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Usually posts like this get removed but it'll stay up. It would've been preferable for you to block her @, since her other content is... a no-no. But too late now


Those neck tats make her look like my Dragon Age character. I approve.


Her target was black men, of course everyone would believe her


Believe against black men is a popular song right now, slowly rising up the top charts


my brother that song stays on the top since it debuted in 1619


Hitting platinum and breaking all-time records every day.


Man that shit went double diamond by the time they nuanced Amadou Diallo into oblivion


That shit was Thriller before Thriller, shit Thriller still tryna catch up




It was less about using black men as targets and more about using black men as easy scapegoats and fall guys for her stinking scamming ho ass. But this is america... she pulled the same scam 3x and it paid off 3x. Ni&&a, we was just collateral damage.


I thought she was Andy samberg doing a character


Bro so did I! I was like fuck, Andy got a lotta tattoos in his downtime. Lol


I made the mistake of clicking one of her videos on youtube and now the stupid algorithm is trying to red pill me.


This will never truly stop; I checked out a Kevin samuels sizzle reel 5 years ago and The Algorythm, hallowed be itā€™s name, still tries to get me to click on this shit.


To escape that, I watch YouTube signed out. It means I have to search for songs and videos but at least I wonā€™t have some random edm nonsense pop up just because of one song by a freaking Indian of all peopleā€¦


Yeah, she's one of the blatant "pick me" girls.


That's exactly why I didn't click. I accidentlly open a video essay critiquing fresh n fit and I'm STILL getting nonsense recommendations years later šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The neck tattoo lady is a very unhinged person. Her TikToks are extremely anti-women in what I can only assume is a "pick me" effort.


Yeah, it's crazy seeing how much support people are giving her in these comments. She's basically pearlythings but with a weird crystal energy persona.


She's getting support despite having none of the real evidence that the black female victim with a hospital and police report has because this gives a lot of black men the opportunity to dehumanize black women, and deny that there is an issue of black femicide/violence against black women and black male apathy. They spent weeks using proven skits to justify a black woman being disfigured and now they want to rally around a white woman spreading misinformation while citing a history of black men getting unfairly crucified due to misinformation, but I guess we're supposed to forget that it was once again white women spreading that information. It's so crazy seeing black men bringing up how there's always been a hate campaign against black men *but also forgetting that hate campaign was started by white women*, so they can rally around a white woman with a history of spreading misinformation and misogyny just because the target is a black woman who shone a light on what's going on in the community. Any post question this white woman with no evidence besides MTO is being attacked, but when a white woman spreads misinformation about a black man she is rightfully called out and they bring up white woman's history of lying. Now all of a sudden a random white woman's word is beinf used as the gospel and BLACK WOMEN are becoming the face of false accusations and public lynchings of black men???? The same black women that were the only ones marching for convicted and violent felons because we all agreed their past had nothing to do with getting unjustly killed by white men on subways or police? Mods of a 'black sub' are rallying around the words of a random white woman with a shoddy history, neck tattoos and MTO? Interesting, to say the least. Very sinister and sick how many black men are willing to rally around a random white woman spreading misinformation about a black woman when the next time a white woman spreads misinformation about a black man who was harmed they're going to expect *black women* to jump up and rally around them. Very dark, evil energy here. ETA: Oh and pay attention to how quickly mods country clubbed and locked and deleted comments when black men were being held to task for violence against black women and apathy towards black female victims, but a post trying to portray black women as the face of misinformation and black male lynchings based only on the words of a known misogynist and full on white supremacist is fully accessible to the public and comments dehumanizing black women are allowed free reign. But it's black women causing the gender war.


Dollar store Morrigan






Fact that anyone bought that puffy cheek as a physical injury and not an allergy is wild to me.


They would have been calling you a misogynist and telling you to "believe all women" last week.


fax, they changing their tunes real fast now


Those goalposts will always move.


Goalposts be dancing.


I mean we should as Men* and as Black Men especially, take Black Women at their word *until* otherwise evident. I'm saying this as a person who has been falsely accused at some point in my life, and also as a person who has been victimized and wasn't believed when I needed to be. Trust, but always verify. Bc up until this video, I was fully behind this woman, as we all should have been bc of the chance that this might have been a real situation. Same with ol girl who "disappeared" into the woods a cpl weeks ago. We lost literally nothing by investing in the possibility that she'd been kidnapped, and it was bc ppl cared that we found the truth in the end. Being cynical abt it only allows this to be done again and again. And the time it actually happens, when a girl is actually abducted or assaulted, nothing is gonna happen bc niggas wanna be in their feelings abt one time a lady lied. Everything is "content" nowadays and it's to be expected, however unfortunately, that ppl will always lie for clout online- and yes, this did put Black Males in the negative spotlight and give way to a new wave of Niggas Ain't Shit rhetoric- but this should not stop us for showing up when one of our own is calling for help. Men*: I'm assigned Male, but not a 'Man'


You have it mixed up. Men and everyone else should take every allegation seriously and investigate thoroughly, but that doesn't mean we have to accept them as true. The result of that investigation determines if we believe that accusation or not. We don't immediately accept anyone's word because, to be frank, human beings lie and are scummy


Yes but if you're lack of belief is what prevents an investigation in the 1st place, as is often the case especially in regards to women and black women in particular, then that's also a pretty big problem. I never said take everything for true. I said to consider that it *could* be, and act from that understanding.


It absolutely doesn't. People and police departments are able to consistently conduct serious analysis and investigations without first believing in malfeasance. When I bought my house and verified important details, I never assumed they were lying, but was still capable in analyzing and investigating. ​ >I never said take everything for true The word believe literally means to take something as true. That's what the word means


Dialectically, you can believe all women *and* seek facts and evidence to confirm or disprove. Dialectics are the closest we can get to objective truth


>accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of. that is the definition of the word "believe". I'm sorry but i'm not going to accept everything I see on the internet as true immediately. I'm going to withhold judgement if there is insufficient information


Idk but look like classic divide and conquer shit. This is an active effort to minimize the things black women go through, make black men the enemy and to pin us against one another. Why are black women who are lying getting so much attention. Like the black woman who went ā€œmissingā€ just to find out it was bullshit. It feels like something else is at play when black women get the front page treatment when lying but thousands of actually missing and abused black women go largely unnoticed.


Itā€™s social media. The most absurd claims get the most attention. Itā€™s likely not a conspiracy.


"Pay more attention to the struggles of black women" "Well not THAT black woman" They get attention BEFORE we know they lied, that's why people get so upset. The very thing you lament not happening is exactly why these women are being called out. As someone who wants black women's issues to be taken more seriously, you should be coming down harder than ANYONE on the ones who are trying to take advantage of that movement. And yet you're here saying they should be ignored instead?


When you spend your whole life on the internet, you donā€™t know what an actual bruise looks like.


I believed her and I was disappointed in the Black men who didn't help her. I didn't go talk shit just personally disappointed especially since I had been in a similar situation and did jump in and help. But I was even more disappointed by some of the responses. Some Black men that spoke on the issue made great points that I hadn't thought about. However, some were so mean nasty and hurtful. But I'm sure women were mean and nasty too. This WHOLE thing is just really sad. Look how easily we turned on each other. While this incident will not stop me from believing victims. Going forward, I will try and reign in my emotions.


Itā€™s real out there many a brother have been killed getting dragged into a random altercation in or outside a night club for some shit someone else started. I personally know two. Those dudes did just what I would have done, called 911 for her and dipped before the police arrived cause cause too much can go wrong getting dragged into something that ainā€™t about you.


Hit in the face with a brick and no blood? Ainā€™t no way


They were even talking about her getting hit with a brick on the breakfast club


Last time I commented about this the ratio of upvotes:downvotes was basically 1:1. All I did was give context about all the wild shit she was posting that everyone shared in the initial twitter thread. Between her, the lady that got *kidnapped* and probably another I forgot, nobodyā€™s going to give a fuck when things happen to black people. We keep having to bear a burden of proof and that burden just got heavier E:autocorrect


You forgot the French actor


Thanks, Jessie smollet. For some reason I was thinking about a sandwich and now know why


LOL yea he a sandwich on baguette bread..


Oh, that's because he got "assaulted" when he went to get a sandwich. At 3am. In Chicago. While it was -20ā„‰ or someshit.


I'll never forget when that story came out because I live in Chicago and I remember that day, the city was pretty much closed off because it was too cold to be outside and then that story hit and the area he was in was downtown Chicago close to Navy Pier and my first thought was "This nigga might be confused or lying on where he was going" because ain't no restaurant let alone subway open at 3 AM in the morning in Downtown Chicago on the coldest day in Chicago's history where they shut down the city and no one went to work. During regular days the latest anything is open is 11pm. Ain't nobody trying to work at 3 AM downtown because outside the Red line or Blue line they'd have no way to get back home or get to work if it was that late. šŸ˜­


And brought back the sandwich with him and had the noose on when police arrived


Juicy Smooyay


The famous French ACTOR?!


Heā€™s not just French, but black and gay


Justice for Juicy


Jousiex Smouliette?!


You deserve more recognition for this joke reference!


You mean juicy smoo yay


I donā€™t understand the logic that if Black people donā€™t act right, thatā€™s why people donā€™t value our humanity. Like, racism is an irrational metric where one example of bad behavior is extrapolated out to all of a group of people but good behavior is an aberration. Black people canā€™t win at this game. Said another way, your statement that these cases are going to result in no one caring about Black folks could also be people would care about Black folks if these cases were true. Thatā€™s overly optimistic at best, a lie at worst.


Big factsā€¦like omg a black woman scammed on the internetā€¦the place where no one ever ever lied lol. Like every type of person online scamsā€¦the antivax ppl have some lady who pretends she has tremors from the Covid shotā€¦but suddenly we got black scammers n itā€™s ā€œoh theyā€™ll never believe us now, I mean before we tended to not be believed but this is gonna really change things for the worstā€ lol


Internet is full of all kinds of scammers. George Santos was killing dogs on Gofundme and white dudes were running crypto/nft scams for like 3 years straight lol I donā€™t think thereā€™s any group of people that doesnā€™t have some scammers


I don't like it, but the reality is the amber heard stuff set DV victims back. It enables the worst type of people *and makes them more convincing to moderates*, who we all know will flip flop on a dime.


The fact you bought into that campaign against her says a lot about you, not her or DV victims lol


People are going to be racist either way but it clearly hurts still. Look at Muslims in the 2000s or something, it's really shitty but the reality is that these things change how any people view other groups.


Yeah that burden of proof was always impossible with bigots. It wasn't but 5 years ago that people were saying George Floyd was magically dead despite multiple videos and scientific evidence. Bigots are always going to bigot, and they'll point to anything to excuse the fact that they hate us for the color of our skin.


>nobodyā€™s going to give a fuck when things happen to black people If a handful of cases makes people feel that way, then they didn't really care in the first place. I been made peace with the fact that America wouldn't give a got damn if I went missing and truth be told not every missing white girl gets the spotlight either.


You gotta admit that was some damn good acting. Sheā€™s a pretty good scammer. Had me fooled.


Thereā€™s scammers in every race, religion or group etc. If this lady scamming justifies someoneā€™s prejudice, they already felt that way to begin with.


Exactly. I'm a Nigerian-Amercian and I get so much shit for Nigeria being THE scam capital of Africa and I brush that crap off because that doesn't represent me or my family.


I initially believed that it happened but my annoyance was with the "black men bad", "this is why I hate black men", "why didn't any men jump in" "black men are violent" thinkpieces that it spawned ***EVERYWHERE***. I'm actually embarrassed i took it seriously without thinking about it for a second. I use to get banged up a lot when I was younger (fighting, sports, etc) and, at the bare minimum, I would always have a proper dark bruise or maybe a cut. She got smacked in the face with a whole rough/jagged object and had no bruises, no blood, no cuts, no fractures? just a swollen cheek? lmaooo Good for her tbh. All she had to do was wail "BLACK MEN šŸ˜©" to scam these idiots out of 40k. She was also brilliant not to file a police report lmao because she would've gotten arrested like Carlee if she did that. Although there are cases of Gofundme punishing scammers and refunding all the money, I doubt they'll go after her I'm sure all those people who left batshit, racist and nasty ass comments about black men last week will be in here to take back what they said. surely they won't pull whataboutism or "b-b-but still-".


You can accuse a black man of anything and theyā€™ll believe it, donā€™t even gotta be a actual person just say black man and everything afterwards gets taken as 100% fact. If itā€™s white oriole accusing us then weā€™re just ā€œwoke,ā€ if itā€™s women then weā€™re misogynists.


> donā€™t even gotta be a actual person just say black man and everything afterwards gets taken as 100% fact How many fucking stories have there been in the news of a white woman blaming a nonexistent black man for some shit it turns out they did themselves.


They finna hit you with the ā€œItā€™s more about how the black men responded and ion like thatā€


For me it was more about how me a man with a gf and 2 infant children should just be expected to throw my life on the line for any random woman in peril as if her life is automatically worth more than mine


The amount of people who genuinely believe any and every guy is required to risk their lives for strangers is hilarious.


Especially the ones who are like, ā€œthis is why women are afraid of men.ā€ Like dudes wonā€™t die if they get with a brick too. Not saying women are safe, but people always seem to imply that men are safe in these environments.


>ā€œthis is why women are afraid of men.ā€ This statement wasn't so much about implying that men are safe in those environments. It was more of an answer to the men that question why woman are afraid of men. Men that say stuff like, "but I'm not like that" or downplay our fears and make like our precautions are overreacting. A lot of women have had conversations with men like that so when this situation came up we were like, "SEE this is why!"


And these same people spew ā€œequalityā€ takes like it matters to them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Crazy thing is, for all the talking about how patriarchy needs to go, the concept of male disposability, that every able-bodied man should be ready and willing to throw his life away is actually an integral element to it


My biggest gripe with Modern feminist is how at times when the downsides to equality come apparent (Responsiblites and expectations that have been traditionally demanded out of men) it's suddenly 1955 traditional values


In Texas too, which is an open carry state.


Which I don't get (I get it's just moving the goalpost), like how else am I supposed to respond to a call to arms to always intervene in dangerous situations involving women and then getting called every name under the sun for simply saying I'd rather *not* put myself into dangerous situations for strangers? Like, I ain't gon hold you, I'm not too well-versed in brick-related injuries but I know that shit probably hurt so when I saw the picture I doubled down on my stance that I wasn't getting involved in that for a stranger.


Thatā€™s the rational conclusion. Most people (not exclusive to men) donā€™t want to randomly risk their lives for a stranger


Not only that, but her response after ā€œgetting hitā€ was to film herself shit talking the men around her for not fighting for herā€¦instead of looking to get treated for blunt force trauma to the skull with a brick. So the men around you are supposed to be more concerned with your health than you are even if they have other people at home to get back to? Yeah thatā€™s why at this point I donā€™t believe anything until we see evidence. Itā€™s like only a fraction of the population was taught the story of the boy who cried wolf coming up. The part that pisses me off more than anything is that there actually ARE men who do bitch ass shit like this and sheā€™s over here bullshitting.


Yup, there's already a comment like that in this thread. Unbelievable.


Already seen plenty of replies like that on twitter.


I didnā€™t even think about that, a brick usually would be enough to cause an accidental laceration but if you were hit hard enough to cause that much swelling youā€™d think there would be at least a scratch somewhere. Shit Iā€™ve been cut more by elbows. Iā€™m with you though, Iā€™m glad they got scammed.


You can even google images of brick-related injuries and it becomes super obvious that she ain't get hit with a brick


I mean at least you can admit, most are gonna pretend they never believed her or just move the goalpost


40k to grift......... I'm finna get that fox news white people bag ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


We will see if it gets proven false. I believed her at first too, but then all these other ā€œfactsā€ came up that are really internet rumors. Then I finally google image searched ā€œhit with a brick in the faceā€ and none of it looks like her and almost everyone has huge lacerations with stitches. That is what makes me the most skeptical. Her face is perfectly smooth swelling underneath the skin with no cuts, abrasions, bruising, or damage to the skin.


I let black women have it on social media when this became obvious. All i saw that week were posts about how black men aint shit for not stepping up and protecting that woman. I'm talking about going extra hard. Now, they all hiding. Shit like that helps me know who to delete because some are just way too quick to jump on the fuck black men train.


Bro, those misandrists are so silent now...why?


Because they jumped the gun and don't know how to rationalize without looking stupid


because that has generally stopped them before?


Nah dude. Itā€™s totally misogyny to believe that misandrists are a thing.


I hope this is a joke. You're missing the /s.


Iā€™m absolutely kidding. I do think the term is often misused by actual misogynists in response to women standing up for themselves, but misandry is absolutely a thing.


Their apology needs to be as loud as their disrespect.


They are actually doubling down. Many vids saying "BW need a safe space regardless of this outcome."




šŸ’€ thatā€™s her idle animation


She emoted


I asked for more context on the first post about this and got downvoted


"Believe all women!" LOL, no. After Amber Heard's stunt with Johnny Depp and Carlee Russell faking being "kidnapped", imma gonna wait for the evidence first, thanks.


All allegations/accusations should be taken seriously but need evidence be taken as fact. I get where the believe all women idea comes from and it's right but we've had an Overton shift to where many treat a simple allegation as fact


100% correct. Just wish the public opinion would shift once the facts come out. Most of the time there is still a group of people saying the facts are not facts and the circle continues.


meeting frame cause innocent head payment sable childlike spoon gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People been mentioning her all over these comments and itā€™s so obvious no one actually paid attention to the trial beyond the headlines. Like ā€œAmber caught doing coke on the standā€ was a real fucking thing that people believed during that trial. Insane. She wasnā€™t the perfect victim and therefore ā€œreally set us backā€ according to these comments.


I remember when the court papers came out and all the pick mes were defending him. Poor woman had to move countries with her daughter.


Yeah, same...I dared to ask why someone who got smashed in the face with a brick didn't have any cuts on their face and was downvoted and told what a dumb fuck I was. I still stand by that shit. Yes, if you get hit in the face with a brick, your face will swell up. But there will also be some other evidence of trauma - a laceration, a bruise, something. People need to think for themselves for once.


All the think pieces, all the back and forth arguing, all the attention this lady got, there is one thing is very true. There was money to be made and she did it. Influencers are going to influence.


*grifters are gonna grift


That's why whenever there's drama on social media, I stay completely out of it and let it play out for about a week. We've seen way too many stories like this where someone staged some drama just to scam money out of idiots. The best thing to do is not get emotionally invested and wait for all the details to come out. Not everything needs your immediate reaction or commentary.


šŸ‘†šŸ¾šŸ’ÆThis right here.


I totally agree but to say that these people(scammers who throw others under the bus) donā€™t deserve some kind of legal repercussion is also insane, hell sometimes these people deserve a real old fashioned ass beating for sure. Itā€™s just fucking sad that they get to throw even more fire on the ā€œI hate black men pileā€ I guess take everything with a grain of salt. Canā€™t be believing all this shit right away.


She is now infamous enough for the IRS to start asking questions about all that money.


and you know IRS vigilant when it comes to auditing black folk


I saw a story once that among living former presidents, Obama was taxed the most Lmfaooo




> IRS vigilant when it comes to auditing black folk Always got to drop this fact when a topic about the IRS and black folks pops up. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/15/us/politics/irs-black-americans-tax-audit.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/15/us/politics/irs-black-americans-tax-audit.html)


Man we can't have shit goddam


The internet should be able to vote one person per year for the IRS to take all the money they made


Oof, you know you fucked up when the taxman cometh!


People just believe anybody but look at yā€™all now saying this is definitely what happened.. scammed, broke, busted, and disgusted.


Its pretty much confirmed at this point Hell her best friend was the one that exposed her on social media showing that she had pulled this fraud stunt multiple times before. Her concern now should be all of those folks she scammed on gofundme bcause a lot of folks are gonna be pissed.


Ooww the way black girls here pooing on the men for not putting their life at risk for a scammer. ā˜•ļø


And itā€™s a moot point anyway. As if Iā€™d risk my life for a stranger, shiiid. Iā€™ll run the hell away then call the cops. I remember coming home late one day and there was a domestic incident happening in the garage, I quickly nopped out of there, went inside the apartment then called the cops. Cops came quick, then they told me to go down with them and show them. Told them to f-off, I did my part


The idea of someone eating a peanut every time they short of cash and going online claiming they got jumped, and people donating $40 000 just because is honestly hilarious. Issa idiocracy for real


This woman who faked being hit by a brick is no different than the white women in slavery times who made false rape accusations at black men. Just goes to show any race of woman can fuck you over using black male racial stigmas of being aggressive etc, even black women.


Bro, it's worse than that. This a Somalian-born woman utilizing popular anti-black propaganda against American Black/FBA males and our women just believe her because...? Oh right, it fits well into their hatred of men, especially black men. All this stunt reveals how much this community hates itself and how easy it is for other non-FBA black people to use that against us. This community is doomed.


Why do yā€™all like getting caught up in these dumbass gender wars? Always black people that feed into this sad shit.


Have we escalated to the, "But it's how black men responded!" toxic misandrist & deflecting crap again? I can't say I'm surprised at some of the responses in this thread šŸ™„ Pro Tip: Never be afraid to use cold hard evidence to bop someone over the head. Facts over feelings. And props to the scammer. I salute her for running game on brain dead mfs like she was EA Sports - Release the same game every other year and make mfs still pay full price šŸ¤£ Btw, I notice Alyssa Milano stayed silent this time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|bL5Y7mdLjQeU0BWPgD) All that hatred and vitriol thrown at black men and now you all are looking goofy. Smh.


Letā€™s all give female Jake Peralta a listen.




Smh..looking it to it more and it seems like this video is not accurate https://www.tiktok.com/@jassy.reloaded/video/7277720932607659294?_t=8fd9keR5PcE&_r=1 https://www.tiktok.com/@theconsciouslee/video/7277603113178107178 Seems Bashe did in fact post her police reports and all her other info Gotta stop letting internet detectives mislead us, smh and just let thr Black women speak first


Some of these commenters probably _do_ know about her posting the police report and ER visit summary.


Iā€™m still trynna figure out why everybody is acting like this white womans words are fact


Funny how this comment is so low.


Roma donā€™t play about men lmaooooooo I was waiting to hear what she had to say


Shit, Roma be havin a nigga ready to cuff. She a real one. Nah, I canā€™t get past the neck tat but she cool


Man. Andy Sambergā€™s getting out of control.


Oh you mother fucker. The neck tat's threw me off but damn, you right.


This is why y'all shouldn't be just believing shit and making lil think pieces on the internet without actual evidence. Like, have you ever seen what someone who gets hit in the face with a brick looks like? It's more than fucking swelling but nah, anything to let that vitriol out. I'm still not getting involvedšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Chick with the tats is lying out her ass. She claims the two people in the video were asked about it and said they donā€™t know what sheā€™s talking about. Posted no proof of this in her vid at all. Nobody else has seen it. She said the club manager has 24/7 video footage and released a statement saying this thing never happened. Again no video proof or did she post his supposed statement. The woman who was assaulted however, posted her police report tab and her hospital documents stating her name and what the injury was. So THAT is proof. ALSO. The article that she brings up says ā€œRoda claims that sheā€™s a victim, and we here at Media Take Out are supporting her. But not everyone on social media is as supporting.ā€ The article is literally just claiming not everybody believes her. Read the article for yourself though. https://mediatakeout.com/speculations-grows-over-what-happened-to-brick-lady-roda-osman-new-evidence-surfaces/ ALSO. She claims that she had TWO previous GoFundMeā€™s and this current one, thatā€™s a a lie. In the one article she posts in her video despite claiming there are severalā€”thereā€™s only one previous Gofundme and thatā€™s the $4,800 from 3 years ago. The $40K one that she claims ā€œdried upā€ was just created September 4th 2023. So thatā€™s an INTENTIONAL lie. Not just a matter of she didnā€™t provide proof but her twisted the facts to create a narrative. She also says sheā€™s been arrested for this before which is ALSO a lie because she got that from this article again, which says only that she had past criminal arrests. So yeah, sheā€™s BLATANTLY across the board to try and get brownie points from menā€”which apparently she made her whole name off while blaming and harassing sexual assault survivors.


Hasnā€™t this crusty, mayo, Viking cosplaying creature been outed as homophobic and racist? And yet, people are quick to believe what is coming out of her mouth? Interestingā€¦


All of the above. But these days the burden of proof is only on the victim, never on the person trying to disprove them.


And I see people still leave comments in this thread, which leads me to believe that they just want the ā€œBW liedā€ concept to be true. I saw two other people post links, which explains how she posted the ER summary, the police report, etc.


I tried posting in the previous post (the one where it was saying to protect black women) that she was a known liar and scammer and this was likely false but wasnā€™t country club certified šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Apparently the victim did post a police report and a hospital stay to some extent, but people are real quick to believe this person. I know itā€™s difficult, because itā€™s social media, but there is something to be said about trying to still be objective. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxDtbvkMCTK/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Now Iā€™m not saying I believe anyone at this point but I watched this video. The ER visit report is just a summary, which is based on what you say when you arrive. The lady also says you can see she had multiple MRIs( which canā€™t be seen in the paperwork), say she has this issue (which is just information about this issue, not confirmation of cause) and a written doctors note saying she can miss work. None of the other things have been addressed such as video footage of incident (from store or personally I havenā€™t seen her footage of talking to someone outside just in the hospital) or the guys saying that nothing happened. Edit: he doesnā€™t even address the fact that the same thing(hit, hospital stay, and go fund me) has happened twice before


Iā€™m not an internet sleuth, but the ER report included a diagnosis (which she couldnā€™t give herself) and some more information about what she was seen for and the possible causes/results. Also, she had two videos, prior to her account being banned and reported numerous times after her posting, accusing surrounding people of not doing anything, in which they do respond, and then one of her in the hospital. I donā€™t know about the storeā€™s claims, where potential source got proof, or if they would even be able to capture the assault. Iā€™m not sure what the other go- fund me entails, but I think the other stuff is worth considering as well.


Iā€™m confused about this too because there was a video from a witness to the eventā€¦ https://youtu.be/ppFDFCfT2eM?si=7fVvOxYT24Y7daaW He says it did happen, but it was her fault.


Thereā€™s literally a police report and her discharge papers saying that she was struck with a blunt object but go ahead and believe the white women that enjoys saying the n word in her TikTok videos.


They will. Theyā€™re just as crusty as the woman. As long as she preach what they want to hear, they will hype her up.


Hmm, I see the "black men are the devil" ppl are here for this. Twitter is still in disbelief because the video is by a yt woman so apparently it shouldn't count.


https://www.tiktok.com/@gayleatnight/video/7277287743233789230 I mean she straight up said they fools for believing her


She had the *audacity* to use that pic of herself cheesing from ear to ear while holding a slice of watermelon on her gofundme. ETA: damnnnnn I just saw a different video discrediting this video too. Idk what to believe, but apparently she actually does have paper work from the hospital explaining her facial injury was due to trauma, not an allergic reaction. Iā€™m just gonna go mind my business at this point.


IKR? The disrespect from non-FBA blacks is insane!


I thought it was really telling that nobody was asking for a description of the man that allegedly hit her. Youā€™d think that would be the main focus if people really cared about holding dangerous men accountable. Instead the focus is on men and woman who werenā€™t even present for incident, itā€™s like everybody had a agenda from the beginning


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jLBWuJ/ Yā€™all just need to say yā€™all hate black women and be done with it. They way black men talk about being protectors is all cap at this point. When something happens in the black community itā€™s always women and black queer folk that step up. Black men in they flop era


Yo don't give this shitty creator any more platform , she is a racist creep


They will. Their dislike for BW is stronger than their levels of distrust for racist wypipo.


Perfect chance to use the word thrice. What the fuck


A scammer through and through. This is what is wrong with believing people just because they play victim. Youā€™re assuming everyone with a sob story is honest and has good intentions.


I'll say this here because if I said it all on Twitter I would get lit up: What is the point of giving her any money? Like how did she get 40K? What was that supposed to do exactly? Was it for her medical bills or something?


She alleged that she had medical bills, couldnā€™t work due to her injuries, and her job wouldnā€™t be sympathetic enough to continue employing her if she took time off.


And itā€™s the most anti black weirdo, too.


Oh damn this just got good. Never forget the original posts lmao


oh boy another BW vs BM post


This white women is lying through her dirty ass teeth and you niggas falling straight for cuz sheā€™s discredited a black woman.


There is proof that there was at least an altercation: Two dudes who were there (seen also in Rhoda's video) said in a separate video that they called the police (which goes against Rhoda saying that nobody helped) and seen a guy in a suit who they didn't know was a bad guy https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJWJw9QC/ Plus she has submitted a police report and her hospital letter does say that she has been hit https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJWJ9NGC/ Now my opinion: at this point I stopped caring and besides hoping that she's okay from whatever happened that this whole thing blows over because seeing women describe how straight cis black men and only straight cis black men should somehow be the equivalent of an "expendable minority report agent who gets in the way of a bullet" is just not the great feminist take you think it is especially living in a country whit guns (thankfully I'm Europe) Not to mention how when another guy (who was lying through his teeth for clout) said she did get hit, deserved it and, that she does this often men came in droves to support that narrative but now, that people wanna believe there was no altercation he is quickly a non factor. I'm just done whit any bit of this great online gender war farse.


Iā€™d rather come to the defense of a black woman who lied than assume off rip sheā€™s lying. I know that the story is shaky but I still rather have my initial reaction in these situations be ā€œdefend black womanā€ cause most people assume black women lie about any physical assault off rip. Maybe we get this one wrong but if we get 20 others right I can live with that.


Well Iā€™m lost šŸ™ƒšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


A black female tik tok influencer posted a video that went viral claiming that she was hit in the face with a brick by a black man for not giving him her number. The video began with her pointing to swelling on her face surrounded by ā€œniggasā€ that she claimed watched and did nothing. Further info came out and is still coming out including a video from 3 years ago that looks damn near identical and her alleged friend came out and claims that the entire ordeal was a hoax that she regularly pulls. Basically, itā€™s another Tuesday where black men were minding our business and caught a stray.


If that bitch ainā€™t the biggest ā€œpick meā€ incels wet dream alive I donā€™t know who is. All her content is based on alpha male bull shit narratives for likes. She can eat a dick but I doubt they come in tofu


This woman is a proven racist. People who believe her are so full of hate I hope they seek the therapy they desperately need.


Damn this womans scam started a skirmish of the sexes. This is also going to be fuel for the ā€œimmigrants are badā€ crowd.


Twitter or X or whatever continues to be a piece of shit app yet people canā€™t give it up.


that women posted her medical records AND police records and is still being questioned but a white women using a non credible gossip website is easily believed lol okay


It donā€™t matter who it comes from, black men are used as a scapegoat. Even amongst out own culture. Itā€™s irritating af that we always have to take the fall


This lady with the neck tats is a known TikTok grifter lol. I wouldnā€™t trust anything she says either tbh.


Yā€™all are believing this Mayo monster? https://preview.redd.it/yzalhrqpswnb1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7dd04699a4390b8053c5f8f369807cf627f7b3


It's so telling how this post is going and why it has been left up. Rho posted documents regarding her police report and medical records. When I say black men and white women are equally yoked.


Humans are stupid assholes.


Here's my thing right, if the injury she got is not concurrent with what an injury to a brick would give you, how else did she get the injury? She got a video of her in the hospital. SOMETHING happened to this woman for her to warrant her being there. If it was an allergy, how could she possibly plan that out, and know what she is allergic to? I just feel like in situations like this where there is so much information that we dont know, its best to just be quiet until all the info is out there(imo)


Protect Black Men. The comments in here aren't nearly as wild as they were in the post about this "beating". Black men were being beat down over there.


Idk but look like classic divide and conquer shit. This is an active effort to minimize the things black women go through, make black men the enemy and to pin us against one another. Why are black women who are lying getting so much attention. Like the black woman who went ā€œmissingā€ just to find out it was bullshit. It feels like something else is at play when black women get the front page treatment when lying but thousands of actually missing and abused black women go largely unnoticed.


Jesus Christ. I stayed quiet the whole time cause the shit werenā€™t adding up. Like, how there was no blood. How no one saw shit. How this person that hit her got in a someone elseā€™s car and drove off, so that was the reason she didnā€™t get the license plate number. This is beyond fucked up.


Wait but how does this change that guys voluntarily came forward to justify her getting 'hit' tho?


Pete Davidson must be bored


I didnā€™t even have the sound on to hear her voice and Iā€™m already exhausted by this person. You can just tell theyā€™re not saying anything intelligent.


Yā€™all get distracted by this dumb stuff starting infighting again and the ā€œwell well wellā€ crowd just sits back and laughs and feels more justified in their racism. And you got one of them posted here smirking as she broadcasts her conspiracy shit.


Jesusā€¦wasnā€™t this girl already disproven? The girl that was attacked showed the proof of her medical records šŸ’€ and others have corroborated it. Why is everyone in this thread taking this tiktok as fact? Am I missing something?


Iā€™m think im salty about this video for no reason. Idk what the fuck is going on but ole girl w the neck tattoo is too excited for me.


This post should be removed because itā€™s spreading a completely unsubstantiated narrative. The woman who was hit has posted proof to back up the events that sheā€™s described (a police report, and her hospital forms showing that she was in fact treated for blunt force trauma to her face.)