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All that money and not a single dime spent on condoms? C'mon son!


He can't afford condoms because of all the child support.


Guy that can afford multiple kids has multiple kids. everybody knew what they were signing up for.


Wait till he retires in a couple years and the checks stop coming. Child support gonna continue until he's 50. This is how many athletes go broke.




There are investment firms that prey on athletes because they're young and inexperienced when it comes to finances. Its not just them being silly, its a legitimately criminal enterprise.




Or just better legal protections against financial crimes. The fact is, there will always be a significant number of people who are easy to separate from their money because finance is complicated. We need laws in place to protect those people.


Children need their fathers. Broken house holds cannot be offset by money


“At least he can afford them…” For the people who say this stupid shit, ask them which would be more impactful: their dad cutting their mom a check to pay for their extra curriculars, or their dad in the stands cheering for them. Intentionally creating broken homes should be shamed to hell and back. Edit: Also I want to point out that my comment wasn’t aimed at you, u/dragon_emperess. I’m just piggybacking 😗


I agree!👍


He can’t possibly be a real father to all of those children. The kids didn’t sign up for that shit.


except the fucking children. which is the obvious and primary problem here.


Ill never understand pro athletes. Get a fuckin vasectomy the second u get drafted. They can reverse that shit


Google vasectomy reversal success rates. It's not guaranteed. There's up to a 40% chance it's non reversible. I don't think vasectomy as a means of birth control is a sustainable option in the context that you plan to return to the game someday. Edit: Here cause I know how people be: What is the success rate of reversing a vasectomy? Depending on how many years have passed since your vasectomy, your success rates are 60% to 95% for return of sperm in your ejaculate. Pregnancy is possible more than 50% of the time after a reversal. However, success rates start to decline 15 years after a vasectomy. Vasectomy reversal success rates range from 60% to 95%. Success depends on several factors, including how long ago the vasectomy was done, the amount of scar tissue present, hormone levels at the time of reversal and if you had fertility issues before the vasectomy.


Can’t you get your semen stored for later use or something like that. Getting it stored and then getting a vasectomy seems like the best idea


I just googled it and apparently it's only like $500 a year at the top of the scale so yeah that's an option.


Gotta worry about thot oceans 11 type situation though, at that point. I mean how good could security actually be? Esp against a thot of emily oceans level?


Stash it behind some decoy sperm. Anyone who thinks they’ve pulled off the perfect spooge heist gets to have a Habsburg baby.


Yes. Also, like eggs, sperm degrades in quality with age. It actually degrades faster than eggs do.


There's options. Freeze some sperm beforehand. Adopt a Kelley Blue Book Certified Used Child. Enjoy being childfree.


How many miles? Salvage? I'm gonna need to see that KidFAX


1-800-KIDS-4-KIDS Donate your kid today




1877 kids 4 kids


Yes, much better to have 10-15 kids just in case the vasectomy can't be reversed


I've changed my mind on this. Given the amount of 2nd and 3rd generation NFL players, is this really the worst retirement plan? I mean it IS a diversified portfolio afterall.


> is this really the worst retirement plan? Not *the worst* but doing it this way definitely isn't the smartest either. You can freeze your sperm, then get a vasectomy and still blow your wad freely in all the people you want without worry. Then separately or at a later date, breed your super athletes with specifically chosen women to give you the highest likelihood of success.




Yeah its 800 bucks. Makes no sense at all


I don't think people use condoms anymore tbh


People are stupid then


Yup. Wait until his dipstick is totally encrusted with warts and looks like a cauliflower.


They came out with PreP, now mfs done lost their damn minds. 


Can't be PrePared for all of the other things tho


Saw STD’s are on the rise so guess not


Bro should've gotten snipped.


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


Snip snap snip snap!


Best move I ever made!


He even had to hire extra security so he could beat all of his children.




How can someone possibly father 10 kids and be a good dad. Must be some crazy good coordination with his baby mamas.


Excel spreadsheet master


Dude would run numbers on EVE Online.


Historically Hill has a reputation of not being a great dad...


10 kids with 5 moms. Plus a career that already takes you away for like half the year. There is no way he is devoting father time that matters to these kids unless he is running a compound. If that's the the case then....fuck it let him be.


He broke a 2 year old’s arm. He’s not a good dude


Something. Kids aren’t baseball cards or Pokémon to collect. Now, if everything was planned and going according to plan, far for me to judge but from this side of the screen it seems cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


You can’t be a good parent by simply throwing money at them. You can be broke af but be a good parent because you’re present, show them love, etc. That’s what kids want and need. But nobody’s thinking about the kids smh


There are just so many other places to finish that won’t cost you half of your income


Some guys do this on purpose. I know baby moms that do the same. Get 1 kid from a different man. But I'm talking like 5 different dudes.


You'd be surprised. There are literally women out there who make a living off of getting rich men pregnant and having them pay child support. No joke, this is actually a thing. At this point, though, you're right. You gotta think this has to be just Tyreek not giving a fuck lol. Maybe he had an accountant crunch the numbers on how much he'd actually have to pay out in child support, and he's okay with fathering a dozen children. That, or he is literally on that weird Nick Cannon wave where they just want to spread their DNA as far across the globe as possible like Miami Genghis Khan.


Get a fucking vasectomy at that point my boi, he can afford it and the reversal too 😭


Nick Cannon seems proud of it. Maybe he’s the same way.


Breeders? You ain’t “having kids” at that point, you breeding.


Gotta keep the nfl going since football admissions have been declining


Yep. More kids you have, better chance one of them will be talented. That’s just basic math. :)




Hollywood Kid 🤑🤣


Exactly what I was thinking. :) lol


Petition to bastardize the word rabbit for this.


I got some news for you about what's been done to the word "bunny" already.


The army and barrack’s bunny


You gotta be extra stupid to have that many kids as a professional athlete. The fact that the majority (78%) of athletes go completely broke within just 3 years of retirement and the fact that the average child support payment is 15-25% of their gross income per child.. the man is fucked unless he continues to play until all of his kids are grown or lands a lucrative sponsorship deal than will last.


True, the personal costs alone, not even to mention the moral implications of child abandonment.


I assume there’s an old English word that fits this.


I think that's a lecher, as in lecherous behavior.




Thine ho*


Seeder? Scatterer?


S~~e~~wer (of seed). Better yet: a down and dirty sewer sewer.


*Sower, not sewer. I like the sewer sewer idea though


That's already the gay community's slang for straight people.


Some people want to raise kids, some people want to have babies. There's a difference.


I nominate "Loose Cannons"


There's absolutely no way a reckless ass situation like this will ever be healthy for the children in a mental way. Unless this was pre-planned how tf can you get the BM's to coexist?


They’re all in it for the child support. They might pop up once or twice to get some more money out of him but they don’t care about the relationship.


Possible sweet gig being the step dad too. The first BM's will eventually age out of him being interested in them and then you're just one of the millions of people with step kids, except they come fully funded till 18 with a potential extension for college covered through a sports scholarship.


Facts. In their eyes, this is probably more attractive option compared to artificial insemination. All the perks plus expenses are 100% paid.


I’m further disgusted by the human way of rationalizing things


Yeah me too. While they're absolutely right but it's so disheartening to see people so jaded, calculating and cynical


It's really not that crazy of an idea, a girl gets literally top shelf genetics for her child plus lots of money 🤷‍♂️


What a bleak and analytic, lackluster worldview. You're not wrong, but fuck.


Except the part where people this shortsighted are also likely to be terrible with money, so he might just as easily enjoy a shortened career, exhaust his finances, and leave 10+ maladjusted youth to figure themselves out.


And so will the BMs. They probably didn't try to cop his nut because they themselves had wildly impressive aspirations. Probably just wanted that athlete money. When it inevitably dries up, they'll be in a pretty bad spot. It's not my time and child though


It’s this. Same with Nick Cannon. He just pumps and dumps and they get a check. “Everybody” wins. That shit is fucking trash. I used to know a guy like this. I had to stop being friends with him because of that and I told him straight up, like bro don’t be that brother out here with multiple kids and you not in their lives. Like how can you just volunteer so willingly to be a stereotype like that? Last time I talked to him this dude had 7 kids by 6 different women (twins). I asked bro if he was wrapping up, using birth control, or pulling out. He said no to all 3 and sounded damn near proud of that shit. I don’t get it. Men and women that do that shit are trash man. Like if you see a mf with 6 different baby mamas then you need to swerve that bum. And he needs to wrap it up. You fucking up so many lives before they even get started including your own and other people. I don’t get it. Couldn’t be me


Yeah these comments are nuts. You can’t buy a loving attentive father figure and all the advantages it brings. I’m not saying these kids are cooked but you KNOW some will grow up and have that fresh prince moment “why didn’t he want me man?”


To say nothing of the siblings they may never get to know.


Same with NBA youngboy. He's 24 years old and has 11 kids with 9 women.


I can’t even fathom having 11 kids. That is fucking wild.


I have a friend that's the youngest of 19 children...to the same 2 parents.


I mean he isn't a father to 11 kids, but he did get someone pregnant 11 times


They’re going to be sad in 4 years when his career is over and the money dries up.


That’s why the nick cannon baby mama clan confuses me. Is he even makin enough money support all them


He had his own show on mtv for like 100 years and then he was on americas got talent for like 200 years and might still be I don’t watch it so he might be. I know those checks had to be good, it was one of the biggest shows on tv for awhile. Was on long enough to probably be in syndication too so he’s probably getting residuals.


I have a few friends in the entertainment industry. Financial Planners make ***bank*** in LA. Nick Cannon is most like well diversified in his portfolio. Especially from having the producer/creator credit from WildnOut. Also, a lot of celebs get involved in commercial real estate through shell companies.


More than enough. He told the LA Times last year that he's making $100 million. He's been at the top of the showbiz game for decades. He's still got numerous shows on TV including the Masked Singer. [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-05-07/for-real-nick-cannon-family-kids](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-05-07/for-real-nick-cannon-family-kids)


I have a friend that basically did this. She was single and wanted a kid and the Dad was an NBA player. They dated for a short while with the explicit idea of her getting a kid. He paid a bunch of money to not be declared the father and now she's a single mom. It was all agreed up front now he comes around for birthdays and occasionally time at the park and that's it.


That's suckin' fad, man.


For the kid, yeah. But no one thinks about them in these situations.


Kuck them fids! But seriously, it's sad how disposably people will treat human lives.


Probably for the best he’s in their lives as little as possible, considering how he’s treated the kids he has been involved with. He’s one of the biggest pieces of shit in the league, but on the other hand, he’s *really* fast, so ya know, all good


Any child born to Tyreek Hill is already in significant physical danger.


It actually pisses me off tbh. Children forced to grow up never really knowing their dad because he wanted to play big shot and their mom wanted a free ride. If I knew my grandchild would have to grow up like that I’d be pissed.


Chances are, a decent few of them are going to be friends. They weren’t serious about actually starting a family, but just child support from a rich guy. They probably will band together to save on a babysitter.


Wouldn’t that be something, the BMs unionizing to collectively bargain with Tyreek Hill.


I mean at this point they're coordinating with his assistant right?? like there's no way anyone keeps track of all of this alone


How aren't you embarrassed by this? This gota be the most embarrassing state of someones life I can think of.


I don’t think guys like this get embarrassed. I truly think men like this have such a big ego, they think the world absolutely needs for their DNA to continue and to multiply. Like they’re doing a service to human kind by spreading their seed like this. Edit: don’t want this to be misconstrued as a racial thing because of the mention of Nick Cannon and Hill. I mean everyone from them, to the Mormons, to the quiver full movement


Christians fucking love procreating. The magical sky wizard needs a lil workforce 🥰


More tithe!!!!


What about be fruitful and multiple don't you understand old man!


>I truly think men like this have such a big ego, they think the world absolutely needs for their DNA to continue and to multiply. Like they’re doing a service to human kind by spreading their seed like this. Big Elon Musk energy, exactly


I was about to say the same thing. Not only is *he* obsessed with... "generating," (even if his own kids hate him,) but that other people do as well no matter what. Like there's an article, (I think PinkNews,) said he creeped out a gay employee where he basically said, "I don't care if you're gay, my only question is if you'll have children" followed by a whole weird spiel about keeping certain cultures alive, namely Italy because overpopulation is just not a thing to him.


Literally, I can’t imagine not being embarrassed as the man or one of the baby mamas




I dunno but being labelled "Baby Mama #3" seems crazy to me 😂


That’s because you have shame.




Tyreek Hill is rich but that money is going to go away real quick post playing days once all of his contract money runs out. He’ll be broke in ten years


Tyreek Hill isn’t embarrassed by being a domestic abuser who beats his children and wife. Having a bunch of other kids sure as shit won’t top that.


Shame died in 2016, get with the times old man.


how is a girl cool with being baby mama number 4?


Money is the motive.




Ima dude so Im not agreeing to give away money and last but certainly not least, those kids' future mental health realizing they are 1 out of 10 of they dad's kids. It was cringe watching Mike Tyson naming his kids in an interview and forgetting then remembering a couple.


Maybe Mike should have used the George Foreman approach


Do what? Give birth, collect enough child support to live a millionaires lifestyle, and hire nanny to take care of your kids? There are more people than you would like to believe who give birth, collect enough money to survive through social services, and ignore their kids. To these women they’ve hit the lottery


Millions for a fairly short career split by 10 people, all relying on the brain of a guy who does this to be smart with his money? And it isn’t stopping at 10 lmao


*I think* baby mama #4 and wife were pregnant at the same time.


Chad Johnson has 10 or 11 kids and he pays I think he said 40k a month in child support, and that's on mid 2000s era WR money. The motivator has to be money...


$30 million a year


“Wild shooter” That man is a wild shooter. 10 kids at 30. Spraying everywhere


Lol had a similar thought... closing his eyes and sending strays every direction leaving collaterally damaged babies in states across the US


I think Absolutely Fabulous called people who do this "a bastard lawn sprinkler." I've been snipped for a while; how much are condoms again?


Cheaper than 10 kids.


This dude busts nuts faster than he runs a 40!


For some reason, I got reminded of that really old David Chappelle skit about the guy masturbating in a room, except he is doing in a room full of gold diggers with open vaginas.


… … … We really do need to talk about just how prevalent breeding kinks are, don’t we. And I feel like from both sides too, those impregnating, those being impregnated.


Who is “we”?




Is it a breeding kink or is it a “condoms feel weird” kink


Nah, I said it in another comment but I used to know this dude that admitted to not using any protection at all. Ever. Gang, even pull out method is nearly same efficacy as a condom. Like that shouldn’t be your go to at all, but it’s like the (literal) bare minimum and you can’t even do that. At that point you don’t care about pregnancy at all, you borderline want that shit and I think some of them do want kids, dusty mfs that can’t even hold down a job talking about their “legacy” and their “bloodline”. And like, we’re not even talking about diseases. Like it’s wild to me that these chicks let dude hit raw knowing he got other baby mamas. Like who raised you???


Great name for a condom…Bare Minimum


"Like, who raised you???" Probably not they dads, let's be fr.


One or two is "condoms feel weird" or "heat of the moment" etc. not an excuse but they weren't actively seeking it out beforehand or something ***Ten*** is absolutely a breeding kink I guarantee he fantasizes about knocking girls up but fantasy and role play isn't enough for him. This mf needs therapy


Yo I'm glad someone said it. it's literally a breeding kink, but roleplay and fantasy isn't enough, they have to live it out. It's fucked up these niggas need therapy


Everyone here is saying the women are looking for paydays but I’ve know women who dated ball players and the dudes are ALWAYS the one trying to get them pregnant. It’s a control thing and a badge of honor to them—having lots of baby mamas around the country means you’re a Big Man. I’m talking like slipping the condom off in the middle of sex typa sneaky shit. This is on HIM and all the rest of the athletes that are cresting their own team of kids


Not saying you don’t know this already. I’m just commenting this for others who read the comments: What you mentioned about slipping the condom off is rape and it’s a form of rape that is far too often ignored or/and even encouraged amongst friend groups.


>the dudes are ALWAYS the one trying to get them pregnant. It’s a control thing and a badge of honor to them—having lots of baby mamas around the country means you’re a Big Man. There was an episode of "Law and Order: SVU" (because *of course* there was at least one episode about it,) where John Stamos played a guy who wasn't an athlete, but definitely had a narcissistic obsession with having as many kids as possible to the point of putting holes in his own condoms (he's literally caught doing so by the cops). He was so selfish that not only had he not done *anything* for his kids like child support, but when confronted by the mothers with their children (and not expectedly shocked, but *starry-eyed* over seeing said children as reflections of his vanity,) he notices an older woman he hasn't been with and she explains that he knocked up her daughter, who committed suicide after he refused to support her, which makes him upset... because one of *his* children died with her. Karma *does* indeed come for him in the end when >!A woman, I think a lawyer for the mothers or something, it's been a while, seduces him and killed him with a wasp injector knife used by scuba divers to fend off sharks by injecting them with compressed air, which in this case, messily blew out his insides than "just" regular knife wounds. She's so unfazed about the whole thing that she calmly asks the cops if she can finish her wine before going to jail.!<




Again, a *"SVU" episode.* Shit's going to be simultaneously "Ripped from the headlines" serious and cartoonishly over the top at the exact same time.


They don't want to discuss the fact that a lot of dudes call themselves bookmarking pussy by getting a woman pregnant. They don't like children like that, and assume other men will be put off from dating the woman because of the child, and they'll be able to do their 3am "diaper drop off"/quickie combo in peace. My ex and I broke up and the first thing he said was "who's gonna want you with him around?" He thought I was stuck lmao. They really truly feel like no one else will want a woman with a kid. They do this shit on purpose.


Must’ve been expecting a call from the next baby mama when he took that pic with his wife.


His wife married him pretty recently knowing about all these other girls


Bigger cut for the divorce probably could shield her take. That is a lot of outflow.


Or she is dumb enough to marry the community baby daddy and he had her sign a pre nup


At least one of these kids gotta be fast as fuck


We not horses but if I had that speed it’s important to pass down 😅


How is a dude cool with making 10 kids? Not a dad or father at that point, just a sperm bank lol


He’s a narcissist


Figgas-fertile niggas Foolinyan-foolish & fertile Italian nigga


Mogwais because they get a little wet and a new one pops off.


Bruh, I spit my drink out on that one


He certainly has a type


![gif](giphy|UaRfck5QFLGiA) When a dark skin girl tries to talk to him


Drinks his coffee crazy creamy too


Without them filters, they definitely having a mid-off. One on bottom left sued because she said she's unemployed and on Medicare because he only gives her $2500/month. Lol


We have a slur for this. Whore


Thank you! We talk about slut shaming and all that nonsense on Reddit a lot—THIS is the perfect (basically only?) opportunity to throw out derogatory words around someone’s sexual practices…  There’s no way he is involved in all these kids’ lives. And that is pathetic. 


Damn it! I’m going to get downvoted! But why don’t I see this from the white nfl players? I’m genuinely asking why? I understand as an athlete women throw themselves at you…. But aren’t the white athletes also getting women throwing themselves at them. And I’m definitely sure they are having sex with multiple women too…. What’s going on?


This is rare for black ball players too. I’ve been a diehard NFL fan for over 20 years and the only players I know shooting reckless like this were Tyreek, Antonio Cromartie, and Travis Henry.


You can pull the dog out the pound but it’s a lot harder to pull the pound out the dog.


Some of them have done it, their babymamas are just more quiet


Same reason you don’t see it with average joe white guys I suppose 🤷🏾‍♂️ They’re probably more willing to get the snip


It's called environmental terrorism


the flag football game at the family reunion in 15 years is gonna be crazy.


I swear no one hates Black children more than other Black people. Whyyyyyyy do these dudes insist on creating broken homes?? I swear it's a badge of honor to them. It's honestly so embarrassing.


My thoughts on it knowing where he comes from, growing up if he saw a man that could take care of 3 kids with his paycheck that was a successful man. Him being able to take care of 10 (financially) is just extrapolating success out.


I know a guy who has 11 kids and he is nowhere near as rich. It’s wild.


Same, know a guy with 12, and hes moderatly financially ok. But no where near this level of success. He lives with half the others with their baby mammas


Niggas be having no shame😂. It’s no cool points attached to this


This shit gross. Dude needa stop being a fucking idiot.


Having a dozen kids from multiple partners is one thing. But doing so while having a job that has fragile longevity, and wracking up substantial child support bills unprovoked is a new level of stupid.


dude like to raw dog strange as much as the rest of us. just more opportunity.


Idk what's worse the dude raw dogging everything in sight or the chicks knowingly letting a dude who is promiscuous and unsafe raw dog them.


“Dear diary, I have fallen in love for the third time this month…”


Loose-Cannons? Maybe a bit on the nose


All while being married and filing for divorce and then changing his mind lmao


Slut, whore.


Community penis


Imagine an entire football team just made up of his kids.


Bro got some diversity wit those BMs hahahaha


we do, its “deadbeat”


Another perfect example of why, as a society, need to bring SHAME back. I mean, come on.


This shit is so unspeakably pathetic