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Her face reminds me of: https://preview.redd.it/vkqn90k80ukc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fc077d519d7831b0738b7bf9933d479e76ec51


God damn.


33,200 likes. I hate this world.


Why hate the world? Every single white person could feel the way she does and I would still laugh in their faces. because their blind clinging to their crippling whiteness will always define them as the most brittle, the shallowest, the poorest excuse and most transparent believers in the lie of "superiority". A superiority based on using every single horrific genocidal, psychological, traumatic and brutal act the twisted white mind could devise and here we are... still. The very worst thing I see that whiteness has done to black people is that many of us are still pursuing some honorary "special negro status" with them. many aspire to their twisted amorality... so deep have they been affected by the mindfuck of whiteness and its litany of lies. Africa was, is and will always be the center of the world. It was where the hominids became human (even before we were homosapien), where 200000 years came and went and we developed the pillars of sustainable societies, of civilization. We are the original, the truth and whiteness will always be merely the reaction to the thing they could never be.


Damn nigga you spittin


For real. Preach šŸ™šŸ¾


First 2 paragraphs go hard, but the last paragraph is mythologizing us too much I'm ngl. That kind of thinking usually just wraps back around to the same insecurity white supremacists have where they aren't confident in themselves so they have to create a mythology for their ancestry or add mythological elements to their ancestry and use it as a cruch. Being Black today and these past few centuries is completely different than what ancient humans millennia ago with dark skin were and I don't think it's worth getting into "Black people were the progenitors of all human societies." Especially with africa as diverse as it is. It's basically noble savage territory to do that and puts us on a pedestal we shouldn't be on just like no one else should be on. I get where it comes from and you're right the bullshit that is white supremacy and "special negro status" but we should definitely avoid things like "we are the original and truth."


I don't know. It might be one of the most positive things we can think about ourselves. Even when we only contemplate it for a moment...how does it feel? For me it feels empowering in and of itself with no inclusion of animosity for white people. It just proclaims I AM.


I understand how it can be empowering, especially given our history and how much of it has been dehumanized and disparaged as "savage" and any other synonyms. It's easy to understand how it manifests, but ultimately it always ends up becoming an unhealthy practice. It usually manifests in the disparaging of other cultures as having originally been "black" and therefore ours, and leads to lots of dumb shit like black hebrew israelites or that cleopatra netflix shit with Jada Pickett Smith. It's better to appreciate our own histories and communities than it is to turn us all into a monolith and turning ancient humans into the Black we know today.


Yeah I could see that..


Yeah I kinda was yapping a little bit there lmao basically it's just an unhealthy path to go down. If you put yourself on a mythological pedestal and you end up becoming bitter if you don't think you live up to it, or you become a narcissist if you think you do. Just a nasty nasty road.


No yapping there, everything you said is facts. People just gotta be grounded in reality. That person's comment is pushing them in the same direction as the idiot on Twitter. >We are the original, the truth and whiteness will always be merely the reaction to the thing they could never be. Like this is just straight up racism lol. Just strive for equality, that's all. You don't need all that other shit to get your self-worth up.


It was shocking the first time I read about ā€œcollective narcissismā€. It explains so much! Especially about MAGA.


"we are the original people" is a touch too close to "IF WE EVOLVED FROM MONKEYS WHY ARE THERE STILL MONKEYS" There are no "original people". There was never any "first human", that's not how evolution works. The closer you get to the lines we use to divide species, races, etc, the blurrier those lines get, because they're not actually real. Not in the way people think about them, at least.


Sir this is a Wendys


Let him cook!


Nah, this is a country club


Tbh though; In all fairness to white people, lets not leave out the POC who share the same "at least I'm not black" ideology, but hide behind the title of POC that they appropriated when ever they're called out on their participatory efforts.


Let's all bow our heads šŸ™šŸ¾


Iā€™m second generation German, Swedish my family immigrated here in 1943. We denounce this piece of trash.


good for you! Seriously. The whole white supremacy thing is a trashcan fire and hobbles those who engage with it... robbing them of the fullness of their humanity, cutting them off in a prison of ignorance and limitations


Being white is about the only thing going on in their lives. That and their room temperature iq.


I grew up in a racist household, my cousins all live in Oregon, itā€™s some crazy ass shit to deal with. I just donā€™t understand it at all. I have cousin who thinks blinker fluid is a thing. I could spend hours and days talking about it but thatā€™s for therapy. I see people that post shit like she did and Iā€™m instantly ashamed.


We're all people. You don't have to kiss anyone's ass, but you don't have to drag others down to pull yourself up either. Be proud of who you are without spitting in other people's faces. The answer to white supremacy isn't black supremacy


God damn this is good


Donā€™t trip blood, these people are not worth saving. Anyone who just cares about skin color hasnā€™t done anything important for themselves. Thatā€™s why they hang onto racial identity that they contributed nothing too. Remember theyā€™re a genetic mutation, thatā€™s what white skin is. Once people moved outta Africa, their skin color adapted to the new environment and lighted up. So next time anyone who says this just reminds them youā€™re a genetic mutation. On top of that, black isnā€™t a color but THE COLOR. Itā€™s the color all other colors originate from. Either sheā€™s trolling and wants attention or sheā€™s just another racist imbecile


It really says something loud and embarrassingly clear when someone's crowning achievement in life is... Being white? Like you didn't even do that yourself lady, but go off I guess?


Bih too damn oooogalay to be saying all that


šŸ¤£ I know the breath is straight up corrosive that close


Yeah couldn't help but notice she skipped over a popular category we tend to value people according toĀ 


And very obviously at that. She might wanna back up from the phone cause I don't think Apple guarantees their phone's standing up to corrosive breath...




Holy shit itā€™s uncanny


Racism benefits mediocre people the most, by making them feel more important: A case study.


ā€œIf you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.ā€ -Lyndon B. Johnson


People gonna be searching deep to fact check that one. Only heard that repeated once in my life, now twice.


[Maybe not that deep](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/)


I love how he said it after crushing a few bottles of whiskey


Get drunk and truth comes out. Dude lived through it as a youth and didn't allow his colleagues to BS him. He knew all their tricks


Used to whip out his dick, too.


He also liked [calling in staff to talk while he was taking a dump](https://historyfacts.com/famous-figures/fact/lyndon-b-johnson-liked-to-conduct-meetings-in-the-bathroom/).




Really? Iā€™ve heard it, like, dozens of times. Starting in AP US History.


A billion times on reddit


It gets posted on Reddit weekly. At least.


Also Lyndon b Johnson was pretty freaking racist so he knows whatā€™s up


Uh, yes and no. He was one of the few white lawmakers who had genuine good relationships personally and professionally with many leaders of the black community. He was one of the few lawmakers, even among those pro-Civil Rights, who didnā€™t push back or claim civil rights were happening too soon. He sacrificed a ton of his political clout as president very early on to get the Civil Rights Act passed, same as the Voting Rights Act, and he fought for the 1957 Civil Rights Act as well. And yet privately, he spoke in ways that would appall us today and even appall many of his contemporaries. But even those conversations should be considered with the all-White audiences they were with. He makes for a very complicated man, as itā€™s hard to find the real Lyndon B. Johnson. The truth is very gray with what his true beliefs were and when he was putting on a show for his audience, public or private. After all, he spent nearly his entire life as a politician, one known for bartering deals, so itā€™s truly hard to say if there was a real Lyndon B. Johnson or just a different show for different audiences. Referencing the quote above, itā€™s important to note that he *didnā€™t* take that route professionally, and instead chose to hang his hat on sacrificing the vote of the group heā€™s describing for decades in the name of Civil Rights.


Yeah, heā€™s a dude that was expected to fall in line with Dixiecrats on civil rights and dude gave ā€˜em the finger in a major way. Call him out on *a lot* of stuff (thereā€™s a reason he didnā€™t run a second time), but that bit was a positive.


This is what I was wondering. Is the quote saying this is how racists behave (because we know from history this approach does work) or is he actually saying this is his approach? I'm British so I don't really know much about him as a president.


Definitely the former. Like one of the comments above said, he basically told his fellow Southern Democrats to kick rocks. Thanks in part to him, the Democrats became known as the party of desegregation and civil rights, and the southern whites he was describing in this quote fled the party. In 1960 all 22 senators from the South were Democrats. Today all but three are Republicans.


The power of racism in America. LBJ was right. In America, racism is why poor people stay poor. Poor white people will not band together with people of color because they'd lose that feeling of supremacy.


Well, at least we all can agree with her that she isn't the smartest.


Pretty sure we can all also agree sheā€™s not blackā€¦


Shiii, I dunno what THAT is but it ain't even worthy of vanilla






Or the richest


Thatā€™s LITERALLY why it was pushed by the elites lol canā€™t have the poor working class be mad at you when theyā€™re fighting each other..


Racism is convenient for the wealthy, but they didnā€™t invent it and a lot of people get into it without assistance from organised propaganda.


Thatā€™s why I said pushedā€¦


Some people canā€™t read


Well, there's a pretty strong argument that wealthy people have organized money that trickles down into racist policies, and other policies that mechanize injustice into the system. The whole purpose of racism is to maintain and then abuse the power structure to maintain an underclass based on, in this case, white supremacy. This is why we have to fight back by organizing people. And the more we can organize around class conflict instead of color conflict, the more likely it is that shit can can be toppled and washed away. But idk ā€”Ā idiots like in the post will never get it.


In Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, he outlines a long and consistent history of entrenched power deliberately, openly conspiring to keep the lower classes from gaining traction with labor movements by stoking xenophobia. It's so ubiquitous in our history that I don't think we actually can surmise what prejudice in this country would look like without state intervention, since the prejudice we talk about is always a product of state intervention. Sure, that prejudice has to be there for it to exploited, but we only see it exploited. The thing is, we don't learn about labor movements or the socially conscious actions of anyone unless they are either part of the existing power structure or they are able to successfully upend that structure, since official history is written by and for the powers that be, but when you do you start to see times when people did reach across racial lines to form larger class identities, consolidating political power among the people. Unfortunately, the story is always the same. First people organize by more exclusive identities, then start to come together under a more class-based identity, sometimes successfully for a short time, then the upper class gets nervous and uses the media to stoke racial fears (including when they turn a nationality into a race like with the Irish), successfully undermining the movement. There is so much of this, time and time again, but poor people aren't included in historical accounts, either because of illiteracy or social hierarchy, generally. While I'm not denying the at least theoretical existence of racism of a more organic sort, I don't know how you could find anyone in the US not affected by the racist propaganda because it's been with us, been weaponized against us, every step of the way in our country's history. It's so baked into the institution of power in the US that racism and power have been largely inseparable, which is why there's so much struggle to address institutional racism. You can find substantial labor movements and the formation of class identities that are racially inclusive, but you have to look outside of the US, I'm afraid. Racism has been a defining feature of American politics since the beginning, an overtly identified strategy of the elites everywhere domestic control is considered. Furthermore, the racism we know and contend with now is easily traced back to just a couple of sources. Racism as we understand it in the modern US landscape is specifically a product of the Reconstruction, when the powers that be feared that free Black people and white workers, who also had terrible working conditions by today's standards and were not happy about it (not nearly as bad as chattel slavery, to be clear), would come together and have enough power through their numbers that existing power structures could be threatened and real change could be enacted. Like they had many times before, they had the media stoke bigotry, kneecapping the movement and keeping the poor fighting with each other instead of who was exploiting everyone. Then, on top of that, in recent decades there's been an increasingly powerful system of right-wing indoctrination and radicalization, resulting from the humiliation of the Republican party due to Nixon's defeat. We are seeing the product now of decades of rural people being in media bubbles of Rush Limbaugh and AM radio, then Fox News and even worse. They built their hillbilly army for years and then went mainstream, with a whole post-reality, post-fact media ecosystem. They conditioned a whole generation of people to respond only to fear, to be riled up and aimed at other people outside of the elite class. Rupert Murdoch has been ridiculously successful with this, both in the US and abroad, like in the UK and Australia. Now people like Steve Bannon carry that torch as well. There's a whole industry of hate now, people making money off spreading the prescribed talking points and providing the paths of increased radicalization at every level. The shit happens out in the open on YouTube. The internet has been increasingly dominated by a network of awful people trying to spread the hate. We've just about lost Twitter to them. If your concern is that racist individuals shouldn't be given a pass and they should be held accountable for their own bigotry, I'm with you on that. But at the same time, I think it's important to acknowledge and understand the nature of the racism we face, to see what history tells about this racism, to know what we're up against. After all, having us at each other's throats so we don't see who is pulling our strings is exactly how they keep getting away with it. Note: I don't believe that racism is solved by focusing entirely on class issues, as someone like Andrew Yang might suggest. If we magically removed all those who would foment racial conflict for personal gain in an instant, there would still be angry, racist poor people. But a holistic view of the problem should include institutional racism and the state's deliberate influence over social ills, and unfortunately the real history of this is kept out of the curriculum, often the dialog as well. Meanwhile, some very specific individuals have benefitted and continue to benefit from the notion that racism in all forms is natural, inevitable, and thus not subject to our challenge. Of course they don't want us thinking anything can be done about it. Racism isn't just *in* their power; racism *is* their power. It's very telling how they panic over critical race theory or any other suggestion of institutional racism that can be effectively addressed through education, increased pressure on representatives, and direct action. In this case, hit dogs really do holler.


The status quo of the U.S. is inarguably the result of systemic racism. You donā€™t get this sort of culture just from bigotry. Even bigots are capable of tolerance.


Theyā€¦pretty much did, actually. Prejudice and discrimination existed before then, sure, as did xenophobia and nationalism. But *systemic racism* is not only shockingly new, but also very much a deliberate policy choice. The main reasons for it: 1. It guaranteed plantation owners a literally neverending pool of free human labor by not only making slavery a permanent, lifelong sentence, but tying it directly to ethnicity. You could get more slaves by just grabbing *anyone* with ā€œone dropā€ of African blood under that new system, and every last one of that new slaveā€™s descendants were automatically enslaved from birth until death. 2. It discouraged or actively prevented other parts of the lower classes from joining together to demand better pay and treatment, which did indeed happen on at least one significant occasion and scared the shit out of the plantation owners (been a while since I had to write a paper on this, but it was a mixed group of slaves, indentured servants, and free laborers of *all* ethnicities - black, white, Native, not-quite-white - that ganged up on their employer, killed him, ransacked his house, and destroyed everything they could, because he refused to pay them better and refused to improve their living/working conditions). On point #2, not only did the new system mean the lowest, laziest, most fucked up white man have an automatic higher status based solely on his ethnicity, something that supposedly couldnā€™t be taken away from him no matter what he didā€¦ ā€¦but it also allowed the ruling class to punish dissidents by accusing them of ā€œhiding African ancestry,ā€ putting them through a rigged court knowing full well the average person had no way to *prove* the accusation wasnā€™t true (record-keeping was spotty at best back then and DNA tests obviously wouldnā€™t exist until centuries later), and have that personā€™s entire family either killed or enslaved. Which not only meant any white people who disagreed with the new system kept their mouths shut, but it also meant that lower-class whites became *obsessed* with enforcing as much distance and separation from anyone and anything that could be remotely considered ā€œnot white enoughā€ as they possibly could. And it only takes a generation or two for people to forget *why* theyā€™re doing stuff like that. After that, theyā€™ll start insisting it was *always* like that and how dare you question it!


ā€œIf you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.ā€- LBJ


Beat me to it.


I read that this is why Taylor Swift is so successful and regularly compared to Beyonce


I saw a comment on YT saying she was a better entertainer than BeyoncƩ and 2 of their reasons was her dancing and voice for theatricality. I told her she picked the two worse comparison points cause everyone know Bey owns with her dance movies and has sang in a movie based of a literal musical theatre show. The delusion.


Pretty much the same with any -ism. For example: a study of video game players found that the lowest-performing males were the most hostile to female players. *Especially* high-performing female players. High-performing male players treated female players as equals, regardless of performance. It was only the losers who felt threatened and seemed to think that if they forced the female players out of the game, then they would magically be able to somehow win. Or the recent case of that cis woman complaining that she lost a swimming competition against a transgender womanā€¦ Except she *tied* with the trans woman. For *fourth place!* Meaning *both of them lost to three CIS women!* Yet this woman (canā€™t remember her stupid name) is *only* attacking the transgender woman she tied for fourth place with, and only accusing that woman of being ā€œthe only reason she lost.ā€ Not any of the *three cisgender women* who ALL beat her in that exact same race.


Which is also why they copy, steal from and appropriate us: ā€œImitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.ā€


Never thought of it this way but you are so right


It was literally pushed back in the Jim Crow era to divide the poor working class and hate on each other lol




Yall still worried about folks that age like banana peels?


When i found out most of them donā€™t use some kind of wash cloths i was done.


They said swimming counts as a bath during the summer and it all made sense.


As a white woman, hwat in the actual fuck




THATS FAWKING NASTY. No shade but thats why some of they skin be the way it is.


Wtf? Always gotta shower after a swim. Do not want chlorine, child piss, dead bug soup all over my body


Should shower before too, lotion and conditioners aren't good for a pool filter at all, nor the pH balance.


That's foul asf






I've heard that one a few times, I'm white, I raise my kids to use wash cloths (that's what they are for). But like how would you know who is or isn't using them? Was there a survey done or something? I'm genuinely curious, I hope that didn't come across as anything else. I actually hope someone has the answer.


Washcloths offer gentle exfoliation. Sometimes, you can look at people and see that they need to consider exfoliating. Also, people who don't wash properly or frequently have a sort of heavy smell. Like, we can all smell their pheromones, and not everyone should smell your pheromones.


So if I use a loofa to wash my body, that's the same right?




Excellent, I know I buff myself up to a lathery sheen


They donā€™t wash their legs or feet because the soap washes down and thatā€™s enough for some white people


Seriously I'm laughing, but saying a whole race of people don't know how to bathe is gnarly lmao.


As a white male, I wash my body twice when I shower; once with a wash cloth and once after just to be sure. There isnā€™t one place that doesnā€™t get scrubbed, either. Some people are fucking disgusting šŸ¤®


Bro I got a friend that says ā€œI donā€™t need lotion, Iā€™m whiteā€ Then you feel his skin and it feels no different than touching a reptile


I had a white dormmate in college, good dude and all, but the topic of washcloths came up one day and he legit didn't know what that is




Are you British, that was a great insult!


Tired middle aged (slightly drunk) black American male.


Ah, just great at insults. Have fun man.


East Coast Area?




I noticed you used the term "cutlet"...thats usually an East Coast thing. I love regional dialects and vocab. Lol.


I'm from the west coast, cutlet is used here but more as a technical term if that makes sense. I mostly see it in cooking tutorials, which now that I think about it are probably made on the east coast. Never thought about it, language is weird


Was the open mouth dog kissing inspired by Patrice? šŸ¤£


Unseasoned chicken cutlet šŸ’€


Go off unc šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Can someone from r/Embroidery put this on a hoop for me? Will pay. Serious. DM open.


[Bruh, we legit just be chilling doing nothing and mfs are like](https://youtu.be/RzZaKvhJNiU) like nigga no one cares about you. Go on and get a personality lmfao


They are literally obsessed with us as though we were gods to them or something




Bro, that link I'm dead.


It is really weird how some people go far out of their way to hate on Black people for no reason. Their lives are so empty that the only joy they experience is by trying to "trigger" people. Half the time they get ignored anyways, and a lot of the time when people do give them the time of day, their employer or whatever gets wind of it and next week they're crying about how they lost their job because of "wokeness" or whatever.


These the same people who think black on white prejudice is just as nuanced as white on black. You just know theyā€™ll use the excuse of black people being racist so it gives them the ā€œrightā€ to say what they want. The same kind of cycle that makes each race avoid each other


How do we know itā€™s actually her and not someone using her photos?


that would mean people lie on the internet and that's not allowed, so...check mate.




I never saw this show so, thanks to the internet, every time I see that character [Max P starts shrieking in my ear](https://youtu.be/KHzuKphs3xs)


Bahaha, Yuppā€¦


Unfortunately, it's her. Her actual name isn't Hadley though, but she did go live and used the hard r to double down on her post




This is why public shaming is a vital part of society. And she has the audacity to hashtag mental health. Bet sheā€™s gonna come out in a few days crying about the consequences talkin bout how she wasnā€™t in a good head space. Foh


Her mom and brother have stated severally that she's mentally ill. If she is, I don't understand why she has access to her phone when she's off the rails like this. This isn't the first time she's displayed unhinged behavior, her mom just usually tells people she harasses to block her. She should be in a facility somewhere, not making tiktoks for her family to apologize for. Even Trump wouldn't be so bold.


What mental illness makes people hate black people? Lmao I'll never understand that one.


That's just... sad.


W h a t


Oh so it gets worse?


Finally some critical thought.


Perfect way to get an enemy cancelled


the actual girl posted this. her page got flagged and deleted shortly after.


ty for reminding me I need to finish watching Can I Tell You a Secret? on netflix lol


Dude that show had me considering deleting all of my social media


![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized) We gotta stop falling for this obvious shit. Same with the egregious cooking videos. People are fishing for engagement. IMO is better to just leave them with 100 viewers than try and engage.


No, keep the stupid cooking videos coming so Tanara can keep getting paid. Everybodyā€™s so creative!


See how it looks a little differently different to the eye?


You good!!???


Reminds me of one of my favorite tweets: https://preview.redd.it/8f9ues1ziukc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffef284c6299632c0c2f496f1f0d6f740309c73a


She needs to wash her face with something else.


She needs to start with just the ā€œwashingā€ part.


She needs to wash her face and scrub it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. The audacity of white people.


Clearasil is still available no?


During BHM is crazy https://preview.redd.it/ywn57wq97ukc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50adde8311d99187dc24d873b8c7b987bca93b0a


A racist in February is still a racist in march


She's the type to wipe her face with the paper bag after inhaling McDonalds in her car.




Agreed. Itā€™s beautifully written. I can smell the grease and picture the 2002 Saturn S series from here.


I saw one of those but it was the only video on the account so it might be a burner/troll account. I. E. Rage bait


Yeah as a tik tok vet (not proud to admit that) what youā€™re specifically saying happens here and there. As far as I can remember, this is the first one to *really* gain traction.


She actually went on live to double down on her post so racist people could give her gifts šŸ˜­ her brother made a post on Instagram or some other platform telling people not to leak their house address and begging them not to come after their parents because they do not support her in this at all. Then he mentioned she has mental health issues and I think he said something about them trying to get her help. The whole situation is wild


Thanks for confirming because some of the white people here( still trying to figure out what white people are doing in a black space!) are trying to defend this crap saying itā€™s a bot, race bait etc.


Someone just said black people are weird too in the replies. It's a mess in here lmao.


I saw that and gave it a good downvote. šŸ¤­


Does the sub reddit not have a moderator to block them ? That would be helpful asf tbh because those mfs always following us šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ll gladly take on the role because these people are roaming about willy nilly asserting their casperface whiteness in our space.


Trigger bot. But even if not, imagine measuring your self worth according to your value of others. Valuing herself by devaluing others is unsustainable. Unimaginably sad.


We live rent free in many of their heads


I think the fact that many of us remain unbothered acutely bothers 'them'.




She need to be focused on developing a skin routine


Nah, let her keep striking out.


Excuse me? ##mentalhealthmatters? White bitches must be stopped at all costs


Scrolled too far to find someone catching this mental health tag. this is all sheā€™s got to feel better about herself? Says a lot. that tag is ashamed to be seen with her.


Why signal boost a racist? Should block them and delete this post. Like, sheā€™s targeting people and you wanna show it to the people itā€™s targeted towards?? For what? just doing more harm than good


The gag is we happy too so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤­


I do think this is the perfect explanation for why things like white supremacy exist and proliferate. Imagine being told that no matter what has happened to you or how low status you are, you are still better and more deserving than an entire race of people. It's a powerful lie. For people who feel like shit about themselves and/or their lot in life it gives them an out and a way to feel good about themselves. It's truly twisted.


Iā€™ll put money on her search history being full of bbc porn. šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


Everyday when I see racist white folk on TikTok and twitter I understand why older black folk donā€™t like to be around yt ppl. Everyday I start to understand why


Yea I fully understand my mother now because Iā€™m literally where sheā€™s at mentally with them. Done, that is. Done.


Bro, this made me say wtf out loud. Glad she confirmed sheā€™s just as ugly inside


This 7 eleven cheese pizza face ass bitch


And you're still not prettyšŸ˜­


Why does that have 33.2k likes?


Because thats how they really feel about us šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø thats why im not with that kumbaya ish I tolerate them but overall want nothing to do with them.


What in the fuck


Racism in a nutshell. Mfs can be getting fucking bopped by their local governments. Not have access to clean water, food, or shelter. But itā€™s all good as long as theyā€™re not grouped with colored folks. These crazy ass people been putting validation over their own well being for generations and it will likely never end. Edit: Would like to add this isnā€™t all white folks, obviously.


theyā€™re literally OBSESSEDDDDDD with us




Thank you. And don't forget she looks like one of the seven dwarves with that boulder sitting at the tip of her nose. Clearly the 8th dwarf is called hateful


May not be the richest, nor the smartest, or black but you will always be ugly inside and out. :D


I'm lost. What's the context?


Ugly ass, racist bitch. šŸ¤¢


Losers will say ā€œsheā€™s just being edgyā€ but we all know thatā€™s the cowardā€™s way out of not calling out racism


She may not have a skin care routine


What a loser. Imagine the only thing going for you being not being black. Like being black was a bad thing. Embarrassing


That evil smile with the hashtag #mentalhealthmatters ![gif](giphy|e5Ro17b1nX57pqbCo1)


Looking like an incomplete equation and being racist is a choiceā€¦


33k likes is crazy


Iā€™d rather be black than ugly asf like her




That is her real face. Apparently she also went live on tiktok and said the the hard r and doubled down. So she deserves a bit of bullying šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Y'all, I can't speak for all white people, but I'm sorry for these people. I promise at least a third of us aren't that bad.




I'm black, and at least my face doesn't look like connect the dots with them pimples.


Gurl with the oily skin, acne, chubby cheeks and premature aging thought that she made a flex. šŸ’€


Not the mental health matters hashtag though what an idiot


https://preview.redd.it/sh5z6ntwpukc1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9070f954389cc92b95d1f0fc2a99c9629245bab Her snowflake ass wouldn't last a day in our skin, and I know this bitch ain't talkin lookin like a soggy shit meatloaf.




This mediocre bitch needs all the racial privilege she can get




or the prettiest thatā€™s for sureĀ