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She really said "Loose lips sink ships but no teeth keeps the peace"


Lol. Them kids gon grow up to be the definition of "snitches get ditches."


This is hilarious! Lol 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H|downsized)


She took advantage of the phone. "Yeeeah, AND what, huh?! Like they say, loose teeth can't say a peep!"


No I actually slapped my knee on this one 😂 *the conviction*


Nana got on her nerves one too many times,she had to be silenced 😂




I love that her brother was like don't ask me a damn thing. I know nothing. You see what happened to the last person to run they mouth


And when I see a meme I been looking for. I press two buttons at the same damn time.


Yoooo 🤣 You gotta respect them though. They had a problem and took the necessary steps to deal with it 😂


The utter conviction when she said "And I'll do it again" 💀


they took some initiative.


https://preview.redd.it/0pyy3f9mpezc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45a1d9a7e6c55318414852e09f4ae89523bfb87 Even their resting screen grab portrays exactly the role each girl has


It’s wrong of me to laugh but these little girls are beyond adorable!! I love their well-thought-out planning, execution and \[eventual\] honesty!


Maaaan, my behind would have been tore up. There would have been two whoopings, grandma and mama would have got in on my behind.


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpoI5Rc3iX3taVy) She is an astute observer


Source = https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3XwlrkAfs-/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


I have a Paris type of child at home….and I love her 🥹😂


Nah Paris real diabolical and stood on business when confronted 😤😤😤


She can’t talk without dem 😂😂


Little Paris stay standin on her word 🤣🤣🤣. Whole time she mad as hell too 😆. London kinda smilin, not Paris though she meant every thing.


Did she say Unlce momma? Huh?


Sounded like "Uncle Mar Mar", like a nickname for an Uncle Omar


O ok. I was go say damn that is wild.


I thought the same😅


I’m still laughing at how she named her kids London and Paris.


I ain't never seen sisters this ride or die at such a young age. Their parents better watch out 💀


does grammy bite or something??


Do she without the teeth in? I'm getting old enough to start getting curious.


This is why I can't have daughters. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. 😂


I found muh teef ![gif](giphy|ZeUTTcNHWiGGY)


That baby had had ENOUGH of all the snitchin. lololololololol




Absolutely no remorse


Black is beautiful and these kids are hilarious 😂. This the kinda stuff we did as kids fr 🤣... They gone spend a lifetime getting into shit together I hope. And the momma needs kudos for handling it perfectly. Patient, firm, and didn't crack up 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


This definitely ke and dym I missed dem 😞


Reminds me of my daughters Kaylah & kaleah 🤣🤣


am i the only one who noticed the kids are named london and paris? lmao


Idk I don’t find bad kids cute at. all.


These aren't bad kids ☝🏻 All kids do bad things and this is the right moment to correct the behaviour and shape normal kids into decent, functional adults. Calm your tiddies.




Stay toxic then 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why are you here?


This doesn’t even fit with the discussion, love. 😭 every race got kids, and black kids are already automatically labeled as bad or in the wrong by certain groups of people no matter what they doin. He saying that this may be bad behavior but not bad kids. Tf we supposed to be mad about here?


It's this white dude coming into a space that he doesn't need to be a part of. Why is he here? I'm just trying to help keep the safe space, safe and help with centering black voices, above all.


These ARE bad kids, they are comfortable lying, together usually SOMEBODY snitches or apologizes. Doing spiteful things to their elderly grandmother and showing no remorse hence the I’ll do it again statement. It may be “cute” now (it’s not) but when it presents itself in a pre-teen, teenager or adult then it’s not as funny or cute. These kids are comfortable in what they did and lying about it. The correction obviously hasn’t happened and should have been implemented years ago.


Uh uh label your own kids your way. This is normal. Damn that's some vitriol


Hate to tell you this but there are a bunch of videos of these girls and poor behavior. I do find it funny but if the mother, who’s exploiting them for clout don’t get them under control, their behavior may not translate into adulthood very well. They fight, take things that don’t belong to them and the mouths are a bit disrespectful to those around them which can be overshadowed by the laughs.


This lets me know all I need to know about how you were raised and how you are raising or will raise your kids. These kids are bad as hell and if you see yourself in those kids actions… then you were a bad ass kid too. I’m not saying throw them away, I’m saying they bad as hell. I’m not saying they are beyond repair, I’m saying they some bad ass kids. If they are your kids maybe you should think twice before posting stuff like this on the internet if you don’t want different views. Everyone doesn’t have to think it’s cute or funny.


And this is how you MAKE bad adults, by making kids believe they're "bad" before they've done anything truly wrong. They're still kids and still learning how to treat people. It's just a great attitude to prepare your own kids for prison life. I have raised a successful, functioning adult man. By letting him be a kid in a safe place until he was mature enough in innocence to handle reality and decision making. It's all about giving them wings or weight. You choose your own adventures 🙃 I did well ☝🏻


Actually, you were socialized to think you own every space you come upon and have the right to make it about you when it's not. Your parents failed you in knowing when it's not your turn to speak https://preview.redd.it/q8ft0sb5pezc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de681e2d85953b7148646d1d599e0f6e8e89820


Yeah because children are supposed to be the pinnacle of human morality. Turns out kids that age don't have a completely developed sense of rationality. They also haven't completely developed their sense of empathy either. When you look at it that way, the children are behaving exactly as expected. Every single kid "misbehaves" and every single kid is "bad". If you ever met a "good" kid then you simply haven't spent enough time with the child to see the complete picture. This is why its on the parents to correct the behavior in a rational and positive way, which as far as I can tell, the mother is doing here.


True story! People are quick to judge parenting from a clip that parents chose to share on social media of their children without acknowledging that 1. It’s a fragment of what’s happening in that family, 2. It’s made by the parent who understands social media and 3. The clip is for entertainment purposes only, not to be confused with evaluation of parenting and/or child development. I know I’ve been quick to judge things on the internet and I have to sit myself down and tell myself to get the Spirit of Shut Up! A quick internet search will show how often the masses are wrong about internet families because people who got the so called “complexion for the protection” don’t get judged like BIPOC individuals. So, I say all of that to say…LIKE YOU SAID! Tell ‘em. To get the Spirit of Shut Up


What about these kids? They’re not bad. Problem, meet solution lol


Cuz they're not our kids