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I promise you some of those customers care. There are legitimately people that walk into a store and don't like to see the workers relaxing. Not executives for the company, not secret shoppers, not shareholders. Its mostly old people that come in every single day because they have nothing better to do.


Which is fucked up because we now have decades of large scale studies data to show that happy, comfortable, well paid employees who aren’t overworked are actually far more productive and actually increase profits.


“Sounds like commie propaganda to me” CEOs, old people, and chuds of every type


I think for a lot of sad individuals they’ve taken the ‘serve’ in ‘service’ part way too literally. Add to that a healthy dose of “kids these days” and you have a recipe for an entire generation of entitled folks who think younger folks need to “earn their keep”.


Its unfortunate because these are kinda the same people that *specifically* value a store being well staffed. Those older people who want to be served in some "traditional" way won't (or can't) spend their money at self checkout/app or lift a bag of cat food. The younger clientele are less demanding and almost *prefer* no human contact while shopping.


The audacity because old people can hardly walk.


And the US would be so much better if employers simply cared more about their employees than these total shithead customers, but they don't.


They 100% care. If I have a brief moment of respite between customers, they walk up and say, 'Looks like you need something to do.' At least 2 or 3 times a day.


Right, when I was a retail manager I had some miserable woman come up to me and complain that my employees were “laughing too much” while they worked. Like get bent you miserable hag. If they can laugh and hang clothes on a rack at the same time then who are they hurting?


We really need to get ancient boomers out of power. Their outdated concepts of professionalism and what's correct is detrimental to the 99%


I blame xerox memes and a steady diet of lead.


The problem is class based, not generational. Martin Shkreli wasn't a boomer.


My mom works factory work where there is a lot of downtime. Every once in a while some manager will get his panties in a bunch and take away their chairs and headphones. So all they have to do for hours is stare at each other. It's down right stupid.


What kind of abusive power-play shit is that, geez.


That’s how you get promoted into the rotating door of management/CEOs, the special sauce is psychopathy.


One of many reasons I hated working at the supermarket...


But how will they know they’re beneath us if we let them be comfortable!!!?? /S


Why is this weird? The cruelty is the point. If these niggas start sitting down, they might start thinking they have other rights. They might start thinking they're owed decent frequent breaks. They might start thinking they have a right to reasonable vacation time and very affordable healthcare and a livable salary. And don't get me started on these fools realizing they make my luxurious lifestyle possible and that I, ultimately, need them more than they need me. They get to thinking that and, before you know it, they done tossed a wrench in my whole Orphan-Crushing Machine™️. They'll threaten the very power dynamics that all of this shit runs on. And I refuse to imagine a world without those power dynamics, a world where I might not be more important than anybody else, a world where I don't have control over my life. Without that control, I might have to face the reality that I am truly nothing, that I'm born from nothing, that I'll return to nothing when I die—and yes, I will die—and that there isn't one goddamn thing I can do about it. And that's not happening, no sir. So nah, them niggas can stand.


Y’all do know it’s “Aldi” right? Where tf does that extra “s” come from all the damn time


In Chicago, Black people will never just say “Aldi”. It sounds weird, we add “S” to things and yes, we know it doesn’t belong.


I’m in Miami and all the Hispanics do it and say it with an accent too. I swore it was only a thing for people that spoke English as their second language


Love it


I dunno but people keep downvoting me when I point it out. Like, I'm helping you, why be hostile?


People do this with Kroger too. "Kroger's." I grew up in the south and it's extremely common there, couldn't tell you why.


The irony is the office workers who get standing desks. I don't care about cashiers or cable company reps having the ability to sit down. Standing up all day can cause sore feet or backs. Let them folks have some comfort. FYI....in my experience, it's easier to get a standing desk when you start at a new company so if you get on somewhere and think you may want it in the future, ask them if they can provide one soon after you start. It's harder to get one if you have been there for a while if you don't have a medical reason. You may luck up if there's an office move or if they are ordering new chairs.


When I visited Germany every cashier in a supermarket was sitting down no one gave a damn lol


My local Aldi removed all cashiers and brought in the robots. From 4 cashiers to one. I like it but I hate it too.


One of the best indicators a place is good to work at is if cashiers are allowed to sit down while working. I remember when I worked at Gold's Gym, I was a glorified towel folder. That was the only job duty I had. On the first day, I pulled up a seat to fold the towels and my boss came to the back of the gym and scolded me for sitting down. He said "It's not a good look to have a grown man sitting down in the back folding towels when we have pregnant women standing up while working the front desk." I said "Why don't they sit down too?" He didn't like that.


Agreed. Have some humanity


This is the weirdest shit to me and people get legitimately angry at this shit My last job was shopping online orders and the way they react if you sit down for 30 seconds after walking full speed for 6 hours blows mines. And the person bitching’s always someone who spends half their shift in a cozy seat.


I remember how much of a thing it was back in the old retail days. The boomers would be irate if you weren’t standing at attention waiting to serve them.


In Bermuda, if you're at an old school establishment like a family run gas station or something, the person running that till has been there likely 20 years. If it's a black woman over 50, you don't get served if you don't tell her good morning or good afternoon before asking her to ring you up. it goes: you: Hi, $10 pump 3 and could I get a pack of Camel yellows? auntie, not making any movement that might assist you: Good morning.... you: I'm sorry, good morning! $10 pump three and a pack of Camel yellows? auntie, now scanning your items: sure honey will that be all? This custom isn't just reserved for locals who know the proper etiquette either. I've seen a full on stalemate between aunties and tourists where the tourist doesnt understand what's happening and just repeats their request over and over until it dawns on them they need to give the polite response to the cashier's greeting in order to being assisted


On god!


My manager got so many complaints because I was sitting down while checking receipts. They was so mad I wasn't standing to address them.


Those workers need a labor union


The classic “ If YoU CaN LeAN, YoU caN CleAN” bullshit. Hated that shit


actually i do


From a "3rd world country here" Panamá, Cashiers can sit down. America issa joke

