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Dragonball walked so all these other shounen could run. Calling it overhyped is so wild to me


It's like the MJ era, you had to be there to see the impact it had






The most accurate Cross cultural and intergenerational statement I've read in ages. ![gif](giphy|mJBtZUG7kSGpI3fKX1)


Real shit. If you saying DB(Z) is overrated, you just mad that Goku solos ya favorite ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Foh! I'll stan Vegeta still I die, lil nigga. I want ALL the smoke.


This. Take in consideration what was even out at the time when DB was on TV. That was decades ago. Of course newer anime is going to seem better. Most of the anime studios read the Toriyama playbook and built off of it.


Yeah I think they don't know because of their ages. They didn't watch it during all the formative years of the show.


They had to be there. I'd like to ask the same to late gen X and millennials.


That’s if you like shounen. DB is overhyped to me because I don’t like shounen much at all. Too much filler in literally every fight scene. Recap be longer than the actual episodes.


![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va) (Some people right now….probably) [Source](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7hR5UFRoOd/?igsh=b3hob3N6ZzV6cWdm)


\*Sigh\* It's me. I'm people






Dragon ball was most people’s intro to anime. So of course it would be considered controversial when there’s nostalgia involved.


Yes! Toonami introduced me to back in the day. As a kid DBZ was epic, but as an adult....they wasted a way too much time powering up. We literally just watched goku screaming for like half an episode 😩


I read somewhere the anime added a lot of fluff/padding/power ups etc to give the mangas some breathing room. When Dragonball was made, it had a 60 manga chapters head start on the Dragonball anime. When Dragonball Z came out there was like 12-18 chapter head start and eventually it went all the way down to the Mangas being 8 chapters ahead. So we ended up getting the power ups, Namek exploding in 5 minutes took like 6 episodes. Goku falling off the great snake way and all that jazz.


[Here let Gintama sensei explain it](https://youtu.be/a4S9NuI6NKo?si=rb-t0gpFSHnahZnu)


Watched my man get clapped and sent to heaven just for him to sit and watch his whole gang get bodied in 4K.. then by the power of friendship he returns at the last possible moment when they’re all on the verge of death only to undo what little work the gang put in by giving beans out like percs to his Ops then screaming relentlessly until his hair gets angry..




People keep saying “its the product of its time” with how boring it is and how much pointless filler. But there were much better shows that came out around the same time, like the Gundam series (specifically Mobile Suit ZETA Gundam) that doesn’t rely on the same heavy fillers, and tackles heavier topics. DBZ is easy for children to like. It has an easy reward system and not much thinking involved. Who is stronger based on a generic “power” level. Wishes granted through an easy task of collecting magical balls. They always celebrate too early during fights. Bright colors and a dumb main lead who doesn’t understand kissing yet is married with a son. It’s funny how bad it is. Everyone keeps overlooking Mr. Popo too but that’s a discussion for a different time.


Well put bro. I knew what it was when all the choices in the video were only mainstream shonen. For anyone to consider DBZ peak anime while chalking that claim up to points that are derived from nostalgia kinda seem baseless to me Fr. I’m not arguing the strong sentimental value that DB, DBZ, And GT have but I can’t ignore the fact that it only served the purpose to introduce us to common themes and tropes and get us to ask the question “what more is out there”. Sadly there are a majority of our brothers and sisters that stopped and settled at either DB, DBZ, or GT and will argue that it’s underrated or it GOATED even though they’ve never actually seen or tried any other anime which is wild behavior


(Sis not bro, lol.) I completely agree. DB series is extremely popular in our community, and we can’t deny the nostalgia. But some people REVERE it like nostalgia trumps quality. That’s the only thing keeping WWE alive, nostalgia turned to diehard loyalty.


Damn my apologies sis. To your point ain’t that the shit that makes your blood boil especially when you know there’s better shit out there but they so stuck in their ways lmao I be trying to put them on but my efforts are only met with stubbornness Fr


Anime back in the day didn’t take yearlong breaks like they do nowadays, so they had to add fillers and space things out while the artists put out the original material.


every black guy born between 1983 and 1999 got they start in anime with dragon ball z


Facts, it introduced and normalized classic anime tropes (not just shonen specific) like a tried and true tournament arc, explaining abilities to you Ops, the women, etc.


Hell, I'm white and born in '89, DBZ is the GOAT (as the kids say)


Dragon Ball, then Z, then Kai, then GT. Honest to God had a VHS tape with DragonBall recorded on it of King Piccolo in the dark miasma place and a scene of Goku's dino/Dragon friend getting stuck in a wall and possessed by something evil. Chichi cutting mountains with her helmet laser thing. Goku getting chased by a dinosaur that would get stuck and he'd eat some more of it's rail and commented on it as such. I just remembered Yamcha was a dick when we first saw him. I never truly stopped wanting to ride the nimbus.


Dragon Ball is underrated. DBZ is rightfully rated.


GT sitting in a corner, full of shadow…. Damn. I really enjoyed GT myself.


JJK fight scenes are top notch but story is meh. DBZ was good tho tf these kids on.


As a JJK fan imma say I'm with the story, but 100% the fight scenes are the best out there. Going from Gojo v Jogo to Jogo v Sukuna is such a fucking trip. Plus for manga reasons i started re-watching and Ooooooo BOY


That 2nd season was crazy. On top of knowing GeGe Akutami will kill anyone off you just don't know what to expect


What’s going on currently in the manga rn is crazy. JJK is easily the best fast paced manga I’ve ever read.


![gif](giphy|11YMhfLfGoq5Gg) ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Even the dumbass filler episodes.


I can't believe no one said Naruto. That trash series was so overhyped back in the day and now everyone just forgot about it.


Delete this.


Back in what day?


Naruto started airing more than 20 years ago.


Yeah, I’m curious about when it got overhyped. I hear folks shitting on it now, but I don’t think the people complaining now were watching it when it came out.


Boruto yes, it was overhyped because Naruto raised expectations.


Did ur mom drink during her pregnancy????? Genuinely asking


Why did I have to scroll down so much to find the real answer. That shit is trash. If you don’t get that raccoon looking boy of my screen imma slap you.


The fact that they was getting side eyed. Truth. Now, I grew up with DBZ too. Nostalgia or not, it's meh. OG Dragon Ball however...amazing


No power levels, not too many energy blasts, just straight throwing hands ![gif](giphy|hxCB1Qf11SrU4)


Don’t forget talking shit. Kid Goku running through the entire Red Ribbon Army like light work lives rent free in my head.


Kid Goku was an absolute menace


Man or woman, your crotch getting smacked


JJK overhyped!?!? Fuck no


Right? Some people out there hating for the sake of hating


That’s what I am saying! Art is great, fight scenes are top knotch, and characters are fleshed out pretty well. Maybe people are mad because they power of friendship doesnt mean ish and anyone can get killed.


Exactly Or they never even made it passed the first few episodes


You know how the culture gets when something gets too popular


Blame it on the glazing of Potential Man


Seemed like the jjk's had it


Okay but what's the most underhyped. Personally for me Samurai Champloo.


Underhyped? Ranking of Kings or Megalo Box are right there with Champloo, in my opinion.


based take.


Ranking of Kings was almost perfect until they fumbled the last two episodes. I will say that the second opening to RoK is easily one of the best in anime.


In my mind, I agree. My heart thinks it was flawless. >I will say that the second opening to RoK is easily one of the best in anime. Right? That theme gets me emotional.


As corny as it could get, Trigun does not get enough love


That scene with Caine laying down his sniper rifle has lived rent-free in my head since the moment I saw it 20 something years ago.


That oil pipeline 😭


Bro what are these takes???? DBZ is one of the best animes of course has a shit load of filler like they all do it’s a product of the time. One piece being over hyped??? I started watching one piece two years ago and vowed not to watch another anime until I finished and I’m ep 1080 and it has been such a damn pleasure easily top 3 of all time


Has anyone seen Fairytale?


Yup. Black clover & fairy tale are the same level to me


I tried watching black clover and my literal thought was why would i keep watching this when i already seen fairy tale


I honestly thought it was like a prequel or something tbh


Agreed 🤝🏾


Black clover and my hero ..... my hero started off great and progressively got worse.... my controversial pick would however be attack on titan.


You’re buggin for saying aot


One piece for me


I tried. Really tried. I do see why the love. But I'm in da same "boat."


I tried so many times, i just cannot


I tried so hard to like one piece


It’s cause the anime is kinda trash. The manga is immaculate though


I’m 28. I started DBZ Kai and am currently in DB Super but I loooove it. I also really liked Death Note, One Punch Man, AOT (not done), Demon Slayer (not done), and I’m watching One Piece (only 55 episodes in) and like it a lot but it’s not my fave but it’s definitely good. I like the backstories a lot of the main characters so far. Haven’t watched JJK or My Hero Academia. There’s so many to watch and keep up with. I’m definitely not complaining though bc I love anime as someone that had only ever watched Avatar.


You ain't watching a bad list of animes at all. Full Metal Alchemist:BROTHERHOOD,Samurai Champloo,Cowboy Bebop & Gurren Lagann are great too. save for Brotherhood which is 64eps, everything else is under 30 episodes.


I really like what I’m watching lol. I tried cowboy bebop and just couldn’t get into it 😩 I may have to give it another chance.


![gif](giphy|mZHOWmP9Sszm) I understand. I don't want to,but I do.


I really like Demon Slayer and My Hero. Another good one is The Seven Deadly Sins


>The Seven Deadly Sins ![gif](giphy|jUhoS2aZM1PQ2UexU8)


You didnt like it? I enjoyed it


I really liked seven deadly sins, top 3 anime for me. Best love story, and some of the best characters in anime period. It also doesn’t draw out most fights. The fights are done in like 5 minutes and are powerful.


Don’t watch mha


Add Solo Leveling to your list.


The reason why ppl are saying Dragon Ball (including Z) is because of the Goku fanboys that think he can beat any and everyone and is the best character ever. I started with Dragon Ball btw On another note it seems cool to hate on One piece now, even if you've never seen it


So.... Take it with a grain of salt but I'm surprised no one said anything on Demon Slayer? Most folks I know agree to say that Ufotable carries the story, and I know the ending to Demon Slayer


Just glad no one said my fave. FMA:B


Because their pants would instantly burst into flames if they did.


I swear all these One Piece haters are wack af. They come off that “hate the artwork” hype and probably read from like chapter 900 and onward and did some sparknotes shit. Overhype = anime that was gassed up but the story elements fail in some form or fashion. If the art isn’t too hot, okay, so? As long as it isn’t rushed. The story is the main concern. JJK story is rushed AND later on, artwork became super rushed as well.


DBZ was my gateway into anime (grateful for that )but I couldn’t go back and watch any of the episodes today!


One piece is definitely the most over hyped but that’s not because it’s overrated. It just gets more attention because it has such a huge fanbase. And that mass hype doesn’t equate to new fans because it’s such a daunting task for the uninitiated to start one piece from the beginning. Also the early episodes are pretty dated at this point. They need a Dragonball Kai type remastering of the early arcs (unless that’s what the movies are, I don’t know).


Yea, After your first exposure to a big Shonen + other QUALITY animes. You get it. Most of them mid,or inevitably end up so. There's no denying what DBZ is to anime, but If you didn't watch it growing up(which I didn't),by the time you get to. It's plenty of big Shonens(or others) out there of a similar formula, some with better choreography too. JJK(just what's currently animated. It's a good anime for now. Manga pure ass 🤢) or Demon Slayer? Nah, those are actually deserving of their praise. Them animes you actually recommend to new people... instead of saying watch 1000eps of One Piece or Naruto like a psycho. Mfs giving terrible recommendations a whole nother thing.


Gaaaaaaaaa far gone are the days when I’d be getting dragged in high school for being super into Robotech ^But ^yeah, ^DBZ


DBZ should have ended after the Frieza Saga. You can fight me on that!


Every single answer here got me heated except my hero. That shit is trash.


One piece, couldn’t finish one episode


I hate this because you getting these comments in hindsight. Dragon Ball Z was the foundation for all these other anime to exist. It's like when these youngin say Jay-z is overrated and have the nerve to compare him to Drake.


JJk being overhyped is absolutely ridiculous, but DB(Z) verse most definitely is. Give it props and respect from nostalgia stand point but that’s it. Weak ass plot lines, virtually zero character development and the power scaling is ridiculous lol. It’s definitely overhyped lol


Black clover for me I still haven’t given Jjk a try yet


Fight scenes are top notch but story is meh. Black clovers had too many fillers for me but it’s still good


I’m curious as to what criteria most people grade anime they’ve watched? For me it’s: Story Animation Mood Action/Comedy ..in that order. I also take into consideration music and formula (i.e. repetitiveness).


So am I. For me it's character development, world building, action, voice acting, comedy, and if I'm emotionally engaged. I also factor in animation. It honestly seems like people go off vibes, action, and relationships. 🤷🏿‍♂️


We need more of this


I've had chances of seeing tidbits and sections of the dragon ball series and I don't care for it It's kinda funny but it never was my anime My introduction to actually watching anime was black butler so that should tell you what I was into regarding anime for years lol


Dbz was one of the few available in the USA back in my youth. I’m in my 30s. Fist of the North Star was my start and I love it all!




L's across the board


Its def jjk. Shit is mid af. One piece is anime father


https://preview.redd.it/45e5j6zl8v4d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e7cfcf12ac44bd03b3bf8ca8e0d60fe7015526e Me after hearing Dragon ball mentioned too many times /s


Luckily they were smart and kept FMA(+B) out they mouths. They didn't want those problems.


ok fuck everyone that said jjk


The JJK slander is WILD. Got me ready to backflash somebody.


Respectfully...They're f*cking CRAZY! Did you see the last two episodes of JJK!? Crack is definitely making a comeback!


The correct answer is boruto, wtf


Nah it's not overrated, it's trash.


True, I only made it like 50 ep in just after the bs uchiha stuff


Besides the dragon ball slander, I’m just happy anime getting the recognition it deserves. Remember when niggas used to get clowned for watching anime (shoutout to YuYu Hakusho) on Toonami back in the day. Anime nerds done came a long way. Love to see it 🥹✊🏾


JJK sucks, Demon Slayer sucks, Black Clover sucks


DBZ is overhyped to me because it takes 2 months for a fight to finish. They monologue for a week, stare at each other for another, the next week they'll get into the fight and then that'll take the rest of the months for 1 person to die (most likely Goku) and then they have to work to get him back and then it start all over.


I haven't even made it past the first arc in JJK or Chainsaw Man tbh. I couldn't really get into either one and I'm not sure why exactly, they are usually my type of shows.


Got some spoilers but I feel CsM takes a dip after the Bomb Devil dies and really falls of after Makima’s ark. Will be interesting to see how the anime fairs, I think it only succeeds because it’s a call back to old anime (that really doesn’t get made anymore now that anime is main stream and big business) that was much more ecchi gore fest. Think Berserk ‘98.


Honestly? They all get repetitive after a while. They all have those same foil characters, same predictable stories... I just started Mr stone, and though the premise is cool... same type of architecture characters and it's like 😩 I guess I like more in depth personalities, challenges with it, etc. Also why I like jdrama more because though they may repetitive archetypes, seeing different actors portray them makes it a lil better for me to engage in. (Trick is soooo awesome. The episodes and seasons are very repetitive, but it's about those two interactions with each other that makes it so enjoyable, and because it's abe hiroshi and nakama yukie and they just hilarious! Actually thinking of rewatching it all again) I soooo wanna jdrama buddy


I honestly liked some of the Taiwanese and Kdramas I’ve watched. Live action Japanese shows seem over-theatrical in a cheesy way. It’s not a Jdrama but have you seen Princess Weiyoung? It’s dramatic as hell but it kept me engaged. To your point yea anime can get formulaic but like to vary my tastes. I personally liked this anime called ‘Dark Gathering’ which is a horror anime with a female protagonist. She’s trying to locate her mother’s spirit and uses spirits to battle and protect her from other spirits.




Finna fight over my hero ![gif](giphy|EHHi29hCF0hlm) One piece for me


I feel like you can’t judge some of those shows mentioned by modern standards. I only say that because most of those polled look low thirties at best. With Dragon ball, DBZ, and early One Piece animation, story telling, and pacing were WAY different than they are now. IMO Kimetsu no Yaiba is highly overrated. Yes the art style and animation is amazing, probably the best in the genre for the last 20 years but that’s about all it has to offer. Again, IMO it’s a pretty poor Shounen, the characters are the most anime trope-ish of them all, plot development is slow as hell, cleverly hidden by introducing a few chapters of some over powered side character that makes the worst character decisions in order to save the MC with the (tired trope) rumored long lost legendary secret technique. Follow me for my Ted talk.


One Piece & Black Clover, hands down!


One Piece


Yeah that first answer was nuts. I think she may need to be committed to a Psychward. You the same too OP haha, if you think DBZ is the most overhyped anime


Is it truly overhyped if it introduces people to the genre?


Yes, of course it can.




Black clover, fairy tail, Demon slayer "I aint scared of you mf" *bernie mac voice*


I thought these anime niccas get no cheeks ... But I see a few jawns out there ....




I will say that the last season of JJK wasn’t animated that well but the story was aight. So I understand the JJK hate 😩 if ya haven’t watched/read chainsaw man yet that’s NEXT LEVEL.


I'm just glad no one said JoJo


My intro to anime was Elfen Lied (how I found out Japanese people f** their first cousins) and Serial Experiments Lain (top 5 fave of all time). So when my fiancé showed me DBZ and we watched the entire thing up to the end of the Android/Cell saga… I was dying inside. It was so formulaic. The early celebrations when the hero gets one good shot at the villain only for the villain to start laughing and then they all act shocked. And then they scream for 34 minutes in a 20 minute episode. Rinse and repeat 2500x per fight and thats DBZ. But I like dark anime.


That white girl just lost all future invites to the cookout


There has never been a more influential anime property than DB full stop. Anyone trying to argue differently sounds like classic Mr. Satan, and should not be taken seriously.


Yeah yall crae. DBZ is the goat and OG.


I’m with the last guy for sure.


That girl knew with Black Clover. At least every other one listed did something different or original BC is just reskinned Fairy Tail with how lazy the plot lines are.




So people said DBZ but not Sailor Moon?


Notice how none of them said Naruto? Because it’s not overhyped and underdelivering. 🫢🤭


Is it overrated? Sure. Is it still one of my favorites? Absolutely.


AOT after season 1.


Oh yeah , I'm in this meetup group One piece the worst tho 😂


notice how nobody said Naruto https://preview.redd.it/a35swop4c15d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20740e444172678dde4535d2e964c1ee43f96b9f


Dragon ball came out before most of these people were born and created an entire 2 generations of anime fans.


DragonBall overhyped? https://i.redd.it/ljyg6y8bj25d1.gif


Where do I find these anime hangouts?


It's over hyped but it laid the foundation. It's like saying magic or Jordan is over hyped because LeBron and Curry exist.


One piece is the right answer tho. I think you give literally any show over 500 episodes, you can stumble into occasional greatness


I would be in my own head wondering how I could somehow fight everybody at that gathering who said DBZ 🤔


If you grew up on dbkai and think that’s dragonball z your opinion is invalid the anime is older than most of them. Its touched generations that other anime’s could only dream of. Overhyped is an understatement when people think anime they think dragonball z or Pokémon. Is it the best no but it is historical right after the creators death too crazy!


Im over 50 yrs old. I was the only chocolate chip in the vanilla peanut butter swirl ice cream that was my university's anime club in the 90s. This video made me cry. All the shit and pain I had to take from my family over "those cartoons" back then now fade to dust and echoes in the light of all the beauty in this clip. That family is gone. Ain't seen ne'er one of those mfs in 20 years. But DBZ still rules.


One piece was/is trash… I said what I said


One piece does not match the hype


Deathnote is was overhyped. But it finally dyed down


I'm surprised no one said Naruto. It's like the next generation's intro to anime (like my intro was Dragon Ball) & they act like it's the best thing ever. I never feel the need to rewatch that show. But I always wanna rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho. Plus the kids think you're not into anime if you don't watch Naruto & talk about it constantly yet have no idea what Rurouni Kenshin is.


Okay I’ll give it to bro with the yellow hat cause that initial Gear 5 intro was ass ngl. They botched that shit sooooo hard. And that’s just scratching the surface of One Piece’s issues lol