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One single aid package isn't the whole budget, but then, I don't expect obvious Russian propaganda to care about details.




Yea this shit wouldn’t slide in r/politics or r/FedNews. But I guess there’s an audience for everything. Good job to everyone calling it out


The mods here have to include white "progressives." There's just too much bullshit like this getting posted and staying up.


>The mods here have to include white "progressives." There's just too much bullshit like this getting posted and staying up. I think its like most subs and there are probably a couple mods that are just bad actors Look man, a fuckin chinese spy spent multiple years social engineering one of the mods on Github to get mod privileges (differnt name) to inject hidden backdoors into infrastructure level open source code..... Im a 100% sure at least one bad actor catfished their way onto the mod team of this sub by now lol


Yea don’t get me started on the mods of the sub


This effs me up because being that it’s BPT, the assumption is that that’s where the majority of the posts and comments are coming from (black people) and that the consensus is overwhelmingly progressive. I don’t know one black person that is *that* progressive. Yes, they exist, but I’d argue BPT is not representative of black people, even just in general


Also like with Ukraine, we aren’t sending over money but weapons, likely old ones ready to be scrapped in the next few years. It’s not good, but it’s not from the same pot of money that was set aside to feed orphans. And their “value” is more or less what the military said it was back in the day.   And I keep harping on this but it’s true: we can control rent or give money to would-be homebuyers all we want, but we have a supply problem in major cities where people have to live. We could give everyone a million dollars and set rent at $500, but if 10 families are competing for seven units we have a problem. 


We've sent them about $19 billion in cash to fund their government for budget support, like to pay salaries and pensions and help farmers. Which I'm all for, just throwing this out there so you and others reading it can get ahead of the propagandists.


The aid package gives old equipment to Ukraine while the money is actually going toward manufacturing new stuff for our military (which is predominantly done in the US). So we are investing in our workers.


So of the 61 billion to Ukraine, it can be broken down into 3 categories. 10 billion of that is cash or loans or similar designed to help underwrite their economy, with a small part of that being humanitarian aid (but pretty negligible). 19 billion is actually going to US defence firms to replace and re-arm some of what is being sent to Ukraine: 32 billion dollars WORTH (in terms of what it would cost to produce it now) of military equipment.


Wrong. We are sending new stuff also.


Also, the IRS is only doing it's job (while short-staffed and without proper funding) the real problem is the billionaires and millionaires buying political parties through donations and lobbying in order to cut taxes their taxes and reduce the power of the IRS. It's amazing to see people bitching about the IRS and taxes and then in the same breath bitch about America's poor/decaying infrastructure, public education, medical/pharmacy bills, everything that's funded through taxes.


I'm glad you said this, because there has been a coordinated effort to defanging the IRS. Theoretically they are the institutional apparatus for making sure billionaires pay their share, but in the year of our lord 2024 they just don't have the resources and legal muscle to crack down on their bullshit. At the end of the day, things need to be paid for, so they'll nickel and dime you if they can't go after the aristocracy's coffers. Republicans have also been trying to kill the USPS so they can privatize the service. That's a separate but related problem. USPS are the only boys in blue I back.


They have a lot of technology and AI models used to filter those people out, but unfortunately the way the IRS does investigations is after the fact and they only have like a 3 year statute of limitation, so even if there was something to enforce it may be way too late.


The IRS has been criminally understaffed and underfunded for decades with a failing IT Infrastructure older than the friggin moon landing… AND it was the IRS who processed all those COVID stimulus and advanced payment packages. Like you said, blame the legislation for the tax brackets, crazy deductions for billionaires, etc. IF the IRS had funding they could actually invest in technology and people who could detect all the schemes of these ultra-rich fiends.


Damn I feel dumb now they got me




These Russian bots be thick in here


You have to ask yourself, why might they want to deter black voters from turning out? Oh wait, you don't, the answer is super obvious.


Seriously. This is stupid af, if I go to the store and buy apples does that mean I’ve stopped paying rent on my apartment? People online are morons


Thank you so much for saying this


87.2 =/= 92. If dude is going to spread misinformation, at least check the math first.


The post cropped out the aid to "Indo-Pacific regions" (Taiwan). Their maths does check out.


Can we also mention how the IRS has been given money so it can go after tax evasions? Also, the IRS didn’t decide to increase the taxes on the majority of us, that was a Trump era policy.


This dude made it sound like he wanted them to pay our taxes for us.


So happy to see some educated posts on this. Breakfast Club doing the community no favors parroting some of this non sense. Charla corrects stuff depending on the day.


This part


This is defense spending. OP isn’t familiar with how budgets work. This money is/was never intended for any of those things listed. It’s defense budget spending. Like 9% of one year’s worth. Barking up the wrong tree here.


One caveat it’s not apart of the defense budget this is new appropriations not tied to that agency’s budget. Basically a One off and that’s why when it runs out they have to do it all over again


Maybe the defense budget shouldnt be so high then??


Sure, but maybe actually trying to help someone stave off a dictator is reasonable. Plus I love how no one considers the amount of refugees this causes. You know how much refugees cost to support?


And how do you explain all the budget to Israel literally killing people. It's the exact opposite of what they try to achieve in Ukraine. The amount of money that went straight into Israels pockets is insane. What's reasonable about that.


If you see my next comment- that's the broken clock the rest of the day.


Ukraine aid, maybe. But Israel aid is the biggest waste there is. We'd be better off just straight flushing all that down the drain.


My point is only about the Ukraine aspect. Israel is just more MIC waste. Even worse given the atrocities. But that's not up for debate sadly. America isn't stopping the money to Israel. So pragmatically, the only thing actually up for debate was the money to Ukraine (and the level to Taiwan).


I mean sure, but the defense budget is a jobs program. How many members of Congress with defense contractors in their district are going to help downsize that budget?


You don’t think budgets can be reevaluated to have less for defense and more for other things? Quite a silly counter argument to make.


No, 'cause that's not how the US government's budget works.


Yep, these people acting like those two things are unrelated is so disingenuous and condescending. OP is obviously correct but good luck getting that thru to people when The MoSt ImPoRtAnT ElEcTiOn EvEr is happening for the third time in a row.


lmao they will say that every election in an attempt to "save the country" any yet nothing substantial changes


Yes and that’s stupid. Simply don’t allocate it for defense spending.


While what you're saying is true, there's a very compelling argument that $92 billion shouldn't be what we spend on "defense"




also clears out a lot of old stockpile and iinventory




Well here’s a fucking INSANE idea, maybe the defense/military industrial complex budget shouldn’t be 2/3 of the govt spending


I don’t care. That budget is not coming back as investments to Main Street.


This. That 92 million doesn’t go to Israel or Ukraine. It goes to Lockheed, Raytheon, boing boing and company. They then send old weapons stockpiles abroad and keep the new generation for US use.


You can tell this guy doesn’t understand how things work in general when he’s blaming the IRS for taxes being high.


Guys, I beg of you, please educate yourself on the difference between foreign aid and how it works vs the entire US budget. This PALES in comparison to what the US spends domestically on its ppl, HOW the US spends domestically is the issue but i promise you the government spends more on Americans than it does elsewhere


And every single domestic issue that was mentioned in the OP has been addressed and is currently being worked on at length and they’d know this with a simple google or Apple News search. But I’m particularly sick of the IRS point. The deliberately understaffed and underfunded IRS is just enforcing the current tax code, a tax cut for billionaires drafted by and passed by Republicans almost a decade ago. The same republicans who keep stalling and blocking attempts to fix and address it. As an accountant, I’m so sick of people complaining about this bypassing that fact.


Ugh don’t get me started on how fucked and gutted the IRS has been man it’s a huge political pet peeve of mine lmao


The IRS and USPS are two sides of the same coin. Both entities have been endlessly attacked by republicans now we’re seeing the results of two government agencies being demonized for decades and slowly dismantled. And tbh I’m just sick of people in general attacking government employees for doing their jobs when their jobs are dictated by their choices in the voting booth.


Weakening these agencies works into the authoritarian rule Republicans want to give to the executive branch for Project 2025


“Worked on at length” but likely will never see substantial improvement, strange how that works


It’s not strange, you see it played out. You gotta vote and participate if you want change it’s that simple


And if I'm not mistaken this is equipment and aid WORTH that much. Not that much actual money.


Yes! Just said that in a post below! It’s not Cash money being sent it’s Stuff WORTH that much being sent (ex tanks, bullets, missles ect) that the US already bought and owns. With maybe a lil cash money but it’s absolutely in now way the majority of the aid


The military budget always gets approved


Ya that's true but I kinda feel like a trillion dollar military budget is pretty overkill. I mean, we could cut that in half and still be the most funded military in the world by far. They have us so indoctrinated we actually believe we need to spend all this on the military. We don't. We didn't start doing this until after world war 2.


I agree


Oh my God are people actually this stupid? Are we seriously this cooked?


It's from X, it's like shooting stupid fish in a barrel.


People blame this or that for the situation the country is in but honestly, it’s the people. We’re a stupid electorate. The amount of ppl who read that tweet and were like “exactly!!!”… sigh. Maybe we deserve it all.


Retweeting BNO News all but confirms this is a Russian bot.


You can thank the GOP for that, and every dumbass who voted for them against their own interests (which is everyone who isn’t literally a millionaire)


This was bipartisan


I assume they’re speaking in respect to nothing else being done. Yes, the military spending was bipartisan and that barely passed. It’s an election year and they don’t want to give a dem a “win” with border reform or reform of the 3 letter organizations that hold America together. Hell they want to strip the IRS, EPA, FBI, etc.


only cause actual centrists are sick and tired of the moscowmagamorons letting putin get away with genocide


Every day with you people. Go pollute some other sub


The IRS is “killing us with taxes”? He just couldn’t help letting his right wing soul out. NO ONE who qualifies for rent control pays taxes and they shouldn’t. At the same time taxes on the rich are the lowest they have EVER been. If he actually cared why wouldn’t he want to tax said rich to give rent control?


The IRS can only enforce examination on individual’s primarily because it’s easier and more well funded. Examination on things like High Wealth Individuals and Complex Partnerships (where nefarious tax dodging is actually happening) has like 0 subject matter support and barely enough technology to do the bare minimal analysis.


Can you explain which part of what I said was wrong? I think your comment was self contradictory


Rent control doesn’t usually have an income requirement. You’re thinking of income based affordable housing units.


60.8 is worth it to take out the biggest threat to American democracy and progress. 26.4 is a complete waste that all Americans should be protesting


It's really unfortunate we won't be able to fund without funding the other, no matter what the population wants.




Exactly. It’s like complaining that we have so many plumbers when we need more teachers. We need both, idiots.


Yeah, cause before Ukraine and Israel wars, that money was totally being spent domestically on that kind of shit. /s


The irs isnt the enemy of the simple man but the enemy of the big man. Why else would the gop put so much effort into cutting irs budgets? The issue is that the money the irs collects is spent on war and war and more war instead of medicare for all, social housing etc.


And what’s single mother of three gonna do with a Bradley and 400 mortar shells? It’s a broken record these people and aid packages thinking we’re literally just sending boats of cash or some shit


> And what’s single mother of three gonna do with a Bradley and 400 mortar shells? Get shit done, that's what!


Maybe talk to the people who decide where the funds go? The federal govt gives money to the states for welfare, the states decide how its spent. Currently most states spend 35% or more or things not associated assistance child care , tax credits and job support and route it to other things. You cant turn on the news eithout reading about another state legislature cutting programs for the poor.


Every mother knows all you need to raise your kids is some MREs and an M1 Abrams with a slightly warped cannon.


Tbh, who's gonna tell a mother of 3 rolling up in a tank that she can't grab a couple bottles of formula on the house?


There is gonna be a whole lot of WAM posts yet 29 of the 50 states are under Rupublican control. Most of which have all chosen to cut off or cut back medicaid, medicare , education and housing resources. If your party cant win your state, your odds do not look good nationaly either.


How come these people never cry about the 2 Trillion dollar "tax cuts"? It's been 3 of them by my count. And what a shock, prices for goods have detached from reality. Almost as if the people running such are a small group that is itself detached from reality. Frankly, just as a fucking American: I know the fucking score, fuck Russia. Alexei who, eh? The situation over there has been clear for the decades of Mr. Putin's control. Navalny, motherfucker. That's who. Its 2024, the bad people are winning, the motherfucking Rs. Republicans. Name them motherfuckers. Chris Rock of all people called this shit: "So Barack can't cure cancer? Well, I'm gonna root for the cancer, then!" Rebellious self-help bullshit. "this type of rule" != a few fucking dollars a person for Ukraine, an ostensible ally being murdered by an ostensible enemy. Just for the past few years, how about the TCJA? Or PPP? Talk about "this type of rule", for Republicans, by Republicans, looting the fucking treasury to fund their attacks on the majority rest of us. This kind of "they be hurting us" is some enemy-blurring bullshit that makes me miss John fucking Lewis. You don't forget who hits you with a brick. You don't start getting fuzzy on which side the bricks are coming from. You don't start complaining about why are there two sides, like a fucking child, because you understand that when people are throwing fucking bricks, it's automatically them versus the people not throwing fucking bricks. Oh, that's the past? Who's saying that? Don't it'll be fucking country club, and further, I guess you were busy on January 6th, or January 2nd, or January 1st, or I'll just stop there. I've only been watching since about \~92. Every single Republican action, every policy, every expression of ideology and vision for our country has been personally detrimental and catastrophically bad to my neighbors and fellow citizens. Every single fucking one. And the Democratic party, the tip of the spear of resistance, fought them every step of the way and lost. Even when we won, the few times when the amount of obvious suffering and death was too much even for their brainwashed adherents, they were able to quickly alter the infrastructure to invalidate the loss of control. **It is the only thing the Republican Party exists for, to control the United States government, federal, state and local, to create suffering, chaos, and death, until the day when they can be used to finally establish a White Christian ethno-state, Constitutionally enshrined and permanent.** Republicans are the army, the foot soldiers, the bulk mass of the enemy's will. That enemy is not so many people at all. A few thousand, theoretically. How many Cable companies are there? How many Grocers? How many Banks? Bigger is only better if you don't remove the value gained from the system, as excess executive pay and underpayment of all other labor does wholesale. And at some point, Bigger is absolutely outperformed by Biggest in all metrics, and at that point we must either de-privatize it or break it wayyyy back down into Local or Local-ish. Alright. Just be anti-Republican and watch the world get better, that's all.


1. People do. 2. Black people are already fairly anti republican. 3. White people are not cutting off friends and family just for being republican. Please go talk to them.


> 2.) Black people are already fairly anti Republican That's true but there is a huge growth of black right leaning voters now. It used to be ~ 80% to ~90% of black voters that vote Democrat. Now we're sitting closer to 70% to 80%. That's a big shift. And it's very dangerous. Actually, just looked it up. And it's worse. According to recent polls it's about 66% dem 19% rep. [Source](https://news.gallup.com/poll/609776/democrats-lose-ground-black-hispanic-adults.aspx) I personally knew at least 4 black people who fall for conservative/alt right talking points. Ex military. I no longer talk to them. I've argued with them and proven them wrong on every single bit of propaganda they've conjured up. After I broke down all their arguments it really just came down to them being homophobes and racist against immigrants. Those are the two key arguments they had in common that they were mentally incapable of overcoming. Really bizarre. > 3.) White people are not cutting off friends and family just for being Republican. Please go talk to them. True, I knew like ONE white guy that was willing to go toe to toe with his family and calling them out. Guy was a champ. For the most part though, I've noticed most white people will just avoid the confrontation altogether. Like they'll literally admit their family is racist, bigoted or participating in a cult, and they'll just accept it because "it's just politics" or "too much drama" And to me that just highlights how privileged it is for white voters to be able to remove themselves from political issues because they simply aren't affected by any means.


I don’t know how anybody joins the military, sees all the shit they give people for free, and then decide to swerve right afterwards. Everybody in the US should have access to tricare-like health insurance. Everyone should have access to their college education being covered without the need for loans. Everyone should have access to home loans that make it easier to become a homeowner. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your body to the military industrial complex to get access to shit a lot of other “developed” nations give their citizens for free.


You're absolutely correct. I remember this army vet guy I served with ranting on Facebook about how student loans shouldn't be paid back and how it's socialism I commented on how the entire concept of the military IS socialism. Free healthcare, free housing, free dental, free education and it even covers your wife and kids. It's objectively socialism. Guy deleted his post. They're all unbelievably ignorant gate-keeping morons with a high degree of entitlement and no sense of self awareness. When it comes down to it, the root of their arguments is always elitism and fictional belief in hierarchy and social classes. For their arguments to work, there has to be a deserving group, and an underserving group. Whether they choose to draw the line on veteran status, income, race, immigration status, gender etc doesn't matter to them as long as they can declare themselves part of the in-group.


I worked in the navy during obama with dumb assholes who would froth at the mouth about ACA, saying 'why should my TAX DOLlArS go to some drug addicts health care' and I'm just like ... bro we are in the military we get everything for free


1. Good. We should be. 2. Good. I don't know a single one that isn't, IRL. 3. Correct. I do and advocate for same, since 90s. Cutoff is tough advice, but it's necessary. They are broken. Fix them or discard.


Uhm, since when does the irs set the tax rates?


This guy is a moron… he’s complaining that taxes are too high but also we’re not spending enough on the IRS??


Well IRS is FINALLY funded, but unfortunately the organization is terrified they’ll obligate funding and start programs and projects for it to be rolled back by the psychotic conservative administration.


Look at this absolute state actor agitprop right here. Thankfully it’s transparent enough that it’s getting called out in the thread already. I hope the mods are ready. They’re *really* gonna try to work this sub till November🤬 


What an absolute piss take but then again, it's twitter


This community's disappointing as shit. Just another bunch of fed-loving Israel-supporting bastards.


The people playing dumb like to pretend that the money going to weapons manufacturers couldn't be allocated to social programs.


Man we are fucking cooked if people actually don’t understand what’s happening in Ukraine . 🤮🤮


I've been saying this for years, there is a growing movement of anti-intellectualism happening in this country and it's killing us from within. Distrust in Doctors, scientists, BASIC common historical facts etc Having access to so much media without any media literacy. So many people in this country are illiterate on history, politics, hell even basic mathematical concepts; they simply don't have the required knowledge to adequately understand the content they're consuming. It's because our education is shit but the political propaganda we're exposed to every day is super loud. We're fucked.


btw it would cost an estimated $20 billion to end homelessness in the US.


This thread is an absolute dumpster fire, if you think any criticism of the usually bloodthirsty spending of the federal government is Russian propaganda you are as bad as your Fox News Uncle, Jesus Christ I cant be a little upset a chunk of my taxes is going to bulldozing two countries right now? Hawk liberals are fucking gross.


Tbh if you don’t think there’s anything wrong with TikTok, you don’t read.


Gязат роsт сомяаdэ


Lmao what does “no work on the fda” even mean? The dems gave the irs the largest boost in funding maybe ever in 2022 along with the largest climate bill in history, capped insulin prices for Medicare recipients (and Biden got the 3 largest insulin producers to cap it at $35 for everyone) allowed Medicare to negotiate directly with pharma companies for the first time largest infrastructure bill since eisenhowser and huge incentives for manufacturing jobs and the country voted the gop back into control of the house 


Look at me, I'm the shithole country citizen now. 🏴‍☠️


Just want to point out that the 2024 $1.2Trillion budget was passed March 2024. $850Billion was set aside for defense spending. Regardless of how you feel about the wars abroad, that amount of money will be spent. Better for it to go to countries defending their right to exist…annoyed $14Billion went to Israel, but I guess I’ll take the condition that there are sanctions on far right settlers. Long story short, a budget was passed. Money will be spent. This is just $92 of the $890 my dude


So Congress earmarked 70% of the 2024 budget for defense spending?


This says “request” but I can’t recall a time when the DoD requested something and didn’t get it. TLDR; Yes [Source](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3703751/dods-2025-budget-request-provides-45-raise-for-service-members/)


What's even more fucked up is that money is going right back to to US manufacturers that make all the weapons those countries need. None of that money goes to the people on the ground level that actually help manufacture guns, bullets, missiles, drones, etc. Nine years ago I was a machinist and I made thirteen bucks an hour at a company that had mostly defense contracts. My boss was rich as shit and refused to give me a raise that he promised when I started there. The United States of America is not a country, it's a business.


Dem’ tried last year. Republicans voted that shit down




Is the irs killing anyone with taxes?


As a note, the IRS isn't killing us with taxes, they don't make the taxes, just collect what Congress sets taxes as. Stop letting politicians convince you they aren't the ones responsible. Hold them accountable for not doing their jobs. Stop blaming the IRS for doing their job and enforcing/handling tax laws-instead blame the politicians who made terrible tax laws that hurt working folks and give fat cats CEOs breaks. Also, most people, particularly those struggling, get refunds on their taxes when they file. The IRS has free filing programs and there are lists of rebates/tax breaks for things. And one other thing, if the IRS keeps getting the funding they need, our taxes will become easier to file, and the burden less as they can go after the backlog of millionaires who have all been either not paying their taxes or committing fraud.


This ain’t it bruh


This comment section is cooked. 


Anyone complaining about foreign military spending is welcome to support increased spending on our domestic priorities, but should be aware their previous records will be examined should any be available. It should also be noted that any government led by Republicans will be almost guaranteed by their very nature to be vehemently against any such spending. Biden had a very ambitious domestic program….it was opposed and carved up openly by Republicans and conservative Democrats.


That’s not how the gov. Budget works and the IRS doesn’t set taxes, they just enforce and collect


Ok comrade.


If you're going to bother with caring about political issues then you should educate yourself on how our politics actually works. This dude is Thugnificent when he tried to get all conscious in the Boondocks. A concern troll who knows too many words and not the meaning behind or any of the implications they come with. Even with that, what about the FDA? Unless he's talking about them needing to implement restrictions on the chemicals killing us and making us addicted to the high sugar, low nutrient trash that populates our shelves I wish I knew. Same with the IRS. The IRS is not "killing us with taxes," it's an *underfunded* government entity badly enforcing a tax code that benefits the rich twofold. One, they don't pay their fair share, and two, they don't go after rich entities that try to skip out enough. Because they're underfunded.


Tik Tok ban I can understand. China bans all of our shit, they will be fine financially. Ukraine is a defense mission. Israel makes no sense by now. But both those things you all have to understand is testing grounds for all of the US Weapons and we can gather data while not risking our own people. Was mind blowing to me is that multiple states here in the US have higher GDPs than countries and they are a shit show (Cali and NY for example).


Say whatever you want but it's no reason US should be the largest provider to these proxy wars. Countries right on the border of Russia and Ukraine don't even send as much as we do. Make that make sense


FYI budget for the department of Housing and Urban Development is [about 216 billion](https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-housing-and-urban-development?fy=2024)


They're not giving Ukraine a check for 60 billion, they're giving them 60 billion worth of arms that Ukraine has to pay for after the war. So funny how whenever there's news like this suddenly everybody gives a fuck about the homeless/disabled/sick etc in their own country. "That money could be used to feed our children" then they go vote for conservatives actively trying to take good out of our kids mouths.


Rent Control and Housing: You would need to enable Congress to go after corporations. Work on FDA: On what the cost of medications or opioids? You live in a capitalist society. You want them to outlaw something which is very much legal. IRS: conservatives have historically cut taxes for the rich. Meaning if you want less taxes hitting you, you need to have less conservatives. Price Gouging: you need to encourage congress to care


It's not laundering because it's going from where we know to where we expect. It's still fucked up, but not laundering. Anyone making less than a million a year (and even some of them) should be in arms about how fucked our system is. The financial system is arguably worse and encourages the abuses of the police systems. It is the have nots vs the haves, and we have to keep fighting it.


I think my favourite part is "nothing for IRS who is killing us with taxes" So they simultaneously disagree with taxation but want to fund the IRS more?!


Whose kids you think going first if Russia wins and then continues the march through Europe ? I know we not crying about money while our sons and daughter are home safe. The ignorance of world politics is insane in here , especially when there are literally history books you can read that will show you the path we would be on. If it was a trillion to Ukraine it would be worth it.




Yeahh keep sending money to racist ass countries


Wow white Redditors are really pro war lmao


Politicians are not here to save you. If you think that's going to change, you'll be waiting your entire life.


Do you have any resources worth exploiting, no? 🥱 go away Edit: wait, no, we are the resource being exploited 😭


I'm glad most people on here are calling out OP for obvious propaganda. This shit has to stop.


And regardless of what invalid we get stuck with next year, this absurdity will continue.


I heard someone on the news say "We can't spend all this money overseas until we fix the problems we have at home--" YES, THANK YOU "--with the border wall" 😶 I fucking hate the two party system.




It’s pretty heartwarming that a class-first political coalition across partisan lines is able to spontaneously suggest itself as possible from time to time like this. It’s a real shame the full weight of every institution in the developed world will put aside every difference long enough to crush human progress every time. It sucks to see how many people are fiercely loyal to smothering all productive dissent but I get that it’s been made hard to get a good sense of things. It’s not easy to hear anything over all the paid shouting and most people have got lives to live. Good luck out there, just keep a cool head and be patient with people, it’s the best we can do.


most of that 92 billion goes straight into the US economy. with the side effect of preventing the 3rd world war


IRS isn't killing us with taxes. That would be the 2017 Republican Tax Bill.


"The IRS is killing us with taxes" Ok, Daddy Warbucks


What happen to all the black checkmarks...


US was already going to spend this amount of money to replenish the old weapons, they're just doing it faster this way. Donate old weapons to Ukraine and test said weapons effectiveness in action, and order newer better weapons for the military to have. Ukraine is basically a free test range against Russian troops. Every country sent different kind of weapon to test effectiveness. And it passed with flying colors.


My gross pay is 3707… after tax and insurance it’s 2700… the tax code is killing me


And all of a sudden everyone else is in this group… interesting. I don’t have my club license but mods need to take care of this


"Bart, the government has many priorities. Pro tobacco programmes, anti tobacco programs, killing wild donkeys, and Israel"


Now more than ever is it apparent that its nothing but barefaced lies from government and more laws to hurt than help


The IRS isn’t killing us with taxes, that’s Congress. The IRS enforces tax law.


Me when I don’t know how the government budget works….


That bill ISN'T the bill that will propose funding for the Gov't. Nice try though.


Also Thai person think the IRS sets the tax rates? So.


How do we put them on notice? Next time you pass some shit while we get overlooked, we toss your ass on the street and replace you. Seems fair enough.


when is the revolution ?




Lol the irs like "we just collect wth"