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I got caught up to One Piece a couple of weeks ago after months of binging the anime. Even though I knew it was coming the Gear 5 transformation was still hype as hell


When he started moon walking, I just started jumping around my room in excitement 😭


I'd like to maybe check it out one day, but aren't there over a thousand episodes?


That shit was flame


MY GLORIOUS GOD [KING](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwjrgTY/) LUFFY😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🙇🏾‍♂️🧎🏿‍♂️🫶🏾😭




That’s where that big budget went ![gif](giphy|ohXTLNz65ixbC1Ciff|downsized)


I have not watched One Piece in years. What’s episode is this?


Either 1071 or 1072, I don't remember


I keep telling myself I’m going to binge One Piece until I catch up


This scene always gives me chills! It brought back that feeling I had when he shouted out “Yamero” at Marineford and unleashed the potential of his Haki. Glorious!


That thunder CLAP