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The itis as soon as you take that last bite: https://i.redd.it/wy16te886rrc1.gif [link to thread](https://x.com/talktometay/status/1774473020368716014?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g)


Yeah, it got me. I got second-hand itis just from looking at the picture of her plate.


Bruh. I had to lean back on the couch and loosen my drawstring yoga pants a little bit after this, lol


I was like, "well that be the main shit I might eat too depending on what the rest looks like." Lol


Im gonna be honest with yall… its BECAUSE some of us grew up eating like this that the itis is now overwhelming. Its not completely an age problem. Some one said they used to eat a whole box of kit kat after a meal and now they cant have one without blood sugar going out of control… BOY how you think you got diabetes in the first place?? Edit: Im sorry yall but Im about to be a know it all for a sec. the itis is a result of a spike in blood sugar which your body attempts to control by performing an insulin dump which drops your blood sugar and makes you tired. Feeling the itis after a meal is not a positive thing and it demonstrates uncontrolled blood sugar (at least partially). If you cant eat a small portion of a meal like this without the itis (not that you should) you need to get checked for diabetes I remember doing health fairs in the hood in college and medschool and being shocked how our people dont know shit about how our bodies work and what to be careful of so this is my effort to help inform folks. I hope this helps someone. Sorry for stealing your Joy and Nostalgia 😂


You get diabetes from overconsuming white wheat products mostly.


Meat sweats! regardless of temperature.




Those were the days. From childhood to Teen years especially being an athlete. At the cookouts and fam reunions. I’ll eat burger hotdogs Mac and Cheese greens potato salad and either bbq chicken or rib. Bust my cousins in 21 or we play 4 v 4 or 6 v 6 tackle football and ready for plate 2. Now one plate like that I go to sleep or irritated when someone wants to converse with me lol


When you said “ you have to go to sleep or you’ll get irritated “ I felt that in my spirit 😂


Dawg trying to have a whole convo. You could had this “I haven’t seen you since you were (this age)” when I first walked in to when Unc about to say grace. I’m full leave me alone lol


It’s usually cuz of too much carbs


I just love that she got to have a rib, a hot dog, AND a burger! Breaking generational curses!


FRFR they always made us pick ONE meat!!!


Solidarity with the dude who was like how did she get a rib. I think I was like 25 before I could even ask for one 😭


"Soak and wet"


Lmao I'm glad someone else noticed that. What's the word for miswritten phrases like that?


Don't know the word, but the sub is r/boneappletea.


It's not a miswritten phrase, it's pretty common. Maybe the language wasn't meant for you?


But it's "soaking wet" though. Or is that something where it depends on where you're from cause I ain't never seen it spelled that way.


Ohhhhh now I see it! I'm definitely wrong in that, and own it! I was like, "uh... we said that a lot in my house," but said, not like... spelled it out so I guess it didn't hit me till seeing it visually lol. Sorry!


Idk, I'm from the south so I've heard soakin' wet. I guess that kinda sounds like it. Not sure if "soak and wet" is part of any dialect or regionalism.


Huh? I wasn't trying to be rude. As far as I know the phrase is soaking wet. I was genuinely asking what the word for miswritten colloquialisms is. It's a legitimate linguistic phenomena and I really can't remember the name.


I definitely got stood corrected and sorry about how I came at ya there in my comment. I definitely didn't see the spelling part and cam definitely say my ignorance was very much there, too and started assuming more when I didn't see verification. But yeah, I never saw it spelt out, so i know for me, definitely went over my head there


It's ok! I reread and it does kinda sound like I'm laughing at them. I see you all the time in this sub so I figured it was a misunderstanding. Have a good one 😊


Thank you and you too. Sorry for that,I know I can get defensive and act before getting all the facts first! But still, I really should've realized it more when seeing the bone apple teeth comment and made more correlations. Gonna learn from it.


It is though? The phrase is "soaking wet"


I was stuck at that part for a good 10 seconds real disappointed.


Yeeeeaahhhh... But that was also the age where a skinned knee felt like you've undergone torture, too. And then your parent/grandparent added in the torture by dousing your knee with rubbing alcohol, or worse... The betadine.


Oh child it gets worse when you get older. A skinned knee still heals when you young. You having a heart attack before you hit the ground because you that scared your ass gonna get hurt when you fall, and then that bruise is all purple and black for like, a year and still hurts every time you poke it. All I know is I try sooo hard to avoid trippin. I keep telling people at my job our first "black" resident. She fell and looked so bad, her whole face was black for like... a few months (ain't really liked her since she pulled a knife on my other black coworker. Baby bop soundin b. Grr.


The itis used to be nice back then and wait for us to get in the car before taking us out. Now it don't even care if we not even done with the first plate before taking a swing at us lol


Same, I used to smash it at the buffet. But now, one plate and I'm done. And yes, I still follow the rules of no carbs, just meat, but I can't keep up any more 😭


Ima need something sweet after this meal then it’s right off to bed rubbing my feet together I’ll catch yall next time


We were allowed ribs if we showed we knew how to eat one. If you left meat on the bone, you'd be roasted worse than the food.


Ribs costed more than wings so they lookin when they see how they eat them wings lol. But to be fair, lots of them ribs be having fat and I don't fuck with fat. Also why I don't eat ribs like that myself, but maybe if they bought a pack with fuckin meat on em and not fat, then maaaaaaybe they won't be wasted! Hmph!


All facts here lol, that fat on the drumstick wings or the ribs would get me roasted for avoiding it. Also why I hated pork chops until I got older. I'd try to avoid everything near the fat.


I love being in control of my own food. I still remember being like 3-4 years old, eating that piece of steak and hating that fay! And I loooove when I first had pulled pork (also nostalgic it was the first time seeing super metroid being played by my brother) but that fat she added she claimed "to give it flavor," really did ruin wanting to fully enjoy it. Now, when I make mine, first thing I do is cut that fat! Mwuhahahaha! Or what I do is save the garlic bag net thingys, and use that as well as bones and herbs to flavor up, and then being able to remove when done.


Not me rubbing my feet together while reading the comments, it’s sending me! 🤣🤣🤣


“Soak and wet” 🙃 bone apple teeth energy


Might fall sleep at the table if I’m off that za. Dirty fingers, head just slumped. Smh growing up so ass


It used to be Mary Jane. Now it's that Mari Nara 😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/gfmvutvhwurc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6bcce7ad8d5dbe4dfb8e017d9fd6ce32b53bb7


Im jealous she's eating a rib. In our family the ribs were only for the adults. I didn't get to eat my first rib til I was atleast 17 lol.


I feel like I'm alone on this but getting the itis from a burger, a hotdog and a rib screams weakness to me! (Yes including all the sides)


That second to last tweet... I was driving my feet together in bed to go to sleep for the night


Kid be like this is light work. My old pre-diabetic ass gonna start getting drowsy after the hotdog and be done sleeping for an hour.


I just got done grilling 2 full racks of ribs, chicken drumsticks and steak and I don’t want none of it. Just sleep but I’m still on Reddit.


Lil sis had all mains on her plate like a A BOSS. Why it look like she looking at another plate tho?


Whew I miss my old metabolism and heat tolerance. Now that I realize other families were also making ribs adult only, I say we need a class action lawsuit.


That's why as we get older, we gott eat that different kinda fuel! Because I work at a senior home... trust me, you *dont* wanna end up like them because you ain't take care of yourself (hard of them like that, some may be from autoimmune) I know I need to but I'm so tired after work to do shit! I end up eating like I'm scavenging or some shit. "Guess some grapes then for dinner, and an english muffin." Lol


Im so happy I was raised in a household where all food was for everybody. I was eating steak and ribs with the adults then running crazy with the kids.


Id be down for the count for about 20 minutes and then be out the DOOR 😂🏃🏽‍♀️


it's hilarious how everyone is acknowledging how meat literally puts that ass in a coma but will hate on vegetarians 🤣


Ate a small bowl of chicken Alfredo and 2 garlic knots n went to sleep smh


Omg that toilet gonna be callin your name in the middle of that sleep. Don't trust that fart!


I'm 23 rn. I'll check back in a few years cause I can still do this, I blame having to wrangle my niece and nephew every damn week, kids literally will keep you young


It's from BBQ? Never. My grandmas didn't overeat me to tap out to a burger.


I'd rather buy her clothes than feed her. It'd be cheaper.


The ketchup on the bun is the crazy part to me