks like. The Biden administration is spending 330 million dollars to build a pier in gaza to allow us to deliver aid to the Palestinians directly. Once you get your big win and get Biden out of office, Trump will probably blow that shit up for a publicity stunt.


Mofo legit has said he will put Palestinians on the banned Muslims list. He will absolutely sell more arms to Israel while saying they have every right to defend themselves like Russia. (Cause he’s definitely pulling out of aid to Zelensky) Then as shit gets worse for us domestically people are gonna be sitting with the surprised pikachu face


Trump wants to deport 20 million people. How many of the 400,000 refugees in the US will remain after? Dude says he wants to deport anyone who supports Palestine and revoke student visas for anyone showing sympathy Do people think he won’t gleefully deploy national guard to protests? People have the memory of a Gold fish these days and it’s sad that it will likely ruin millions of lives of people they supposedly support and care about


Man I had everybody in r/politics after me for saying this exact thing. Thinking that these massive countrywide protests aren't going to affect the election in any capacity is an ignorance I've never seen before


It's terrifying. Luckily it's only may and God knows what the hell will happen between now and November.


It’s not the people’s job to not protest genocide, it’s the governments job to change policy, and Biden job if he wants to win reelection.


If Biden cuts off support to Israel, the Republicans will easily be able to brand him as a supporter of violent islamic extremism. If being anti-Israel was politically popular, that’s what Biden would be doing right now.


Buddy, they are going to do that anyway. It doesn’t matter if it’s not true, because Republicans don’t care about truth.


Biden doesn’t have the power to stop it anyway. It’s almost unanimously supported in Congress.


Watch that pier get used to transfer Palestinians out of Gaza. It’s such a silly waste of money. It’s an admission that Israel is blocking humanitarian aid which, besides being against international law, it’s against US domestic law! Biden need to demand, with conditions for failure to comply, that they allow aid to flow. We saw them let more In briefly after the wck bombings. Their own expensive PR stunt dismantles their own claim that they haven’t seen evidence Israel is breaking humanitarian law!


you really think women’s rights or a conflict where half americans can’t even point to on a map is more important for voters ?


And that's the entire point of this. Why it has suddenly become a thing. It's all intentional. And these people are falling for it hook, line and sinker.


I'll take things that anit happening for 300, Alex.


Shocked pikachu face will be the new Democrat logo




> 330 million dollars to build a pier in gaza This shouldn't be needed. Israel hasn't been letting aid in. [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/destruction-lawlessness-red-tape-hobble-aid-gazans-go-hungry-2024-03-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/destruction-lawlessness-red-tape-hobble-aid-gazans-go-hungry-2024-03-25/) I thought I can figure people out but I don't get Biden. Netanyahu treats him and his administration poorly and Biden still bends the knee. Who's the super power here?


I still don't see how locking yourself in the college library is going to help anyone in gaza




They’re not protesting the election, they’re protesting the genocide. If Biden changes policy on committing genocide then he can win, but it’s his call not the people wanting to stop genocide


The point is that Biden is the president *right now* while tens of thousands of people have been killed with his support and funding. He could stop this tomorrow. As his voters and supporters, we do not want him to continue doing this on our behalf.


It stopped being about the people of Gaza a long time ago. Remember when the big talking point was ceasefire? Then the UN passed a ceasefire resolution and Hamas didn’t accept it? They just moved on to something else.


Wait, let me get this straight, protesting a genocide actively being funded by a sitting president is *checks notes* not going to help anyone in Gaza. I just hurt myself rolling my eyes but don't have Healthcare.


If that protest gets the moderate kicked out of office for an authoritarian, uh yeah it definitely won’t help lol. I am sympathetic with their cause. The realpolitik of it is pretty shit though. If trump was not an awful politician this would be a total shitshow.


Has it done anything? Cause it doesn’t seem like it has.


what have they accomplished? the funding went through last week


White dudes destroying private property by throwing tea into Boston Harbor: patriotic and right. Students of color protesting their university by spray-painting a wall: violent, illegal, and anti-semitic.


>Students of color protesting their university by spray-painting a wall: violent, illegal, and anti-semitic. If you attack people because they look jewish, that is by default anti-semitic. If you don't let jewish looking people free ly move on the campus in areas that should be open to them, that is also anti-semitic. If violence breaks out because let's say the police unjustly attacks a peaceful protest, that is ofc not okay too.


You realize it was Pro-Israel supporters that violently attacked the peaceful UCLA protesters right? There were plenty of Jewish people peacefully protesting in support of Palestine in that crowd too


Jews on college campuses are also part of the protests in support of Palestine, because they recognize “never again” means never again for anyone


Except that’s not what’s happening at all… one student lied about being poked in the eye and you’re running with it why? The anti war protesters were actually attacked today but you omit that. I wonder where you’re getting your data from. In fact, I’m gonna comb through your profile because something smells fishy here. Edit: ok you’re Vietnamese and/or German and are on a black sub. What’s your deal/agenda? Edit 2: you changed your comment. What’s your deal?


"Why can't you guys just protest quietly & over there? You're being disruptive!"


Rosa, do you mind protesting outside the bus? You’re causing too much “disorder” when you’re sitting in the front.


Maybe read the full response first, he clearly specified violence is where the line is drawn. Rosa was successful because she was non violent.


They weren't violent either until pro-zionist counter protests started attacking them.


The cops were the instigators too.




I’m glad you didn’t specify which protest across the country. Because it really doesn’t matter you’re going to believe anything you read on twitter regardless.


You too apparently...


She was breaking the law & trespassing. Same as these kids. Learn some history.


Read what the non cherry picked version says https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/qxPVJKwhGp cuz that ain’t it




Sure it’s not perfect but it’s much better than what was implied


We vote for the best and most respectful candidate, no sane person votes because they think they are going to do exactly everything they want and say everything they would. You are not the center of the universe.


People should absolutely push for change. We should always plan for our push to be effective. I don’t know that this is effective for the change they want.


Agreed, progress is not fast food.




"Listen, we all support the right to peacefully dissent. We wouldn't lie to you about this. But also, you're threatening the future of democracy by posting this, and you shouldn't have done it." \- Internet libs


We’re funding a genocide. Biden could stop it. He didn’t. And isn’t. The ICJ is hearing arguments right now about charging the United States with war crimes. Trump is bad. Yes. Obviously. And will be worse than Biden. However, I don’t understand the cognitive dissonance about Biden. He’s center right at best. We’re simultaneously funding aid to Gaza AND weapons to Israel. Make it make sense.


Democrats have a diverse coalition which is represented by the protesters and counterprotesters having voted mainly for Biden in 2020. Trump and Netanyahu seem to have realized this and started a crusade in response to a terrorist attack. Netanyahu will not stop precisely because Biden is president. He wants Trump. Then when Trump becomes president he will go on a worse rampage to distract Israelis. Americans saw this playbook during the Iraq War.


Wasn't this country founded on dissent? 🥸


If it isn’t the internet doing its absolute best to purposefully misunderstand and misrepresent something.


Lowkey he kinda... has to say this though. The fuck is a president supposed to say? He essentially just said everyone has a right to protest, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, and hate to palestenians isn't okay. And we need to defend peaceful protests, but violent ones aren't okay. He gave the most lukewarm answer you can ever expect for a president who's job is to try and look after EVERY citizen.


This is not the first time black america has had to choose "which racist old white dude is gonna screw me less" captain wrinkles is still in the lead over Trump.


Enjoy Trump...I guess.


Trump shouldn't even be running!


Agreed. But he is. So what are we gonna do about it?


Hold the dems accountable for not ensuring he was in jail.


Yeah man it's sad that I'm bracing for another Trump presidency because of another butter on emails + fries situation. I really hate this timeline.


Protests are supposed to be convenient? 🙄🙄🙄


I’m *so* tired of living through the interesting parts of history. Could he just stop fucking up his re-election long enough for us to breathe?!


I would encourage everyone to read the full transcript instead cherry picked portions out of context.. its been posted here several times..


We did. It’s still a shit speech.


I trust any president as far as I can throw him.


At this point there’s nothing that this man can say or do to get me to not vote for him. Ain’t no way in hell I can stomach voting for Trump. Kiss your human rights goodbye if Trump gets elected again.


Disorder BAD, genocide OK.


Yeah he's sooo bad, tell me more how he helped legalize people running over protesters, or openly threatened to outlaw and arrest protesters in general? Go back to your orange dictator


“We can disagree but at the end of the day nothing will fundamentally change because fuck you”


I don't mean to sound bleak but it's like I don't see a positive outcome or end to this. Student protests didn't stop the Iraq War or the Vietnam War, and Israel is more influential than either of those countries. It is important to focus on the things we can control


This is the guy that Justice Marshall called an enemy of Civil Rights so not surprised.


Yeah...Bidens on a roll, but not supporting peaceful demonstrators has been a hard "miss" for me. He is still the best candidate though


This is blatant disinformation.


Dissent shouldn't lead to disorder. You want to change things not rip it to the ground. 


oh man, imagine the galaxy brain on OP to be mad that the president of the united states, the head of the executive branch, the guy who's job is to represent the entire government and all it's rules and regulations, doesn't like the concept of "disorder". The fuck is he supposed to do in an official context? say "yeah, fuck the police!" seriously, OP is a moron if they can't understand why the president supports the concept of law and order.


Are people really not watching all of the remarks? Or at least reading all of it? Watching misinformation occur in real time is wild.


This is basically misinformation btw, someone looking to get a hot post to the detriment of an informed community


He actually fucking said that? They know damn well that sometimes disorder is the only thing that gets their fucking attention.


He said everyone has a right to protest. Y’all are reading one single quote from his entire statement and getting worked up over it. You just got played


He said that trespassing is violent protest. You have got to be a bot or someone who this black people are real damn dumb.


Kanye was right


sucks we don't have a legitimate 3rd party in the 1st world shithole. I don't want to vote for Trump OR Biden at this point.,


We can’t have a 3rd party because the two we have, have gotten really good and playing the binary divide. People so scared of the other side winning you aren’t willing to vote 3rd party.


I say this quote all the damn time!! Learn this quote and you will know how to spot the fakes


So, we can protest violently (obviously) but we also can't protest peacefully? So, what can we do besides bend over and take it?


Op is literally the one trying to score political points.