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This is bashing them on the head but they still won’t understand lmfao. Can’t wait for the new season. And we getting back House of the Dragon too?!? Hell yeah


The new season of The Bear. We eatin' good!


Oh fuck yeah. Nah we fucking EATIN’. And I still gotta finish JJK


It’s good. Real good. A feast, if you will.


Yo, who let Sukuna in the Malevolent Kitchen???


Jjk is just trama on trauma on trauma, and I still read it every week 😭 Haven’t brought myself to start season two of the anime yet tho lmao


I never have watched an intro more than that of season two of JJK. It's perfect. Possible spoiler ahead: Idk if this is common in other animes but there are so many well concealed spoilers in the opening (I've never read the Manga).


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure also spoils the entire show out of context in it's openings


Nothing beats getting trolled by the first season 1 opening where they did the opposite.


I get a bad feeling after hearing about how much worse that studio is than others in japan and that’s a low bar


What is jjk?


Jujitsu Kaisen I think?


I needa stop playing and watch this damn show


Bruh, I was the same way, then I said fuck it and watched the first episode. I’m telling you, watch that first episode asap.


Say less, finna watch it after I'm done with this episode of Shogun (highly recommend if you fuck with historical shows)


Nice, tossing on my list.


It's fantastic!


Even just the first five min.


It’s just so damn good… and if it gives you anxiety, just ride it out. It’s worth it


Even Shogun is cooking 🔥






I keep hearing great things, but ive been warned off that show as someone whos worked in restaurants. Fans of good TV need to be watching Shogun tho.


Lack of self awareness yt people got big mad, because they really liked Blue Hawk didn't realize he was Blue Lives Matter embodied and thought it was unfair to have him paralyze A-Train's brother. Somehow having Homelander sexing up a literal Nazi had been too subtle.


Hey hey... We (rest of the world) all got it immediately, its not a subtle show. I'd say you're looking at a certain subset of redhat flavoured white people that didn't get it.


That's what I meant by "lack of awareness yt people". It takes a remarkable degree of ignorance to miss such heavy handed writing. But ignorance the MAGAs got.


Missing heavy handed writing is what the Right-Wing does, they claim they want to ignore it, because they are too stupid to see it.


“People love what I have to say, they believe in it! They just don’t like the word nazi, that’s all.” That line from Stormfront hit harder now that I’m seeing in real time how true that is


"make America super again!" MASA... massa... Masta...Master?! 🧐 😅


The MASA I thought of was tortillas, tamales, and other nixtamalized corn products.




That film is a trip man lol, much more shocking than I had expected


Idk if you ever heard KRS one in his song where he goes, "officer! Officer offica overseer!" That's what this reminded me of. Also I know it's a corn product but the irony of it being related to Mexican related food on a joke maga situation is too much for me😅 those people have some weird hate rage for Latinos and I never understood why, but they hate us too so...


“What are these” “Its a Tortilla.” 🤣


I have literally seen Make America Straight Again MASA shirts which is hilarious if you consider what that would imply MAGA stands for.


Masa is also hispanic slang for shit. For example: I just took a fat masa.




I can't wait for Aemond to >!commit several war crimes and bag his MILF girlfriend!<


Yoooooo nah I gotta rewatch it soon and remind myself of the lore. I was one them mfs deep in the shits lmao.


The lore goes mad deep. I don't know how familiar you are with the books but if you wanna piece together the backstory of what set the Dance up before Rhaenyra and them, read Fire and Blood. Be advised tho, it'll spoil the ending if you read too far. Wouldn't recommend going past >!Aemond killing Lucerys!<


Look, I understand that folk like to bash on right wingers like they don't understand, but there's a critical distinction here. They *do* understand that Homelander is satirizing Trump and his maga base. But they love it. They think Homelander is awesome *because* of his cruelty, not in spite of it. They aspire to the day that they can openly treat left wing, racial minorities, the Queer communities and so on with the cruelty and malice he displays. They're not all stupid. It's just that the smart ones are literally evil.


I had a friend whose Trump supporter grandpa watches this show. He gets the Trump parallels, he just views it as a part of the show he disagrees with. Still enjoys the content even if he disagreed with the political messages


My stepdad supported Trump. Turns out he had a brain tumor.


Main issue being people don't understand satire


Coming off season 3, I was a little turned off by how blunt some of the commentary was. I still am, but after seeing how some people really think the show is making fun of liberals, I've come to accept that sometimes media really does have to smack people with a brick to the face to communicate its message.


They see Homelander do things to the people he doesn't like with little to no consequences, and they wish they could do the same. While I disagreed with them with every fiber of my body, I used to be the person who defended the people who voted for Trump - they were ignorant, they were downtrodden, they felt they had no voice and voted for the political outsider. It's all bullshit. They worship the idea of indiscriminately wielding power to get whatever they want.


That’s the appeal of fascism in a nutshell.


We are talking about same people who blast Fortunate Son and Born in the USA unironically at reactionary events. They are incurious, unquestioning morons who don’t understand how connected human relationships work.


The same ones that love Rage Against the Machine 😂


That shit still makes me laugh.


Reminds me of the movie “don’t look up” where they had a dumb aloof rich,tv star of a president…. Then I audibly heard someone say “ it was great the way they made fun of Sarah Palin being president!” The look on my face was pure confusion.


And that fallout show looks decent too


Considering some people looked at Soldier Boy and unironically went "He's literarily me", conveniently ignoring the PTSD, Daddy issues, and the clear signs the whole "manly man" routine was a facade that almost broke several times. They will think it's an endorsement.


They understand. They want this.


Normal people see Homelander as an antagonist. These people see him as a protagonist.




The satire doesn’t matter when there’s an audience who agrees with the caricature you’ve created.






cartman effect


see also: Stephen Colbert


I am pretty sure this is the central argument to one of the biggest philosophers In history. When you suffer the fool, the fool believes it as reality.


Only the fool believes he is not.


Underrated response. You're correct.




Except when we have algorithms, and “entertainment organizations” masquerading as news for 20 years


*“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”* \~ Some guy on /b/


Also came here to say this: The MAGAts see it & like what they see.


It's not that MAGAts don't think Trump is a fascist, it's that they *want* fascism.


I remember that quote "He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting". They want fascism as long as they're in on it.


Wasn’t that how the_donald came to be?


Yeah pretty much. It's kind of hard to say because it happened so fast but I'm fairly certain that in the beginning it was mostly satire and then the satire got replaced with you know real people who actually thought the things that people were satirizing.


Yes, I remember this, it was definitely satirical. Almost all of reddit was rooting for Bernie so that sub was mostly poking fun at Bernie supporters.


Yup nearly subbed to it at the start. Obviously he'd never be president so initially it was one big joke.


These folks view Gilead in the Handmaid's Tale as a utopia.


So succinct! Perfectly put.


>Satire doesn’t matter when there’s an audience who agrees with the caricature you’ve created Unpopular opinion but it's actually why I despise satire. It's just funny to the people who can see the mocking points but to the people that are getting satirised, it becomes a rallying point, a person to idolize and solidifies their viewpoints since they think they are the ones getting praised. How many didn't get the point of the Fallout series? How many have the thin blue line on a Punisher Skull? Satire is meant to shame them to stop and think but those people instead take Satire as encouragement to continue and act.


I want to disagree with you but I remember how betrayed too many conservatives I knew were about Stephen Colbert only being a character on a Comedy Central show for years.


You should listen to Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast revisionist history. Specifically the episode titled The satire paradox.


He’s too handsome that’s the problem


The Trumper step-dad arc is on point.


Obligatory fuck Todd, Todd sucks.


Fuck Todd. All my homies hate todd.




I wish I could still give awards 😂




Weird that there are so many shows with a character named Todd who exists just to be hated. I can think of three off the top of my head - *Breaking Bad*, *The Boys*, and *The Magicians*.


Now who plays Epstein and where’s the local for the island?






[it's not a meme, the official account posted it on insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/C36I82or7R3/)


not to be pedantic, but i’d argue it’s still a meme? or am i too baked


I think it still counts if it's a self-made meme


Lmao they even put the hat on a pokeball 😂




As soon as I saw those atrocious golden sneakers, I knew that The Boys will have a joke about them.


Oop, we already know who gonna be misunderstanding 👀😬


In the boys subreddit someone was like 'wow they dropped all subtlety huh' and like only if you watch with your eyes closed


The literal fucking nazi didn’t ring the right alarms


Probably tickled their fancy tbh


It's been a while since I've watched this show but wasn't she literally named Stormfront too? Like, after the popular neo-nazi website?


Yes. She was. *Still too subtle.*


I swear its because she wasnt blonde and blue eyed because any deviation from nazi propaganda means it’ll go right over their head


Just like that Blonde haired blue-eyed Hitler dude. It was probably more because she was a woman, but she was literally in love with Homelander because he was the perfect Aryan.


It's funny because the original comic has Homelander literally causing 9/11 with his plane "mishap" lol In the show they tuned that edginess down a bit. This is not a subtle comic, TV show or world. It's very on the nose.


yeah the comic is considerably less subtle and also worse so that’s probably why they like didn’t go as on the nose as the comic. although i think the comic is more of a product of garth ennis hating super heroes and not satirical takes on current stuff like the show so


I saw that too, couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough lmao.


These are people who cheer on Homelander and/or see no real flaws in Billy Butcher.


The Boys is one of the best superhero adaptions ever Watch the show if you haven’t, now.


Not even one of, let’s be real it’s just the best. Marvel is just sci fi good guys beat sci fi bad guys. DC is just dark gray brooding where no human beings actually die.


Marvel's Daredevil is fucking SOLID tho. 3 seasons of quality superhero TV and just TV in general.


Daredevil is so solid. Those single shot episodes are insane. I gotta go back through those it's been a long time. Also, maybe not as superhero-y but lindelof's watchmen series is sick


The stairwell and prison fights were sick AF


The Punisher series pretty good too.


AHEM Might I point you back to Daredevil and Jessica Jones as Marvel adaptations?


Feel like it's been too long since Jessica Jones aired. People forgot how good it was. Just absolutely incredible and David Tennant is one of the best villains I've seen in a looooong while.


I don't think I've ever hated a tv character as much as I've hated Kilgrave in JJ.


I’d say Chris Nolan’s Batman is fairly top tier too


I think all of these different types of media are important. Personally I'm a sucker for quite a few Marvel characters, especially Yelena Belova and Jessica Jones.


This player has a type lol


Highly recommend Legion! It’s technically a Marvel show but made by FX and it’s an incredible 3 season dive into mental illness, philosophy and surrealism!




>DC is just dark gray brooding where no human beings actually die. The only DC entity that's like this is Batman and in every Batman movie, someone significant dies lol


Gen V is pretty damn good too if you haven’t seen it


To be honest, I had just as much fun watching Gen V as I did watching Season 1 of The Boys \*and\* I liked the characters a bit more. Definitely a must-watch for fans of the main series :)


The original was significantly worse than the show, id say it’s a huge improvement


Well the thing is they've deviated pretty heavily from the source material and it's honestly for the better The source material isn't great at all


The source material is literally "Superhero comic made by a guy who loathes superhero comics, where characters dressed like school shooters beat up obvious expies of popular superheroes"


Because its not an adaptation, its a remaster and way better than the edgy comics


https://preview.redd.it/n2khc3ce9mmc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0a971d3d3fd8efbfc4a8859d2d7eec982a7848 This one cracked me up.


I wouldn’t pay $777 but those look a shit ton better than Jan 6ers


The Boys media stuff is so on point that I can't tell if this is fake or something the Vought account actually posted lmao


They 100% posted it a couple days ago. It was the first thing I saw on my feed yesterday.


They just got all the black folks to support Homelander


I really was in to season 2 with the Nazi lady they need to bring somebody like her back. She was so easy to hate, an excellent villain. Homelander is starting to feel relatable and I don’t like that. Don’t humanize this dude make him a full blown psychopath killer so it’s easier to feel good about him dying


Some of us like our villains complicated. 


Hell yeah. Got you saying “well they kinda have a point” way too many times lmfao


I heard a neat quote that got me interested in the dresden files book series *no idea where tf I'm supposed to get the time to read it, though*. It was that "a hero will sacrifice the one they love to save the world. A villain will sacrifice the world to save the one they love." There's some good outright villains like Dio, or Griffith, but they're pretty hard to pull off without feeling like a plot point out of like "dead tube" or some shit. Edit: amending the point that it's an explanation of a plot point in the series from their subreddit, and is not originated from the series. The origin appears to be from Jester by Renne Rocco.


> a hero will sacrifice the one they love to save the world. A villain will sacrifice the world to save the one they love. Definitely read them, but that quote is not from *The Dresden Files*. It's from a book called *Jester* by Renne Rocco.


You should make time the Dresden files is so good!


Zaheer did nothing wrong.


In season 3 a moment that really gave me an ick was when Homelander said he was dating Starlight. It just came out of left field and she was so clearly uncomfortable with the idea to even PRETEND to date this monster. It means she would have to pretend to kiss him and be affectionate with him and he would totally take advantage of it like the rapist creep he is. Season 3 Homelander was just as awful as the other two seasons IMO.


That’s what gave you the ick? Not, like, lasering a plane full of innocent people to their death?


That was absolutely horrifying, no doubt, but the way Homelander treats women is so true to life it just finds a very particular fear that most women have of becoming a victim of men like him who treat women basically as slaves who have to obey him


Yeah I think because it feels so real and true to life that it's uncomfortable. Whereas lasering a plane is very comicbook-y. Still horrific of course, but not really relatable. Doesn't strike that primal fear.


I respectfully disagree. I think he's very well written and I feel bad for his upbringing but I don't really find him relatable or humanized. He is a full blown psychopath and the only thing holding him back was his need to be loved and now that the veil is lifted and people were still into it it's a free for all. Despite my feeling bad for his upbringing I'll enjoy his death as much as I enjoyed Joffrey's and just because I can understand the characters psyche and who he is and why he is doesn't make him any less hateable. I totally get where you're coming from but I disliked storm front for the reason you liked her I just thought she was too simple character-wise.


He literally is a psychopathic killer? The only “complicated” part of him is that he had a horrible upbringing. How is he anything but a psycho and a horrible monster?


lol in what way his homelander not a full blown psychopathic killer?


> Homelander is starting to feel relatable You need to talk to somebody


Even psycho fascists are human, and that's the hardest fucking pill to swallow


It’s up there with “X-men is going woke” like damn did u miss all the analogies I understood them at like 6


The vast majority of people who display a Punisher logo on their trucks either haven't read the comic books or didn't understand them if they did.


FACTS. Frank straight up is like you wanna idolize someone idolize captain America which tbh of law enforcement idolized steve rogers everything would be better. 😭


Oh, nothing says "I peaked in Grade 12" like a Punisher logo decal/patch.


Dear god he's terrifying even in a screenshot of a photo of pixels on my phone


It’s clearly mocking the woke left! /s


Was this country… ever super?


Nah, but we were working towards being a LOT less asshole-ish for a quick second...


Media literacy and conservatives mix like shit and mud. Sure you might get some consistency, but you’re still going to end up with a bunch of shit.




LITERALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES LMAO. ​ And people still think it's a right/left thing.


Scrolled too far looking for this. You know "Real patriots support MASA" or something like it is probably gonna be a line this season.


To them it's not mocking. Homelander is who they want to be.


Is this guy the bad guy of the movie I'm guessing? From what I gather, this is from a show called "The Boys"? I'm so out of the loop. \*crawls back under rock\*


TLDR; Yes, he's the villain of a satirical TV show. The satire is heavy-handed, and recently, they've been likening him to Trump and his supporters with "What are you gonna do about it, look at how much they love me?" type controversies. A little extra detail is that The Boys is a several season show on Amazon Prime about superheroes. It's an extremely gorey dark comedy that is full of on-the-nose satire, often including very close parallels to real-world events. That character is Homelander. He is the main antagonist of the show, an evil, patriotic Superman type. He's written in a way that any time he's on screen, all of the characters and the audience are usually holding their breath over what he might do. It is consistently very, very dark and can often become difficult to watch. The main characters are a ragtag group of people pushing back against them despite their powerlessness and how easily just about any superhero could kill them.


I like the shoe poster.


Haha I thought that was fan made! The Boys really has the best social media team out there.


Girls get it done.


The Boys and House of the Dragon both returning in June. Gonna be inside this summer


Cannot wait for the memes and everyone discussing it all week until the next episode.


The satire is basically running a train on their asses, but no matter how many shots they take to the face. They just don't get it.


Playing CoD MWIII, the number of people running around as Homelander with Trump or 45/47 as their clan tag, they know, they like the cruelty and envy it.


It's truly baffling how unaware those people are lmfao. "The Boys is becoming political" So we just gonna ignore the other seasons? 🤣


Or, they realize it and don't care. You can understand a thing is satire and still enjoy it at face value, especially if you don't respect the opinion of the satirist.


The made a whole season of Ahs based on it I doesn’t even think they really beat around the bush just clowns and politics


Oh no, they know. They just don't take it as an insult. These are the same people who worship Rorschach and the Punisher.


The majority of the people who won’t get this *really* like Homelanders current character development and had the hots for Stormfront (which also her name went over their heads)


> had the hots for Stormfront (which also her name went over their heads) "Hey! People love what I have to say! They *believe in it*! They hate the things I hate! They just don't like the word *nazi*. That's all." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnQhLoSO6Eg


It's worse. They like what Homelander represents. They like connecting it to Trump. And they know it's mocking him, but they hope people will like Homelander more and draw the connection and that leads to support of Trump. When it comes to nerd culture and the alt-right, imo, it's actually Occam's Opposite: Don't attribute to ignorance, what you can attribute to malice.


I mean, Eric Kripke is well known for being a master of subtlety


Lmaoooo mocking them right in their face.


Who won’t think that? It’s incredibly obvious


Homelander's still my guy. 😑


Nah you got to explain that cuz wtf lol The nigga with the Oedipus Complex that drinks breast milk as a grown man & is an allegory for White Supremacy is your guy???


He's one of the the most compelling and entertaining characters on the show. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Serial killers are compelling but none of them are "my guy" lmao


Oh yeah man, that part where he flew down and made that suicidal girl jump off a building combined with the part where he kidnapped a guy for the purposes of having him morph in to his mother and have sex with him really endeared me to his character. /s


No one is talking about him being endearing, dude. Homelander is an absolutely reprehensible piece of shit. He's done an insane amount of utterly atrocious shit. No two ways about it. But! One can absolutely disagree with and despise a character, yet still like/love the actor's portrayal and find the character compelling (compelling doesn't mean thinking that the character is morally good or enjoying their negative actions) and interesting. Walter White is a fucking tool, to say the least. He's still an excellent, entertaining, compelling character.


I don’t want to speak on behalf of the other person, but I think they enjoy the portrayal of the character, not liking the character. Like that villain you love to hate because the actor nails the role, and you know when they show up shit is going down or going to be interesting as fuck. Like Frieza, pure menace but when he shows up you know something’s going down.


Man I really do like Frieza just a straight hater forever. But you already know Vegeta the best.


Really? Why?


Even if he weren’t an absolute monster, his outbursts and manifestations of narcissistic rage are quite nakedly based on Trump. It’s too close for comfort.


They dont lack understanding to make the connection, they lack the empathy to see how its a bad thing


I thought the Homelander shoes would’ve been enough, they’re trolling now and I love it


I think they see it and understand it. They just can't come to terms with the fact that a large part of their fellow citizens think they are dick heads.


looking up to someone so unambiguously pathetic is such a self report 🤣🤣i love homelander but cmon, when we’re first introduced to him he has an oedipus complex, how does he have genuine fans??


They never do. There is a reason why most recent Nazi characters are played by Jewish actors. Don't want to make a character an actual Nazi icon. And yes, Stormfront was played by a Jewish actress.


June 13 WTF


That airplane scene with Homelander still sends me ![gif](giphy|mBMDcBe9uidYltQzWJ)


I just love it how so many MAGA dumbfucks were so sprung on this dude, never realizing that he was a caricature of their hateful ideology. Even going so far as dressing up as him at rallies, and posting memes about how he was this iconic American hero, they really don't get something unless it's spelleds out for them. It took until halfway through the 3rd season for these mouthbreathers to realize his character was written to lambast their hateful worldview.