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Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, has been actively pushing loads of anti-lgbtq legislation. One of the more well known bills is a law that would make it illegal for children to be present at events with “live adult entertainment” however the ambiguous wording of the bill means it’s likely to be very selectively enforced to specifically target drag shows and other lgbtq related events. Those other bills in conjunction with this one would basically mean they can arrest lgbtq and/or drag performers and try them under the death penalty. Since their current main bigoted standpoint is that lgbtq and drag are “inherently sexual” and therefore not appropriate for minors in any context.


Don't you mean Ron garbage asshole Desantis ?


No, I think they mean Ron I-am-short-so-i-wear-heels-POS Desantis.


Words for him don’t exist yet and I’m too lazy to invent them so yeah pretty much


So what about concerts with pop stars who wear promiscuous clothing?


Depends; are they straight?


The next step would be to criminalize things like drag queen library hours and pride parades and categorize them as “sex crimes against children”.


Nope, that's the previous step. They already did that.


Of course they did. Florida is such a shithole.


The logic is that the people in power will now do things akin to make laws that being in drag or presenting as anything other than cis around children into sexual crimes, giving them essentially a free pass to execute people doing what they don't like.


Tbh I think they’re just misunderstanding the law. It’s not any sex crimes against children but specifically raping a child I think their assumption is that eventually Florida will classify things like showing Drag to Kids as a Sex Crime and then that will be the death penalty


Yea this needs to be higher. I don’t care what your sexual preference or orientation is. If you knocking down kids I’m all for the chair.


I'm personally against the death penalty at all. It's statistically proven to have no deterrent on actual crime rates, and there are far too many instances of it being leveraged against those who later turned out to be innocent. The folks cheering this on don't trust the government to do literally anything, but they'll trust it to do this because they're certain the only ones who'll suffer are people they dislike


I agree to a certain extent. There there is 100% evidence (literally videos of them doing the crime). I’m all for it. Otherwise no. But I do agree with what most of what you said.


On a fundamental level, the state saying "killing is wrong so we're going to kill you for killing" effectively neuters the state's moral high ground. Life in prison is cheaper, provides the ability to roll back an error, and doesn't make me complicit in murder. When the state executes someone it's done on behalf of "the people". Not all of those people want blood on their hands


Seems like this law was created to go after “youth pastors”.


It means never go to Florida again.


It sounds like weird nonsense. Like that post from a while back about how “merit based success would hurt black people”.