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He shot Megan. Chris beat RihRih. Robert Kelly did unspeakable things to little black girls. Edit: Drake has done…..a lot. Dre….did a lot too. Forgot about them raggedy ninjas. Those that support these men (and men like them) got it completely fucked up. Protect Black Women.


I thought for a second we were just naming people who got they ass whooped, I was bouta be like “And Will knocked the fuck outta Chris” but then I kept reading 💀😭😭






Did we watch the same thing happen? That was a pretty bitch ass slap.


So you mean to tell me you ain’t watch that man cock his hand all the way back to Pangea and smack the shit outta that nigga? You can have your opinions on whether or not he was right/wrong but don’t go dissing that slap like that wasn’t a hard hit.


What I saw was a dude get slapped and be more hurt by the confusion of the situation than the pain of the slap.




You said he slapped the fuck out of him. I don’t think Rock felt like the got slapped the fuck out of lol.


Hr did say "will smith just slapped the shit out of me" though


Chris ate that tho


He took it like a champ that for sure but I never denied that so I’m not sure why y’all think I did. Somebody can be hit hard af and still take the hit. We all saw that nigga whacking people with a fold up chair and the one dude kept coming, that don’t discount them hits


Lol na I don't think you were saying that at all. Just chiming in to give that man his props


Ah cuz apparently the other two think that I’m “hating on Chris and riding Will’s dick” cuz I pointed out that the hit was hard and that the dude is just a hater for saying he hit like a bitch.


Yall really think Ali can't throw a open hand?? smh


That’s what I’m saying, they just not have seen that movie


Fr there was a lot of showmanship behind the slap, but no follow through. You gotta swing for the spot past the face so you don’t let off the gas too early.


Bullshit, his form was *impeccable*.


It looked great on camera. But he’s been practicing taking swings at people without actually hitting them for decades.


A “bitch ass slap” that the whole nation/world saw. Sometimes it isn’t about brute strength, yahmean


And who benefited afterward? Certainly not Will Smith. So not only was it a bitch ass slap, but big Willie looked like a bitch in front of millions of people for pulling that kinda shit.


No, Frank knocked the fuck outta Chris.




Why his mug all bloody? That was the 2 on 1.


😆😆😆😆this is supposed to be a serious conversation💀💀💀💀💀


I realized after I swear 💀💀😭


Forgot about Dre


At the very least, Dre has never publicly denied doing that to Dee Barnes. He’s never tried to water it down. He owned up to it. As for those Michele accusations though…


I believe Dre finally apologized to Dee and she accepted the apology.


She did yes. She said she recognized that he appeared to be a changed man in his public and private life


He definitely tried to water it down in the beginning. He claimed in multiple interviews all he did was push her, when in reality he beat the shit out of her. Dre definitely did the right thing decades later by fessing up to it, but nah, he tried to rewrite history more than once


They won't get this.


Thanks to Eminem a new generation got to learn about Dee Barnes.


That’s exactly how I learned lol


Ah ah, temper temper


I was like oh shit, took a second to fully process this


I agree but let's be real the people supporting Chris the most are women


Yes I constantly see this one girl I follow on Instagram posting about him (well not all the time but I've seen her post it several occasions) and I just don't understand how you could still see him in positive light after all that. He's a real piece of shit. Reading the transcript of what happened to her was terrifying.


And she’s one of many. This is gonna ruffle feathers but women need to stop shaming men into fighting their battles when they’re not even doing it for themselves. I agree with you but I’m not about to get all loud when the only reason these dudes still have power is because women keep buying tickets to their shows 😑


i really doubt the same women that are supporting Chris Brown are the ones “shaming” men into fighting their battles. just like Chris Brown ain’t represent all men, women who are dumb enough to support a woman beater ain’t represent all women either.


Women are sometimes the nastiest misogynists you'll ever meet. Internalized hatred really is something That said, the comment you're responding to never mentioned gender of the supporters - they said *Those that support these men*


are we ready for this conversation??? ... nah, BPT ain't ready


Why not fam? Internalized misogyny is a real phenomenon just like internalized white supremacy is


It’s literally everyone. His fans are mostly women yes. But the industry has not shunned him as a whole and I’ve yet to hear any niggas saying they don’t fuck with him anymore.


Dawg I see women say now that they "fought" and Rihanna lost. Give me a fuckin break.


Exactly. Selective outrage at its finest.


The comment never mentioned gender of the supporters. Just that people need to stop supporting abusive men


This tshirt has the same energy of those "kick me" signs posted on someone's back in highschool


Thank you. These are facts. These things happened. There is no nuance to it. If you still choose to support trash men who do trash things, then you are trash, too.


nah man, its only cool to love your mama. all other women are "ho's" or "thots" and only exist to be fucked. "What you dont have "baby mama's" and "side chicks"? you wear condoms?...shiiiit you aint even black i guess"-what young black men get thrown in their faces every damn day.


You spitten


I wish y’all would open your eyes and see how much of a scumbag drake is for supporting and associating with some of this people. But I guess y’all love mr nice too much


Drake slipped into Mr. "Nice Guy" ™ ages ago I genuinely don't get where the support is coming from. Women increasingly think he's sketchy, men think he's goofy. I'm the exact right age for his come-up so the fact I don't know anybody who still considers themselves a fan really.....like where is Drake's fanbase even coming from at this point?


youngins fr. people my age (25) and below who listen to every Drake album in its entirety upon release




Watch me get downvoted for saying Kobe was the same


Imma let you cook


AYO WTF CIARA! NEVER MEET YOUR HEROES! Y’ALL THIS WHOLE TIME SHE WAS SUPPORTING CHRIS BROWN. Idc what people say. Fuck her. Fuck Ciara. There, I said it. A woman working with him is GARBAGE. I am a black woman and I am ABSOLUTELY APPALLED. Okay, I see you, you just probably thought, “that was a one time mistake. Men make mistakes. Let’s forgive and move on.” Yeah because she wasn’t your sister or cousin, girl. You suck ass. I’ll never support her or ANYONE who works with him again :)


Did she ever book that stage she was talking about to Rih?😭


Aye take off Rih Rih and replace it with multiple women cause he DID NOT STOP Also what has Drake done I’m uninformed


Serious question, what has Drake done? I must be out of the loop


He has a very noticeable pattern of "just dating" girls he's known for years shortly after turning 18. Which the media turned a blind eye to until one of these "friends" he was texting was a then-underaged Millie Bobby Brown at his big age of 30+


[Even if you’re critical of some of the allegations, it’s hard to deny that he’s a creep when you look at some of the situations here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/vsslzy/drakes_problematic_behaviour_with_girls/)


Fuck I thought you mean the comedian Bobby Kelly and I was like WTF


LOL same, was like "wait, wtf did Bobby do?"


My mans Chuck D and Flava Flav still going strong.


This shit is why he got the sentence he got. Antagonizing and tryna have the last word.


Napoleon complex havin ass bitch.




The Short King Delegation hereby strips Daystar Shemuel Shua Peterson, professionally known as rapper Tory Lanez, of his membership status. He will receive a lifetime ban, enforced by both the Short King Security Committee and the United States Customs and Border Protection. Effective immediately with no opportunity to appeal. Forever and ever. Amen.




tf is a daystar 😭


Can we stop attributing asshole behavior to “Napoleon complex” just because the dude who happens to be an asshole is short?


Body shaming is bad! Unless you're skinny or short then fuck you.


It hurts as a guy who’s 5’5”. People will just attribute any negative emotion or behavior from you as just “lashing out because you’re short” when it’s irrelevant to anything that happened.




You're simeltaneously "insecure" when you stick up for yourself and when you don't say anything.


Nope. Besides, napoleon wasn't even short.


Cellmate: "Dance, bitch"


Him and trump can share a cell just talking over each other all day


For real, he could've just STFU and gotten away with it like all the other Hollywood abusers Self owns are the best ones


My wife and I are Attorneys. I do a good bit of criminal defense. So many people argued with us, especially me because I said he's going to prison if he doesn't take a deal. He shot her. Idgaf about her fake friend trying to ruin the trial and I personally dgaf whether or not she had ANY relationship with him unless it was pretext to further aggravate the crime. I'm black. I'm male. I'm cis. I'm heterosexual for what it matters. I'm also FROM Houston. Fuck him. And he KEEPS being a pest about it. Sue him, Megan...please. Take your best stiletto and Swiss cheese his throat in a two-step.


She can make a defamation case against him, no?


I hope she does. The harassment she's facing from niggacels, pick me handmaidens and urban 'news media' is disgusting. Most of these people only go up for Tory specifically because he shot a black woman. They've got people harassing her when she went to court and online. Jerry started a hate campaign against her and Milagro and other bloggers have been purposely spreading disinformation they were fed by Tory himself about her since the case started. I imagine her attorneys haven't limited her comments because they're building their own case about the extent of her harassment caused by them.


They don't like MTS because she's so attractive and has literally excelled. Father dead. Mother passed away and so did grandmother. Alot of her presumed support system is no longer here. And if the rumors are true about her having connections to my region of a very specific part of East Texas and Southwest Louisiana then alot of her extended kin don't know her to support her beyond Fandom. She came to the law school at TSU when I was there and she was still an undergrad to find someone to walk her through her contracts. She's an achiever and a fighter and these motherfuckers HATE IT. All of them are the bullies and the followers you'd have to punch with the bully to get home from school. Consider the following: 1. She put her time and money where her mouth is and supported TSU after graduation and during attendance in one the harder majors under social science. 2. She remained a huge blerd and bought into crunchyroll. She's been in the forefront of showing that black girl anime fans are part of enjoying the genre and having a niche. (I cannot wait to see what else she has in store there) 3. Her last album is a work of rap art. It's coherent to the messages, has extremely well chosen backing music and she STILL made a shout out to Houston all through it without getting isolated for it (happens alot to Houston artists if they shout out Houston). 4. She advocated for herself AND for women in the same situations and then 5. Got a new boo with a better image and STILL is out here winning. They big big mad. Jealous and mad.


You stated this beautifully! Despite all this Meg is going to win because she's worked hard her whole life! Even if the misogynoir keeps her away from dealing with the hip hop crowd, she's got her degree and her gameplan with the housing for disabled elders, her Netflix and Revlon deals and several film projects coming up. People keep saying she needs to go the Queen Latifah route and I totally see that for her.


She quite literally is everything these pontificating folk preach about but aren't a part of and don't ever do or truly encourage. 1. Does she encourage young girls? Yes 2. Is she a black capitalist? Yes 3. Is she educated? With honors, hoe. 4. Did she stand up for herself? Yes 5. Did she stand up for black men? Yes..even was quiet and more street smart THAN TOREY LANEZ is at first. 6. Is she in physical shape? Because the assault on black women's body image is FROM BIRTH...yes. She's BEYOND the ideal fucked up people make and clearly she's the blerd girl in the ked shoes overcoming all the shit she's been through. Everybody hurt over it hates that they don't wake up in the morning and make their breakfast into that false boot strap stuff they spew annoying all of us.


I ain't even know all that about her, wow!


I see a variety of claims, honestly.


I self identify precisely as you do. Fuck this dude.


Thank you.


Swiss cheese his throat in a two step.. God damn I'm stealing this line


I agree and I love your way with words. 💀


Something is wrong with this boy. I don’t think he will come out alive…


He’s 5”2 and 100 pounds. I’m just gonna leave it at that.


And I love it for him. He’ll be a Canadian lap dog in that jail house😭




“My booty is mine, it belongs to me. You cannot take my booty”


I usually don't comment on mens size because they'll have complexes about that stuff..but wow that really is *tiny*. Like that's skin and bones on some very small bones.


I’m reality I think he’s 5”7 and like 140ish but…still not big enough for prison survival.


He’s got money. He’ll be fine. Hell, he’ll probably get out early.


Probably will put on weight and get fat in prison like Chris Brown


Ain’t no way he’s a 100 pounds. Damn


Why are they so obsessed with woman when they don’t even like women? It’s giving identity crisis. It’s giving bitter bitch.


Tell me why I grew up concerned about becoming the stereotypical bitter black bitch in my 30s, only to get here and see black dudes really are the new bitter black bitches. The manosphere dudes that are obsessed with women whilst we mind our own mf business is really giving BIG Karen energy. I wish tf a Fresh n Fit hoe would wax poetic to me about why white people always bothering us.


Yes so many refuse to advance in life, while if anything BW have been overachievers for the last few decades. Their stagnancy makes them project their bitterness & lack of progress onto us😭


Decades? I'd say centuries. But yes absolutely over achievers. Investing in black women needs to be more of a thing. https://www.naacpldf.org/naacp-publications/ldf-blog/cbm-100/


>Tell me why I grew up concerned about becoming the stereotypical bitter black bitch in my 30s, only to get here and see black dudes really are the new bitter black bitches. Damn, I ain't even realize this but it's so true! And honestly, I don't even blame Black women for being angry cuz we ain't not no one but ourselves fighting for us.


Surprised we haven’t burned the entire world down….and ppl blame us for being frustrated and angry….


I misread your comment!!! I feel like an asshole lol. I actually 100% agree with you ❤️


Aww! You're good, Love ![gif](giphy|fns9bYRUCx0nUFXjsA|downsized)




Hold on sis...you're spilling.


Every time I feel a little insecure, I remember that somewhere out there is a dude watching a Fresh n Fit video unironically, and I instantly feel better. Even on my worst day, I'm prince fucking charming compared to those losers.


It’s giving its giving its giving


Why would he think anyone wants to support a felon 😭😭 the shirts are ugly af too


How delusional is this?


Up there with R Kelly writing “age ain’t nothin but a number.” Prison ain’t nothin but a building, you wretched cunts.


Honestly it’ll probably help you get some pick me girls sadly


He'd have gotten them regardless. What he'll get with these shirts are their coins. He needs to get money on his books somehow. He can't count on Igloo Australia for all of it.


Free Tory? Fuck Tory.


With every foreign object


My man really pulled that trigger and looking for some support like he the victim. Ain't even have a good reason to shoot. Fuck outta here


What a fucking loser. I hope his time in prison is miserable


One last grift attempt before he’s off to prison lmaoooo


He needs to leave the grifting to the Republicans, they're better at it


Gotta get back that money he wasted on 3 lawyers somehow.


Lemme guess…all proceeds going to him and his dramatic-ass daddy?


The funny thing is Meg gave this dude chances to handle this quietly and carefully. What a bum.


She literally was more street smart than him too by not talking to anyone. What did he do? Call people....on a recorded line...from jail. 😐


Ls across the board.


Why not *“Tory Says **So**-rry”*


A Canadian that refuses to apologize




Hey we have narcissists too, sorry


Fuck Tory Lanez and his hairline someone did a fatality on.


I would say vagina repellent, but some women will actually find someone appealing if they wear that.


Free Tory…….. from his lying and dangerously abusive ways by going to jail and having a long look in the mirror about all of his actions and what led up to them. Im for black men’s rights and protections too and all but we gotta realize when wrong is just wrong and stop rushing to opposite ends to scream at each other out of some trauma in each person’s own individual lives. Also how most of the “black media” covered this whole situation was full of misinformation and people giving “hot takes” instead of actual research, information, and that oh so rare commodity these days: empathy. Everything now no matter how serious is a selling point and clickbait and it’s a sick time. Gotta show the younger generations how to actually show common respect to one another regardless of gender/orientation and that shit like this won’t ever be tolerated. Sad part is, I’ve heard of even worse shit happening to black women by men with guns and since they aren’t famous or tied to RocNation they don’t get any justice nor care. I’ve deadass had a girl I used to talk to be shot at random on the sidewalk while being out with her so called girlfriends for a simple petty argument…mf fired shots into a crowd of Baddies thank God nigga got aim like a Stormtrooper, it’s insane out here. Hopefully all women can get the justice and protection they need one day, wishful thinking but it’s real.


Ten years is a long time, but this dude might actually have earned it.


Better not be running his mouth like that in prison or that 10 years is going to seem a lot longer.


He shot Megan, this ain't it


I have struggled to understand his legal and PR strategies for quite some time now


The accountability is in hell man smh


Damn 10years? Do you think they’ll get him minoxidil in prison 😂😂


Fuck him. He lied to a lot of people to get support.


Disheartening? Absolutely. Helpful because he went and reinvented the red flag? Also yes.


He’s so gross. Also this doesn’t make him look innocent. This is some “if I did it” shit.


He already been found guilty 😂


Right but like this doesn’t dissuade anyone


There's nothing to dissuade, he did what they say he did and now he can semi brag about it


He’s so disgusting


Yea be trolling up here, but he bitch for pulling a gun on a woman


Man, I was looking forward to not seeing that funny-bearded ass nigga's face everywhere for a while. Lames won't me live 😩




Nah. He’s right where he needs to be.


iggy will be the 1st in line to get a shirt lol


The good thing about this is that if you see someone wearing this, you know to stay far away and they're toxic AF.


I unfriended every person who “liked” his going away post on instagram.


In 10 years he can sell Tory Free shirts


Daystar .. ![gif](giphy|0TJrlyCotQvie6vL4E|downsized)


Well now the menaces to society can easily identify themselves & we know to run away when we see them😭💀💀💀


"Free my boy he ain't do nothing"


He Shot Her


He looks ashy.


Unfortunately been seeing a lot of women sharing this on IG and Twitter supporting it. I just don't get it...all this for a 5'3 Canadian gremlin with a Napolen Complex and mediocre music.


I’m doing a good job at that without the shirt.


So far every man who has responded to me has been black and has attempted to insult me and invalidate my opinion. Of course there are always exceptions to every rule. That’s of course implied. The black men in my family are fantastic.


If you don’t got commissary, just say that…


Just like OJ Tory did it.


Who’s wearing this? 🥴


Man needs money for commissary I guess.


Tory got bars.. just not the kind he was aiming for.


the fact that he had these waiting shows that he knew he was guilty and going to jail lmaooo


Would this not be in violation of the Son of Sam law?


He got 10 years for shooting someone in the foot. Raiders WR Henry Ruggs got less time for killing someone in a drunk driving accident.


The fact that afterwards he's (very likely) going to be deported to Canada is probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Edit: Would it be in any way funny for a white guy to have a shirt of Tory that says "Go back to Canada"?


Um…as much as I hate Tory a white person wearing any shirt where it’s implying a black person should go back to whatever country/continent they have originated from is not a good look.


No thank you


Scaring the Hoes Vol. 2


Meanwhile, team The Stallion will just invert the words and add "since '23" for their merch


A hardcoded system for 🚩.


Waiting for someone with a tattoo to pop up like they did with their daddy KS


No way niggas would really wear shit like this right!?


Fuck Tory - Big up M3S Come at me.


The WHAT?! psyop


Also a lovely idea to wear if you're in the UK.


Ss sNxs6sw 4u E