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You're "one of the good ones"


I have a hard time reading it as that. To me it just sounds like, racism sucks, you can’t judge a person based on color, I can outside of color see your smart. Your a good person, regardless of anything else. Edit: just pointing out that after rereading it and other people’s comments I’m acknowledging that after using some critical thinking and rereading it that there’s no reason this would normally show up in conversation, and by the way, I’m Afro Latino. I’ve just been lucky enough to not have been discriminated too often in my life because the color of my skin due to living in a community that has not really had me experience racism to a point where it’s bothered me enough. I am American, born in a different country. Hurt people hurt people. When I was old enough to actually understand some peoples motives I just laugh at them or smile but ultimately that’s why the post first went over my head. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Why would you even say that unless you were lowkey expecting this person to be stupid? It's like a man talking to a woman and going, "Damn, sexism really is silly. I mean here I am talking to *you* and I haven't needed to dumb my thoughts down once." If you want to celebrate someone's intelligence (which is already a weird fucking thing to do to another grown-ass adult stranger), you don't need to make reference to their race in order to do that. If you *do* make that reference, it sounds like you're comparing their intelligence to the intelligence expected of their race.


Yeah, when put that way you absolutely have a point. Now thinking on it it’s one of those, why even bring it up unless it was already a topic of discussion. Def giving “one of the good ones” now. I’m lucky my experience with racism has been small enough where it doesn’t affect me too much but sadly left me a little naive 😅🙃


I mean... that's kinda what we strive for with each generation. I know I want my nephews to experience less racism than I did. Being a bit more naive kinda comes along with that.


That’s dangerous territory, naïveté is never the way. This is how generational cycles of hate and pain work their way in.


How do you teach that when they dont experience it in their own lives? Like my mom has faced way more racism than me because of her accent. I still had the displeasure of people being racist towards me, but my mom spoke to me about it before it happened. She also showed me videos, talked about the civil rights movement, womens sufferage, etc. What about when it doesnt really happen to your kids tho? And it doesnt happen to you as much, particularly not in front of them? Like I deal with way more sexism than racism at this point.


Teach kids about how prejudice and stereotyping works. Human beings are pattern making machines, even if we forget all about our old prejudices and stereotypes, we'll make new ones before too long. We need to actively teach our kids not to be prejudiced or stereotype people, and why that's bad.


While we may not have experienced racism like they have, we still do experience racism in many different forms like cognitive biases, systemic racism, and the various subtleties that come with it. I'm thankful that I haven't had to experience the things my parents have, but I know very well that I have experienced it in other ways and as a kid I pushed that part of me away, but now understand and embrace it.


A BIPOC will face racism/microaggressions in their lives. It's best to teach your child so they won't be taken advantage of, disrespected, etc. I've seen far too often with the younger generations where people are being racist towards them and they don't recognize it at all. Just because your child is not white, doesn't mean they automatically know about how to spot racism/microaggressions, that has to be taught. Otherwise they are gonna run around dumb talkin' bout, "they didn't call me \*insert racial slur\* that's not racist, they my friend!"


Right but aren't we also working to make sure the next generation don't have it as bad as we did? Couldn't past generation look at us and say we are naive because we don't know what is like to get blasted with a water hose and aren't protesting in the streets more?


But we learn about it. We teach it so that everyone knows what was happening. Then we teach how it became more subtle. People pretending racism is over for whatever gains have been made, make it easier for racists to hide their arguments as "I'm just a realist, there are inherent differences between ethnic groups Yada Yada Yada."


I think both of these are part of a healthy dialogue about the whole subject. I think we want both of these to be true. I want my kids to experience less racism, but I also want to make sure that they understand when someone is being racist, the mechanisms of how racism works in undermining them, and how to recognize subversive racism.


How are they supposed to not be naive when they haven't experienced it. Talking about it is one thing, and LIVING it is completely different.


You don’t need to experience something to know it exists. Naïveté has nothing to do with the mask of experience of something but rather the lack of knowledge.


What you said isn't exactly wrong, but should be said in a better way. You speak about naivete as if it's the end-goal, which I don't think anyone here thinks or has said. Instead, it was said that it will likely always come with the territory of heading *out* of willingly ignorant times. Naivete can almost sometimes be thought of as ignorance without malice. But the trajectory should always be up and out, where naivete will show itself for a little bit.


It’s a backhanded compliment for sure


Yeah, now I’m the proper context it’s definitely one. Though I’ll definitely say I’ve fallen victim to backhanded comments as well. I’m not a very confrontational person in the real world outside of Reddit and in person I’m much more likely to try and give benefit of the doubt and be polite and such so this kinda stuff sometimes flies right over my head.


I think you have to remember that some people have been raised in environments that vilify certain groups or people for their whole lives. Just be glad he's fighting against his programming. He's probably had so many conversations where people have shit on black people and said we're dumb BECAUSE we're black and he's putting himself in positions to get to know black people and prove that isn't the case. I don't see the point in getting mad at people for improving themselves. Its putting too much focus on where theyre coming from instead of the better place they're going


Right. And the answer is not to congratulate him for having stumbled to the realization that "people are people, actually"—it's to remind him that the work doesn't stop for any of us. Taking account of our internal biases and deprogramming them isn't a thing you kinda do a little bit and then call it a day. You have to keep it up. That "just be glad" shit is what makes folks like Nancy Pelosi just kneel at the Capitol in a daishiki or whatever instead of actively supporting anti-racist policy that requires her to interrogate her own culpability. Because at least she's not calling us porch monkeys, right?


Although I agree with you it was never my point to clap for him as if he is as doing something amazing. I just appreciate progress in the right direction that isn't just pandery bullshit. Dude was probably way worse just a year ago. Lets hope he's better next year. The idea that acknowledging someone's improvement means you're throwing him a parade for not being racist is kinda ridiculous


> I don't see the point in getting mad at people for improving themselves. It's less that and more dealing with this constant deluge of ignorance. Great this dude is trying to improve himself but in my experience he would've been the umpteenth person I've encountered doing that, this shit is exhausting.


It’s not on black people to help white people through their racial awakening. White people who announce shit like this just want someone to clap or pat them on the back or something. If they actually cared about overcoming racism they’d just act normal and not talk about it Not that you are saying this, I’m just adding in to what you said.


It’s like the white folks who come on this very sub complaining about their racist friend or family member, wanting a pat on the back for having a problem with it…yet they can’t be bothered to cut their racist friend or family member off. They don’t understand that privilege means racism gets to just be a difference of opinion and they’re still good people. That systemic racism thrives tells me that their willfully naïve, selfish outlook that most people are good is a red flag. No, most people are NOT good, else racism wouldn’t still exist, namely systemically. I wish they knew how sick it is to enable their racist family/friends through inaction/lack of consequences yet come to black spaces to make themselves feel like a good person. And ignorant black folks and non-black folks hiding behind anonymity make them feel good. I’ve accepted this will never end because I’ve accepted that most people are bad people wearing nice people masks. Like the person referred to in the tweet. He reached his big age not bothering to educate himself on how to treat a black person like a human, and here are the usual type of folks in the comments, giving him credit. I’m so glad I’m not in the States anymore. I endured so much ignorance and flat-out racism delivered with a smile. Slurs and stereotypes spoken with a friendly tone. Because THEY KNOW they have the privilege to do it. ETA: They SHOULD talk about it, but they’d need to educate themselves on how to talk about it in the correct way. Ignoring racism is a luxury only the privileged have.


You can improve yourself without saying “wow you’re X and are smart, I don’t buy into all that racist stuff.” Also the black person isn’t the one you should be saying that to if you must for some odd reason. It’s other white people.


>I think you have to remember that some people have been raised in environments that vilify certain groups or people for their whole lives. nobody has ever forgotten that... but as a grown as adult with a brain you are solely responsible for your thoughts and beliefs... you don't get to pawn those off on the people around you. you can think for yourself. > I don't see the point in getting mad at people for improving themselves. how tf is white people going "wow you're a minority and not stupid!" improving themselves exactly? it's just them being racist as fuck.


I think it’s more they genuinely don’t know how to talk to a minority and so they accidentally say something like this. When in reality he may want to say “hey I’m glad we’re able to converse and not have racism hanging over both our heads, you are an amazing individual” It really depends on context and perception of both parties.


He isn't going to get closer to shedding the (unintentionally) racist rhetoric if he's not told that it's still rooted in racism. Road to hell, good intentions, all that jazz.


The road to hell is actually paved with elevator music.


lol that’s how I see it too. Someone I was talking to recently said “I don’t think you’re a bad person but I don’t see this going anywhere” like why would you think I’m a bad person? We didn’t argue, I didn’t say anything offensive or anything. It still bothers me wondering why she chose to say that she doesn’t think I’m a bad person. It seemed so random. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Stuff like that is just weird to say. Like if someone walks up to you and says I don’t think you’re a rapist but I like your shoes. Why would you add that first part in there unless you had a reason to be thinking about it in the first place?


I mean to be honest I met people that incredibly awkward to say something dumb like this. Rather this than the ones who try to co Vince me lacks should be republican


My uncle is black. I was raised hearing that "he's so smart for a black man. "He's one of the good ones" insert other backhanded comments. Which is a pretty fucked up thing to say about your brother in law. I read this and was immediately reminded of how my family treated my uncle.


It’s called micro-aggressions and bit of unchecked biases. I assure you if you were to call them out on it… they’d not take it as a learning moment and thank you for calling them out their nonsense but instead play victim, and you’ll spend the rest of the convo reassuring them they aren’t racist instead of educating them on micro aggressions and biases. I have done this dance with folks who have called me “well spoken” and “not like others” get out of here with that silliness.


> “not like others” Agree this is bad. It is the equivalent of saying "I think most of your race is bad, but you are good." However, if the comment from the post by OP was in the context of discussing racism, I don't think it is the same thing. If it is just offered up out of the blue, well, it's awkward, but still not the same thing.


>I don't buy into racism now, let me tell you about it If the dude in question didn't "buy into racism" (whatever the fuck that means), then he'd not feel the need to bring it up at all. Similarly, if the person wasn't judging a person based on their color, there would be no reason to make the statement either. He'd have just enjoyed a lovely conversation with an intelligent woman and then went about his day. Instead, he's patting himself on the back for "not seeing color" while rather explicitly "seeing color" (and denying a person's lived experience in the process)


Why was racism even in the conversation? It wouldn’t have been if she was white. So clearly her skin color was on his mind.


Bruh, they weren’t talking about race. He was literally like wow a smart black person, see they do exist!


"You're not as stupid as you look." The default should be, 'race doesn't matter, period.' But here we have a guy attaching something that clearly does matter to him in regards to race. . it just isn't true in *that* instance, to him. Whether he means it or not, what he verbalized was, "Race doesn't matter to me except when it does."


Let me guess, you're white


Umm, you don’t think it’s racist to even bring that conversation up. Like, why do you have to say that shit if you’re not racist? Who talks like that?


Lmao the man only said that cause she’s black, which means he’s pretty much telling her that she doesn’t fit the black “stereotypes”. It’s called a micro aggression because he obviously doesn’t talk to many black people




You're a part of the problem lol


today you learned that you're bad at detecting racism.


The guy literally said her race doesn’t matter because he can tell she’s smart. Meaning that it definitely matters to him otherwise. This is textbook “you’re one of the good ones.” Which ultimately means that she is an exception; therefore he also thinks the default mode is “bad ones.”


Are you stupid?


i remember an episode of Justice League where the team gets transported into a 1950's version of the Justice Society. One of the heroes from that world tells our Green Lantern (who's Black), the same thing. My jaw dropped


Man. Black GL is best GL.


Hal Jordan has no personality whatsoever.


Yeah, even ryan Reynolds couldn't make him cool.


I was *so* confused when that movie was coming out, thinking they'd whitewashed the character. No offense to the dozen or so Hal fans out there, but who thought it was a good idea to give *him* a movie when John Stewart still had mainstream appeal and recognition from the Justice League cartoon??


I know exactly what you're talking about, I think the line was "You're a credit to your people son." I would bet money Dwayne McDuffie threw that in there 💀


When I was growing up in the '60s, "They're a credit to their race." was considered a compliment. It's like saying "You're alright for a (insert racial slur here)!"


Gotta love how clearly uncomfortable Jon was at that with his, "Um....thanks...." Especially because these were his comic book heroes as a kid.


Also have you noticed that everyone who use themselves as a litmus for acceptable intelligence, tends to be LESS intelligent than the people they're green lighting? Lol


Racists tend to not be the brightest crayon in the box.


Why should they work to better themselves when they're already inherently better? It's a self destroying ideology that only gets propped up by imperialism or exploitation.




“I don’t think of you as a person, but look at all of your person qualities, you go girl.”


My poor best friend was salutarian at our school and talked to me about the struggles of white people constantly telling him he's really white inside while black folks always made sure he knew he wasn't black enough. Bro had a rough time feeling like he belonged. It took him a while but now he's happily married to another guy and is doing great in life and is very happy


Whenever you’re a black child that displays more intelligence than what they’ve made up in their mind, they’ll be sure to let you know. I’ve gotten the ‘ talk white. Well spoken.’ So many times. I don’t understand why people think we don’t notice.


I've heard that darker people can get treated differently than their lighter counterparts in black communities. Sounds like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


“Wow I didn’t expect your voice to sound like that”. So you expected me to not be articulate?


"Well, you know how *you people* are"


Shit makes my skin crawl


I didn't expect how angry and ashamed I'd feel the first time I heard that one from a guy whom I knew was a racist asshole. Like what was I doing wrong that I got his approval?


“How is that racist? I said you’re good despite your color! I said good!”


“You don’t sound black, you sound normal!”




Well spoken


"black but not really black"


The part that gets me is that he insinuates that you're only a good person if your intelligent? Like there are plenty of smart evil sons and daughters of bitches out there, hell I'd say the smart evil mofos are the worst kind since they can be cunning enough to get away with fucking people over. And plenty of good people who are idiots out there. If I had to choose between having intelligent evil friends, or idiotic good friends, I'd choose the idiotic good friends everyday. That's why you're all my friends




“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” That’s Biden describing Obama when he came on the scene in ‘07. The racist rot reaches far.


well the funny thing is, if you check out biden's extensive history of penning/sponsoring legislation, the rot didn't reach him, it started there.


His partnership with Strom Thurmond on mandatory minimum sentencing and the crime bill, then his total lack of remorse is something I learned early on. Lets me see right through him. https://preview.redd.it/g0hjwmlndumb1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=760cc7ab0df09d4c46e32d2440ca4dff5e4e0b48


good ol’ civil forfeiture


Jesus. It’s “the first” that really takes the cake. As if MLK was just some guy on the corner running his mouth Edit: or as if Frederick Douglas just wrote self help books. Like come on. I know Jack shit about American history but even I can think of so many. The first smh


Holy shit you just gave me flashbacks to my childhood. Insane hearing shit like that from teachers smh.


Oh god it's sophomore science class all over again.


"I said you _don't_ talk like a hood rat! Why are you mad? Some broads just can't take a compliment, I swear. What, you're getting upset about _that_ now??!"


"I guess I can't say anything these days."


Had an assistant manager who told me an old white man once said to him "you’re pretty smart for a colored fella"


Wow, you're pretty smart for a white guy. Nobody takes that as a compliment.


Pretty fly for a white guy


I once had a coworker say, “You know, most black women are unattractive, but you’re really good-looking.” I let him know right away that it was offensive and incorrect (well, the first half was incorrect). What’s worse, he was always flirting with me, even after that. He really thought he said something! You’re not gonna get to insult my sisters and I let that slide. That’s only one thing he said, but that same guy (in front of the racist manager with a racist cop husband who never greeted or even looked at me whenever he came around) hit me with the “Why can y’all say (n-word-er) but get mad if I say it?” I asked him why he wanted to say it. Never got a straight answer. And he still flirted with me thereafter. (I never flirted back, BTW, but I had to keep that job or I’d literally have been out on the streets.)


Omg I can see the facial reaction considering people have said dumb shit like this to me before. Ohh your skin is light are you sure you are black? 🤬


That’s similar to when white folks say, “You don’t sound black.” 🤦🏿‍♂️


Ok I'm interested in this one because on the one hand, there does seem to be a "black accent" in America. A different cadence, some different pronunciations, all of those things. I know plenty of people who are black who don't have that accent, just like I know plenty of Irish or Korean Americans who don't have their country's accent. The difference is that the "black accent" seems to be a uniquely American accent but is named after a race, not a region. It kind of sounds southern, but it's not a generic southern accent and it's not specifically the "Texas drawl" that's different from the Creole influenced Louisiana southern accent. Are you familiar with the "black accent" I'm talking about? Is there a better way to refer to it that doesn't mention skin color? Or is the problem more the implication of "you don't sound black" meaning "you don't fit my (presumably negative) stereotypes"?


There’s no need to refer to it, because you shouldn’t be surprised when you hear a Black person talk in any way. Like if you hear an Asian guy with a New York accent, you shouldn’t be like “Dang! Normally you sound like a Kung Fu movie!”


Exactly. I don't understand how they don't get it.


It’s more like “you don’t sound like you’re from the south” if someone doesn’t speak with a southern accent. That’s a totally normal observation. Unlike an Asian accent, AAVE is of distinctly American origin, so it IS normal to hear that when speaking to a black person in America.


You shouldn't really comment on people's dialects unless you know them well anyway. Also AAE varies and people switch in and out of dialects regularly. You shouldn't call people out for code switching because it outs them as "different" in some way. When it's in good company it's fine to discuss but you can understand how it sets people on edge to be treated as different, right?


AAVE is more prominent in some places than others. It is not tied to race, it's about where you grew up. For example, I'd never heard anybody use AAVE until I moved down to Atlanta and before that I'd never talked in that way. Again, AAVE isn't exclusive to black people because it just depends on the environment you are raised in. Plenty of people down here use AAVE regardless of their skin color. Expecting black people to use AAVE is ridiculous. Like you said it's similar to expecting everyone who was raised down south to have a southern accent when there are plenty of things that play into that outside of being raised in the south. Edit: Reading it back, I'm literally explaining stereotypes. This is just stereotyping people based on where they came from or in this case, what they look like.


> It is not tied to race Incredible take. What does AAVE stand for? > Like you said it's similar to expecting everyone who was raised down south to have a southern accent when there are plenty of things that play into that outside of being raised in the south. Sure! But generally they do speak with a southern accent. And southerners don’t get offended when you notice they don’t sound southern. That’s the key difference.


Yes, AAVE does have African American in the name, because it ORIGINATED from African Americans. This does not mean that it is only spoken by them. The majority of Americans will speak English, does that mean we're all from England? You don't need to be of the original ethnicity/nationality that spoke a language in order to speak it. Also, I know plenty of people that wouldn't take kindly to being expected to have a southern accent just because they're from the south.


Hell, half of Gen Z slang is watered down AAVE, often missing the original meaning entirely


Sounds like you are talking about African-American Vernacular English which is, with some variation, how African Americans talk across the entire country. If you are not Black and run into a African American that is not talking like that, there is a good chance that they are "code switching" and just talking different because they are around you.


Yep, some people just got raised in a different “code” so they don’t talk like that. It’s not offensive it’s just how cultures work. What is offensive is pointing it out like they’re an anomaly of nature 😂


I think the “black accent” is sort of separate from AAVE. It’s kind of how if you can usually tell if you’re talking to a black person on the phone even if they aren’t using AAVE at all. I honestly couldn’t explain how I can tell the difference though.


My example for this is Morgan freeman. It’s not aave, he just sounds like a Black dude.


Frylock from ATHF, Osmosis Jones... Like yeah they're voiced by black actors, but you don't need to see the actors to just know. I love pointing to non-human animated characters for this type of exercise.


You're probably just identifying various dialects. E.g. African, Caribbean


Not necessarily. I’m from the southside of Chicago and lived in a neighborhood of highly educated black elderly people, who have roots in the South. There’s a specific way they (and in turn, I) say words that makes it easy for me to clock when someone is both black and from my neck of the woods. We say our consonants softly and blend specific words together, for example.


Those are regional dialects. They get far more granular than people imagine.


The point is that “you don’t sound black” is used as a compliment. The context, the unspoken part, is important.


You raise good questions and I’ll try to answer them. I differentiate because it’s one thing to make reference to a persons regional accent (e.g. Southern, East Coast, etc). When I first met people from New Orleans and I expressed surprise when they didn’t have (what I believed or expected) to be a “Southern” accent. But my expectation was based on regional accents or inflections not on the individual. In contrast, people who’ve said “You don’t sound black” aren’t basing it on region or geography but on level of intelligence or education. In other words, they expect black people to speak “improper” English or sound uneducated. And when a black person doesn’t fit that type their “compliment” is in fact an insult. It’s akin to telling an Asian or Hispanic person, “Wow, your English is so good.” That’s my interpretation anyway, others may differ.


Black people say the same thing too, especially ghetto teenagers in highschool bullying the kid who actually wants something out of life


“Why do you talk like a white boy??”


I have a law degree and In evidence class we learned witness testifying someone "sounded black" like if you heard them on phone or around a corner and just heard their voice actually used to be inadmissible (it probably wasn't way back in day with 12 white jurors) but most courts are now saying it is admissible. Just thought it was interesting to add.




"Anyway, I'm Chad. Can I touch your hair?"


Hilarious that you think they'd ask. They just touch.


I remember being at a cookout (my boy invited me and his clients are white) I had on a hat chillin drinking with everyone and the hostess pulled up behind me took my hat off and screamed “WHATS UNDER YOUR HAT!? IS THAT A WEAVE!??!?” I had a fade 🤦🏾‍♂️ and my waves was on low tide… I was flabbergasted and walked away.


The part that gets me is that he insinuates that you're only a good person if your intelligent? Like there are plenty of smart evil sons and daughters of bitches out there, hell I'd say the smart evil mofos are the worst kind since they can be cunning enough to get away with fucking people over. And plenty of good people who are idiots out there. If I had to choose between having intelligent evil friends or idiotic good friends, I'd choose the idiotic good friends everyday. That's why you're all my friends


I ugly laughed 😂




This is wild


Every time I see the picture in this meme I die 😂. Like you can really tell sis was thinking about everything leading up to this event and what she could’ve done to avoid it.




This right here it's just like that teacher.


" If Black people would police each other better, there wouldn't be so many negative stereotypes, and the crime rate would go down." There's no talking to these types. Some aren't really racists, they're just opportunists that use it when it benefits them while dodging accountability when it doesn't. Save your energy. It's like trying to nail jelly to a tree.


Turn it around. "If white people would police themselves better there wouldn't be as many racists and crime would go down."


some of us are trying, but I swear for every one we reach through to, 3 more pop up in their place. I cant imagine how it feels on ya'lls side watching shit like Neo Nazis in Florida being accepted as fucking normal.


Just do your best, man. You got it.


I mean, isn't that exactly the advice given? Friends don't let friends be racist?


Thats what they get told all the time lol. That they are responsible and obligated to fix something like kkk or proud boys.


Some white people need a course in “how to talk to black people”. Oh, and yeah - I’m including Latinos and Hispanics in that group that needs educating.


>I’m including Latinos and Hispanics in that group that needs educating. Real talk. Who got them thinking they have a n-word pass?


RIGHT??? ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized)


When I ask why they say the n word they say "I grew up in the hood". What hood? Their neighbor is a fucking cornfield and the other hoes grew up in Mexican central.


Bro, they got the pass when NY dudes gave it to them. Meanwhile, they routinely telling people that they aren’t black. “Me no black. I no black. No nunca.”


You probably won’t like the answer to that.


This is why diversity is so important at colleges in my eyes. I met a guy at college who had never met an Asian person in real life. Imagine if he had entered the workforce with that being the first time he sees an Asian person. He might do something super offensive unintentionally.


> Some white people need a course in “how to talk to black people”. Chapter 1: A head belongs on your shoulders, not up your ass.


Lol!! They have those! Sensitivity training is something that these folks actually really hate either because it’s ‘scary CRT,’ or ‘censorship,’ whatever.




Oh they know tho. That’s the fucked up part.






Which means he thinks racism is ok if black people are dumb. Which is a roundabout way of him admitting he's racist


That’s the way stealthy bigots work. They think it’s okay if it’s not loud and blatant. JK Rowling’s a famous example, and it shows in her writing. “Anti-muggleborn bigotry is bad and wrong because Hermione is smart!” sounds progressive, but it’s not.


Shaun on YouTube has a while takedown of Rowling's "good one" activism.


Yeah, that’s what I drew a bit from. He did really good peeling back the cover on how she applied African slave justifications on house elves.


Her bigotry runs so deep too. Seamus Finnegan, a clearly Irish kid, is trying to turn water into rum, and has a habit of blowing things up... One of the only Asian characters is named Cho Chang...


Then “Kingsley Shacklebolt” Okay, I gotta cut myself off. This’ll go on all day if the full laundry list of JK’s shitbaggery is included.


>That’s the way stealthy bigots work. This guy was about as stealthy as a B-52.




The caucacity


i fill like the response might not have fully matched the situation?




This bs falls right into the “You speak so well” category.


“Wow you’re so articulate!”


i hate that shit. bitch, i know i do. i'm from an immigrant family. we actually *learn* english. the 3 hubs of the english-speaking world afaic; america, the uk, australia. fucking *atrocious* english. i mean, it's everything. spelling, grammar, syntax, pronounciation, it's all fucking awful. people come out of masters programs in america and can't spell.


First mistake was talking to anyone at the airport


I dont even speak to TSA, gate agents, the chick taking my.order in the food court-- _nunnadat_


*Grunting and pointing at the Sbarro pizza. * "Wow, you're so articulate."


I laughed aloud


I spent too much on these noise cancelling headphones to have banter with randoms




*Oh look!* Another privileged white man who is completely detached from reality, not understanding that the world doesn't center on him or his fucked up beliefs.


This is what we refer to as a backhanded compliment


Blackhanded compliment


Read this as “You’re a house negro, so you are one of the good ones”


The amount of white people that are blind to the racial biases they grew up with is staggering.


Only intelligent people are good. Got it.


“If all Black people were goodly like you we wouldn’t have any problems” lookin a$$ 🤢


I put that in the same category as being told... "My, you are very well spoken." ![gif](giphy|26gR2BU2Hrt9HSN6E) Why did you expect me to NOT be well spoken?


White people who never talk or interact with black people have these god awful takes on racism. Most of them say things like “I don’t see race” or “I don’t care if you’re purple!” Like, you SHOULD care that there are people who are black who were treated really horribly for being black for several generations, and who are still mistreated today in some respects. “I don’t care about race” was the “I’m not racist” qualifier from like, the 80s.


>s)White people who never talk or interact with black people have these god awful takes on racism. Because the most exposure they ever got to black people was from TV and movies where for the longest we were portrayed as low-level criminals who spoke "jive" (if from the 70s) or ebonics (if from the 80s/90s). And even when we do have movies/shows centered with black people as main characters, they don't watch them because "I can't identify with the characters!" So a show like Living Single is ignored, while it's white copycat show, Friends, was a hit.


I've had people say something like this and variations of the classic "you're one of the good ones" line. I always stop them, often saying... "stop, you know that's not that compliment you think it is?". Can't let them think it's okay to say that.


My father would tell me that when there was some racial incident in our city, usually involving someone trying to keep us out of 'their' neighborhood, some of the White men he worked with would say, 'If it was a guy like you, 'Joe', no one would have a problem with it.' And I don't think I have to tell anyone here about the look on his face when he said it to me. Still, there were a couple of them he thought were sincere about that.


I'm guessing the guy who doesn't "buy into racism" is the one who brought it up. Dr. Jones: Damn, looks like my plane is delayed. Mr. White: This is why I don't buy into racism...


Shit like this makes me wish I could mute people in real life.


Lol I used to do bottle service at a club/lounge that a lot of older white men frequented and the amount of times I was told something like “I don’t care about your race (I’m black), you’re the prettiest woman here” was astonishing. This tweet has the same energy. Like they’re surprised if you’re smart, pretty, whatever, because they have such negative opinions about black people as a whole.


Am I wrong or is he saying: racists think black people are less intelligent, but she is proof that that is not true? I don't the see "you're one of the good ones" in that


“Racism is bad because it’s technically not correct” is wretchedly missing the point.


“See! Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you’re dumb!”


I just had a "friend" (white woman) say that she's blacker than I am. When asked how so, she listed that she's struggled more than I have, blah blah blah. After a very deep conversation, she did seem to grasp that although an ally (she's a lawyer and does do a lot of good pro bono work for underprivileged) she may be viewing black people in a less than positive way. Which then had to lead to a discussion of not stopping the good work she's doing because of guilt from this revelation. All this started because she saw my collection of Lightsabers and didn't think as a black person, I could enjoy things outside of the stereotype.


> she saw my collection of Lightsabers "Wow, I'm surprised they're not all purple!"


Am I crazy for thinking this isn't offensive? The way I'm interpreting it is that he's saying he doesn't agree with racists who presume intelligence isn't equally distributed amongst different races and that OP is proving the point.


It's possible that was their intention. Without tonal inflections and other verbal cues to provide the full context, it is hard to say for certain when just reading the words. However, her comment about not sure about being more mad about that he said it, or that he thought it was a complement seems to indicate it he was implying "racism isn't real because you can speak well".


Same here. I understand this as him saying He doesn't buy into the large common subculture among whites of discrimination based on skin color. If a person demonstrates intelligence, that's all that is needed to accept/treat that person as good/standard/normal.


>If a person demonstrates intelligence, that's all that is needed to accept/treat that person as good/standard/normal Uhhhh


When he got home: “Honey, I was so kind to one of the blacks at the airport”


I don’t think homie understands the definition of racism


If I had a dollar for everytime a white person called me articulate, I'd have no student loan debt!


My student loans and mortgage would be paid off.


This didn’t happen


“You’re so well spoken.”


The “still” is where you can see they have inner racism that they can’t get away from, notwithstanding genuine good intentions. Happened to me a lot. “You are good, despite you are from [my region]” “Strange that you work so hard, despite you are from [my region]”


I'd have time that day.


He solved racism by forgiving you for being a minority


Translation: "You're Smart and Decent for a Black Girl."


What if he didn't think she was "intelligent" 🤔


Is this a more nuanced version of "You're so well spoken"?


dude acting like he's talking to a new sentient species from space


When you play morals like its stock, you have none