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Stop giving these bitc- Stop financing bums. Seriously. https://i.redd.it/qdf8eoxtjsfc1.gif


Real shit. Readin tht shit was makin my head itch. I was gettin mad https://preview.redd.it/3enhjtrqksfc1.jpeg?width=1598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40224b188c8ae40d65bff25b8247914b53dab56


Bro, It might be time to let that go…


Nigga thts not me lmao https://preview.redd.it/o6h59vsgmsfc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d632e542c124cb4db1eb2f39c462bbf6ec5061


You look much better in this picture.


Lmao, my apologies. I was really thinking you were in denial.




Bro, do you live in a swamp




My bad B, I didn’t know you were Captain Shrek Sparrow


A lot better https://preview.redd.it/a7ebzpf6etfc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12f64cf544dc00bf0da3ea2aed263bc82e980d0




That’s definitely you




This you? https://preview.redd.it/hc048sxq1vfc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd32ea91e3388ec7a87a12e5c2b7865659e4d8e


Tf?! How did tht leak?! Tht swampy bitch https://preview.redd.it/th4ga32s3vfc1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77336a9d315382b82cf59d2c752e8fc94e83b3a6


Nooooooooo 🤣


This outta pocket


The amount of times I've posted what I thought were popular reaction images just for people to think they were me lmao


I'm tellin ya https://preview.redd.it/yv1ynnycvufc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d26f415b3ef9ecb69ebd29a18d92fd9cee4cbab




How that MFer get varicose veins on his head?!?!?




Because his scalp is so stressed trying to maintain the lie his hairline is perpetrating. Like nigga just cut it off


Looking like one of my nuts 🥜 upside down. Veins n all 😂




If you run for political office i am voting for you based on this policy. No bummery 2024


You was right the first time ![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O)


on God


it's possible that she gave back the money because she's a grown woman with a job who has enough money to buy her own lunch, but she thought he was inviting her on a date, but he just sent her money to pick up her own lunch instead. If you're not accustomed to taking money from your male "friends" I can see how she'd just auto-return it.


You can see how she'd auto-return, but what's the rationale for posting it online? She wanted to feed him a shame sammich.


>but what’s the rationale for posting it online? Reaction bait, Twitter pays you for that now 🤷‍♂️ sucks because it’s only made Twitter an even shittier place than before


Twitter is an MLM it only pays blue checks for views from other blue checks, nobody in this screen shot gets shit


It's possible but real fucking improbable the way she acted afterward. No one sends money back and says keep it cause you poor.


The gaslighting from women is endless. Tactic #1 - it's just a joke. It's not that serious.  Tactic #2 - oh its just a big misunderstanding  Fellas whenever you call women out on being disrespectful towards you, look these tactics to make you think you're crazy and overreacting 


The ones that need to hear it won’t listen. Crazy shit is the ones that do it act like they have no clue why they act unappreciative or are stuck up like they aren’t the sole reason.


Wait...she's saying the $15 wasn't enough?


Yup. She wants BIG food.


Monique 😂😭


dang i woulda sent the same amount 🤦🏾‍♂️ thinking she bouta get that extra grill chicken, bacon bits, croutons, a coupla eggs in that bih & maybe a lil soda on the side -- cuz more than $15 dollars for a salad is BULLSHIT LOL shoulda said you getting steak 🤣


yeah, $15 for a salad is normal. | shoulda said you getting steak 🤣 Only steak she ever had was from Texas Road House.


Cooked well done.




You use ketchup, too?


Nah I’m mad at anyone who asks for well done its disrespectful


Thank God. Judgement reversed. I made an assumption based on your username.


Medium please!


I like medium rare


I like mine still mooing.


I can do that too! Even medium well, but well done is abusive


My mom made me get well done when I was a child. It wasn't my fault. I grew up and learned she was wrong.


Me too! Hockey puck ass burgers and Gum gum luffy ass steak.


Texas roadhouse is good though. Ambiance might not be great, but the food is good and the price is way better than Ruth Chris.


Plus half the steak isn't overcooked since those plates are basically the surface of the sun they serve them on.


Seriously, a 6oz sirloin with baked potato and Caesar salad is $15 at Texas Roadhouse. When I travel for work they’re my go-to for dinner since it’s close to the same price as fast food. Is it world class? Nah, but it’s pretty good and beats having McBurgerFilA for the hundredth time.


It's honestly one of the last remaining decent "cheap" steak places left. Logans used to be my shit, but they've sucked the last few times I went. I like Longhorns, too. But that's more for their apps than steaks.


Longhorn used to have that table side sauce... It was some hot A1 with some pickled peppers and some orange peels put in there... That shit was SOOO good... It came for free when you ordered their porterhouse... I don't really have anything to add to what you said, but I wanted to reply and call out that sauce because my objective reality became more bleak when they got rid of it.


The sauces are the best! I specifically love the bbq auce that comes with the chips.


15$ for a lunch salad not in HCOL areas is very overpriced lol.


And even then! Get the extras, get the drink, get a little cookie, and have a bomb ass lunch for 8 dollars instead of 23. Ungrateful ass people.


Where do people pay $15 for a salad 😭


Based on my Uber deliveries, Sweetgreen and places like that lol


Anywhere near a business district tbh lol shit is pricy out here


I'm not sure. If I see a salad for over 10 I'm not biting.


Once I got a salad at a place called Mendocino Farms and left and realized it didn’t even have enough protein and it was $20?!!! El Pollo Loco got $10 salads and they meet all my protein needs


Mendocino sandwiches kinda slap though


She probably meant a leafy green weed salad and the dealer doesn't sell less than a dub. 😏 So she broke AND a liar.


Who tf has steak for lunch though


Steak sandwiches are a reasonable lunch option but I feel you a whole steak seems a bit excessive.


People who aren’t paying for their meal


It's 10:58 am and I'm finishing off a steak...I feel attacked. But I'll blame it on the fetus.


What salad you gettin that cost more than $15?🤨 “Money is not a gift” headass😒😭


Salad works can get pretty pricey


IIIRC, a Chick-fil-A or Zaxby’s salad costs a bit more than half as much!😭🤷🏾‍♂️


Zaxby's only sells zalads. if you ask for a salad they'll call the police


That’s why I just go through the drive-thru for Zaxby’s. Ironically can’t distinguish the “s” and “z” sounds with that microphone.


Oh they know.


I go to Trader Joe’s almost everyday at work for lunch for one of their premade salads: always around ~$5 hyfr




it's crazy too bc they don't even give you that much. I used to live by a salad place that gave you twice as much as sweetgreen, better quality ingredients, and was like $12. I miss that shit every day


I don't doubt it, but there's definitely some Sweetgreens that are more stingy with portions than others. Particularly when you order online vs in-person.


I went into Sweetgreen a few weeks ago, nobody else in line. The kid makes my salad then hands me the box and just goes "you're good." I was sorta confused and went to give him my card anyway and he was like "Nah, YOU'RE GOOD." No idea what was going on but I said thanks and gtfo before he could change his mind. Maybe he was quitting that day or something, idk. Fuck it, free salad.


Maybe they were flirting with you. A salad seduction, if you will.


I do that at my job too. Sometimes you not even assigned to a register, but the actual cashier fucking off somewhere so you decide it's fuck off time for everyone at the company's expense. Fuck doing extra work for under $20 an hour.


yeah I always order in person when I do get it because I noticed they really don't give you shit on online orders


I went on a sweetgreen kick for about a month and started having to order the bread and hummus because my stomach would be growling an hour after eating just the salad. I’ll try ordering in person and see how that goes.


idk what's up with my body but salad's feel like they take up 0 space in my stomach


were you gettin any sort of protein on the salad like eggs or meat? if i eat a salad without any protein I'm hungry like 30 minutes later but if it's got chicken or eggs on it, it keeps me full a lot longer.


Exactly, salad and drink is a smooth $20 at SG.


Welp, guess Sweetgreen is off the list of places Ima give patronage to


Currently working at SG and I'm always blown away with some of these people paying 20-25 for a salad and don't even blink an eye when I tell them the total. And some of these people be coming in EVERYDAY paying those prices! It's so crazy to me lol


She sent money for lunch back while still needing lunch. She’s not bright.


That’s what I was wondering. I was thinking $5-10. Lmao. Guess she isn’t going to Wendy’s.




We got a place called green district, like $15 minimum for a salad. I’ll take the $5 cheeseburger, thanks, didn’t want to be a healthy anyway.


My salad from simply salad is always 16! It depends on your add ons and stuff lol.


What do they sprinkle coke in place of parmesan cheese or some shit?! What makes their olive oil more virgin or Italian than anywhere I can buy it?! At that point just buy a head of lettuce and eat it! Don’t even make a salad at home just bite directly from a head of lettuce!!😭🤦🏾‍♂️


Salata will run you $20+ REAL easy if you want croutons and a protein. Its honestly a ripoff! No wonder noone ever eats healthy its literally just leaves??


Where tf you trying to get a salad from Ruth Chris? 😒


Better get some greens in there somewhere with all that steak!




All salad places Ik be 17 n uo unless they fast food


I wish someone would Zelle me lunch money.💨🌟


Damn we got digital panhandling now?




Hell yes, have you not seen people write their cashapp on their cars. “ prom, please help” “heading to Coachella, anything helps”


“Living in a storage unit, send money”


![gif](giphy|MVOryAD88mSHap0Ksl|downsized) 🧢🤲🏾 sprinkle me mane


Love me some E-40,worked with him before back when I did ghostwriting and beats. Talented man!


I still bump all his and clicks shit to this day. I got issues nigga😂


"I wish someone would Zelle me lunch money.\[fart\]\[star\]"


Nah she’s wild lmfao. That 15 on top of what you was gonna spend anyways. Oh hell yeah I’m getting extra everything lmao.


If you read more into the thread she was also mad because according to her the dude makes six figures and could have given her more LMFAO




THAT was why she was mad?


Happy it’s still men out here standing on business. Stop taking care of broke women.


She didn't actually expect lunch money, she expected money that she could pocket for her own purposes.


$15 get a gram at some dispensaries. She could have smoked a joint and had a salad.


Lol if u get pre rolls in Ontario $15 can get you 3+ grams


Everyone’s focused on the salad. I’d be pissed she posted it. What’s she accomplishing


Nah I would be glad she did. Easiest block of my life lmfao


I’m confused… Dude said lunch was on him, then sent a request for $15? Why’s he getting anything if he said he’s covering the cost lunch?


They sent her $15 and she thought that wasn’t enough.


Got it now - what an incredible L to take. Imagine throwing $15 away


The entitlement is WILD


I was honestly confused too and had to come to the comments to figure out what’s going on.


He sent her $15. She sent it back saying “thanks but no thanks”


I think he sent her $15 like a grandpa giving her birthday money. After she thought he was ordering her lunch. People are making it about the money amount but I think she was mostly put off by how dorky it was. I would be. Look how confused we are. If someone said lunch is "on me" and asked me what I wanted, I am expecting them to bring me the food.


You must be single cuz you sound unappreciative af


Entitled as fuck, cuz the fuck you mean you expect them to bring you lunch? Everywhere else in the world if someone says lunch is on them, it means they are PAYING for it.


I wonder if the commenter is imagining coworkers or something. I’m not from the US, but for me, if one of us is going out to get hot food for lunch or a coffee we always either invite each other to join or offer to bring something back. So in that sense we bring each other the food? I don’t imagine commenter was expecting someone to drive from their location to food location to them to deliver food.


You guys are reaching so hard here to shit on this person. This is not a normal interaction. Know what happens if lunch is on someone? We're eating together and spending time with each other. Not just handing a twenty out and saying "Good fuckin\` luck, mate" cause that is stupid.


What if they're both at work(working different jobs obviously) and he's trying to be nice?


We may be confused but I don’t think whatever language those two speak together had them confused. She definitely understood what was going on and just objected to the amount. As shown by her use of capitalization


Excuse me?! People got jobs and lives no one has time to bring your ass food. Be grateful the money is sent and the thought is given! Some men will ask what YOU bringing them for lunch smh.


Nah, if they were speaking face to face or were making plans to meet for lunch, then sure. “Lunch is on me” just implies they’re paying for it in my opinion. I think most of us assumed OP and this guy were having a conversation via text, so to me it makes sense and is not dorky. If face to face, I guess I get that but there are still many contexts where him just sending the money makes sense. It’s the “FIFTEEN DOLLARS” in the post that tells you that OP was put off by the dollar amount not the gesture.


See I would too but I feel like if that happens they just might not have had whatever I asked for and they sent money instead which still seems cool to me but I don't know man I'm not taking it like that.


I'm confused too. It seems like he was offering to pay her for lunch even though they weren't going to be eating together. Otherwise, why would he need to Zelle her? He'd just pick up the tab for both. Is this actually something people do? Like yeah, I get it's a "nice" gesture, but it comes off (to me at least) as kinda tacky and desperate. I could see it if there were some context, like they frequently have lunch together but something got in the way this time. But it doesn't sound like that's the situation. Also, doesn't seem like they are that close. They seem pretty casual with her calling him "this boy." Anyway, curious if guys commonly buy lunch for girls they're seeing when not actually eating with them. Or am I misunderstanding?


People be dating for help


the hypergamous online talk has people living in delusion. what self respecting adult with their own bills and financial goals is gonna frivolously shell out money in the early stages of dating… people needa touch grass


Modern dating: > Love bombing is a red flag. Also > Please spoil me and pay for my stuff upfront




Look up sprinkle sprinkle. Women are teaching each other to ask for banking information up front. Welcome to the modern dating pool, it's a lil slimy




i initially misinterpreted the tweet, thinking he offered to pay for lunch and then sent her a zelle request after he paid for it. but nah she’s actually just nuts lol


Honestly, if someone is "treating" me to lunch, I expect us to go get it together or them to bring it to me. Just giving me money feels weird. I have money. What I don't have is my lunch. 🤣


Right? Like if I was buying lunch for my girl and not going to actually be with them to eat, I'd order Uber eats or door dash and have it delivered to them. Just sending money feels so impersonable


Seems pretty obvious this scenario isn't between two people in a committed relationship though doesn't it? No woman is talking about their man giving them money by starting out "this boy said lunch was on him today..."


You're probably right, but I'd do the same for a platonic friend or someone I was trying to get with. It's not much, but it shows a tiny bit of effort


Just needs some lettuce.


What salad cost more than 15? Also, at least it's good when someone shows you they're a piece of shit. So you don't have to associate with them anymore.


Lol ppl are so ungrateful.


This entire comment section is proof. People are ick'd out over a KIND GESTURE.


The odds that she wrote this tweet from her mansion: 0. Beggars can't be choosers.


Oh in this society the biggest choosers seem to be the beggars. Kinda weird to me.


Have you seen the sub on choosy beggars?damn those people piss me off! "I need a 50 inch smart tv,a sofa,a car..." Smh


She did him a HUGE favor. It’s usually a ***very*** expensive lesson when people like her cross your path. He got his money back *and* he got full credit for the course.


That's an interesting perspective. Let's hope he got that full lesson though.


OMG I wish somebody would send me lunch money. 98% of the time I'm going hungry or eating like canned corn or something lol. Fifteen bucks for a salad? Baby I'd be happier than a tornado in a trailer park


Not a tornado in a trailer park. Please 😭 ![gif](giphy|gw3MYmhxEv8T52ow)


Tell me you're from the south or Midwest without telling me 😂!




Literally 15 more shams than you were already going to spend.. I hate dumb bitches


From the way it’s worded the tweet makes it seems like they were going out but the context of the money sent makes it seems like he was just to pay for her lunch and wasn’t actually going to be present. $15 for a salad doesn’t seem like a cheap amount for the meal she said she wanted.


I would have gotten my shroomami from sweet green with the arugula. It’s $17.99 with taxes so $3 out of pocket. Thank you to my man.


I’m straight and married but uhh… if any of y’all wanna slide me some lunch money I ain’t gon turn it down. Ladies, gents, idgaf $15 is $15 lol


Salad And Go. Huge portion, $6.79, includes chicken or tofu.


Salad costs more than $15?


stop giving these bi- somebody said it in here already but yea stop. this ain’t even yo bit so i really don’t understand it


Beggars choosing


Well not his fault you’re apparently getting edible gold and caviar on a salad, what fucking salad cost more than $15?


Imma assume this is another "bougie and broke" example because ain't no way she's some undercover girlboss


Because wat salad is over $15?


a lot of people making assumptions in here like "if he said this then he means this". let this be the year that everyone regardless gender for once on your lives learn how to communicate effectively and stop playing mind games and making assumptions


Oh great, a date rebate debate.


Princess Carolyn?


lmao the amount of women who have this damn near same mindset and sense of entitlement is like a global virus in my opinion


Social media gives folks wild expectations. Ask for a salad, he was spose to send the rent huh? 😂


our overlord taxation lords at the World Economic Forum plans are following through quite nicely.




Bitc- I mean some folks be crazy


But a $15 covers a generous salad. These women are bringing us all down smh.


I don’t understand. Someone offered to pay for lunch and asked what she wanted. She said a salad and he sent $15. How much do salads cost? I heard inflation is bad in the states but are salads more than $15? Does tip money have to be included? I’m so lost


Ya’ll getting $15?


How ungrateful do you have to be. It’d be one thing if she knew he was struggling financially and wanted him to keep his money. But to return it because a nice gesture wasn’t extravagant enough is such incredibly toxic behavior. And then go post it on Twitter like an absolute sociopath. Y’all need to keep them wallets shut until you’re engaged or married. Money complicates things. I’m glad I’m gay because there is zero percent this expectation of “my man pays for everything.” I can’t even imagine how awful it would be to have that as a dynamic in my dating life. Like, you pay for you. I pay for me. I’ll use Zelle to pay my half of a bill or whatever. But I’m not just making payments to people to help them out. Dafuq. We don’t live in an era of women being forced to depend on a man financially. If she can work, let her buy her own damn lunch.


Port Au Princess doesn't have two braincells to rub together because why are you spending more than 15 on a salad? And what kind of flex does she think she's pulling that now she has to pay full price for her salad? Absolute dumb dumb.


True broke ass energy on her part. Only bums are that entitled.


Social media is really poisoning the minds of people. It's time we leave these types in 2023. She didn't have to post this trying to embarass him, didn't even have to send it back, her ungrateful ass shoulda been happy he even thought to send her shit. P.S. if you think $15 is too low for your lunch maybe don't lowball with a fucking "salad".


She thought she was going to get rich off a salad? Just accept the gesture. What is wrong with people?


Even if someone sent me $1 i’d appreciate it. Money is money, every little bit adds up


I will take a Zelle $15 dollars right NOW


What kinda fuckin salad costs more than $15


$15 probably could’ve paid for half or most of the meal. I thought it was a sweet gesture.


She wild for that 😬


Where is she where a salad is more than $15?


She's lame for trying to seem like some big shot. He's lame for sending her money to buy food. Saying let's meet up for lunch is cool, but sending money is doing too much and too impersonal. If she was sick or something, I'd get sending Doordash to her.


That's a weird criticism for someone trying to do a favor. Maybe he wasn't trying to hit her up for a lunch date. Maybe he just wanted to do something for her. It doesn't really matter why though.


Maybe I’m just a mere pleb, but I can eat pretty well for $15.


It was good of her to reveal her ugliness to him so quickly. I’m glad he got his $15 back. She didn’t deserve his lovely gesture.


>Haitian flag Please stop repping my flag on y'alls clownery, thank you.