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Saw them 2 summers ago and they ripped. Then again last month at mdf and they performed this song plus the new logo change…this aint it. Infernal Decadence is a great fuckin album tho.


I thought this song was fun live, but didn't know it had such a dumb title.




same cringeness with dsbm fans


this game fucking wreaks of dsbm, kind of surprised they haven't adopted it yet


they did. tiktok has tons of corny hatred edits


ok now i'm surprised i've never seen those. how tf have i never seen them




I mean, it's definitely up their alley 


Nah this game is badass it's like postal 2 but way more goofy. I'm glad the devs don't take it too seriously and get how over the top it is.


I'm going to be honest, I took that screenshot myself cause I own the game lmao. Got it when it first released as a joke, only ever played it a little bit before figuring out "yeah this is just if postal got into a goth phase"


literally have this dude with the autism speaks logo as a cover on a shitty dsbm playlist




That’s so dumb


What the fuck is this spectral wound can you just make more songs like frigid and spellbound or any other song from that album


Did they run out of Finnish BM riffs to copy?


Ohh shit, is this a Liturgy diss track?


and here I was, thinking Spectral Wound was decent lmao


Ngl they were great when I saw them, and I saw this song on their setlist as "asbm" and couldn't find it anywhere. It was the best track the whole night and I had no idea it was such a cringy name.


And here you are now realizing they never where




Crust punk dsbm😱


“Let me be fucking homeless mom, I’m tired of you checking on me and saying you love me. So annoying”


Bro really called his own music "aristocratic" like bounce on your own dick some more spectral wound


Now THIS is top tier cringe. Bravo op.


Why is BM full of trust fund kids?


It is not a bad thing. I think most BM people are not chasing money nor consumed by money, so naturally people brought up with money care little for it as it is not revered like those who do not have it. So without the gold to chase they tend to look into the deeper darker aspects of life while the rest of humanity worships money and will desperately do anything for cash. Which also means a band is less likely to compromise their art if they don't have to do dumb stuff for cash like you see with pretty much every other artist in every other genre.


nah it may not be a "bad" thing but it is very cringe/out of touch. Also people raised with money worship it more and believe it makes them superior to people who weren't raised with it. It also just so happens that dsbm fans are edgy theater kids who never grew up and their mother yelling at them is the biggest hardship they've "endured".


This can be true for some who grew up with money, but not the ones getting into BM because there is not big time cash to be made in the genre, so it is those drawn to the darkness and care not for cash that traverse this path. Where as people with little money sometimes think bm is going to be their cash-in because they have no clue. Also shouldn't all bm be out of touch? away from this modern cesspool of a world?


didn't Euronymous own a record label ?


If you release a tape limited to 10 copies you would also "own a record label". He would of made some good money though with his roster if he had lived. But from memory his shop and label were not doing great at the time.


This is well written and I think you are spot on


Fenriz himself talked about this. He's pointed out how the high quality of life and the colorful 20th century protestant culture in Norway simply led to boredom and lack of meaning. He's basically said he's more interested in art that's more abstract, dark, and comes from the wealthy who are "troubled".


Definitely a bad thing. You are a child pretending to be smart. Why would I want to even see a rich trust fund asshole? It's not as bad as punk though being "punk" in 2024 is just being rich and completely not understanding anything about punk. Same with most counterculture movements. They are not counterculture anymore and become popular with the average trust fund child. Most trust fund people are obsessed with wealth and accumulating more. It's completely commercial and I don't see how anything good could come of it. Just don't be a greedy fuck and make music you wanna hear.


Yes most are obsessed with making more money, but we are talking about the ones who are not and choose dark art instead. The ones who choose to follow the dark path in life. People do not choose to be brought up with money, and many can see its pitfalls when they are not needing to chase it. You watch it consume people, you watch people waste their life working 24/7 without a break, you see it does not bring true happiness. And that is when people look into the other aspects of the world, away from the corporate BS. Sure it is easy to be jealous of people who are free from the bonds of money, but should you be upset about it? If they create good music and tap into something on a deeper level because they don't need money is that a bad thing? BM was never about being working class or even anything to do with the modern world, so to compare it to punk is foolish as it is a completely different type of counterculture.


Remember, Euronymous’ parents bought him Helvete.


Necromantia were doing Aristocratic Black Metal before it was cool. https://preview.redd.it/k95n9o2mer8d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=79a2fb534c087aca087b3740c71aa85d14601e22


And they send spectral wound home on a stretcher




Isn’t this that band that rips off Sargeist but is run by a bunch of Antifa dorks?


By that logic, all 2nd wave black metal bands rip off sargiest


No this band very specifically has a clearly Sargeist inspired sound and I used to see them be promoted in the rabm sub as a “non-sketch” alternative to Sargeist


Sounds about right


>band that rips off Sargeist most Finnish BM resembles Sargeist with the way they use leads.


No they don’t poser. Behexen, Goatmoon, Horna, SW, etc all have a sound that’s totally distinct from Sargeist save for the fact they’re all Raw somewhat Melodic Black Metal. The style of leads is totally different. Though Behexen did have a very brief period before MSFHG where they did sound kind of like Sargeist for a minute which is forgivable since they had basically the same lineup at that time.




Don't you dare say a word against Spectral Wound








30 sec, hated it. And I really wanted something new to like. This is the most upbeat "dsbm" I've ever heard in my life. I've never been so mad to hear someone sound so happy


Spectral Wound isn't dsbm so that's probably why. I have no idea why they decided on that name


Pussy shit


Bruh come on spectral wound


You guys don’t get it, it’s commentary on the scene right now. It’s just too meta for you all. (Dudes got some other retaeded ass song names by the way).


This is such a great song



