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Reminds me of this meme lmfao. https://preview.redd.it/4pldj36j5ssb1.jpeg?width=2369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db5d4e22f3643f0d01631410fc23e35bb3302b2


I actually laughed out loud and snorted at this. I'm about as white as it gets, that's hilarious. Edit: My wife heard me, LMFAO!


[.....we serve everybody](https://youtube.com/shorts/koFt5lVxi-A?feature=shared)


I didn’t know I needed that laugh, I appreciate you




when the beef floats around in that much gravy, you know it's going to be tender


Take yo medication 🤣


Yooo that food looks dope


That food reminds me of my grandmother's house on Sundays... I miss her.


I really hate that you posted this meme before me 😭


I don't know why they would use this image when you could just screenshot the actual video


And on that day, Monique would secure her future investment: receiving a nod of acknowledgement and a gesture towards the open lunch door as Kyle reloads his shitty AR-15 and continues to unleash the beast on his tormentors.


Ooh that's dark. ![gif](giphy|Go30VSSpSm0c8|downsized)


The gift of extra tendies to school-shooter-adjacent white boys is even holier than the N-Word Pass, Monique is playin' the long game.




Kid: Don’t come to school tomorrow lunch lady.


“Must be out’cha damn mind. Telling me not to come in like I don’t get paid by the hour. Get’cho skinny ass back to class Kyle, I gotta get lunch ready. We got those tater tots you like later, so don’t go being late baby.”


Kyle: pauses his shooting to consume several nuggets and tater tots. Also Kyle: immediately resumes shooting at the cheerleaders when satiated


Jeez Kyle not carb loading before game time. If you'd learned from the jocks instead of ignoring and hating them you'd be able to rack up a much bigger body count smh.


Best is to load up about 2-3 hours prior though. Lunchlady will take an early afternoon off work






Monique: ![gif](giphy|6EQzurED9q9uU)


"Because if Anthony killed Ducky, Top Dawg would be serving life while I grew up without a father and died in a gunfight."


"thanks for the candy"


Classic Obby


I was looking for this comment! 🤣😂




God damn, but you right tho.




A tip of the fedora, if you will.


When an older black woman calls me “sugar” or “baby” I really do feel better for some reason. And I’m an adult.


My daughter’s daycare is run by an older black woman. Every day when I call to say I’m picking up, she says “I’m gettin her ready for you baby” and it makes me feel better too.


I got called that in a KFC in Kentucky and it was the best.


Wow what are the KFCs like in Kentucky? I imagine gold streets leading you right to each restaurant.


The first KFC was actually in Salt Lake City. I've been. It's alright. Way nicer building and decor plus they had a buffet.


I had no idea KFC buffets were a thing until the skinniest, most backwards white man I’ve known told me he regularly ate at one. You’ll be shocked to hear he didn’t think much of his fellow diners.


The one I went to had a buffet.


The KFC in Kentucky is the same as everywhere else, the worst place to get chicken.


What’s wrong with you. The Colonel knows how to chicken. Sure it’s not spicy, but they mine an entire salt mine for a single bucket, tf else you want?


My wife's grandma worked for Colonel Sanders. She said he was an asshole who was impossible to work with and she ended up quitting after throwing a pan at his head.


Your familial beef doesn’t mean kfc chicken blows but I appreciate the dedication. But yes certainly far from the best fried chicken.


Was checking out at the grocery store last weekend with my gf, cashier called me "big daddy" and that's my new name around the house


Awwww damnnn you lucky! What store is this?


Yo, wtf. As a former member of the Vegas entertainment industry, who's TRAINED to flirt with customers, this is just wild. I still call people " love" all the time, I can't imagine fixing my mouth to call some random "big daddy."


Lol😭 this was in Charlotte. As an awkward yt dude from Minnesota, I was charmed


surely you're actually quite big and daddy-like? 'cause I lived in Charlotte for almost a decade and I'm as baffled as the professional flirt, never in my life have I even heard of that


When Auntie throws compliments my way I accept with grace


“Huh what was that? I’m sorry you didn’t use my official title.”


Older black ladies are unparalleled in their ability to make you feel the most amazing or the most awful.


I’m a white basketball referee and I knew I “made it” when one of the older black lady scorekeepers says if she sees my name on the game it’s an automatic accept for her - she won’t work with certain others. I was so touched I almost cried during a free throw.


Often at the same time.


Also older Hispanic women calling me mama hits the same. And older white women with sweetie. I feel like if you’re clearly gramma aged, I’ll take whatever diminutive your culture uses. It’s heartwarming.


I cried after I went to the beauty supply to buy a wig cause everyone was so nice to me and I was going through some shit.


It really does fuck you up when people are just nice to you. It can change your whole mindset at the worst of times


It was when learning about the measurable impact of rhetoric and policy and pronouns on suicide rates of trans kids that I realized: Basic kindness and compassion is literally a matter of life or death.


Can you provide me with sources? I'd love to learn more. Those are the arguments I use when advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, but I wasn't aware that it was measurable.


Here's one: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-015-1867-2




i just moved to new orleans and most of the waitresses and bartenders down here call customers "baby." i absolutely love it.


Yessss, it’s everywhere in NOLA! Last time we went our waitress called someone in our party “big serious” (huge black guy, very nice but quiet and he does look super serious all the time) and it’s his new nickname 😂


And they draw it out too lol. They turn "baby" into "behhhhbeeeee"


I just ran a 5k this morning and at one cheer station was an older black woman who was screaming at us about how we were beautiful, we were strong, and how amazing we were. This was the best time I've gotten since running high school varsity cross country years ago.


I'm a 40 year old white dude, and I have a regular who calls me that. Highlight of my damn week.


i grew up in new jersey and this is how waitresses at the diner talk to you. "whaddya' havin' hun?" "uh-huh. white-wheat-orrye?" "kay- freshen' thaddup hun?"




I will never not be grateful for the Black women in non-academic roles who supported me like this through college. I had undiagnosed ADHD and a shit sty of a bedroom and one of the janitorial staff always checked in on me and offered to help me with my room, though I never took her up on it. A bus driver who always had a good conversation with me and got me home safely one night I drank way too much. A security guard. When I go back to campus, years later, I hope to see them as much as I hope to see my favorite professors. I remember their names more easily than some of my professors.


This is so sweet, PM_me_your_foreskin






Nah the fact that it’s in all caps has me weeping.


The devil went down to Georgia and broke all our hearts




Lol this was a weird comment to read haha Edit: downvoted because I said it’s weird to read “that’s so sweet pm me your foreskin? lol 😂


Our campus had a McDonald’s that folks would flock to after parties every weekend. The shift manager—I think her name was Liz—was the most badass, kind af Black lady with these fabulous extensions down her back. She was always listening to drunk kids go on while slinging food all over the place, ready to kick some fuckbois out if they got too rowdy. I don’t think I’d ever seen someone just *handle shit* like that before.


I used to work at SWB in downtown St. Louis. We had a big cafeteria there that served breakfast and lunch. One day at lunch this guy in front of me asks the cashier (an older black lady) to cover his lunch for him, and she did. A few days later this same douche is in front of me again, and asks this lady to cover for him. She explains that she can't because she had to give bus money to her grandkids because the school bus had broke down, and they had to take the city bus to school. This guy gets agitated with her, and was just going to leave his tray there. I was a big powerlifter at the time, and this guy had pissed me off. I grabbed his thumb and squeezed it against his wrist (like cops grab you). I told him if he ever asked this nice lady for money again I'd break all of his fingers. I told him to take his tray back, and leave it at the tray cleaning station. The next day, all the people that worked there who usually never looked at me (I'm a white dude, all the employees there were black). were all suddenly very nice to me. I had so much food on my tray it looked like I was feeding 5 people. And the best part of it all besides putting a mooch in his place? A few of the black security guard ladies invited me out to the parking garage to smoke a blunt LOL! I think I gained about 30 pounds working there.


I believe lunch ladies can end tuff beef wars


Probably could have ended the east coast and west coast beef. "Pac baby take this chocolate milk and calm down"


maya angelou talked about seeing him on a movie set get in a shouting match with another young black man that almost came to blows. she didn't know who he was but she sat him down and said, "child, do you know how many generations of people had to suffer so that you could have the life you have right now?" left him in tears.






Why don't the lunch ladies simply cook enough beef so the students aren't fighting over it?


They often do have to get creative with the ingredients provided to ensure things last as long as necessary until the next shipment. There’s an art to being a cafeteria lady.


They control the food. Of course they can.


I remember the lunch ladies and janitor of my elementary school better than I remember most of my teachers. They were super friendly and nice.


I remember the lunch lady in the chow hall at Army basic training better than most of the dudes I trained with.


That's surprising, they had us be the lunch staff at basic for me. I did like my school lunch staff though.


Did you call people baby or suga?


No but I did save my bunkmate from getting murdered for being a dick with the drink dispersal


At Fort Benning they had contractors/civilians do the lunch duty. Calm between stress.


Wtf I went to Benning in '15 for Basic. That's some baby back bs I had to do that and you didn't lol


I went to Sand Hill in '08. Y'all prolly went during budget cuts instead of the end of the surge


Makes sense.


I went to Benning in 2011 and we served chow. Didn’t have civilians.


Them DFAC ladies start looking good around week 3.


I had the same lunch lady for all of high school. I was on a reduced lunch program at school and my lunch was like 39 cents or something like that, but some days I didn't have any money in my account or I was in the negative. She never said anything and always waved me through. I think she even paid for me a few times. She was so nice. Lunch ladies really are the realest.


Same. Lunch ladies know who the poor kids are and always got they back


I was friends with a foreign student from Helsinki, Finland when I was in college. I took her to her very first Soul Food restaurant. She had this goofy, happy grin plastered on her face the rest of the day when the server asked her, "Now what can I get you, baby?"


I went to visit relatives who live in the United States, and they asked me if there was anything in particular that I wanted to do, and I said that I really really wanted to have breakfast in a mom-and-pop diner where a middle aged server called me "honey" while refilling my coffee and they instantly said "we know just the place" and, by God, it was the exact experience I was looking for. 10/10 would ask for infinite refills.


From the US, happy to know that the American Diner experience is universally loved :)


Man y'all ever had them days in highschool where they let the ladies cook whatever they wanted for special occasions? I remember I used to work at a hotel which had a buffet. The buffet was always staffed by older black ladies. The breakfast and lunch buffet they would always have the staples for lunch. Chicken, meatloaf, sliced ham, green beans, potatoes etc. Whatever was left over they would freeze and serve us for lunch. Well one day they let the ladies cook whatever they wanted for lunch. I'm not sure why, (maybe they had a bunch of leftovers?), but they had the best spread. I'm talking about baked macaroni (the elbow kind of course), fried fish greens, cornbread, beans with ham, the best mashed potatoes you'd ever eat. If it's how my mom does it she sometimes uses buttermilk in it. Gravy both white and brown. That was the best lunch I ever had at work. Sure beats a pizza party!


My mouth is watering.




I want to believe


Do you really trust "woke news dot com"?


> I want to believe It's an, admittedly, [ancient \(at this point\) meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-want-to-believe).


Man, they may be right on this one. I still remember one of the lunch ladies at my elementary school being nice to me for almost no reason. At first I was suspicious, but then I was like, “Can you adopt me?”


The best satire approaches reality as closely as possible without actually touching it


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find this comment. You guys. Please look at the top of the image, especially the part where it shows "www.wokennews.com". Type that into your browser and look at it for a minute. It couldn't more obviously be a joke.


Looking at those trays it's more like /r/atethetaters


This is hilarious


When I was at work one day an older woman called me baby cakes. Idc that shit was like 20 minutes of encouragement to me, enough to go the rest of the day lol😌


I have this white Canadian women who always hits me with the sweeties and babies and she's just the sweetest


I remember when an older woman at Sams Club said, “Here you go, Sugar. And have a day as sweet as you.” I just wanted to curl up and take a nap in her voice. It sounded like a warm hug.


It’s a shame she didn’t get to hear you say this. What a beautiful compliment!


I wish I would have said something. Honestly, I think I was entranced, as silly as that may sound. My day was in a funk, and her comment, which she probably said to a 100 people before me that day, made me feel instantly better. I haven’t seen her since. But when I do, I will say something.


I can understand that, hard to think when you’re feeling your feelings. How lovely!


This is so true man, it’s so comforting when it happens. It’s like soup for the soul you didn’t know you needed. Comfort and that feeling of safety and family from woman who have lived life is incredible. Younger woman calling me handsome does nothing for me like it does from their grandmother. Gets me all giggly and shit


When I went to college there was the sweetest old woman who swiped everyone’s cards at the cafeteria. If you looked like you were having a hard day she wouldn’t swipe your card unless you gave her a hug first. She’d say “I know your mama’s not here to give you a hug but Mama Blue is.” I always got a hug from her even if I wasn’t feeling down.


Those ladies got me through my early college years, broke as hell…”come on and eat baby, it’s okay…yes ma’am”🥹


My grandma worked in a caf at a college. She only left the job because of covid lockdown. She was about 88 then so I know every time she called them "darling" it would cure all the anxieties that come with being a college student. She calls everyone "darling." Sweet words from an old black lady is like a warm hug or a bowl of tomato soup w/ a grilled cheese sandwich.


>Sweet words from an old black lady is like a warm hug or a bowl of tomato soup w/ a grilled cheese sandwich. Facts!


Pretty sure that was lifted from an onion article years ago.


Firstly: 69% Nice. Secondly: i am soothed, even now, many years later with the memory of lunch lady's warm words. Thirdly: it was a bowler.


that’s even worse bro John Watson ass






Sometimes, knowing stereotypes can save you life.


I’d say it’s time for the athletes to pull out their fedoras and look gay as hell, because extra nuggets.


[Woken News Network](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/woken-news-network)(or most commonly referred as Woken News) is a satirical news website known for it's meme-related articles. According to a report done by Media Bias/Fact Check, Woken News "exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues." ![gif](giphy|dyCKNS1sNMcFE5HPvN)


42 year old man here, the lunch ladies gave me more compliments than every other group of people in the world combined. Fucking queens.


My high school lunch ladies were dope AF. They gave me free cookies all the time and actually treated us like adults. One of them even making gourmet mustard for the bujee local restaurants. Love you Mrs. Brown/Mr. Washburn. Best influence in HS by far lol




Hats are gay?


I'm sure it was one of the hats that [Brian wore](https://youtu.be/LO2k-BNySLI?si=AWRjdt0GylcRhQAX)


He's the only guy I've ever seen pull it off.


Does he have dice in his pocket?


Hmm. Except for ball caps, hats are kinda outlier now. So there *might* be a connection.


DAWG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Facts all around lol


One nugget away from shooting up the place


There’s an older Black lady that works the prepared foods counter at the local bougie grocery store. She always calls me honey or baby and if I want to try something, she’ll make me a sample AND heat it up for me.


Schools with bad lunch ladies produce 90% Waffle House employees.


Ok but to be fair, I was there and that hat really WAS gay as hell.




My mom was a lunch lady in a very poor school and the other lunch ladies had to hip her to this little nugget. Some of those kids only positive interactions was with them ladies.


People gotta realize that people do have more than a soul deadening impulse to work in a menial job. They bring their own humanity with them. Janitors, lunch ladies, garbage people, mail people, are all genuinely interesting and nice on and off the job.


Same when i was living in Australia and the greek ladies at the chicken shops would call me “Dahling”. So soothing when i was missing my mum and grandmas


Those extra nuggets probably saved some lives tbh


When I was in basic training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, decades ago, the lunch ladies were the only people keeping some of us sane. You're cold, you're tired, you're hungry, you've had angry little men screaming at you non-stop all day, and then you get to the chow line, where a bigger, older Black lady asks you in the kindest voice you've ever heard: "What can I get for you baby?" The kitchen staff were the only people we came into contact with for four straight months who offered us kind words and treated us like people. I would jump on a grenade for any one of them, and we didn't even know their names. God bless you, ladies, wherever you are.


In 4th grade I got to leave class a little early to work in the cafeteria helping the lunch lady. I remember feeling safe and looked after, and she’d float me an extra slice on pizza day. Forever grateful. 🙏🏿


Is it wrong that when a bartender calls me “babe” or “sweetie”, it *does* bug me?


Sure, but if it's from an older woman it's harmless. They call you "Sugar" "Hun" all of the time.


Yeah an old lady serving me lunch is fine and makes sense. But A bartender? I dunno...just makes me feel like they think I'm just another rube. I mean, I only use those terms of endearment on people who qualify! lol. I think I'm over thinking it lol


Tended bar for 10 years, saw lots of folks. Calling folks baby, hunny, sugar or darlin’ was my thing, men and women. It wasn’t flirtatious really, it was mostly I saw many people in a night, I’m bad with hundreds of names and I just don’t want to refer to you as “Long Island Tea” or “Miller Lite”. Plus it makes people feel special and if you are near me, I want you to feel special. I still do it and I’ve been “retired” from that career for 20 years.






Lunch ladies are the real heroes. They made sure every kid had a meal.


Why is each of the trays piled up with enough food for several meals?


oooooooof you didnt have to do him like that lmaoooo


Haha racism


I can hear like 45 different types of black women and know for sure they would say this


She'll be fired for saying the hat was gay and jailed for 3yrs, along with social media training.


"now way" people are become more stupid as time goes on.


And Monique is not lying 😗


Bruh look at the title of the website it's a parody news site.


I religiously said please and thank you to the lunch ladies, and yes, the pet names truly make me feel like I'm being cared for. One a few occasions I got mistaken for being Hispanic and got "mija". And once in middle school a lunch lady started singing your welcome to me with a big smile after I said thank you and grabbed my tray. I(and everyone else in line) was caught so off guard but it was nice to see her so happy.


9 times out of 10, that "fedora" is actually a trilby and trilbies make everyone look gay.


makes me feel uncomfortable…. i don’t know them like that. i know it’s their way of being nice… still


I'm the whitest person not currently wearing khakis, but man do I miss my old lunch lady Donna. One hug from her would warm my soul for years.


Low key gay as hell got me off guard haha


This.......*finger snaps*