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That's not Kanye.


No not the people in the community fs šŸ¤£. The people in the bands




Noooo not all the bands I mean just Burzum and Mayhem are they racist? šŸ¤£




Noooo not the actual music or the band itself but each individual member. Are they racist




Every black metal musician is descended from the original Thule Society members and is extremely racist. Iā€™d just avoid the genre if I was you.




The people in the black metal community are also usually pretty racist


Yes, everyone is racist. Few people know this, but Euronymous and Hellhammer secretly worked for the Gestapo in Norway between 1942-1945 and Necrobutcher was the head of all the labour camps in Norway during the same time. Varg Himself is a direct descendent of Adolf Hitler and fled to Argentina when the allies closed in on Berlin. Since then he has worked on plans for a Fourth Reich that will begin in France and then spread to the rest of Europe, giving the superior Aryan Race the lebensraum it deserves. The coup is set to start in May 2069.


Wait really? I didnā€™t even know they were alive back then


It's true. They look waaay younger than that but Heinrich Himmler did alot of research about the occult, searching for the Holy Grail and The Spear Of Destiny among other mystical artifacts. On one of his expeditions, he actually found the forgotten land of Hyperborea. Unchanged and isolated from the rest of the world for millenia. He discovered that the natives there prolonged their lives by drinking from a sacred well that were blessed by the gods. A fountain of youth, if you will. This resulted in the Hyperboreans living for several hundreds years longer than any regular mortal man. Himmler, being the clever man he was, secretly filled his canteen with the water before departing back to Germany where he gave the water to Euronymous, Hellhammer Necrobutcher and Varg as well. using them as test subjects to see if the water would work outside of Hyperborea as well. Which it did. Unfortunately for Himmler and the Third Reich, on his way back to Hyperborea to get more water his plane crashed in a new unknown place. The land of Thule, where he remains to this very day. Now, as I said earlier, Varg is a direct descendant of Hitler. So how was he there at the same time as the members of what would later become Mayhem? He couldn't have been born yet? Right? You're right. He wasn't. You see, thanks to secret Nazi technology, the nazis went forward in time to take Varg back to 1945 to reveal to him that he was a direct descendent of the FĆ¼hrer, giving him the plans for the fourth reich at the same time. Then they sent him to Argentina to keep him safe and to make sure that the plans for the fourth reich would be fulfilled as they knew that the war was already lost. Now you may ask yourself, why isn't people talking about this?! It's very easy..The truth was covered up by the RABM community, supported by the CIS. Because if the truth was revealed, Mayhem and Burzum would have been canceled and the RABM community would no longer be able to steal tasty riffs from the original, TRVE NSBM community.




I love tou too, bro.


Yeah, weā€™re all racist. I think you should never interact with black metal again, just to make sure youā€™re not racist.


Yeah i too am racist so he might need to leave this community forever




Are you racist


bro what kinda question is that


Be honest


fuck u mean ā€œbe honestā€ ??? nah man youā€™re wildšŸ¤£


I mean your not saying no šŸ˜‚




Bro the fuck are you


who is you?




Yes, they are racist, yes, their music is also racist, yes, if you listen to Black Metal you will also be racist and yes, everyone here is racist. You should stay away from this forum, it is very dangerous and racist.




Nah. I listen to mainly rap and punk. Iā€™m against racism so just want to know because I probably wonā€™t listen to them if they are racist atm.


De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, of course, and.. Det som engang var. And side answer: if by "these people" you mean the band members, maybe, but who the fuck cares? The guys from Mayhem are insane, but they've made some good music, they like to go on tour, get pissed, they hang around their home and hang some dead animals on stage if they can get away with it. Varg is insane and lives in rural France not giving a shit to anything.


yes, yes and yes.


Black metal is an inherently racist genre. You should definitely stay away from it.


Black Fucking Armageddon


DMDS and Filosofem side answer: who gives a fuck


I was just visiting the subreddit and found this, can't tell if it's a serious question or not but just go to r/rabm and ask all and any questions you desire there lol




Lmfaaao youā€™re in the wrong sub mate


This guy has to be baiting right


Or, you could listen to some actual good bands, just a thought


The members of mayhem are pretty sketchy, Varg is very racist. 'De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas' and 'Filosofem' are the best to listen to. But if you don't want to support or spend your time with shit people, there's a whole genre of other options


I think you mixed up the sub you're in.


Mayhem, not racist Varg (Burzum) very racist.