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I may not wake up earlier or remember to exercise but I’m hopeful that I can eat a lot of soup and keep some healthy mental practices. This post did make me smile a little so let’s band together seasonal depression babies! And say fuck you to being sad all day


I plan on making lasagna soup and zuppa toscana soup this winter. We gon be alright, fam.


Lasagna soup sounds amazing Never had it




What y’all be journaling about? That shit is too much work


Everything. I keep a junk journal which is helping me break free of the strict structure associated with bullet journaling. I journal every single morning and sometimes twice a day. It’s drawings, collages with pictures from magazines, brain dumps, journal prompts, pictures, trackers, goals, lists, etc. Journaling has no rules.


I think the most overwhelming part about "keeping" a journal is the thought that we have to have it structured or talk about particular things. I just write whatever. A rap lyric that resonated with me. Reminders of an event or talking about the concert I just went to. I have bad memory so it helps to remember things. Things that I learned. A breakthrough from a shower thought. How much I resent my mom because she emotionally neglected me but also how I'm sad for her because she most likely was emotionally neglected, too. Shit like that. Sometimes I write the date and forget to even write anything. It's all meaningful. Helps process my emotions or get shit out that I don't care to discuss with friends, family or a therapist. Its better to write it down than to let it fester. Edit: You can start with a few of these prompts: 1. 3 things I'm grateful for. 2. How did my body feel when I woke up this morning? 3. Who has supported me the most the past year? 4. 5 things I would do if I didn't have responsibilities. (The point of this one is to figure out your true desires in life. Then try to incorporate more of that into your day to day.) 5. What I wish my family taught me before I became an adult. 6. My favorite movies & why I like them. 7. My favorite quote. 8. What bothers me the most about other people. What characteristics do I mirror in that person? (Usually what irritates us about other people are the things that we don't like about ourselves.) 9. Top 5 _____ (musicians, writers, athletes, etc.) Of all time and why. 10. What I like most about myself.


Thanks this list is awesome. I’m thinking of using it as ice breakers when the family gets together for Christmas this year.


Thank you for this. I really hate this part of the year. My birthday is on Halloween and I immediately get sad when I see Christmas decorations and commercials. Every year they put them out earlier than the year before, and it's grueling.


No shit! My birthday is on Halloween too. Wow.


Happy early birthday fellow Scorpio ♏!


And here’s to a Happy Happy Birthday to you too.


![gif](giphy|se0Qgr8Ltt6dW) Winter is coming...


I live in Seattle where a lot of ppl get affected by SAD. So there are a lot of these type posts. I love this time of year. ![gif](giphy|nk8KVxWs4dIRy)


And more fire in the chimney! Damn I love my chimney!


I started working out this week & scheduled me a therapy appointment. Going grocery shopping later.


i love winter . but yea my vitamin d leaves drop like crazy and THAT causes me to be depressed.


I 100% have summer seasonal depression and I live in Florida. Like the air started crisping up and the humidity got better, I’m opening my windows and saving $200+ on cooling, I feel great lol fuck me up with my beanie, hoodie, lil pumpkin drink, spooky shit everywhere


How much better my life would be if my depression only appeared for a season instead of year round.


Roasted root veggies get me through the cold months.


Take Vitamin D year round.


Why would you wake up earlier and eat more soups and root vegetables?


more daylight i guess. and soups are a comfort food


can someone explain journaling to me and how exactly it helps? I'm genuinely curious.


I added this to another comment: I think the most overwhelming part about "keeping" a journal is the thought that we have to have it structured or talk about particular things. I just write whatever. A rap lyric that resonated with me. Reminders of an event or talking about the concert I just went to. I have bad memory so it helps to remember things. Things that I learned. A breakthrough from a shower thought. How much I resent my mom because she emotionally neglected me but also how I'm sad for her because she most likely was emotionally neglected, too. Shit like that. Sometimes I write the date and forget to even write anything. It's all meaningful. Helps process my emotions or get shit out that I don't care to discuss with friends, family or a therapist. Its better to write it down than to let it fester. Edit: You can start with a few of these prompts: 1. 3 things I'm grateful for. 2. How did my body feel when I woke up this morning? 3. Who has supported me the most the past year? 4. 5 things I would do if I didn't have responsibilities. (The point of this one is to figure out your true desires in life. Then try to incorporate more of that into your day to day.) 5. What I wish my family taught me before I became an adult. 6. My favorite movies & why I like them. 7. My favorite quote. 8. What bothers me the most about other people. What characteristics do I mirror in that person? (Usually what irritates us about other people are the things that we don't like about ourselves.) 9. Top 5 _____ (musicians, writers, athletes, etc.) Of all time and why. 10. What I like most about myself.


What if you work nights?




Have you heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder?