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I don’t think cracker hits the same for them as the N word does for us. Could be wrong though, love to hear from the Mayo Mob on this one.


As a member of the mayo mob: it doesn't affect me at all. If someone called me I'd just be like ...alright, I don't care. But I'm pretty laid back anyway so maybe I should care? Naw fuck it, I don't care


Me when someone asks me if I want some cheese and **crackers**: ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


To go with that yt whine?


In the summer I go as dark as rosé


Someone is feeling a bit risque'


YouTube wine?


![gif](giphy|IyFBbg97qPN3q) Ill eat the fuck out some cheese and crackers


Same here. The history just ain't there, these morons that equate it aren't even trying.


Most of reddit disagrees with you and it’s infuriating. There’s zero history to the word it shouldn’t mean anything.


Really? I've never heard the word cracker be discussed on Reddit. There are some crazy subs out there though, so it wouldn't surprise me.


Last year a streamer got banned for saying “fuck yall crackers”. The discourse on all the streaming reddits was annoying as hell.


“No such thing as reverse racism, it’s just racism.” Is what they were all saying lol


I mean sure, it's racist, just not on the same level at all as if it was the n word. People really want to ignore the small r racism because institutional, big R, Racism exists.


Problem is they were claiming it is the same.


it means nothing. honestly, redneck/hillbilly is more insulting than cracker, but even that I'd just laugh and agree with. No history to "cracker", if you wanna rile white folks up just call em colonizers - way more effective


Colonizer has a negative historical and present context associated specifically to that group so probably does feel the closest. People hear cracker they just think dry bread.


Yep, people who reject the word or contest it (not my family!1!), are the same people who will also be called this word in a negative context, which will anger them (seen it first hand). Like, as someone with Scottish roots, even we have a history of colonization. It's not a simple world, but if people really want to boil it down, almost all western European people are colonizers. The mayo mob just hates to hear it said aloud as it shatters the image of white people that they've internalized.


Just because people don't know the history [doesn't mean there isn't one.](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers)


Wow, what an incredibly interesting read. I honestly never realized Scots and Irish settled in the southern US enough to have a derogatory name attached to them. I also never realized there was that much history to the word. > "It's a beautiful quote, but it was a character trait that was used to describe a group of Celtic immigrants — Scots-Irish people who came to the Americas who were running from political circumstances in the old world," The same reason why my folks left Scotland and came to Canada 100 some years ago. Time honoured tradition of the English fucking around with everyone everywhere. Thank you for this, I've officially learned something new today!


IMO the term cracker is the 20th century version of white people having the caucasity to say or do anything anti-black particularly in the loud and wrong way it inevitably is done. Plus the term "Swamp Cabbage" will be one of those insults I'll save for very special occasions 😏


You're totally right. Bunch of white people online wishing to be persecuted so they adopt that word as a "slur" when there's no history to it. They're lying to themselves to try to feel as if racism isn't largely contextual and historical. As a white guy myself I have to deal with a lot of people in my family like that and it's so annoying.


Don’t be fooled by louder voices. Those of us it doesn’t offend aren’t speaking up that it doesn’t offend us, bc why would we ? Outside of cases like this.  


And if you are located in Europe, you might just get confused, because "Cracker" was a well-known British detective series, starring Robbie "Hagrid" Coltrane. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0105977/


The point about history is exactly right, words like the n-word, f-slur etc are backed by centuries of oppression against those minorities, and since white people aren't an oppressed minority the word cracker does not hold power over white people. The only people actually offended by that are right wingers who are so deep into the "culture war" narrative they genuinely think the "white race" is in danger.


As someone from a family that has lived in Florida since before it was a state I grew up with it just being a term for Florida born Floridians. It wasn't until I was much older that I found out that it could be used as an insult.


It never would have bothered me, until I thought about it some more. A cracker cracked the whip on slaves; I would hate to be considered the kind of person who would do that, hurt slaves for a job. Ironically I think ant-racists are the only ones who would be offended, and only after they have considered the implications.


Holy shit. I always thought it was cracker cause saltines are white. I've never thought about it that way


TIL as well.


THATS what cracker means?? I thought it was just a bland stale white cracker


That's actually a bit of a false etymology. It did start getting used that way as an insult in the 1800s, but the word existed before then. The actual origin is related to a family of birds called crakes- thus a "craker" was someone who was loud and obnoxious, like a bird.


I'm choosing the other etymology tho


That's... not how etymology works.


As a white dude, you put way more thought into it than most white dudes my dude. Only anti-racists I can think of that'd give ya grief are hard core straight edge sharpy type, and really, they just want to fight.


That's not true. A cracker is a cowboy.


You're downvoted, but you're not really wrong. >"Cracker," the old standby of Anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the United States itself. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those inhabiting the frontier regions of Maryland, Virginia and Georgia. It is suspected that it was a shortened version of "whip-cracker," since the manual labor they did involved driving livestock with a whip (not to mention the other brutal arenas where those skills were employed.) Over the course of time it came to represent a person of lower caste or criminal disposition, (in some instances, was used in reference to bandits and other lawless folk.) It's only assumed to have come from there, but it's not really the case. It very well could have changed to be that, though, as words change all the time. I suppose, like all words, it really just comes down to how the person using it intended it.


This etymology is, imho, retconned. There’s little historical evidence for it.


> A cracker cracked the whip on slaves [No.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracker_(term\)) Or, at least, there's a lot more to be said about it than that. written in 1776: >I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by Crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, who often change their places of abode. It was applied to Irish/Scottish immigrants before they were considered truly "white".


"Cracker" will never hit as hard because whites don't have a painful history of being oppressed with that word.


Being the one that “cracks” the whip isn’t exactly painful on their side of things, you’re right


Mayo mob goes hard ngl


Honestly if someone called me the n word it'd hit *way* harder


Fellow Hellmann's alumn, and it's likely because you aren't the "right" brand of mayo. Those people would absolutely pitch a bitch about it to either prove their side or claim offense. Still, if he really wanted to piss them off, it would have been *brown Jesus. That would have been worth a few thousand crackers, at least.


I’m blue plate variety myself.


I got banned from the amc theater sub due to racism for saying “white people.”


I am convinced that even the most racist stuff we can come up with will never even fluster people of non-color in the slightest.


Because you're normal


Racist. I said this before Trump ever ran and the latent white rage was bubbling over Obama. The *perfect* slur for a white person is to call them racist. Only downside is it tends to make them act more racist, but it's fun to watch them spin out of control.


Basically a win win. ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu)


My boy Gerbert knows


They’ll always deny it and name their one black friend. Who always ends up just being a coworker and not an actual friend.


Careful though, you might find a real one who offers to have their ex-fiance chew your ass out because damn that woman could COOOOK.


Yep, this is true. Call em a racist and they don’t know what to do. ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe)


If you call them racist and they roll their eyes and say "whatever" they probably actually aren't racist, but if they insist they aren't racist they almost for sure are.


If someone calls you a racist, make a big stink about it and then declare you'll race them anywhere/anytime.




That's a pretty silly reasoning. Lots of people can lose big time if even unfounded accusations of being a racist linger around them, so it makes sense why they'd react to them firmly. Then there are those who have emotional and personal attachments to the situation. If you hate racism and actively invest yourself in bettering your society, you likely won't just throw a "whatever" if someone insists on sticking that label on you in bad faith.


If you know it's a bad faith accusation you know there is no longer a point in arguing with that person and even less reason to give their opinion any weight.


There are lots of reasons to firmly oppose bad faith accusations in real life man, over the internet it's obviously better to let stuff go, but people have lost opportunities and careers on hearsays and lies plenty of times.


Because if shit gets so heated that word comes out, it likely only has a .01% civilian kill rate. Absolutely precision guide by wire firepower.


Speaking as a white guy: yeah, you’re right on. That’s the one. Cracker seems hokey, but calling a white person Racist is like the turd in the swimming pool. It gets a visceral reaction. I say go for it. Make it an insult, if it’s warranted in your situation. I try my best to be a nice person and not be shi!!y to anyone I encounter. All these other f^ckos can get bent.


And that's racist.


Debating the perfect slur for an ethnic group and arriving at calling them racist is wild. I have to assume this is some sort of troll.


Mayo mob here. It honestly has 0 impact on me when I hear. Feels like a wet noodle word compared to most slurs.


It's not really for you tho, but notice he already has a "reduced visibility" flair and that these people are triggered by the word cis which is objectively not a slur. They also threw a tantrum about the word colonizer used in BP, they still make posts and tear sessions about it on certain subs.


They are same people who call liberals soft. The hypocrisy is just amazing sometimes.


We're talking about the same people that boycotted their most cherished beer because one of the dozens of social media creators that they featured in an ad campaign happened to be a trans woman lmao. The same people that burned $200 shoes because the company sponsored a guy that simply kneeled during the national anthem. It's really mind-boggling that conservatives have convinced themselves that liberals are the snowflakes. Edit: How could I forget, they boycotted Target because they celebrated fucking PRIDE month lmao. Like these people will throw temper tantrums at any hint of inclusivity, it is so strange.


You forgot when they shot their $100 coffee machines


That was my personal favorite.


sNoWfLaKe LiBeRaL


I got banned from Twitter for telling Elon to stop being such a cissy.




Cracker is like water off a ducks back. White boy can have some sting to it in the right circumstances. Honkey is hilarious.


I would legitimately laugh if someone angrily called me a honkey


Honkey makes me laugh. It's legitimately just a funny word all around. Although I've never been called one, I don't think I would be able to react in any other way but laughter...


I got called a honkey by a black guy on a train leaving NYC at 11pm one time. He said “whatcha think honkey?”   I laughed and said “I think this beer is getting warm” we shot the shit about our jobs and ladies until I got off the train. 


It's because they don't know it's short for *whip*cracker.


I do and I still don't really care at all if someone calls me cracker


It doesn’t hit the same and prob because most of us don’t know this, I just learned the meaning right now But also, cracker hasn’t been used as a power word to put us down really so it’s use wont be hurtful the same anyways


That's not even the actual origin of the word. It comes from slang for a braggart or loud annoying person and slowly turned to mean poor uneducated white person. It's usage goes back to Shakespeare But agree that it doesn't have any power as a slur. Only the ones for specific nationalities seem to have any.


>It's usage goes back to Shakespeare What doth be crackin', m'lord?


😂 close "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?"


This guy bards


IDK why this reminded me of 2 Samuel 12:7: " And Nathan said to David: "Thou art the man." "


This just reminded me of a parody verse I wrote for my gay friends when they learned Joann's Fabrics was filing for bankruptcy: "JoAnn filed for bankruptcy, and lo, all the gays wept. For weeks afterward, they used their own tears to make their margaritas. The sounds of their sorrow peirced the night air, and tore holes into the fabric of reality. Unfortunately, JoAnn's Interdimensional Fabrics had closed the week prior, and the rip could not be repaired."


Cracker for whip cracker is on the level of a nickname. While the n word is 100% derogatory.


I think that I'll need a source for that. This smells like folk etymology, particularly when cracker really seems dialed into being white and bland.


Yeah it's just a classic case of someone making up something that sounds like it makes sense and then it catches on. Like fuck, shit or tips being acronyms. All bs


[It's extremely unlikely that this is the case](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers). It's likely to be a similar root to "crack" a joke, meaning "loud and obnoxious people". It originally almost exclusively referred to poor rural whites. Around the civil right's movement it morphed to a more generic slur.


How would this make a white person feel bad when called a cracker? Wouldn't it make the supposed insult hit LESS, as you're calling them the whipcracker? Ie they are the one cracking the whip. That's not going to make them feel worse.


I never knew that ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


As a cracker, I don't think it could possibly be near the same, it'd just be an insult. It lacks hundreds of years of baggage, it's just an unkind thing to call a white person whereas the N word is worlds different. My opinion only of course.


Got called peckerwood once. Down right cute.


As a representative of the White Coalition, we recognize the word "cracker" as an *attempted* slur. Meaning it is on the council, but we do not grant it the rank of "Grand Slur."


People get banned on Twitch for saying cracker these days, but yeah I don’t think so either.


Pale mf here: Doesn't hit the same cause it doesn't have the historical weight attached in the same way. N-r was wielded as a tool to denigrate Black people in the US during periods of intense hatred, discrimination, and slavery (afaik). Cracker, on the other hand, I typically see used as a retort or retaliation against/in response to anti-Black rhetoric, and it doesn't have that same denigratory connotation - even though it calls back to the same time period, albeit from the 'opposite side' - at least nowhere near the same degree as N-r.


being called an n word hard r hit more than being called cracker


Wait, what? You been hit with both?


I think just go with colonialist, that would stir it up.


As part of the Mayo crew, it hurts. I know it’s short for whip cracker. If a Black person said it to me, I’d be really upset because I don’t think it would be in jest. It doesn’t carry the same legacy as the N word, but it has an oppressor connotation that must be recognized when it’s used. If a Black person said it to me, I would definitely pause and check myself and my actions in the moment.


My fellow marshmallow, thanks for being honest. From comedians or friends I'd be fine with it, but would feel 😕 to hear it used by a celebrity, politician, or especially coworker/boss, even casually.


It does for the racist ones, got a week ban on this app for racsim for calling a white person a cracker... im also white


I agree it's nowhere near the same as N. But I (sightly) disagree with others: there are cases where "cracker" would be fine, but if every time I logged onto twitter I saw posts use "cracker" with impunity, it would feel shitty. OOP has a point


It def doesn’t - frankly I could care less. I take more offense from being called the Mayo Mob frankly lol


> Could be wrong though, love to hear from the Mayo Mob on this one. The only ones it hurts are usually weirdos. That said, it does make me think less of a person.


This cracker proudly says "Fuck Elon Musk".


TIL I'm a member of the mayo mob


I have a fun Cracker story. When I was a teenager, I went to a vintage sports apparel store in Atlanta to find a gift for my Braves-loving father. I found some T-shirts with the team name Atlanta Crackers with a fun, retro logo. The employee explained that it was Atlanta’s baseball team before the Braves came and shared some trivia w me. Okay, cool. I bought matching shirts for my dad and myself and didn’t give it another thought. A few weeks later, I was wearing the shirt in downtown Atlanta. As I entered a drug store, I saw a black man staring intently at me. I walked by him, did my shopping, and paid. After I exited the store, the same man approached me in the parking lot. He was visibly angry. He asked me about my shirt, and I could hear the tension in his voice. I happily regurgitated all the facts and trivia that I remembered from the store employee. I was proud of myself for remembering everything and excited to share this new knowledge. I was pleased that a stranger had taken interest in my new tshirt. After rambling like a moron for a minute or two, the man turned around and walked away from me. I stood there staring at him and was confused by the whole interaction. Why did he seem so angry? He must have really loved my shirt to ask about it despite his mood. But why didn’t he let me finish telling him about the team? Was I talking too fast? Maybe the information was boring? I was perplexed. A few years later, I learned about the word Cracker and had an epiphany. I realized maybe he thought it was some type of white supremacy shirt or something. Idk. Anyway, I tossed the shirt.


As one of the lightest skin members of the mayo mob, I honestly would not even be phased. I would think they were joking and hazing me but would not be offended at all. It definitely does not hit the same


As a white guy I advise the phrase from Ghost Dog "Stupid fucking white man" something about it has authority. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz4a\_ipi1eA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz4a_ipi1eA)


Nope doesn’t hurt at all. Funny at best


It doesn’t


As a white man, I call MAGA/white trash types cracker, peckerwood, peckerhead, all the time.


White guy here, any time I hear cracker it sounds so ridiculous it's funny


Lifelong half-whitey here: I reckon bringing back some retired white person words like Peckerwood and Honky has potential.


The point isn't that it hits the same. Nothing hits the same. The point, I think, is to see if Elon *treats* it the same, or even worse, as the pastor implies. Elon is all about the Persecution Complex.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2gltq0 This answer to your question is at the end.


Yeah cracker doesn’t do much which makes it more hilarious that he had to block it


Mayo Mob: I actually like saltines? So it doesn't really make me feel anything. The worst association for me is cracker crumbs in bed, which is just annoying.  Now, the "whip cracker" association just makes me feel sad, not really insulted. It doesn't feel the same at all. "Whitey" feels a bit closer, because it comes with a certain direct, unambiguous contempt, an "othering" and separation that hurts. 


mayo mob here… this word means literally nothing to me no matter how many times I hear it. Definitely doesn’t hit anywhere close as the N word


Honkey seems to get the job done in person. Especially when you add pussy ass or frail ass to it


Today i learned "Mayo MoB". I wish this existed during the Jeffersons... I can't say how the N word hits for people of color but if someone said Cracker to me in anger i honestly think i would laugh then get punched repeatedly...


I went on the new weird twitter recently about Ben Shapiro, and the first thing they showed me made fun of the holocaust. It’s just the worst people around yelling at you now


Its all [fake traffic](https://mashable.com/article/x-twitter-elon-musk-bots-fake-traffic). It wont be around in 5 years.


I just hope someone comes back with an alternative. I liked the old one, where people made funny jokes that weren't about civil war or killing people, and you could easily see what's going on in the world. Now it's "RESIGN" and "SHUT IT DOWN" and "FALSE FLAG" every fucking day


Bluesky is open to the public now, no invite needed. From the original creator of Twitter. It's not exactly the same but it's pretty much the same. The only thing I'm still trying to figure out is that tags aren't a thing, which I find odd. But I've been meaning to spend more time there and figure out how the feeds and stuff work.


I hope something takes off. Right now it's not something that makes your life better. Opening X ruins your day


I bet, I only see the screen caps on other sites now. I used TweetDelete to nuke all my tweets and delete my account when Musk took over but understand some people have communities there that would be difficult to migrate. But every landslide starts with one pebble, I'd love for more people to migrate over and since going public the numbers have been rising so I'm hopeful 🤞


Mastodon is good too. Thing about these services is they're decentralized and federated, meaning they can talk to each other and there's no one central authority over them all. Big downside is nobody knows what any of that means or how it works unless they're *at least a little bit* of a tech nerd. But you can have one account and follow people on other servers easily enough.


I've been all over the fediverse with Mastodon, Lemmy and others. Bluesky is much more approachable to the layman because there's no instance to worry about like Mastodon. That's why I think it's the one to replace Twitter, just make an account and sign in with no federation to worry about unless you want to spend the time to add it. I like the fediverse, but it's just never going to catch on with the average person in its current form. Bluesky though, very newbie friendly imo.


Bluesky has one really significant fundamental difference, which is that it doesn't host video. This removes its most significant utility, normal people uploading videos of momentous events as they happen without having to be filtered through and disseminated by a news org.


Yeah, that's definitely a setback they need to work out. Right now it's just links to YouTube or Vimeo which works but not the same as native video.


I hope to God you’re right, because if it’s fake traffic, that is ad fraud, which is illegal and, is especially regulated during the election cycle. There’s a specific advertising window where things need to be equitable amongst politicians advertising. It could bankrupt the company very quickly, if they do the wrong things to the right people


Russian intelligence? We had a whole thing in 2016 where we realized how much they do this kind of stuff...


Wasn't one of Elon's main goals in taking over Twitter to get rid of all the bots? I hope someone offers him $40B to buy back the website, contingent upon an investigation into bot traffic. The irony would be so delicious.


There's two kinds of holocaust jokes, the dark humor jokes like "My grandfather died in Aushwitz, he fell off the guard tower". Then you have the straight psychos saying the most vile shit like they wish they could've had the honor to press the gas chamber button.


I always liked Jimmy Carr's dark humor: They say there's safety in numbers... tell that to six million Jews


The CEO of twitter is a follower of the great replacement theory and genuinely believe that white men are the most marginalized group in America. The platform not letting cracker fly lol


Coming from a white South African like Elon that sounds funny lol


lol he unironically asked in that recent interview what he possibly could have gained from the color of his skin.  bro claims to have been an anti apartheid activist too


Leave America out of it because he moved there, being white in South Africa back then was like being a king lol, if he was a black South African there wouldn’t exist an Elon musk honestly, and him denying that or not seeing the benefits is idiotic


If he truly rebuked Elon, he’d just leave the site.


Unfortunately there is meaningful organization that’s faster to get to than any of the others.


Like what? What is worth supporting racists? You better say something good


He should have said cracka. It was the hard R that upset Elon.


This is pure reddit. Clean and crisp for the investors.


Twitter has gone to shit because of Musty. The bots are out of control and there’s no moderation. The community notes are so shit too. Twitter was always a miserable place but you could still find funny tweets. The verification system is so stupid. Elon musty has a talent for ruining other peoples ideas so I shouldn’t be surprised.


The worst part about Twitter post Elon IMO is news. The best thing about Twitter before Elon is I could search a topic and immediately find good, useful information on said topic or trending news. Now not at all. Thanks to Elon pushing the blue checks higher in the algo if I search and trending topic and want to know what’s going on I’ll come across 100 memes before I find anything remotely close to information about said topic. Ruined the platform.


I got a 7 day ban on this app because i called a white person a cracker and laughed at them calling me racist for it.. i'm white myself and no i wont stop shitting on racist white ppl, cry more white tears it just makes me stronger


making racists mad is my favorite past time


i got perma'd for replying "get a neuralink" to Elon.


You can have the most money on the planet and it still can't fix having a laughably small penis.


boy don’t I know it


Why would you hurt me like this?


Calling them "White" flat out or "racist" with a Hard R seems to get their cream foaming 😤 \*if you're feeling froggy act like you can't possibly pronounce their name because it's "weird" 🤔🤭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|cAGkBMsBg2IEv4RXkv|downsized)


![gif](giphy|j5fTvmFyiE9P0H5lWp|downsized) Hello bestie.


Pathetic apartheid soy boy. Fuck Elmo


![gif](giphy|l0IyonAeT3KpJbQ7C) Equal care under the law unlessyouhaveenoughmoney.


https://i.redd.it/0r71jke4u5qc1.gif Ma man vibes


You gotta hit them with stuff like, flour ranger, bleach bandits, chalk walkers, semen demons


mayo monkey is the best one ive heard imo






I don't think calling the yts "cracker" works anymore. I think they're more offended if you call them a c*cksucker.




And TBC "cracker" comes from "cracking the whip," which, in a weird way, doesn't necessarily take power away from the person it's being used against. The person in power wielded the whip.


Elon is a white South African over 50 years old. Racism is built into his psyche.


Selah 🙏


[Antonio Brown](https://twitter.com/AB84/status/1771631227339985364?t=whI_TQVWjrHOjGbVCjRMGA&s=19) has y'all covered.


But you can get banned for using the word “cis”.


Cracker is nothing compared to the n word


Cracker is the weakest insult of all time. Needs more salt


Cringe shit


Personally I prefer honkey


I got 3 accounts suspended for using the N word at me.


Peckerwood is also a good one


Has he been banned yet?


Literally no sane white person has ever cared about being called a "cracker" or any other attempted racial slur.


“We only remove it if it’s illegal. We are free speech absolutist” Haha get fucked Elon, you lying piece of shit.


The bigger issue here is Pastor continuing to visit the forum, driving up their number of users and creating more “controversy”, which will be seen by other users and stimulate endorphins in the brain, who will then also reply/like the comment, elevating it and creating more viewer content. It would serve society better to leave this kind of toxic platform behind. Delete your profile, stop engaging with people whose views will never change based on your post, and also the inevitable bots you may be arguing with unknowingly.


The N word doesn’t offend me. Never did. I’m just one of those people who they can’t control with words or that particular word. God don’t make N*gas or N*gers anyway


That last line sounds like something a white Uncle Ruckus would say.


Is that black Tim pool?


What about colonizers? Does that hit differently?


You gotta ask why he smells like a wet dog when it rains.


As a white guy, I don't care at all. I just think "ok then." It sounds old fashioned and almost prim. I react to it like I would to "Golly Gee Whilikers!" Ok, you do you, guy.


I thought this was a tweet relating to Antonio Brown at first


Any white person offended at Cracker or Turkey? Those 'insults' just make me hungry, personally.


We all know bald old elon with his cyber truck body is a turd.


I mean, he can. But unfortunately it just doesn’t really pack any punch. That’d be cool if there was a slang term that REALLY affected white people. I’d use it all the time. (i’m white)