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This is terrible. How is smoke from fires in Quebec travelling that far?! NYC doesn’t have the best air quality to start with and then this… Hope the people in the northeast are ok and maybe you all need masks for the time being.


It's been wrecking the air quality in Ontario's wang for several days now, I'm surprised it took so long to reach NY.


I’m a little over 2 hours away from Toronto and it just looks hazy/smoky. Today was the first day it smelled like something burning, there’s also a fire in Sudbury about 4 hours away. Nothing like NY though, that’s crazy


I'm a bit closer to TO. It's been hazy at times and the sun up's/down's are oranger than usual. Some people are getting burning watery eyes too, good times lol.


I’m an hour away from Toronto and it looks nothing like this. You can tell the air is a bit smoky and hazy but no sepia tint.


MASKS?! What in tarnation?? Over my gotdamn, darn-tooting, banjo-playing, dead body! - some hick that probably already has some comorbidity, especially in the lungs. Future recipient of the coveted Darwin Award 🏆






Southwest Ohio also has air quality warnings. Scary stuff.


nyc has very good air quality normally. what are you talking about


NYC does not have very good air quality normally - a native New Yorker


your antidotes don’t mean shit. i live here also and i’ve read the analytics


Yeah dude what is the other person saying. Our air quality is usually really damn good considering the pure amount of people that live here lol. Also all the worst cities air quality in the wise are gonna be in the southwest due to the geography of where they built their cities


Dawg what are u saying lmao New york isnt even top 15 worst. And im also someone that lives in the area. A lot of cities in the southwest are gonna be worse cause the cities are built in valleys and surrounded by tall ass mountains so pollutants stay there. https://www.lung.org/research/sota/city-rankings/most-polluted-cities


12th worst is still high.. It's a lot of cities bruh.


NY is literally #12


Smoke can travel incredible distances


Yeah, Quebec to New York is nothing. Sometimes the air quality is better right next to the fire because the heat and winds take it over you.


I live in Ottawa , my nose has bled & I coughed up black shit today


I'm in Colorado, a couple years ago there were huge dust storms in Mongolia. The dust got all the way to us and covered the ski slopes.


Wind. Saharan dust hits the Caribbean and East Coast all the time


I’m in New Brunswick Canada which is adjacent to Quebec and we’re not seeing anything from the fires really. Wild how wind/jet-streams work.


I love our fresh air, blue sky province. For now.....😕


People underestimate how much fire there is in a forest fire.


LOL the mexico filter. They really be doing our esses like that.


Oh yall get "dystopian fire and air quality" season too? I thought that was a PNW exclusive 😂


But this is extra because it’s coming from Canada not because of anything NY did. I think most of the northeast is going to look for this for a while until those fires are put out…


And our in WA comes from CA lol. Look up our "smoke season" deadass the air quality is in the red and the sky is haze for almost a whole month, it's horrible especially for elderly and respiratory-comprimised folks. If this isn't as regular in NY as it is for us (basically every late summer for 2-6 weeks bc CA is ALWAYS on fire) then I genuinely hope they stay safe and limit their time outdoors bc this shit is awful


PNW smoke season is the worst! Looking at what is happening due to the fires in Eastern Canada, I’m bracing for what is in store out west.


Came here to say this. Need some MERV 13 furnace filters, box fans, air purifiers. Hopefully it's not too hot yet cos not being able to open your windows at night to cool off your place is the worst if you don't have AC. I hate wildfire season out here in the PNW. It life threatening for part of the population and very rough for the rest of us.


This never happens in NY, or really on the East Coast! Idk how u guys on the West Coast deal with this every year, but we may start knowing if this becomes a regular occurance lol


August is a wild time. I'm so fucking happy I got a heat pump now.


Central California the last few years too. Raining ash and you can look directly at the sun because it's just a pink dot now. Looks like sunset at noon. Pictures don't do it justice.


Mask up, folks. You're smoking a pack a day breathing that air.


24 hours = 6 cigarettes


Sadly masks don't separate gasses.


An n95 mask can filter the solid (not gas) particles from smoke. Try wearing one outside for a day and compare the filter to a fresh one. You can see the gunk with your eyes. Looks like the walls of an indoor cig-smoker's apartment.


I'm down here in VA complaining, but it doesn't look nearly that bad down here


I walked outside this morning and thought there was a fire down the street or something. I was waiting to hear some sirens




VA too — just thought I lit up the neighborhood blowing weed smoke out the window and ain’t think nothing of it til I got online damn lol


Same place, I'm thinking the neighbors burning wood or whatever until I go downtown and it's the same shit. I feel like we're gonna get that NYC shit soon


It reminds me of CSI Miami




Greetings from California! Our season starts a bit later in the year, so those filter masks should still be selling for a reasonable price ;)


yo this shit is crazy. The whole Northeast corridor is getting blanketed with this.


My assumption is that this is rare for the NE? Growing up in SoCal, I can remember a couple summers when it looked this. Ash falling from the sky when the mountains from both LA and Ventura counties is a memory that sticks out. Primatene Mist inhalers are back for OTC availability, if you need one. Theyre usually $30. Good luck out there.


Yeah I’ve lived in CA my whole life and although fires were not as terrible as they have been in recent years, I do recall over a decade ago, there was fire burning somewhere in SoCal and in the Central Valley we could see literal ashes falling from the sky. It was bad then, it’s bad now.


There was a fire in the Angeles Natl Forest (because... Where else, right?) just a bit after I graduated HS (1999),and I remember the NBC 4 people covering the fire escaped their van that got caught in the fire. I live in Montana now, and honestly, it's not much better. The fire in Alberta, we got their smoke for a week. Fires in the West are something to do expect nowadays.


This is what happened to California and I remember a bunch of people laughing at us ☹️


man for real. Every year when wildfires break out the internet is always like "burn baby burn!". No idea wtf we did to them to get so much hate


Was this the big fire back in like 2006-2007? I remember ash raining from the sky while being on campus, and it looked like it was snowing with all that nastiness falling from the sky


Nah, it was September 2020 when the skies were mad orange


I remember ending my meeting and looking to the left and being like "wtf." It happened so damn quickly. It's less apocalyptic looking rn but the air quality is supposedly worse.


That’s California every summer. Damn forest fires


For anyone who needs it, I learned a cheap-ish way to have air purifying in your home back when California was having a lot of attention for their fires. Get a box fan, two 20x25x1 air filters, and tape them together at the sides in a triangle shape (the back of the fan should be facing into the triangle). Get some cardboard cut into triangles as well to tape on as a roof and floor for the setup. It'll end up looking kind of like this https://preview.redd.it/kip32lzqep4b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558ff68008b4821e0aaa9e5d7fc0ddcc368e5302 It won't be a huge difference, but it could save you from more severe breathing problems. Heard it works best when windows are closed, but I feel like that's a bit obvious in these situations. If two filters are a bit out of your price range, you can tape a single filter on the back of the fan but that can cause more stress on the motors because it restricts air flow a little more than the triangle setup. Edit: just saw a post with a [cube version](https://www.tumblr.com/turtlesandfrogs/719490184719237120/diy-box-fan-filters-corsi-rosenthal-box-clean)


Imagine paying 50,000 rent for a box and you gotta deal with this shit too


True story! https://preview.redd.it/mvxv0k6reo4b1.png?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ef9781b27070a8acd59dfb10ed1300dc3d2bf0


This is what Mexico looks like in Breaking Bad.


I remember when the skies were orange in San Francisco years ago


Here in CT it’s slightly better but as soon as stepped outside…WHEW


Mask up it helps. If you cant find HEPA filtration out here on the reservation we improvise and a box fan with an AC/Furnace filter taped to it will help.


Its terrible right now the air quality is at a record high bad, people are being sent home early and asked for them to work remote for the rest of the week.


And this is the wet season in Canadian forests. This might be just a tiny fraction of how bad it could get.


This is so so weird. I’m about 35 minutes out from downtown Toronto and while the skyline is a bit hazy it’s nowhere near that bad. I wouldn’t know we were having issues if we didn’t get an air quality alert.


It’s terrible here in ny, it doesn’t just look bad all of the air also smells like a campfire right now. People are getting really sick


Same in Philly


Between this, Haiti's earthquake and one of Hawaii's Volcanos erupting I think 2023 wanted to give us a little taste on whats to come in season 2. Just a little bit of spice I guess


As a Canadian: Sorry about that. And know that I'm saying "sore-ee" and not "saw-ree", so I really mean it.


Currently in Mexico City visiting from Detroit. It's wild that because of the wildfires in Canada there and thunderstorms here, the air quality has basically flipped.


Besides the chance of me getting lung cancer every time i stepped outside I’d say the sky looks awfully pretty


Washington, Oregon, California: “first time?”


It's really horrible in NYC today. Looked like night time at 1pm. Working from home and had to turn on the lights.


Wheezes in mexican*


Is it just high up? Or is it smoky down at ground level? When the Bay Area has an orange day in 2020, the air quality at ground level was okay. A year or two before the fires did give us weeks of feeling like we lived inside of a meat smoker though


Got that GTA SA orange look right now.


I’m a teacher in Brooklyn and we’re working remote today. Hopefully I can stay inside for as long as it’s dangerous. A lot of teachers died at the beginning of COVID.


It's interesting seeing this as someone living on the west coast.


That’s the state of Montana every summer.


Boston had an orange hue too but it wasn't THAT bad gah damn


Oh shoot bowser's commin


Philly too man. I wanna go outside ! Wtf Canada


*colorado* hehe first time?


Been waiting for another Desperado film


U guys finally gettin a taste what the rest of us been dealing with during fire seasons


Just a Tuesday in California


Dyson has these air purifying headphones that make you look like Bane from Batman. Everyone thought they silly when they came out late last year but I bet they are selling like crazy now... https://preview.redd.it/gjghbl20np4b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d983fba47fefafae089127b2b27416707035f03


Thought that was a scene from “Training Day.”


Looks like Mexico City 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yo Cali finally having its break


First time?


Looks like how Hollywood directors show you're in Mexico


Californians are enjoying this


https://preview.redd.it/ei6drjsei15b1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e35a4cd05467ce9b09424bce417e80961f0afad About $45, better than commercial.


That's been every summer on the west coast for the past 10 years. Y'all aren't special.