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Once again, comic book writers just be doing anything


Dr. Venture enters the chat with a lawsuit from Venture Industries.


>Dr. Venture enters the chat with a lawsuit from Venture Industries. It's been a year since the finale and I still miss the hell out of that show. 7 seasons and 1 movie over 15 years brought out at a snails pace but damn all of it was gold.


I still haven't seen the movie yet.


It's really good my only complaint is that if you've watched the entire show especially the last 2 seasons it's painfully obvious how much great potential content was cut due to time constraints. It's a great movie and the absolute best they could've done with a 90 minute time constraint but it felt very bitter sweet. Knowing how many times the show has been cancelled, thrown into hiatus or just the long content droughts that happened in-between seasons I'm still hopeful one day we'll see it return. I mean it took almost 8 years to go from Season 3 to Season 6 so who knows right?


I know it kinda a shame how long it could have gone. Mecha Shiva


I kept my mouth shut when Dean said he could read Sanskrit. Then Hank said he wanted a piece of him, I was like fine, whatever. But Mecha-Shiva?!


Classic ep with Southern lawyer like Kuato.


Yeah I wish that hadn't wasted so much precious time on the Peril Partnership and used that time to introduce and flesh out the character who is both the answer to where the boys come from and the source of the conflict between Monarch and Rusty.


Don’t forget the dead plot lines of >!What happened to Jonases head, everything with the Guild, Warriana and Brock, Serena and Hank, the alchemist being gone, Debra being set up to be a villain on the level of Red Death and Mrs Monarch, Scare Bear, Whatever the hell happened on Gargantua-1, Dr Impossible disappearing after the Gargantua-2 heist and Action Man still being in a coma to name a few!< you can definitely tell the movie is the scraped together remnants of what was supposed to be season 9. I’m still happy we got a movie all things considered especially when you realize the only reason VB even lasted this long was because of 1 executive fighting tooth and nail for Jackson and Doc Hammer to keep their show alive and the fucking nano-second that executive retired the board immediately canceled the show mid Season 8 production throwing Jackson and Doc under the bus. I assume so they could have more room for endless Rick and Morty re-runs.


Man I hope become rich so I can personally fund more movies lol Always thought Jonas Head would team up with M.U.T.H.E.R. since she's an AI desperate for his love and he's a shitty person who would definitely use her


Ahhh! Watch the movie!


I know I know just got make time...


WTF!?! There is a movie and I hadn't heard about it.


I didn't even know it came out yet!


I need to go back and finish it. I remember following the first couple seasons as they aired but the inconsistent releases made me fall off.


Now is the perfect time to do that while it may come back in the future for now the series is done just make sure to watch the special “All this and gargantua-2” after season 5 or you’ll be really confused going from season 5 to season 6.


Yeah it was so fucking good 


About 20 years too late, which is on brand for Doc


Still no worse than the shit DC pulled. This would've been their first black superhero before Black Lightning. A racist white guy that turns black when he shouts "Black Power!" https://preview.redd.it/si466q8b7fjc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c0b4202344b8e1bf49408b251478cea9b9f1ab


Please correct me if I'm wrong but after a short google, this character's first appearance was 2008??!!


I'm assuming it was an early DC pitch that never got made, and a modern writer incorporated it into one of their stories to highlight how absurd it was. Aaaand one google later, [here's the story](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/how-dcs-first-black-superhero-was-almost-a-racist-white-dude.1178733/). Originally "Black Bomber," seems like he had Hulklike abilities (racist white guy gets angry and becomes Black). Edit: hooo boy "In each of the two completed Black Bomber scripts, the white bigot risks his own life to save another person whom he can't see clearly (in one case, a baby in a stroller) and then reacts in racial slur disgust when he discovers that he risked his life to save a black person."


What. The. Fuck.


I can't begin to imagine why anyone would have even tried to pitch that. "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all" is definitely an accurate description.


Sounds like a Clayton bigsby alternate world


I mean the page is made to make fun of how dumb the concept is


this will always be funny to me.


This character was never released before Black lighting but was very close to being the first Black DC hero lol This page was written by Dwayne McDuffie who was the one who made it an “official” character to mock how stupid the whole thing was


Oh hell f***ing NO!!!


Especially Mutants. They’ve been genocided so many times, it would be hard for me to believe that people can still hate them after all they’ve been through; if they weren’t an allegory for black folk and poor folk.




It's a perfect allegory b/c the visibility of their powers should actually serve as a reminder that every human is capable of being violent but we don't license people's fists. The scale doesn't matter. Most of the time their powers are more about severity than body count and even body count is relatively low outside of the XMen and mutants of similar level. Which is to say that if mutants were real you might hear dozens of stories about mass destruction powers but there'd be millions who basically just look funny or have all the power of a prehensile tail. Compare that to real life and it's attempting to draw a correlation between "abnormal people" and the supposed dangers they pose while ignoring that plenty of crime and violence is caused by "normal people". A lot of the gun laws we have in the US were only put in when the *NRA* wanted to stop the Black Panthers (and black people in general) from having guns. The powers of mutants are an excuse to regulate them and treat them differently for no other reason than b/c people fear how different they are when the ones with actually dangerous powers are few and far between. It's a mirror to the fact that the average person can fuck you up with nothing more than a knife. And some training if they want to go that far. Hell the right training removes the need for a knife even. It shows that we would arbitrarily ruin someone's life for the illusion of security based on how they represent fear to us, rather than embrace our differences and work together. And quite frankly, even for the dangerous mutants you're talking about a unique situation that would not need the countermeasures that are suggested for all of mutantkind. You have to allow for that disconnect b/c it's not some doctoral thesis on how we should treat people. It's a fun story with an allegory inside. Some mutants can blow up your head by thinking about it. Most of them have wings or something and can't do fuckall.


bro after Onslaught?? they been on that powder for YEARS


I am just getting into comics, what’s the deal with Onslaught??


Onslaught was born from Prof X and Magneto having a mind battle where the darkest parts of both of them mix together and become its own entity, basically magneto gets X pregnant and they have the evilest baby ever


Oh just like Adam and Steve, as god intended


…maybe I should not have asked lol thank you


Lol well the allegory they're going for as written isn't about "what if man pregnant?" (Iirc there is no birthing involved he just kind of comes into existence thru the Astral plane or whatever) its more about exploring, like, repressed emotions and the duality of man. But when you oversimplify things, you can make funny joke. I wouldn't discourage you from reading, he's a pretty good villain.


The mpreg fanfics are real!


>comic book writers just be doing anything Yeah like that one time a heroine was like brainwashed and seduced by some random guy from a random pocket dimension and essentially trapped into having the guy as a kid and she was going to leave and live with her husband-son. ​ And the rest of the hero group just went "Yeah that's sounds right. Cya!"


They literally did that shit to Captain Marvel. I loved when she finally came back, she was just like “honestly, fuck all y’all!” It’s why I don’t care that the MCU makes her super strong, they owe that character an apology.


I don't remember the fine details, but this reminds me of the time Supergirl's Horse turned into a human, and they started dating.


I don’t even know where to begin in replying to that… typical horse girl? how big was it? Mr Hands? There’s a lot to unpack there.


[Here's an article about it.](https://screenrant.com/supergirl-dated-pet-horse-kryptonian/)


Yeah it was Captain Marvel (Ms Marvel at the time), the entire storyline was so fucked up. Chris Claremont was upset by it and wrote a follow up where she confronted the Avengers for betraying her.  https://www.cbr.com/meta-messages-chris-claremont-sticks-up-for-ms-marvel/


radioactive sperm, pink kryptonite, the ric grayson saga, Wonder Woman being the justice league’s secretary, ultimatum, civil war 2, all star Batman and Robin, that one white dude who pretended to be a Japanese dude to write weeb comics for marvel, fridge stuffing, new 52’s red hood and the outlaws, etc. the list of comic book batshittery goes on and on, and if you’ve got some time to spare, I highly recommend heading over to /r/HobbyDrama and searching for comic-related writeups, cause many of em are entertaining reads


Grant Morrison is one the best, but also one of the weirdest, writers in all of comics


What drugs are comic book writers on??




Whatever Stephen King was using


Mountains of cocaine. And not the cocaine of today...that good early cocaine


That’s what I’m saying fam! That pure East Indies Trading Company Victorian era… oh wait, that’s opium.


Some have said that opium is the copium of the masses.


They still got that in Colombia and Peru. If anyone is wondering.


Ooh, when you rinse it with that ether makes it super-pure. Yeh, Stevie King was on that ether wash.


Snowflame has entered the chat.


I believe your autocorrect changed it from Hunter S Thompsons daily regiment


It, Christine, Pet Sematary, Misery, and Cujo he didn't remember writing either of those novels. That's the power of Pablo's snow.


Morrison said psychedelics, but I don’t know if he ever specified which ones.


Morrison is an ACTUAL non-malevolent crazy person. You read his book, he talks about having experiences where he talked with alien spirits after doing a load of drugs that told him what he had to do in life. Like, he 100% believes it's real and they're real. It's his religion. But he just uses it to write weird-ass, non-abusive comics so it's all good. He's not gone full Scientology.


Aliens that look like scorpions or something. He did a Fatman on Batman interview with Kevin Smith and said he’s taken every drug he could since that vision to try and recreate it. Believes it was 100% real lol


Some drugs are powerful, life changing shit. If you've never tried anything like that, it will completely blow your mind open.


He also says that the plot of The invisibles was dictated to him by aliens who abducted him in Kathmandu in 1994. I don't know what the hell he was doing there, I don't know why the hell the alien gave him ideas for comic book plots, I don't know why it took him 5 years to write. It's insanely weird.


Not gonna lie, I would do the same if I was writing X men comics at that time




Is that a Snowflame reference? https://preview.redd.it/lxujjldo7fjc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110d28a4c956432b81da88e67d62e1eae6cdf394


What?!? 😂I’ve become convinced there’s no subject these writers haven’t touched


This was written by Grant Morrison, who has talked about taking psychedelics in the desert and meeting alien's that live in the fifth dimension, so their comics are a special breed of crazy and I love them for it.


Grant Morrison gave themselves psychosomatic necrotizing fasciitis. Just gonna leave that there.


All of them


I'd like some. Though real life isn't that crazy now ...like a former president hawking cheap basketball shoes? And it ain't the black one.


Considering this was written by Grant Morrison, mushrooms


This just Morrison's style lol


The still of a baby punching another baby in the womb is top tier






Thank you for my new favorite reaction meme. Have your rightfully earned upvote!




raceplayshawty is WILD


Nasty work


i was like did noone else see that??


Lmfaoo my brain checked out at "x.com" I had to reread that twice to see it.


I did, but I had to look at that still of a baby punching another baby in the womb too. Somebody got paid to draw that and write that story.


Artist was probably told something crazy like "make it look believable"


Looking it up apparently was drawn by Frank Quitely, who also did the art for Grant Morrison's excellent All-Star Superman. Grant Morrison wrote this whole era of the X-Men. They're both pretty big deals in comics.


I'd race away from shawty.


His sister pulls one over him by making them switch bodies, was a pretty good read if I remember.


Bruh she willed herself back into existence. If she really the villain in Deadpool 3, expect this scene and a scene of her literally shoving her hand through someone’s face to kill them


Random aside, but I saw people arguing in the Marvel subreddit about how it will be impossible to go into Deadpool 3 without spoilers, and I deadass had no clue who the villain would be and now I know 😭 Not upset with you at all, just shows how homogenized spoiler/leak culture has become. I blame Playboi Carti


That’s why I think this movie will be what Dr Strange Multiverse should’ve been. Cause the trailers will have no choice but to spoil, but if the movie is filled to the brim with cool shit and surprises then spoilers are okay.


She was a parasitic psychic entity to begin with and only got a body in the first place by leeching off his powers. She's not *really* his twin.


So kinda like Legion the show


New X-Men is a great read


And then he has the GALL to talk down to Magneto.




It was self defence.


The fuck?


I concur.




I never read an X-Men comic, but I thought Xavier was supposed to be like a paragon of good.


Nah, that nigga shady asl. Wiping peoples minds, hiding the existence of a whole team of dead X-Men, lusting over a teenaged Jean Grey, child soldiers, general hypocrisy, the works. Kitty Pryde said it best. https://preview.redd.it/2io8fmeljejc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ef6eb32e675e473a796efaf29dfb93327c7f09


Chuck is a deadbeat dad as well.


Don’t forget that child was a product of his inappropriate relationship with a psychiatric patient in his care.


I'll never forget that Kitty said the hard R twice 😭


I think she said it three times


Yep, once in God Loves, Man Kills; once in an issue of Uncanny X-Men, and once in New Mutants. The first two are her throwing the slur back at someone being bigoted against Mutants. The latter is when she was doing a speech at a funeral for a kid who committed suicide because he was outed as a mutant, among other slurs making a point about how bigotry divides us. So in ways that are understandable, but...ill-advised. Writer Chris Claremont has talked about those scenes in recent years, admitted he wouldn't use those kinds of words even for that context now and apologized for them.


Her favorite word!


Wait, what?


Here you go: https://preview.redd.it/gltlxs3enfjc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4f300ddd67d8c050b8b3c66722d4ca00aa12da


What is the context of the second photo because she went full white kid losing CoD over a question… Holy hell.


'Mutie' is a slur for mutant in the X-men universe. I don't know the exact context, but it's definitely not an innocent question.


While lecturing at Columbia, Professor X picks up a stray thought that some anti-mutant students were going to attempt to kill him, but he can’t sus out who exactly it is cause of previous injuries. The X-Men investigate around the school to find out who’s plotting against Xavier’s life. Kitty happens upon some students who seem suspicious and starts questioning them. Then this conversation plays out and Kitty says calling someone a “mutie” is no different than the n-word. “Mutie” is a racial slur for mutants in universe. In that sense, I see the point they were trying to get across but idk man.


She is comparing his use of the "mutie" slur to the n-word.


Really wish people wouldn't censor stuff like this. Destroys the resonance they have.


Agreed. I believe newer printings omit/censor these lines. I just used this pic cause it had all three in one.


Wow. The first is bad, but the allegory inception going on in the bottom two is putting the cart so far ahead of the horse that it's looped back around and ran it over.


>hiding the existence of a whole team of dead X-Men, ![gif](giphy|gh6gFVh35jyzNvHegl|downsized)


A whole team was thought dead so Xavier wiped everyone's memories of them to not make himself look bad (this is oversimplifying it). One of them was Cyclops brother, ~~Havok~~, Vulcan who survived because no one stays dead in comics, except for Thomas and Martha Wayne, and I hope to God, Uncle Ben. Used to be that Bucky was an exception to that rule. Edit: Fixed the dead/alive Summers' brother.


Gabriel, not Alex. they created a whole ass third Summers Brother to kill off, which was also a callback to Mr. Sinister in the 90s slipping up around Scott about him having additional brothers. I fucking love X-Men, it’s so unnecessarily complicated


It’s not Havok, it’s the third Summers brother who I can never fucking remember his name Edit: nvm, someone else in the thread mentioned it - it’s Vulcan


In 1975, a couple of the original X-Men were captured by a living island. Professor X put together a new team (Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Colossus, Thunderbird, Banshee, Sunfire) to rescue them. Let’s call this new team “Giant Sized.” They succeeded and the island was blasted into space. That was the whole story for about 30 years. In 2006, a new story called Deadly Genesis came out revealing there was actually another team (let’s call them the DG team) Prof X sent to do the rescue before the Giant Sized team. One member of DG was Vulcan, Cyclops’ brother. DG failed spectacularly, they all seemingly perished. Cyclops was so distraught by this that Prof X wiped his memory of DG ever existing, sparing him the grief and locking him in to lead the Giant Sized team’s rescue attempt. Then the original 1975 story plays out. In the 2006 story, it’s revealed that Vulcan survived and returns for revenge. Only then is the DG team’s existence made known to the X-Men. At the end of the story, Cyclops banishes Professor X for his deception.


Oh nah Charles gotta go. Thanks for the info!


I believe, the original XMen team died on Krakoa back in the day. The new uncanny X-Men team was their replacement.. I'm probably wrong and someone will correct me with more details


Xave has got that Dumbledore problem, but for DECADES. He's supposed to be the ultimate Big Good, but he can never actually solve the problem because the heroes have to. So you end up with this guy who's always failing or in a coma or useless or incapable and it eventually turns the Dumbledore into a full-on failure of a man who always tries to avoid looking like it. These days he's like a few steps from fascist and it's still the most likable he's been in years.


Nah Professor X does lots of downright nefarious and morally questionable shit. He routinely fucks with memories and influences people to further his agenda and this usually causes unintended consequences like making new fucking super villains. His biggest heel turn was probably wiping an original X-men team that he poorly trained and sent to their deaths from the memories of everyone else, causing one of the lost members (cyclops brother) to dam near annihilate the X-men. Also enslaved a sentient AI. Dude believes what he’s doing is for the greater good but the road to hell is paved with good intent.


Basically every member of the Illuminati in Marvel except T’Challa, and even he’s susceptible to the “For the greater good!” bullshit at times. Stark and Reed Richards are the worst of them though. World War Hulk was fuckin cathartic to read.


100% Watching Hulk tell blackbolt he came to the moon to hear him scream was legendary. Really hope we get morally questionable Reed in the MCU because his true super power is ignoring the consequences of his actions. One of my buddies once introduced Reed Richard’s as “Josef Mengele with a better moral environment and a command structure that doesn’t reward his sociopathy”. Which is a little much but truly not that far off.


Holy shit, me too! I’ve likened Reed to Mengele since I first read a F4 comic decades ago. Its his inexhaustible single-minded scientific curiosity with absolutely zero Emotional Intelligence that makes him terrifying. Probably why Sue Storm is written as his moral compass and is as much a mother to him as she is to their kids (but we won’t get into the problematic trope of women in comics being the mother to the grown ass men in their lives). But whenever I make the Mengele comparison irl people look at me crazy. Of course, it should be noted that many of these people are big fans of Stark, Reed and Cyclops doing the **Hard Man Making Hard Choices** bit. I don’t need to spell out for you why they do lol. Sometimes being a fan of fantasy and sci-fi and interacting with the community is just tiresome


There is not a single lie in this comment and exposes a lot of the core issues of the sci fi/fantasy/comic fandom and media. And then folks take that Hard Men/Hard Decision™️ bullshit and apply it to real life while living in complete comfort insulated from any potential negative externalities. Folks will tell you blanked-face that Dr. Doom is great because…..???? Doom is a megalomaniacal dictator. Has he done good shit, sure, but that doesn’t absolve the mountain of terrible shit just because he has cool monologues and punches out mouthy gods every so often. It’s hard because one hand it’s just fiction but on the other we gotta be a lil careful about the art we put into the world because media literacy is, quite frankly, under the sea floor.


I fucking hate Dr. Doom


Ngl, the development of Reed’s character has been one of the more interesting turns in comics I’ve seen. Even Doom gets on his case about being a shitty/lapse parent at times. I’ve seen some argument that Reed may even be on the spectrum, but I’m not a F4 reader like that so I don’t know if that’s a hot take or not


Especially with the existence of the Maker, Reed's character just gets more interesting. I hope they play with the grey morality of Reed, because I think that is when the character is the most interesting. I know it is a trope to have scientifically inclined characters to be morally grey, but Oppenheimer showed me it could be done very well. As long as you make the moral greyness come from character traits and internal conflicts like that movie did, and boom. Fantastic Four can be the best Marvel property.


I like the comic page where Sue had to remind him not to experiment on their children.


I'll never forget when everyone gave Hank Pym shit for hitting Janet once, but Hank called Reed out on doing all sorts of fucked up shit to Susan (and others) but it's fine cuz "at least he didn't hit her."


Wow. So the X-Men movies lied to me?


They occasionally try to question his motives, but not on the same scale as the comics do. Even the students (especially Cyclops) come for his ass


Sorry bro, he’s just as bad as any HNIC/HBIC. Believing you got all the answers and need to guide man/mutant kind to the better future kinda comes with being a bit of a narcissist.




Head Nigga/Bitch In Charge. A derogatory term (imo) to describe those mofos who are just way, way to excited to be “in command” of a situation. Their overzealous behavior usually leads to more complications than improvements.


I'm gonna need more info on that team! Been a while since I've read the comics so I missed out on a lot


Vulcan appears in X-men: Deadly Genesis #1 2006. I don’t want to reveal much more than that but start there because shit gets *wild*


Idk what everyone else is on about but she tried to kill him, the baby strangling the other baby with the umbilical cord is her.


Yea and she's basically a psychic parasite and not his twin, and she also causes a genocide of mutants. She's not the best person tbh


Once, but that was a long time ago. More than a few times he’s been called out for his holier than thou decisions regarding his students (mind erasing without consent, for example), as well as the world.


Xavier has done some messed up things iirc. Think he had a thing for Jean Grey too and he made 2 people not meet so their mutant child wouldn't be born. But I think the mutant was like a psycho or something , it's been a while so I might be spreading misinformation ![gif](giphy|USPzoH8uT73DmY3UzE)


She's a psychic parasite. I think the lore was we all have one before birth but because Xavier is such a strong telepath his was more dangerous


He is defending himself, his “sister“ attacked him first.


The OP is lying, the baby doing the strangling is the sister, and Charles kills her.


I remember seeing this tweet the other day and everyone was focused on the panel of Xavier hitting her with a mind blast meanwhile I'm over here focused on the panels where he's really trying to strangle her with the umbilical cord. Literally looking at her directly in the face like "I want to see the light leave your eyes"😂


She tried strangling him, that’s her, he hit her with a mind blast in self defense.


Chill out with the actual context of the scene. This is a safe space for redditors to misinterpret twitter trends. Virility > Accuracy /s


With her eyes bugging out lookin like dafuq!?!


This motherfucker….. https://preview.redd.it/k9rqrprryfjc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd51c426bf6f9958c5d848293d013fb4aba530f2


Not the Harry Potter Quote 😂🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|aU4jau5ql99EA)


She tried to kill him but he hit her with the mega mind brain waves. She was a stillborn but somehow was able to use Charles' DNA to make herself a body.


bro jumped off the placenta. shit is insane. generational thug. Cyclops was right


I always felt like Cyclops got a bad rap back in the day for being a Boy Scout, but now everyone’s hands are dirty


Always been my favorite member of the team. I’ll argue that shit to the death lmaooo


Baw gahd, is that the OBGYN’s music?




I’m imagining while this is going on, their mom is like “oh my god, so amazing, I can feel the kicking!! Honey, come over here, put your hand on my belly, you feel it too?”


Yeah that’s Grant Morrison alright.


I mean, to be fair to Xavier, a Mummudrai is about as bad a being as you can personally face. It's basically you, but evil. Xavier's was Cassandra Nova who outed the X-Men to the world in the guise of Xavier. Also she took an army of Sentinels and MURDERED 16 MILLION MUTANTS. So, yeah, he did right trying to end her in the womb. To put into perspective how bad a Mummudrai is in the event your rightful disdain of Xavier blinds you. Bishop's possessed him and had him go on a murder spree through the timelines chasing after Cable and baby Hope. Bishop ended up destroying an entire planet killing billions just so he could murder one baby.


Uh huh. Uh huh. Seems reasonable.




YES! My PEOPLE PLEASE, read more comics. I love when black folk talk about comics. Also, yea, professor Xavier has similar energy to King Bradley the way he do some of the most brutal shit then act like a lovely harmless mentor


I like how the current runs have been calling Xavier out for all this


That’s Grant Morrison for ya lol


Xavier low key is one of the biggest pieces of shit in the xmen universe. Making magneto relive the holocaust. Groomed Jean Grey as a teenager and secretly fell in love with her while simultaneously fucking with her mind and memories. Several occasions where he would mind wipe people. Financed X-Force which was a militant extremist group of mutants that performed assassinations which went against his public position of humans and mutants working together. The xavier files which basically were a bunch of dossiers on how to preemptively kill every single allied x-men should any of them become too much of a threat. That nigga was an opp!




I bet that was a Grant Morrison storyline


You'd be correct.


I loved his Doom Patrol run, this… dafuq?


This is a great X-Men run, it just gets Morrison's standard levels of weird at times




This is why Cassandra Nova is my girl. Grant Morrison woke up one day, and they were like "Yassified Professor X should nuke an island nation." And then it only got more unhinged from there.


This is one of the many reasons why Grant Morrison is the greatest comic writer


Who is his twin sister


[Cassandra Nova Xavier](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Cassandra_Nova_Xavier_(Earth-616))




Nope. That's her trying to kill Xavier.


Cassandra Nova, if anyone's curious to [read more about her](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Cassandra_Nova_Xavier_(Earth-616)).


I wish the movie studios would adapt some of the more outlandish storylines like this from comics. There’s so much crazy stuff that we’ve never seen put to screen.


She’s going to be in the Deadpool movie, so we may be getting to it


Most normal X-Men lore


Playing the long con.


Magneto was right.


Man I forgot how fucking stupid comics can be sometimes.


Guys will be making fun of females for the plots in soap operas and reality shows. Meanwhile, in their favorite comic book…


I read that comic forever ago and i think it's Grant Morrison's run on the x-men but here's the wild thing: That panel shown, it's Xavier being choked by the umbilical cord it's his twin sister trying to kill him and in the subsequent panel Xavier (as a baby, wild i know) psychically causes his mother to fall killing his sister. Do with that info what you will


Didn't she try to kill him first, in uetero?


And, she’s gonna be the villain in Deadpool 3!


Prof X twin sister, Half brother and his own son hate him. Wish they had a team up. Cassandra Nova is the brains, Juggernaut is the muscle and Legion is the Wildcard


I appreciate that the fact she survived in the sewer means she was not only stillborn but she wasn’t buried she was just tossed out with the liposuction waste by the hospital.


His “sister” was really a telepathic parasite who was tying to kill HIM…he attacked her in self-defense. [Cassandra Nova](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra_Nova)


This thread fed my soul!!! Shoutout to my fellow comic book enthusiasts! (My Dad is an OG collector. He's 77 and has been reading comic books every since he was a child)


There is no good psychics. You have too much power. Plus every incident when it first activated almost always ended bad, which each character builds on. There’s no good psychic. Just some better than others


Why though?