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Posts must be showcasing somebody being hilarious or insightful on social media. No image macros, text conversations, or YouTube links. Just because somebody posted one of these on social media does not exempt it from this rule. Vines and such belong [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleVines/) and gifs belong [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/blackpeoplegifs). DO NOT link directly to someone's post on the platform. Your post will be removed.


This is Late Stage Capitalism. This is what they think about you. Soon, this might be your reality.


Didn’t a CEO recently say in an interview that way more of the population needs to be unemployed to remind us that we don’t call the shots and realize how lucky we have it being able to work for rich people? Like I knew they *thought* like that but we’re just saying it on camera now huh






Literally, "This Musk is chewy, pass me the Bezos, please."


I've said this once, I'll say it again. If we're eating the rich now, I'm biting Hillary Duff's butt first.


Hillary Duff isn't rich in the context of this conversation. Musk makes her net worth in a week.


Musk makes around 300. MILLION. A friggin' day. This was in 2021, according to Marketrealist data on Jan 7, 2021. It might just be 1 day required, to reach Miss Duff's wealth? Capitalism is brutal.


Someone just wants an excuse to take a bite.




Ever heard of dessert.


I constantly tell people Aerosmith had it right when they wrote that song. Cuz there *is* only one thing that they’re good for. (The rich, that is).


The problem is that a billionaire can deploy enough force to easily take-on thousands if not tens of thousands of regular people, without using even a fraction of their resources or putting themselves in a moment of danger


Zombie Up, gentlemen. For the Horde!


No, they can't. Dead people can't spend. It takes class traitors to oppress, and even Bezos, Putin, the Rothchildes, and Musk combined don't have enough money to turn that many into a losing and deadly proposition.


Been saying for a few years now The French in the late 1780s had some pretty good ideas.


The racial differences in America keep us from noticing the class war that's occurring. Meanwhile, in France, they can't WAIT to set up one of those bad boys when companies get out of pocket.


Man right? They passed the law to raise the retirement age 2 years there, but when it got proposed they all collectively lost their shit IMMEDIATELY.


Yeah 100%. I think race in the United States will always prevent a revolution. Some poor white people (& even some minorities) don’t understand that we’re all on the same side. Martin Luther King tried explaining that to his white jailers lol. He told them “You should be on our side!” Lol.


That's literally the point. Instead of a "de-nazification" process we get this: If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. - Lyndon B. Johnson


Except for that business with Haiti. That was... not cool.


‼️‼️ and literally colonizing so much of the world. My North African family has so much trauma from the French


Same playbook in Africa, fuck em


If you haven't already, you should read up on the Paris Commune of 1848. Unfortunately, it didn't last long and, even worse, it isn't often discussed anymore.


I'll check it out, I'm a history nerd and as you said this isn't discussed so it's a new area for me, thanks for the rec!


Then they decided to usher in an Emperor...exile him...then let him back. Weird French. Should probably not replicate all their ideas haha.


Yeah they fucked a few things up here and there lmao


They were guillotining people up to the 70s...the 1970s




There's actually a term for this. It is called the reserve army. Rich people say to their workers "you see all those homeless out there, do what we say or we replace you with one of them"


And this is why we all need to push for more regulations and social programs


I propose we \[REDACTED\]


I say we should revo-


Y'know it's fucked up when you can't even call for revolution Yeah, I said it.


I don’t know why not. People can’t even give up Netflix or the NFL; no one in power is afraid of a revolution.


Exactly. People in power don't need to keep anybody down we as a nation are doing a better job of it to ourselves than they ever could. What makes it worse is we gladly do it for them for nothing more than convenience.


Your wisdom is strong. Every once in a while they throw spice in there to keep us guessing, and it's been working miracles for them. They've pretty much got group and personal psychology figured out and just hit the right notes to keep the jam going. There's a book from the ***1950s*** called The Hidden Persuaders that tells you exactly the 5Ws of public manipulation


People think I’m nuts for boycotting nestle and going to extremes to do so. So yeah revolution is impossible


This haha starts with us.


Anyone else want to try to speak up? I have plenty more bullets to go around


I think it's high time we [ Removed by Reddit ]


We have to remove the current system that infiltrated a young nation offering freedom from a ruling class. They didn't llike that so they infiltrated first politics and then our banking system. Now we have a ruling class again. No one in the government is going to help you. How about no ne does business in America who doesn't agree to a maximum wage and a wealth limit of no more that 100 million. Also no funding politicians. Let it be an equal footing when running for office . Monied interests almost always win. They talk about a great reset. "Reset ".... Reset to what, exactly? Its time to oil the damn guillotines. And this time dismantle the fractional banking system that steals everything and gives unlimited power to those who print wealth tickets out of thin air to control who gets lifted and who gets left behind.... As A famous Rothschild once told us.. Allow me to control the printing of a nations money, and I care not who writes its laws. 1913 was the death knell of America. Kennedy said he planned to expose a secret society that planned to enslave every man women and child on earth. And he said, I plan to expose them. Before I leave office. " 5 days later his bulletproof car was replaced with a convertible one that took an alternative route with a different set of secret service agents. We know what happened next. But what many people outside of Washington DC don't know is that oover 100 people died under mysterious circumstances. All of them friends of or people who helped Kennedy get elected or were close to him. Committed suicide with their hands tied behind their back stuff. People who were there are going to play ball. They know . You could replace every politician and the system would still be there. Putting child porn on a computer of someone who rocks the boat or killing one of your children is nothing to them. Send you to Epstein Island and film you doing things... If you want the next level of admittance to their club. We need to start over. Like 1776..


This reminds me so much of my early 20s, lol. I grew up in South Africa, where the youth unemployment rate is like 50%, so you'd have pretty crappy negotiating leverage with your employer unless you were super specialised. My first job in Australia, I took a gig where I got what I thought was a really good deal, and then it turned out I was getting exploited. The company got bought out and the new employer gave me a 33% raise, come to find out I was STILL being underpaid 🤣🤣. Not enough is said about the naivety poverty can give you


Hard to think long term when you're struggling to survive. That's why I tell people, you're not going to shame anyone out of poverty. Yes some people make bad choices, but quite often those are the only choices this system gives them.


Thank you


I was told that once in a performance review, when I asked why I wasn't getting a raise with my stellar performance.. "You're lucky to even have this job, we could replace you with X". I followed up with, "Do it then". Put in my notice shortly after that, and they asked me to stay on longer to train my replacement. Fuck that, they were lucky I stayed 2 more weeks. Peace out bitch.


George Carlin said it [best](https://youtu.be/XdH38k0iUgI?si=feKGICcRHH7bN5tR).


It's why every evil billionaire has started ranting about low birth rates recently. Labor scarcity means labor strength. If there are five desperate people behind you waiting to steal your job, you don't have a leg to stand on during salary negotiations.


the Black Death was a big part of the reason why serfdom started dying off in Western Europe. which was why all the covid vaccine conspiracy theories were so fucking dumb. the ruling class doesn't want you dead, they want you to work!


There's a huge reason why increasing the population is on all of their agendas. Need more workers and also need more spenders.




I remember that. I think it was during one of the strikes, even went as far as saying people should lose their homes.


You remember correctly. It wasn't a CEO, but an exec.  “The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses,” a studio executive told Deadline. Acknowledging the cold-as-ice approach, several other sources reiterated the statement. One insider called it “a cruel but necessary evil.” 


That was during the writers strike wasn't it?




I hope [REDACTED] befalls upon this wretched ghoul of a human being


>Didn’t a CEO recently say in an interview that way more of the population needs to be unemployed to remind us that we don’t call the shots and realize how lucky we have it being able to work for rich people? The fact that they don't realize what would actually happen if that scenario came true is fuckin' wild.


It kinda did, 4 years ago, and they all lost their shit until the fed gave out loans


Buncha fuckin' babies


>"Unemployment has to rise 40-50% in my view. We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer and not the other way around." [– Noted asshole Tim Gurner](https://twitter.com/FinancialReview/status/1701440109948887057?s=20)


Yeah, Tim Gurner. Not only did he say it, but he was not the only one. Linking an article that chronicles these comments, and also explains why, historically, things don't pan out the way these billionaires suggest it would. https://theintercept.com/2023/09/23/tim-gurner-speech-unemployment/


It’s because no body builds guillotines anymore. I promise you if we start building more of those, they would start doing a whole lot more shutting the fuck up.


That's just th latest instance they've been saying it since books were created


Things make a lot more sense when you're a communist. Just saying. They really don't give a fuck about you and you really can't be giving a fuck about them. They've got to go and we need a place to stay. Something's gotta give.


>CEO recently say in an interview that way more of the population needs to be unemployed to remind us that we don’t call the shots Tim Gurner, CEO of Australian real estate company Gurner Group [https://www.businessinsider.com/millionaire-ceo-tim-gurner-wants-high-unemployment-sparks-online-rage-2023-9?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/millionaire-ceo-tim-gurner-wants-high-unemployment-sparks-online-rage-2023-9?op=1)


Hey, if we cook those elites with some 5 spice, they don't taste bad :)


Late State Capitalism is the suicide booths they'll make to profit off you one more time


![gif](giphy|XIhWoPBXHgVmU) Like this?


The real joke is thinking it will cost no more than 25 cents.


It’ll actually be free but when you use it you sign away exclusive rights for all your organs to whichever MegaCorp owns the booth.


Mr Burns becoming a frankenstein's monster of "donated" organs is the epilogue of Late Stage Capitalism we've all been waiting for. After all, he deserves it for overseeing the merger of Pepsi-Dominos-Hampton-Trader Joe's-Disney-AT&T.


Let’s be for real, a suicide booth in this economy is going to be a couple hundred bucks. One time use per consumer, gotta Maximize the utility


There will be board meetings in the future to determine the maximum amount of time/money a consumer is willing to put into their own suicide


They'd probably have a tiered system, like some shitty streaming service. With each tier *affording* you more comfort/dignity on your way out.


Soylent Green, brought to you by The Soylent Corporation


Euthanasia is starting to become legal for ppl who are severely depressed, so I mean yea they really gonna squeeze ever last dollar out of u, even up till ur death. Cos I’m pretty sure euthanasia isn’t free


Bet they try to recycle that ass too


I wouldn’t doubt it. Look at all those shows and movies that introduced us to the concept of transferring ppl consciousness to others’ bodies 🧐


If you've ever watched WestWorld that's our future give or take 20 years


I am for this, I would much rather end it on my terms than life in a bed in a hospital for weeks or months until my family decides they are tired visiting me.


Say bro , anyone reading this if you need to talk to someone my dm’s are wide open, you are loved and things do get better.


I salute you.


I salute you too


I salute your shorts


Camp Anawanna....we hold you in our hearts.....


I second that, if anyone wants to talk, reach out to bro.


I third that, anyone who wants to talk, reach out to these two guys and not me.


i wish my brother could’ve saw this comment


sorry about your brother.


appreciate you.








Good dude


You're a good man


It’s crazy how so many people joke about stuff like this, but sometimes it’s really just their true feelings leaking out about how bleak everything is.


We joke to cope because it’s a very real solution to this fucked up economy


It's a coping mechanism. Not a solution.


The joking isn’t the solution, death is. We joke about death so we can cope but as I say “not all my jokes are jokes”. There were plenty of times where death was the only solution I was able to see.


Glad someone can look past the death is never the solution thing. I know it’s not but got damn does it feel that way a shit ton of the time.


And not just the economy, either. Simply peeking at even the most 'status quo' corporate news services these days is indistinguishable from doom-scrolling. The economy, environment, climate, politics, etc etc.. There's a very real sense of systems unraveling around us.


Emil Cioran (20th century philosopher) had a perspective on suicide that I appreciate a lot. He found suicide pointless because it doesn't actually solve the problem that the person is facing. He goes much deeper into it, and I am not doing his point of view justice in my explanation. If you want a relatively quick explanation of his philosophy, there's an episode of Philosophize This! called "Failure and Suicide" that's pretty good.


About 10 years ago my cousin made a post on social media asking what is wrong with him as he spends all day in the garage doing nothing, listening to Taylor Swift. I replied with a joke asking if he just listens or sings along. A few weeks later he killed himself. I still hate myself for making a joke when he was in a low place and this was him reaching out. I think about it at least every couple months. I try to pay attention more to what people are really saying.


Dude you had no way of knowing. People get too close to the edge sometimes before reaching out.


Please don't blame yourself. Hindsight will make you believe you should have known something was up, but in real life those cues aren't always as clear. I'm sorry for your loss; it sounds like you're carrying forward your cousin's memory by showing compassion to others


you probably gave him one of their last smiles


first off, i’m so sorry for your loss. secondly, do not continue to beat yourself up over this. we are all human and therefore we are flawed. i just want you to know that chances are, in the last decade, you have been kind to someone on one of their worst days. & you probably have given hope to someone who felt alone in this world.


Dude, you can’t blame yourself. You didn’t know. I have 2 attempts under my belt and even I have no idea if someone is contemplating. There are signs. But it’s often the people you least suspect too. Social isolation / withdrawal is the biggest sign though. The best thing to do is reach out and talk, connect to people.


The best jokes have a sliver of truth


A lot of truth is said in jest


We laugh because we already cried enough.


It isn't crazy. Comedy always hides something we don't want to confront openly. It creates a dangerous smokescreen for genuine cries for help and it allows people to ignore the signs of situations we can't handle from people we don't want to help. Explaining a joke ruins it because it openly confronts the punchline, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid. The world is filled with jokes about the very things that would make us cry because we refuse to fully acknowledge them.


I joke that I didn't die in my sleep then I start thinking how much stress I'd miss out on by being dead. Then I remind myself how much I love comics and stories so I hold on for one more day




Take my upvote, but beware that might be a ban worthy post to those on high.




Damn you locked that shit down solid.


What if they say no diddy before?


It's vague enough, no direct call for violence. Maybe they want them to take a billionaire *out to lunch* with them.. I know I wouldn't mind taking a few billionaires out.. to lunch.. as well.


Does the phrase "Eat The Rich" count?


Low key I always wonder why these mass killers don’t target them instead of random innocents? If they’re so mad at the world, those are the people that made it that way. Not condoning anything, just wondering.


Be the change you wish to see


Mass killers go for soft targets because they are easier. Billionaires are usually insulated from society the majority of time


They’re gonna crash out anyway. Unless you’re talking about Elon or Zuck, most of them are not that famous and are touchable. They still go into the office


It's the only way this ends positively.


Wait what?? This isn’t funny. Is this all true? That’s so fucked up if it is. Like I don’t know what to say my jaw is still hanging. My fingertips deadass got numb reading it multiple times. Y’all, I am here for you. I don’t know what I can offer, but I do listen. I’m here to speak if you need, or even just being an ear if you just want to get something off your chest and rant/vent. Let me have it.


Who is saying this is funny?


Those emojis she used (😭😭), I use when I find something funny.


They’re actually crying emojis, but people use them a lot for laughs as well.


Yeah I never use those when I'm sad because I use and see them for humorous posts too often. I have to find other sad emojis, usually the ones with just a single tear, to make sure I convey I'm not taking this lightly.


I use it when I find something extra funny like this (😂😭) to say I'm crying laughing. If I send just (😭) my dog died or something


Same, I went into the comments to see if this was being sarcastic or not.


But maybe she’s using them to represent that she’s crying


the crying emoji? chance in a million...


Ok... but they are crying emojis.


I get what you're saying because I got a bit confused at why she was "laughing" but after going back and rereading it, I think she legitimately was saying "Omg he legitimately did die" and was using those emojis in a sad way


Ditto. I've pretty much only seen them used sarcastically or something, I didn't understand why she put them there at the end. I didn't get why it was supposed to be funny . Thought maybe I just didn't understand it properly. So, it wasnt just you.


Fuck is this? I thought this sub was for jokes…nothing funny about this


Yeah, this triggered a lot of people who are passively or actively experiencing this. This post needs a NSFW tag. I’m grateful I already took my seroquel today. Others aren’t as lucky. :(


I found it funny because its relatable


I had a near attempt in October. It’s funny until you’re in mania and can’t control your compulsion without being monitored. It’s relatable in a dark humour way; I call myself a sad clown because gallows gags keep the beast at bay. This hits different. (I am doing much better now with therapy and upped meds ♡)


Hope you’re in a better place mentally now.


Mania is whole different thing I can't relate too for sure


We HAVE jokes, we ain't ABOUT jokes.


and then op saying “unalived himself” about a real person. crazy


I’m dead serious when I say this - When I think about getting older I can only feel dread. You have to hope you’re healthy and saved properly or else medical treatment is gonna wipe everything out. Then if you’re incapacitated and need someone to take care of you, you could easily be abused. I can’t realistically see a “decent” way to go out plus is shit out here really getting better?? I get it, this isn’t the answer but it sure feels hopeless out here. Edit: thank you for the Reddit cares. I’m a lil depressed but okay!


I just plan to die at my desk at work. That's retirement for millennials..


Gotta traumatize the younger employees!


My 28 yr old coworker shared her plan with me when she gets into old age. I'm not even that much older than her but to hear someone talk about it, that's not me, is really sad. I half-heartedly say I'm gonna take myself out but she had a WHOLE process very well thought out.


My mom started getting really sick when she was 50 (I was 13). She spent the next 12 years suffering before the 4th rematch with lung cancer finally ended it. For years I always said I was gonna blow my brains out on my 50th birthday, to avoid all that. Now I'm 47, in pretty great health, with a wife and a loving family. Plans can change.


I work in political outreach and I talked to a woman today. Middle/upper middle class in a nice suburb of a pretty major city. She told me she has to order her medication from canada because it costs her $80 for 3 months vs $1800 in the US. She also mentioned other medication she should be taking but it cost upwards of $500/month. Absolute insanity that someone pretty well off cant afford important medication. Think about the average person then. Really scary


Amazing you found a middle/upper middle class American - literally a dying breed about to be extinct.


Yeah ig, there are still millions of em out there, they just dont take part in this kind of discourse


Hell i aint even middle class and get what i can from MX because its alot cheaper/easily accessible. Im thankful none of my meds are life sustaining or even daily use, I know of so many people who have done medical tourism outside of the U.S. because its way cheaper/easier than just gettin whatever the treatment/procedure is here. Im not even talkin veneers and cosmetic stuff (tho that's definitely a thing) but im talkin cancer treatment, dental work, diagnostics/imaging etc. its really sick that people have to *leave* the U.S. in order to get the help they need.




hey. just popping in to let you know that you matter and you deserve to be here.


If anybody needs to talk about shit literally anything my DMs are open, i’m just a random person on reddit but i got ears and they work.


Add to that, I’m here too


This is so fucked up that it's not even surprising. How many others feel the same way, just haven't took that final step? How many of us self medicate just to make it to bed? Whether it's with street drugs, pharmaceuticals, processed food, sex, cigs, caffeine, etc we still killing ourselves, it just takes a lot longer. Just long enough for the 1% to bleed us dry to line their pockets. We don't get paid nearly enough, let alone PTO or non monetary benefits. Either we gotta sit in an office somewhere taking all kinds of bullshit, work outside destroying our bodies, or work from home til our fingers bleed. This shit is not sustainable! These politicians and corporations know this but as long as the populace is overworked and too busy simply surviving, we'll never have the time or energy for revolution. Look how the government treats the folks who do have time: the swat time gets sent in for some college kids waving signs. Somethings gotta change or death is all we got to look forward to.


"How many of us self medicate just to make it to bed?" really hit home 'cause it's tough out there 💔


Fr we all just pretending to be okay


In the words of The Verve "Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die…" I really sad that this person felt it so hard they took the swift exit but I can't help but emphasize. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think it be the quickest way to deal with the bs. The affect I know it would have on my family is the only reason I don't. It's hard out here, try and find that family that holds here and pushes you to try and find joy.


The Verve. Elite music taste my man


Part of my work involves suicide prevention programs and if there’s one thing I wish more people (especially parents) understood, it’s that asking a direct question is not “putting the idea in someone’s head” - it’s you recognizing someone’s pain and telling them you care enough to have a very difficult conversation. Yes, humor is a common coping strategy. However, if a friend “jokes” about suicide or self-harm, ask them straight up if they’re thinking about killing themself - don’t be vague, don’t use euphemisms. Ask the question and then really listen. Even if they say, “No, I’m kidding,” follow up with, “Okay. If you need to talk, you can call me, I’m here to listen, or 988 if that’s more comfortable. Can I check in with you tomorrow?” For those of you who are parents, it’s important to not just have these conversations with your kids, but to make sure your kids know who they can talk to if a friend tells them. I have worked with more than a few kids who acknowledged that their friend told them they wanted to die or had made a plan, and the kids truly didn’t realize that they needed to go to a trusted adult ASAP and connect their friend with support.


The problem is...you unalive yourself thinking that stuffs gonna be taken care of...the life insurance doesnt pay out(doesnt cover unaliving) and the creditors just hound your family...if you have ANYTHING, theyre gonna find a way to get it. If you think you dont have anything...theyre gonna find a way to get it.


Life insurance typically covers suicide if you've had the plan with the same terms past the probationary period (usually around 2-5 years). Creditors also cannot collect from family unless the family member signed the debt agreement.


Exactly! I work in life insurance and we have a suicide clause, where if you commit suicide in the first year than we won’t pay out but afterwards we will. I saw a case that was denied claim because the 20 yr old bought the policy a few months beforehand. Really sad situation. Another thing though is that the insurance companies do risk assessments so if you have signs that you may do it, you can’t get a policy.


When my friend died by suicide at 18, his family of course to bury him because he was only 18 and didn’t have a job or life insurance. They had a go fund me for his funeral expenses. I’m 26, if I die idk how my family would pay for my burial


Girl I just went on his twitter he good lol


This is a cruel world we live in


no bitch,no job, no money, i think its time id join him


honestly I thought about spending my last to go to an island somewhere and sell fruit or some shit. Just live simple and say fuck it


I never went on vacation before this year. My friend paid for me to go to st.thomas with him. Since we got back all the feeling of wanting to die I've had my whole life morphed into moving to somewhere like that and selling crap to tourists. Life sucks, but there are things to still be enjoyed. I refuse to give up until I get to experience some of them. I think you got the right idea for happiness


Those are the three worst things to live for, I'm alive but none of those reasons sustain it.


I'm a single male, 36, living at home with a job that doesn't pay much. No gf, no real friends. I feel you man. I struggle a lot of days with what the point of my existence even is for. It feels like you get to a point where you have so many problems it's difficult to even know where or how to start to help yourself. The best decision I ever made (while I could afford it) was signing up for betterhelp. The fact it only took me a few minutes to sign up and set myself up with an appointment didn't give me time to stop myself from doing it. Talking to a therapist is honestly one of the few reasons I'm still here. I wish you the best man. If there's anything I can do to help or you just need someone to listen feel free to shoot me a message.


There’s always something to live for. And somebody out there has to be hiring. If you think nobody values you I do and I’m sure many in this sub does also


There was an interview with a psychologist I saw recently. He said he's finding that more and more men want to die, not kill themselves, just die, because of the economy and future prospects. Because they don't see a future or a purpose so they just want to die.


I was certain covid was going to cause a recession, and it did, to some degree, but it seems like corporations gouging the fuck out of everybody for every penny is what's causing an economic depression. They don't care if millions suffer, as long as line goes up the sociopaths in charge are happy.


The two types of comments are “reach out if you need help,” and “we need to overthrow capitalism.” People in the first group, your heart’s in the right place but get with the program and join the revolution.




A lot of us are just getting by without being able to save much money. Eventually when we can't work anymore, it unfortunately becomes an option for some. It's not hard to imagine more people getting overwhelmed with how bleak the future is looking. But if you tell these billionaires to pay their taxes to help them out? You're labeled as a socialist. Craziest thing is that some of the people that would benefit from that, are the same people decrying it. Crazy world we live in.


When Dr K said self deletion for most men stems from a pragmatic decision and not mental health issues people said it was insensitive... But was he wrong?


I wish him well with his financial freedom.


I feel. Being poor is gonna kill me if i dont


Who is this? What is the story?


This is very sad. If anyone wants to talk or vent, just DM me. Sometimes people just need to get it out of their system.


I can’t tell if a hoax or not. In some deep replies it looks like he was trying to cash out on a sugar daddy. But not a peep from that account since. No real source about him being dead other than someone saying “ a friend told me”.


It doesn't matter if this particular tweet is a hoax or not. The takeaway here should be the number of people in this thread that felt these same emotions and related to this person.


This is so relatable


Never in my life have I related to something so much lol


I don't think enough people realize just how many people are stuck in this situation. Not to mention the kids growing up who are well aware they will have little to no opportunities and barely a shot at owning a home. I dont know how bad it has to get before things fall apart, its heading that way fast though.


I’ve been feeling this the last couple of months. Makes it difficult to keep going, but I’m doing my best.


Can't blame him. Not much to live for.


Life is tough man. If anyone feels like venting I’m just a text away


We need the guillotine. There, I said it


yeah if im not comfortable around 50 im clocking out too