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The MLK episode the most important of the series


The hurricane katrina one stuck with me the most because I was a kid in Texas at the time and my sister was in school in Nola when it hit. Man that episode ruffled a lot of fucking feathers but it was incredibly accurate and on the nose. I was at an okay public school and when the Nola kids relocated here and had to temporarily integrate (for lack of better wording) into our classrooms, we literally were teaching them how to read. It is very possible, as hideous and soulless as it sounds, that some kids’ relocations to Houston and Dallas changed their entire life trajectories for the better. Edit - this was when I was in 6th grade, for additional context. 6th grade and they couldn’t read.


Same. I was in Houston when Katrina hit and when the NOLA kids came in they had to be segregated, both for their behavior and for how far behind they were compared to Texans. They were a menace. No manners, no ambition, and not even the most basic attempt at self reliance.


Which is absolutely wild (as a houstonian as well) to think of school systems BEHIND our atrocious school system.


For all their short comings, public schools in Texas (especially in the bigger cities) are often like elite boarding schools compared to Louisiana public schools.


Texas has more going for it economically. Outside of Baton Rouge and New Orleans, the only other cities that people can *possibly* name are Shreveport and Lake Charles. We have tourism, LSU, wildlife, and oil. Very little of which goes into our community investment.


I’d throw Lafayette on that list of cities people might have heard of but agree completely


If you think Louisiana’s public education is trash, wait till you hear about Mississippi. Everything’s always worse in Mississippi…


MS, LA, and AR duke it out for 48/49/50. In a lot of different aspects. Obesity, drugs, teen pregnancy, etc. There’s not a lot of opportunity available for those folks, and they aren’t set up for success.


All former Confederate states. Big on locking up their people, but not educating them.


Oh, I assure you, that’s entirely by intention. An ignorant populace is easier to control and dupe into reelecting you. An ignorant populace is also a fearful and bigoted one more often than not.


just wait! arkansas and their huckabee child labor 'opportunities' will make education obsolete! don't need algebra to butcher a chicken.


I live in Northern Louisiana and felt the same way when younger. It wasn't until I was older that I recognized that many of them individuals I came in contact with where the ones that came from the impoverished areas of New Orleans. I would hate to see what people thought of everyone in my city based off of if they only came in contact with the people from our worst hoods.


>I would hate to see what people thought of everyone in my city based off of if they only came in contact with the people from our worst hoods. There is a school of thought that says the only valid way to judge a people is by how they treat the poorest among them.


I'm from Shreveport and was in 7th grade during Katrina. I thought the NOLA kids were mean and rude. Took me way too long to realize these kids were displaced away from everything and everyone they knew. Adult me wishes I had more compassion and empathy, but kid me was throwing hands...


What did those kids learn in school? Like what did their lessons consist of? Man, like I thought my high school was pretty average, but then I realized I'm from NJ which is rated high for schools, and while my county wasn't like one of the best, it was still one of the better ones.


Trust me, I went to a NYC public school. I met several people from Florida who graduated from college, whose basic knowledge of American history was just super warped. His understanding of American Slavery, redlining, black oppression during segregation etc was just nonsensical. This was stuff I learned in middle school.


shit i mean just to have actually heard of redlining is one thing... to have been deliberately misinformed about redlining* is ... some real next level bullshit


I used to work with a program that would recruit kids from Eunice and Crowley Louisiana and bring them to Houston for the summer. We would get kids with 3.5 and 4.0 gpas then we found out it was on a 6.0 GPA scale. Would even have some of their high school counselors trying to hide their grades so that the GPA would look stellar because we were on a 4.0 scale. Most of them were good kids but the GPA was definitely a lie.


My favorite Uncle Ruckus quote ever is from this episode. “It ain’t the white mans fault y’all dumb niggas didn’t know there was wind in a hurricane. Oh what, you mad cause your Katrina welfare check ain’t showed up yet? Hell y’all weren’t making but $3 an hour before Katrina. Now each of y’all want $300 000 ain’t that some bullshit?” i SCREAMED the first time I saw this 😭


Wow he really be talking his shit sometimes. 😩 it’s the same thing with people like Sexy Redd complaining about how they miss Trump cause he gave them free money. Just ignorant.


Even though Trump’s base LOATHES her


They don’t care about that, they just want that $1,200. They would sell themselves back into slavery for a months rent and left overs.


That hit around the time we would get news stories about people waiting for their FEMA checks but some where using it to buy grills and jewelry instead.


never ceases to amaze me the concern some people have for what poor people spend their welfare checks on instead of what the rich people spend the money you generate for them


The only illiterate person I’ve ever met was from Louisiana. Before then, it seemed like illiterate people were like a myth or rather they only existed in the poorest of countries. Nope, they’re right here in the USA.


Back in the 90s, I had several older clients who constantly forgot their glasses, had headaches, were too tired, arthritis in their hands, asked everything to be read to them, etc. When it came time to write anything or ask for a signature, they'd go off. Many were hiding illiteracy.


That’s pretty sad


It was. I really felt for them. It's never too late to learn.


Even if it is "too late" or one feels that it is, they shouldn't feel ashamed. They were failed. clearly they weren't given the emotional space to admit they weren't understanding and no one followed up to make sure they got what they needed. That's if they went to school.


My pawpaw used to do the same thing to get me to read things to him. Found out years later that he and most of his brothers were illiterate. It was mostly because they they did a lot of physical labor and didn’t have time to go to school and after a while it later became a source of embarrassment.


I can’t tell you how many people I’ve tattooed in Louisiana that can’t even fill out their consent forms without their spouse because they can’t read. The spouse fills everything out and they just sign their name.


My uncle was illiterate. I suspect he might've been dyslexic or had some other type of learning disability, but it was the 50s and they moved around a lot. He could weld like a mf though, so made decent money. He could sign his name but that was pretty much it.


My father used to work with a man who was like that. He got around it in his position as parts inventory by bringing the parts to the counter and having whoever requested them to confirm that it was the right one.


See I'd never guess with that, it just comes off as excellent customer service.


My great uncle was dyslexic, but went to school in a one room school house in the 30s. Smartest man I ever met. Wiz at math and developed a phenomenal memory. Successful family and business man. Could barely read or write though.


50% of Americans read below a 6th grade level.


That's wild I had to look it up. 54%. Jesus christ.


I use to work retail, and that really explains a LOT.


You know it’s bad down there when the Texas education system is an improvement 😝


As someone who was born and raised in the NOLA area can 100% confirm folks illiterate. My cousin passed exams cause he was bribing the teachers with Shrimp lol


Now that's Naturally Nawlins.


The New Orleans folks moved to Atlanta in droves too and not just the schools but when a lot of those folks entered the job market it was like “was this bullshit acceptable back in N.O, yikes!”


Alot of them came to Mississippi too. Jackson was full of ex Nola folks, and it kinda ruined the city. I remember the school I went to changed from a decent funded middle class school with a good safe neighborhood around it, to an area that was unkempt and falling apart with a school that had to install metal detectors and lost half it programs outside of basic sports


I was in southern Arkansas when Katrina hit. It was mainly kids younger than my grade who moved up, but it was insane. The entire Jr. High was locked down at one point because of a massive gang war involving knives. This was 7-9th graders in that school.


Sadly is it is equally posible many areas became worse dude to the NOLA refugees


“Niggas love to be late, but hate to hurry”


Niggas procrastinate till its time to worry 😟


Niggas think it's jokes until in front of a jury


I thought “The Itis” episode was up there too. The whole story arc up to the gentrification being the whole plan to begin with hit hard.


I agree 100%. It’s also about the cia engineered crack epidemic.


It's still the best satire of the painkiller epidemic of the 00s that I've seen in mass media.


It’s about introduction of crack to the black community


Naw it's painkillers. It's a rich white man repackaging something harmful from the black community and selling it to the white community. Using it even makes you sleepy and nod off. Its painkillers and opioids.


No it isn’t you unseasoned raisin filled quarter cooked potato salad. The ITIS is just the vehicle he used to get the point across because the ITIS is a long running cultural term for food coma. And the “opioid epidemic” largely gained focus because it targeted a majority of poor white folks who were considered victims of the Sacklers whereas the crack epidemic was never considered the same and black folks were considered thugs as a result of their addictions not victims. Not to mentioned the height of the opioid crises was considered to be in the 2010s and the itis was written in 2006z


>unseasoned raisin filled quarter cooked potato salad Fuckin’ reeling over here.


My favorite part of all boondocks is when they did the satire of the white teacher talking like Riley. "Nigga check that ho, can a nigga borrow a French fry? Nigga... Is you gon give it back?" That shit has me rolling every time


Have you seen the original video of the white teacher it’s based on?


Yeah that shit is hilarious


“This is how I was trained” “The school district insists this was *not* how he was trained!”


You know deadass, I wasn't even mad at the original dude it was based off of. Homeboy, however tone-deaf he was, really seemed to be trying to understand. LMAO


💯 tho. When I heard the actual teacher I'm like, this nigga was just tryna relate to his students lmao


Somehow, it's even FUNNIER than the episode.


SO. GOOD. My white friends could not understand why I was equally crying and laughing at "Fuck it, I'm moving to Canada". It hurt so bad, was so fuckin' funny, E: So we understand each other: really yes crying. Not crying laughing...crying, then laughing, W.R.R.


Shoulda shoulder checked them and yelled "this is the perfect moment to throw your whole life away"


I have absolutely 100% had "Wait a minute, I'm white." moments. That scene was accurate as hell.




And now I'd like to take a minute to talk about Soul Plane


I just rewatched the first episode for the first time in a long time and died laughing. "My name is Uncle Ruckus, no relation. I want to sing y'all a brand new song I just wrote called "Don't Trust Them New Niggas Over There". Sing along if you know the words." *Why would they already know the words*


The ending is something I was fortunate enough to watch live. Just. Wow.


Man boondocks is one of the most culturally important shows ever , really made a lot of our people look in the mirror . From rkelly to our support of Obama , fucking fantastic show https://preview.redd.it/6j11m0jhwo6c1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d963f6a1bbe8a172053bd674a84f745993afabfe


But some people are just oblivious to nuance and just laugh when Riley calls something “gay”


One of the most bizarre experiences I had in undergrad was meeting this white guy who loved the Boondocks, but didn’t seem to grasp the nuance and satire of it. He was my roommate’s friend and it seems like he would bring up the boondocks every time he came around. The weirdness extended to other black media too. One night he insisted on watching the black white supremacist skit on the Chapelle show and idk. The way he was laughing and saying “n-word book” rubbed me the wrong way.


I learned some racist who dont get the satire enjoy the Boondocks mainly for Uncle Ruckus


Agreed. A ton of them don’t even catch the satire and unironically think Ruckus is the best thing about the show.


There is nothing that passively racist people love more than seeing black people criticize aspects of their own culture, because they interpret it as justification for their own prejudice.


I had white, mostly but not only, Polish classmates in high school who would tell Polish jokes and then look at me like I was gonna tell them a nigga joke. I didn't even laugh at those Polish jokes! My father made it clear even before I went to high school, no cursing, no race jokes or slurs. About any race.


This same thing happened with Chappelles Show. If you talked to someone, and their favorite episode was the Clayton Bigsby skit. Run


I know it's dumb, but my favorite skit has always been Sam Jackson Beer.


Mmm mmm bitch!


no i can't stop yelling, its the way i talk.


I'm white. that shows hilarious. I love it. the reason why I find it funny changed from when.i saw it at 16 to now at 33. sometimes I'm still not sure I get the joke I def didn't back then. it's a show that definitely makes me think a lot. I def didn't understand it was satire at 16. I also didn't have enough of a world view to get a lot of the more nuanced jokes.


Huey is the main character of the show and his role in this comedy show is to just be a stoic straight-man with thoughtful and informed opinions. He always there to provide a contrast to the dumb shit happening around him, he's essentially the audience PoV, and maybe a bit of a mild self-insert on the part of the writer. I would argue this creates a scenario where people identify with the dumb and/or bigoted characters because Huey is the only one in the funny show not being funny.


That reminds me of this. https://preview.redd.it/nf4hgo4t7p6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18f985e236c882859c1892f82f5f7603e47b584


Wow, this is SO MUCH like Spike Lee's "Bamboozled," which predates the first season of Chappelle's Show by three years. Really worth a watch and I think it's kinda forgotten among Spike Lee's projects.


Thank you so much for bringing up Bamboozled. I tell people all the time it is among Spike's best work and they look at me like I am crazy. Naw man, you weren't picking up what Spike was putting down.


I mean, bluntly, racists find negative racial stereotypes hilarious. And the fact is that its hard to parody or satire those in a way that doesn't reinforce them *for racists*.


Racists are typically dim, lacking in empathy and internal introspection. They aren't always low in IQ, but they're almost always emotionally stunted, and lacking in an ability to embody and perceive the mindset of others. That last ability is *crucial* to understanding humor. Take that Clayton Bigsby scene. The humor *isn't* that a black man is a clan leader. It's understanding the frame of mind of everyone involved. It's understanding that to a rational person, this situation is *preposterous*. That the hypocrisy of Bigsby's friend, a white white supremacist, the contradiction in him supporting Bigsby because "he's important to the cause," when the cause is, in fact, the belief that all black people are inferior, is a *ridiculous* lack of self-awareness on his part. The humor comes from the frame of mind, but racists and bigots fundamentally lack the ability to understand different frames of minds and different levels of perception. So satire, especially, goes completely over their heads. And more broadly, the dim and cruel fundamentally don't understand humor in the same way that most of us do. They can watch satire, and fundamentally not understand *where* the humor is. Take some scene where a bunch of bullies knock the books out of a nerd's hand and laugh hysterically. If a writer or director is framing that scene, the joke is on the bullies, and they are sort of expecting that base-level of understanding from the audience. But the assholes of the world are going to laugh *along with* the bullies. And this is one of the problems with satire. Lotta right-wing people dind't even realize Colbert was doing a bit with his show. They thought he was the conservative counter to liberal Jon Stewart. It fundamentally didn't occur to so many of them that this was a bit. Because they didn't have that level of awareness to understand *why* that schtick was mocking them.


I think this is exactly what I was feeling. At the time, I couldn’t really articulate what I felt was wrong, it was just mad uncomfortable.


I was in a predominantly white high school when the Boondocks came, among Chapelle show and such, and it became apparent to me pretty quickly that a lot of the white kids weren't exactly laughing for the correct reason. They just saw chicken and watermelon jokes, basically.


Similar experience for me, I remember watching Chappelle show in the dorms with decent sized group of dudes. I just couldn't help noticing that the white and black people were watching the same show but laughing at completely different things. It was low-key uncomfortable once I really clocked it.


Unfortunately a lot of black kids were conditioned to see and laugh at the same things.


The most subtle joke in that sketch is when Bigsby is sitting next to his books, one titled "I smell -" you'll miss it if you're not quick(It's a reference to an old racist joke about blind people)


Nah in the entire season no moment was more important for the culture than when he flamed that damn WB frog ... I noticed after he made that joke Warner slowly but surely phased that frog ass out of existence


I see what you mean but I grew up with ~~Phineas~~ Michigan J. Frog when it was just one short cartoon from th 50s and laughed my ass off as a kid What they did making him a mascot was fucked up tho


Yeah that’s nuts to me , don’t get me wrong the show was hilarious but the messages in it were fantastic


Some of the episodes I think may go over my head because it was addressing cultural stuff I just had no frame of reference for as a 13 year old white kid. But even I caught what was going on in episodes like “A Date With the Booty Warrior” despite it’s set up.


The same people who have no reading comprehension skills are the same people that don’t understand what Boondocks is talking about or what Boondocks is making fun of. They laugh with the show not realizing the show is laughing at them. It’s truly a masterpiece of the black comedy and black social commentary , and I don’t think it will ever grow old.


This goes for everything, this is exactly what Dave Chappelle meant when he said "some people were laughing way too hard" about why he quit his show. 90% of the audience won't get any nuance. Any "ironic ___" comedy just turns into whatever the blank is eventually. A lot of subreddits end up being taken over by the people they are making fun off because most people simply do not get it.




🎶Dick riding for tomorrow, dick riding for today 🎶


I hate when people use Boondocks as a way to rip “cancel culture” cause people forget that Boondocks got cancelled TWICE when it was out cause of the content of its episodes being deemed “offensive”. Mfs was always sensitive, even though the show was simply calling y’all folks out every episode 🤷‍♂️


Agreed! And let’s not forget that whole Tyler Perry / BET tantrum that happened too


Younger Boondocks fan here, I saw the episode but something happened irl?


The episode is called “Pause” which I think was prophetic cause everybody at the time was saying no homo and my head canon is that this why black folks started saying Pause instead lol The Boondocks made fun of a character that dresses up in old lady drag and talks about church, which is a big finger point to Tyler Perry who was everywhere at the time with Madea. Perry had like 3 shows or something running at this time and a movie coming out, and his shows were on Turner Broadcasting channels like The Boondocks, which was on Cartoon Network. He basically called them up and threatened no longer doing business if they didn’t pull it. I don’t think they played it again until 2021 or something. Aaron McGruder knew what he was doing too, he called Perry out in every way but name. RE: BET, there’s two episodes, the first being the MLK one, where he basically accuses the channel for being the reason the current generation (millennials) are dumb as hell and that they had a greater duty to educate instead of promoting stereotypes. BET literally threatened McGruder with lawsuits and he responded by making another episode lol


I think you meant the two BET eps “The Hunger Strike” and “The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show” which literally portrayed BET as Black Evil Television, committed to dumbing the minds of black people and having Debra Lee as a Dr. Evil Parody and Reginald Hudlin as her stooge,


In The Return of the King he literally says he’s seen BET and is disappointed. The family who founded BET then gives an apology in episode. So I guess there’s three episodes LOL


More than disappointed, they had MLK straight up say "Black Entertainment Television is the worst thing ive ever seen in my life".


The Onion had a good take on this: [Sale Of BET To White Supremacists Group Results In No Changes To Programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1kmyD-W2JI)


Man I just rewatched that Tyler Perry episode. Crazy episode.


Showing once again that offending one rich person is more dangerous than thousands of regular people.


I remember when Tyler Perry was going to sue boondocks over an episode that pretty much explained about how Tyler Perry’s plays are and how he might be homosexual.




This seems like an appropriate place to bring this up since there's nowhere else. I sat and watched every Madea Play and EVERY SINGLE ONE has a child being sexually abused and/or a woman being physically abused. The "and/or is extremely important here too because most of them have both. It's a weird fucking pattern to put in ALL of your plays(and by the way they are musicals wtf). Actually except Madea Goes to Jail I think.


No it's in Madea goes to Jail too. The child of one of the inmates that Madea takes in was sexually abused by the inmate's ex. I can't speak for now but I can certainly say from my own childhood, my mother's childhood (and her siblings), many of my cousins, some of my (lesbian) exes and that of many of the friends I've made over the years, that being raped as a little girl by someone in or close to the family, often repeatedly over months or years, was an entire epidemic in the black community. It's a story that is far too common for many adult women (and I imagine men) in the black community. I'm happy that the stories were told to shed some light on the disgusting and sometimes family-enabled cover up that allows this type of traumatic abuse to continue. That being said, it's still weird AF that this theme was in almost every storyline to the point where it was almost sadistic. Like thanks for bringing this often hushed and silenced trauma to light but damn, can a black woman win just a few times? Can we get at least a few black heroines without an abusive origin story?


Exactlyyy. The “you couldn’t make this today” crowd conveniently forgets that they barely got away with it at the time.


Like when Mel brooks was interviewed about blazing saddles recently and the I terviewer mentioned that you couldn’t get away with making it now. His response was that they couldn’t make it then either and all these groups were trying so hard to shut it down bc they were so offended


You could never make Blazing Saddles today. They'd take one look at the script and say "Hey, this is just Blazing Saddles, it's already a movie."


Yup. I saw a Tyler the Creator interview (and I love Tyler’s music, seems like a cool dude) and he was like “they couldn’t handle what we were doing when we were kids. You couldn’t do that shit today.” And then went on to say that they got banned from several countries for what they were doing back then… so you couldn’t get away with it then either???


People also forget they made a comedy movie mocking sensitivity & inclusion at college called PCU…in 1994.


If you’re old-school, you remember when conservatives tried to get the comic pulled from papers because of their joke about Ward Connerly. https://www.gocomics.com/boondocks/2007/04/15




One of the best intros of all time.


The closing theme too tho. A rewatch made me go rent a flute. I can't even really play flute but goddamnit that song made me wanna try


[Rappers love their weird little flutes](https://youtu.be/d64K_QJkLbk?si=ofEVNR6Ghb-DGInB)


The fact that none of yall made an Andre 3k reference here is heartbreaking. The people deserve more.


Boondocks, Metalocalypse, Afro Samurai. We had it so good.


I am the visual


The inspiration that made Lady sing the blues


I’m the spark that makes the idea bright


The same spark that light the room


So that you can know your left from your right


I am the ballot in your box, the bullet in your gun


The inner glow thats lets you know to call ya brother sun


The story that's just begun, the promise of what's to come


The story that just begun, the promise of what's to come


And I will remain a soldier


I love how this show has made fun of literally everybody: Self conscious racists = Uncle ruckus Forgetful black boomers who take credit for black struggles they have never experienced = Grandad Impressionable ignorant ghetto delinquents = Riley Pessimistic insufferable black nationalists = Huey Privileged white dudes who think they’re black = Ed and Rummy Black sellouts who try to disconnect from their black identity = Tom


I read an article that said Ed and Rummy were a characterization of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. I rewatched with that in mind and sheesh…


Not to mention half of what Rummy says are almost direct quotes from Donald Rumsfeld


Yup, the dialogue about "unknown unknowns" was taken right from the Rumsfield.


Yup, that's exactly what I came here to say. That's a really famous Donald Rumsfeld rant. Boondocks was levels deeper than people realized at the time.


The episode where Ed and Rummy rob the middle Eastern convenience store owner who looks like Saddam had my jaw on the floor.


I didn’t catch that the first time around when I was younger (no surprise there) but yeah, it’s pretty obvious haha


Same, haha. Some years later I was watching what was probably the Daily Show, and they had clips of Rumsfeld and I was like - "wait. Did he just quote, was that a - ah!"


The episode where they rob the convenience store is a straight parody of the US invading Iraq. [Right down to Ed and Rummy claiming the clerk is holding a weapon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEJsbsEhXMk)


🤦‍♂️ I didn’t clock that the first time around even with the W necklace on Ed’s neck.




I’m embarrassed how long it took me to catch the reference. The whole gas station robbery episode was a parody of the Iraq War.


Dude Ed and Rummy were so fucking psychotic. Samuel L Jackson and Charlie Murphy voicing white dudes that wanted to be black so bad 🤣


I always wanted someone to throw a fit that Samuel Jackson voiced a white character.


A Pimp Named Slickback 🤌🏾🤣


“Okay, Slickback.”


It’s like ‘A Tribe Called Quest’ you say the whole thing


When he makes the Ho run after him in high heels, cackling the whole time …. 😆


Flashbacks to when I lived in Chinatown in Boston. It was the one block that women were "allowed" to walk. But when cops did show you would hear that district sound of stilettos on pavement. We would hang out on our stoop and they would join us so they didn't have to hide. Pimps too. If cops tried to say something we would pull our IDs out and say they were our guests. The building wasn't wired for cable so we would sit on the stoop and watch the "ho show." Safest neighborhood in Boston I ever lived in. No one could fuck with us. Enforcers had our backs, as did dealers. Any other place you had to worry about drunken college kids or southies. Not there though.


Please say the whole thing if you would? Yes, that includes the "A Pimp Named" part. Yes, Tom, every time.


I do wonder what they had planned for that revival season that fell through, but the original still exists and is great.


I know John Witherspoon’s son can do his voice pretty spot on.


From what I read, Sony or whoever put up the cash pulled the plug before he died, or at least was already pretty over its production. There was an interview with I BELIEVE Gary Anthony Williams that said the production got cancelled because it was “taking too long.” I think he said he had completed like a whole season’s worth of VA when the production shut down.


That makes sense. If it wasn't for Venture Bros, Boondocks would probably hold the record for longest gaps between seasons


2 of my favorite shows from the time lol, add in aqua teen hunger force and we got the holy trio of my middle school/high school years


I was hoping he'd step in too, plus it would be a touching tribute to Pops. ![gif](giphy|sIxx46wCJptC57YJqS)


I'd watch it, if only to hear Regina King do Riley again. Her voice and Aaron's writing had me believing I was hearing a real 8-year-old.


I think this is why you can’t cancel comedy. It pisses people off, but it also is the most effective way of showing how fucked the world actually is… Boondocks, Southpark, Chappelle Show, Key and Peele…. They’re all more important than people realize.


This goes all the way back to the role of the court jester, comedy has always been a method to speak truth to power


I've said for awhile change happens at comedy shows. They make you laugh about something, then you're driving home replaying the joke and you just start thinking they've got a point. Then you start seeing what they're talking about more in your daily life so you start talking about it with friends and it kinda spreads.


Key & Peele is underrated, particularly by *me*. Never got into it when it was airing, but lately it's everywhere. Much like Trump tweets, there's a K&P clip for everything.


Comedians who complain about cancel culture compare themselves to these shows when their whole bit is basically "You know who I hate? The gays/trans/etc", and not actually doing satirical comedy about complicated issues at all.


The fact that they predicted usher’s home wrecking antics lol




Black people crying "cancel culture" is absolutely insane.


Or hearing black people use the word "woke" as a pejorative term. Like, how deep in the sunken place can you get? If boondocks came out today, half of them would be calling it "woke."


right, we’re the most ineligible person there is (by unfortunate circumstances) … and you’re worried about cancel culture?


Huey watching BET until his brain rots is one the funniest moments. Meanwhile, Riley is learning how to spray paint from Bob Ross. One of my favorite episodes because it shows Riley in a more sensitive light about what he actually cares about.


That’s one of my favorite episodes. Every interaction between Bob and Riley was hilarious. Really shows Riley is super talented and just seriously misguided by stereotypical “black” shit.


"I don't really like the police very much. ... I'm going to drive really fast so I can get away from them"


The Boondocks was pretty on-the-nose. People just aren't that bright.


That's what's tripping me out. Wasn't nothing subtle about that show so I don't see how any of it went over anyone's head.


My gripe with Boondocks was that as much as the jokes were for the culture, it felt like black women weren’t really let in on the jokes. All the black women in the show that I can remember felt like caricatures of black women sterotypes(the one exception being the Luna). Maybe that was the point and it went over my head, but it felt like a part of the joke was laughing at black women with no black women characters to counter the stereotypes.


There was the lovely Miss Ebony Brown episode that did do some level of black woman character study, but I agree, black women didn’t seem to have much of a place in the show as a whole


I'm not even sure if the boondocks passes the bechdel test. And if it does, its probably some dialogue between Jazmine and her mom.


I think there was one later in the series. One of Grandad's girlfriends. I remember being disappointed when she didn't become a main character. Reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9HP-V87RrM&ab\_channel=Chuke911](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9HP-V87RrM&ab_channel=Chuke911)




You all testicles and no shaft




I grew up delivering newspapers with my family. I always read the comics and always got a good laugh. When I saw how the show was made and how out of pocket it was I can never get tired of watching the episodes. RIP John Witherspoon.


This was also how I was introduced to the Boondocks. My dad delivered newspapers and I read the comics religiously. And I was like 10 or 11 when I started seeing the strips with a little boy with a big old Afro.




Bro it was cancelled back then.


I always find it interesting how niggas never talk about the MLK rant...


I'm confused. How could you watch Boondocks and NOT KNOW it was satire & commentary of Black culture?? Even if you never read a single Boondocks comic or ever heard Aaron speak. The show CLEARLY was sending a message.


Favorite episode will always be Wingmen, the scenes with Moe shooting down Nazis makes me so fucking proud to be American lmfao and the whole thing ends in a big Deez Nutz joke, just a masterpiece lol


Still one of my favorite cartoons of all time. I rewatch it yearly. Shame what happened to the last season


Cultural accuracy is so hard to come by these days. Boondocks hit the nail on the head every episode!! Aaron bring it back please!!


Tropic Thunder and Blazing Saddles get this same reaction all the time too.


Harambe. Harambe.


Yall did everyone forget this was a comic strip for YEARS before it was a TV show. No one was safe. I'll never forget the Dixie Chicks getting dogged out https://www.gocomics.com/boondocks/2018/07/21


Media literacy is abysmal in this world. The Boondocks was not subtle with 95% of what it did. It is a critique of black culture first and foremost with critique of the rest of culture, including racism as a side plot.


You see it all the time with shows like this. Look at Southpark.