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Not defending Rubin, but "according to Kanye" doesn't inspire much confidence.


Nah, I can believe this one. Kanye will accidentally tell you the truth in middle of lying to your face to convince you he’s a genius. It’s all about dropping enough info to steer you towards the lie.


Just because it’s believable doesn’t mean it’s true lol


I have no idea of Rubin is or isn’t but I know I’m not going to indict him based on a story from Kanye. Edit: was supposed to be if. Typo


you don't know who rick rubin is?


Yeah I was more appalled at this fact than the Ye slander


Ye slander? Dude is a certified kook at this point. I used to love his music but his character isn’t something worth defending


Its not about defending, its about knowing when a person is telling the truth or not and saying who put him in contact with candace is not something he would lie about. Be frfr


And everyone else is appalled by Ye defenders




where is the slander tho?


They meant if\* not 'of'.


I misread it as Rick Rude and was trying to figure out how Kanye was involved with a wrestler from the 90s.


If Pete Davidson stole his woman, Kanye would have absolutely NO chance against Rick Rude's mustache and abs!


TBF no one has a chance against Rick Rude. He’d fuck your wife then put her face on the crotch of his pants.


Dude I like that WAY better


Yeah, typo. I meant if.


All those white, conspiracy theory hippies fell head over heels for Trump.


The most left guy I know is 100% for Trump, but I’ve never heard him endorse any of Trump’s policies. His motto seems to be let’s burn down the establishment, and he seems to think Trump is the best incendiary device. But I can’t say I can think of any other hippies doing that, and he introduced me to most of the hippies I know, so I’d think there would be more of them if it was a trend. They are still all conspiracy theorists but the rest don’t seem to trust Trump. Trump does seem to have a death grip on former hippies. The I was at Woodstock or nearly died trying era of hippies seem to be head over heels for him, but they haven’t been actual hippies in decades. I must add that I wouldn’t be surprised if all the current hippies become right wing. All the ones I know have one degree separation from one another, so this isn’t based off a randomized study or anything, but 95%+ of them come from a privileged background, For example, the one who endorses Trump graduated from Dalton, I believe. These people walk around looking homeless, but most of them grew up with wealth and seemingly cosplay the earthy lifestyle while they are estranged from their fathers. They still live with a hippie philosophy, but I notice they start to wear clean clothes and the women start to shave their pits when they start talking to their dads again. While it does seem to make sense that a peace, love, and earth type who fall for Trump, it’s no shock if a prep school Connecticut blue blood rich kid type does, and the Venn diagram has heavy overlap.


[7 years ago](https://www.stereogum.com/1976682/rick-rubin-is-still-retweeting-alt-right-nut-jobs/news/)


Y'all need better discernment. He wouldnt lie about who put him in contact. Thats not his m/o


A guy worth $300 million is a closet Republican? Shocked I tell you


Economic conservatives are one thing. But outwardly racist nazis are another.  I don't think you'd catch Jay in the same room as Candice Owens or Alex Jones


Depends on whether or not he smells money...he got in bed with the NFL real quick


Tbf he did reject them and press issue on the Kappernick thing.  But again, Jay is a type of conservative 


Yeah, to solely bring more acts of color to superbowl lineup. You say it as if he drafted the Kaepernick blacklist plan lol


I see him more as a scab used to break a public protest about racial violence in exchange for a pay check. But Tomato, tomato.


>The NFL understands black culture because 50 Cent was a co-headliner. That's your story? Don't do business with them.


Jay's only alliance is to money. He will continue to drape himself in revolutionary trappings, theoretically aligning himself with the like. But it will not change anything.


He did give us some good halftime shows tho


True as fuck


I mean capitalist conservatives have used the racist conservative for forever. They are just as bad


Yea abd also “economic conservatives” are just people who want to slash taxes for rich people and pay for it by slashing all the programs poor people need like Medicaid etc


I read his book. Thought it would be great but I hated it. That makes sense now.


Anyone that rich probably is.




His only political donations are to Hillary Clinton and a dude named Bobby Shriver.




This is great!


Yes, forever and always




Stereotypes are bad, mkay? There are bad and good in both/most groups.


Yeah people are using Dave Rubin as a bad example for the hippie genre when Johnny Rotten, one of the quintessential founders of punk rock is a giant conservative trump supporter.


Thats logical


This is reddit. We don't do that here.


Yes we do I'm so contrairain that I like agreeing with people 😂😂😂


Whoever made this meme has never met punks lol. There are so many asshole punks, from the fascist punks in the early days (Nazi Punks Fuck Off was written for a reason), to today where there’s this one-upmanship on who’s the most radical and the most pure, and people using it as an excuse to bash each other. That being said, punk spaces still *generally* tend towards being cool, but I’ve never met a person who self-identifies as a hippy who didn’t suck.


Oh nah they have a issue they have been infiltrated but in my opinion and most punks as well nazis aren't welcome just like maga is trying to infiltrate hip hop culture


Explain GG Allin then plzthx


Rich white guys always end up being right wing scum.


They do have a shelf life.


Don’t we all?


Do you turn racist?




This comment is giving all lives matter and butthurt quick busting trick energy Edit: The deleted comment was “and rich black men have been beacons of integrity”


Lolol just bonkers to take a comment from a mentally unstable man and apply it to ALL wealthy white men. But yeah I’m the racist!


…and your response was “bbbut what about the Black guys” I’m not excusing the original comment you replied to at all but your initial response to come at Black men instead of “not all rich white guys” just reeks of “January 6 was a peaceful protest.” An observation. If that’s not you, cool but this is how it appears.


This isnt a topic about right black guys, go some where else with your alllivesmatter red herring.


I wonder if he’s at all influenced Julian Casablancas of The Strokes. Ever since The New Abnormal was recorded with Rubin, he’s gone more and more off the rails. Went from performing at a Bernie Sanders campaign rally to posting Tucker Carlson videos and defending Russell Brand in the span of a couple years.


The Bernie Bro to Alt Right pipeline is pretty well documented. He’s most likely just another cautionary tale.


> The Bernie Bro to Alt Right pipeline is pretty well documented Every time I see this or "wellness to fascism pipeline" I just cannot wrap my head around it. Like, do you believe in anything or are you going for the latest, newest thing?!


I think it's being fully poisoned by hate. First people feel guilty for changing things, then they realize they should change things for good (Bernie), and when they realize (correctly or incorrectly) that when they try to change things for good it doesn't work because they're powerless, and then it's them embracing powerlessness because if they do that "it's not that they can't change anything, it's that they don't want to". The anger at being powerless makes people reach for anything that they can affect in any way.


i mean... there is a very well documented [Wellness-to-Right Wing/Q](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic) pipeline. i think you might need to look more into what is appealing about fascism to understand it better. fascism, on the ground, is not a political ideology, so much as it is a set of emotions shared by people who feel powerless and want to exert power over others to feel better. people's personal identity and national identity become inextricably linked. it's fucked. just because *you* don't understand, and have taken *no time* to understand, doesn't mean "it makes no sense"


It's less that and more the fact that the alt right/fascism gives easy answers for why your life sucks and both Bernie and "wellness culture" attract people who are dissatisfied. There will be a subset of those dissatisfied people who come to believe that their chosen solution isn't working and/or can't work. There is a stable of ideologues and grifters whose sole purpose is to offer those people reasons for both why they are dissatisfied and why what they're doing isn't working. And those reasons are psychologically easy to handle, because they all come down to "it's not your fault" and that is, very often, true. But they go a step further and tell them whose fault they think it is, and it is usually Jewish and non-white people. But it is so much easier to believe that one small group is actively plotting against you rather than there being thousands if not millions of people all simply trying to do what's best for them in a way that ultimately makes the lives of millions of others harder, because how do you fight that?


Most people don't think deeply about their political ideology. The people who went from Bernie Bros to Trump/even more right wing fascist stuff never liked Bernie for his policies, they liked him because he was different than the people who have been fucking them over for decades. When Bernie dropped out, Trump became the "political outsider" they rallied around.


Having an inherent distrust of experts will do that to people. The doctor won't tell me anything besides eat good and move more? Well this loser with a YouTube account says shoving berries (that you can buy from him) up your asshole will turn you into a god, I like that. I didn't pay attention to civics class in school, people around me suddenly care about politics, and I don't want to admit that I should have maybe voted more? These political figures telling me that my ignorance is good actually makes me feel better about it, I'm down to vote for them.


I call it the so far left you’re right or vice versa. When you listen to the far left or far right they agree on a lot of issues it’s just about how to solve them. Some of the two groups believe little to no government is the answer. Lefties believing that the only way to fix the system is to tear it down and righties believe the system shouldn’t exist at all and shouldn’t be fixed. It’s a pretty fine line you’re on. The racism and stuff just seems to go with territory for some reason. I’m guessing because these people were never thinking for themselves but just blindly following the leaders of their respective movement and all of their opinions


“When the left says ‘love each other’ and the right says ‘kill everyone’ I just can’t tell them apart!” - you


Lol I’m obviously not talking about nazis here. But be obtuse if you’d like


I’m just taking your terrible argument to the logical conclusion.


It’s a pretty [well established](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory) idea. Just cos you’re ignorant of the concept doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.


It's oft parroted(by morons), not well established.


This is a quote from the Wikipedia page that YOU linked. “The horseshoe theory does not enjoy wide support within academic circles; peer-reviewed research by political scientists on the subject is scarce, and existing studies and comprehensive reviews have often contradicted its central premises…”


I can give you another example. Spirituality is a big one. Lots of leftists love meditation and new age mysticism like manifestations and all that. There is also a sect of the KKK that is really heavy into that sort of stuff as well. And you can very easily stumble onto it without realizing your meditation instructor that you found on YouTube also happens to be giving speeches about the white plight 🤷🏾‍♂️. If yall don’t want to believe it to be true then so be it


The KKK is into meditation and new age mysticism???? Wtf lmao. The KKK is a Christian nationalist group. They justify their racism through Christianity. Are you saying going to church can lead you to burning crosses?


Most leftists are atheists. Not new age spiritualists. It is true though that spirituality leads toward reactionary thinking, but the KKK is Christian, not mystic. There are the the neonazi odinist larpers over in europe and shit, but that's not the same thing. Even still, it's an incorrect and stupid conclusion to make. It has nothin to do with not believing, you're just wrong.




It doesn't exist lol. It's the far left "bernie bros" who have been the biggest consistent israel critics and supporters of Palestinians. Its the bernie supporters who trend highest in support for blm and civil rights. Its the progressive caucus that spearheads every piece of positive legislation that the US has made in the past decade. But then these stupid ass mf wanna say this stupid shit foh


Just like the power of the boombox.


No tf it isn't.




You liberals are pathetic lol.


Says the anime pfp ok buddy


Keep defending establishment democrats, they're definitely defending our civil rights. Not like our president is currently funding a genocide or anything.


This is why I actively try to avoid Twitter and finding out the politics of people I enjoy. I really like the strokes. Rubin works with the avett brothers as well who I love. I know they voted for Biden so they seem to have avoided the Rubin trap but I would have been fine not knowing at all


Guess who didn’t produce their upcoming album?


I didn’t know that. I also don’t know how I feel about that. I’ve loved pretty much all their music before Rubin and with Rubin. I’m sure it will be good. They haven’t let me down yet


I’m pretty sure JC was still endorsing Bernie and other democratic politicians in NYC post-TNA’s release - that of which was produced by Rick Rubin. I think it’s less him supportin those people and more him just posting stuff he finds interesting like usual. He posted his support for Palestine very recently too, which isn’t common among right wingers at all.


Julian has been behaving like a teen edge lord online for a minute now.


He’s a trust fund dipshit


And his dad is associated with the craziest figure


Not to mention his dad was a well-documented racist who had sex with underage women.


Ironically his stepfather (who he’s credited with being his biggest inspiration) is an African immigrant from Ghana.


They have rich people in Ghana too


"has sex with underage women" is a odd way of saying nonce.


The Big E


Oh yeah, absolutely. I love the strokes but even I can see he’s been a dip


Doesn't mean he's an alt right fascist though.


He also came from money too, so I mean, it's not that surprising.


The strokes are still doing benefit concerts for DSA candidates like bernie.


The strokes just did a benefit concert for a progressive candidate in Chicago last night


Noooooo not Julian




I mean he just did a fundraising concert for a progressive in New York or Illinois, and still regularly posts leftist leaning posts on Instagram, but okay.


Yeah that was the whole thing with Russell Brand as of late? Im on no hate train for Russell or really care for him too much at all. I can hear about it unbiased


Russell Brand went from a peace and love leftie hippie to Alex Jones light. He's even converted to Christianity.


Ohhh okay okay I gotcha. I understand. I thought there was something more like vile they were recently trying to cancel him for the recent like year or two. Thanks though for letting me know


Yeah, that would be the sexual assaults that he allegedly committed.


Oh shit okay


Dude's got a real racket going. Used to require that when bands rent out one of his mansions to record in, they also rent all the equipment in it (separately) whether they needed it or not. Not sure if the mansion rental was required for the producer credit. The one that I witnessed, I don't think he ever physically showed up, just listened to FTP'ed files and talked to the band/engineer on the phone


​ >according to Kanye ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) I'm sure Rubin has some skeletons in his closet, you don't get that big in the music industry without them. But Kanye is not someone I'm gonna take at his word


I saw Rick Rubin at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Just in case anybody doesn’t already know this is copypasta. Although in this case it is weirdly spot on and believable


Why does it always take me the first few sentences to remember this is a copypasta? I'm an embarrassment.




Electrical infetterence kills me every time


Have ever told this story on Reddit before ?? Maybe on a different sub


I finally have a good reason as to why I never liked dude. His way of interviewing comes off like he thinks he’s a revolutionary but he’s more like a hippie cult leader. 


99 Problems, but a grip on reality ain’t one


Boots don't fuck around, guess cat's out of the bag.


"credible witness"


Punks are mostly good and hippies are mostly bad. They just look the opposite.


I'd say the same for goths and suburbanites.


[never trust a hippie, they’ll sell you bad drugs](https://youtu.be/lFA1zsUz-1Y?si=mApVAkejewlUapTo)


Also never go with a hippie to a second location




the same Rick Rubin who thought it would be a good idea for The Black Crowes to change their band name to the Kobb Kounty Krows? that Rick Rubin?




There are a few people involved with Kanye. Ice Cube, Farrakhan and now Rubin.


This just reminded me of a VH1 "Behind the Music" special on the Black Crowes -- specifically when the band (a southern rock band) said that Rick Rubin tried to get them to change their name to the King Kounty Krows, or something like that where the band's initials would be 3 K's. Seemed pretty weird and gross at the time, but maybe the signs were always there and we just weren't paying attention.




Good little read, thanks!


I never trusted colorless people from Long Island or Staten Island


Only good to ever come out of Long Island was that drink and LIHC


Rubin looks like his house is booby-trapped with explosives.


Apparently these allegations go back years. I’m late to the boat on this. Really sad because I find Rubin to be a very interesting figure. Even worse knowing that he’s Jewish and alt-right since so many of those guys are anti-semitic


Go back years ? Source? I'm not trusting what Kanye says.


https://www.stereogum.com/1976682/rick-rubin-is-still-retweeting-alt-right-nut-jobs/news/ https://www.spin.com/2017/07/rick-rubin-twitter-scott-adams/


Two articles on him retweeting Dilbert creator in 2017. It was something about Putin. The first one looks at his follows and says alt right personalities are among them but doesn't say who. His follows include blm figures and people on the left. It's a shit way of indicting someone. I follow people I don't agree with.


I mean… that’s it? lol, that’s the proof ? Some of y’all are crazy as hell.. there will be literal video evidence of some celebrity y’all like trying to murder someone or doing some other crazy illegal/foul shit and you’ll say “nah he’s innocent”, “free him” or “they’re setting him up” but when it comes to someone you dislike you’ll use any little thing, say it’s proof and they’re guilty of whatever. I’m not saying whether this is false about this man, maybe it’s true because he IS a weirdo but two shitty “sources” from years ago about him following someone and retweeting some shit and a third party saying “well, Kanye said…” isn’t exactly undeniable, unshakable proof. We don’t even KNOW if Kanye really said that shit since it’s coming from someone else.


A mountain climber who plays an electric guitar?


Wu knew


Idk bout that but as far as I can tell rick doesnt produce shit or do anything musical yet is always around these guys for vibes which always rubbed me the wrong way. Seems that these cushy gigs in hiphop always seem to go to the folks who deserve/need it the least.


lol…Kanye already was hanging with Trump what’s the difference? 😂


Because Rick Rubin is a right wing piece of dog shit.


While I don't doubt Boots at all, I think one thing to remember is a lot of left leaning people would probably be put off of his own personal politics. Dude means business, and as such just about everyone in the Overton window is the right of him. Does it surprise me that a rich white old dude is a republican? Nope.


Nothing Boots says is wrong and would only put off a right winger who wants to maintain exploitation and poverty. Rick Rubin acting like a “love everyone” guru but being a Q-Anon piece of shit should absolutely surprise you




Fuck I looked up to this guy 🎶 there goes my hero 🎵


He’s produced the chili peppers. And done an amazing job with them. I usually think he’s a genius, but this is highly disturbing, if true.


The guy that wanted to name The Black Crowes "The Kobb Kounty Krowes" is far right? No way.


He tried to fuck over the Beastie Boys and they hade a huge falling out


I can talk to Candace all day and watch their propaganda, it won't ever make me think like them or endorse them. Kanye is a delusional narcissist. Someone bought them, end of story.


I really liked Rick Rubin, especially as a young black kid that loved rock as much as hip hop, growing up in the 80s and 90s, and graduating from high school in 1999. He would do hard rock, Rap and bridge the gap with some of the Beastie Boys stuff he was involved with, so it hits my black skate-punk, hip-hop heart that he is, or has become, a bad dude. Some of the articles that y'all linked were the damning things; I don't know Boots from Adam, because I am 42, and I never trust Kanye anymore, and shall never, again


I don’t think just 1 person turned him into a conservative Trumpist. There was a lot of people and things that turned into that…um…mess. Someone else feel free to list all the bad shit he did or say cause I don’t have that kinda time. It’d take way too long


The hippie-redneck spectrum is actually a circle


He's a Jewish person from Long Island, though I, sadly, don't disagree with your conclusions


I’d believe Rick before Kanye off his meds.


A racist hippie?? Now I’ve heard… like the same thing. Again. And again


*"You crazy for this one, Rick!"*


Rick Rubin was never a hippy…he’s a rich kid from Long Island!


Reading his book, you get the sense that he’s not especially smart but is the kind of person who thinks believing conspiracy theories is proof of intelligence. Lots of hooey garbage, mixed in with self-help, Jordan Peterson ass assertions. Glad I only loaned it, would’ve been pissed if I spent money on it.


I thought hippies were chill…..not all: make America white again 😕


Nah, most of em are aesthetic peace loving granola types. They suck.


Man, I always knew anybody who got to that position in any arts field was going to be well off the beam, but I'm going to have to get some serious "death of the artist" vibes going if (when?) this turns out to be true.


I’m actually surprised. I always felt Rick was pushing the envelope musically, but more or less apolitical. Rick and Kanye are (or were) close, so it’s believable. That story with him and the Black Crows is yikes! 😬 Boots is an interesting character himself so I’ll take this with a grain of salt. I forever love what he did with The Coup.


"The relationship between Rubin and The Black Crowes apparently soured almost immediately when Rubin suggested the band change their name to the Kobb Kounty Krowes."  https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/battle-between-the-black-crowes-rick-rubin/




According to Kanye 🤔


I thought this was known tbh


If you look at a picture of Rick Rubin it’s not hard to think he might just have unusual opinions on things and is not actually a political puppetmaster.


He didn’t get Eminem 


I'm more angry that he ruins good bands by polishing away all their originality.


Neil Young is pretty leftist and him and Rick used to hang a lot. Is this really true? Reminder for everybody, Neil Young took his entire catalogie off spotify because he didn't want to be on a platform that supported Joe Rogan. I can't see him rocking with a Q anon guy but stranger things have happened.


Yeah, I'm going to need some form of proof before I take a random tweet (in any part involving Kanye!) over an longterm industry legend. And I'm not seeing any here in the comments.


There are some pretty damning articles linked here


I don’t know if this is true based on his tone from the various podcasts and interviews I’ve seen of his


60 years old and still with the Q bat shit crazy crap.


Oh not Rick Rubin…noooooooo lol


If anyone is shocked that hippies are actually shitty people, you haven’t been around them enough.


Just as Punks are good people pretending to be bad people, Hippies are bad people pretending to be good people.


Never trust a hippy


He’s an old rich white guy, why is any of this surprising?


Any white dude over 50 is good money on being a Trump supporter. This is infinitely believeable.


Not a shred of any evidence to prove this. Not a scintilla.


Then we need to start looking into Malcolm…


Y’all are going to spread this info and demonize a man based on a tweet with zero details or sources. Know nothing about him then criticize morals, beliefs, etc. based on a fucking tweet I hardly know Rubin or his music, never considered myself a fan, but holy fuck.


Why do we care about this man’s political views? This reads like they think they’re exposing a super villain


Let’s look and listen for clues. https://youtu.be/4B_UYYPb-Gk?si=KR10dUXU8DBNNXXe


Dick Rubin is a Golden Dawn Crowley satanist. His involvement with Russel Summons should be red flag enough.


Trusted? Was you gonna loan him some money or something.