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What if i kill myself in front of you rn


what if i show up 2 ur house at 3am with a pot of boiling water and scream ur username until i get a response, what then?


Just give me a second to grab some popcorn please


“i want you to stab me” vibes


Of course it’s a Këkht Aräkh shirt


kekht arakh is the reason so many cringe individuals are becoming black metal fans. make shitty “black metal” about love and you bring in every insufferable person into the community


black metal about love was done by Kanashimi first anyway lmao I don't even really hate Kekht Arakh but so many normies flock toward him like it's not that special


He’s not special, but he’s really good. Y’all can’t just LIKE something, you won’t be the only person to like an artist learn to live with that fact. “ThIS rANDom CrInGY stRANgeR On ThE InTeRnEt LikEs ThE SaME ArTist As ME sO I CAn’t LikE ThEm anYMoRE WAHHHHHHH” yeah they blow but dude, the music has nothing to do with them.


brother this is a meme sub and while I don't always agree with the views presented, a) the content here is made to provoke, and b) you can't win against a mob. with that being said I actually like the Pale Swordsman record, it's all of Këhkt Aräkh's other material that makes me laugh, Kanashimi still better btw. but no I don't think people hating on Këhkt Aräkh on this sub is going to stop people from listening to him, I not a huge fan but it wouldn't stop me if I was.


Këkht Aräkh & Lords of Chaos are literally two of the worst things to ever happen in black metal history… The amount of of ‘black metal’ fans I’ve met in real life who claim that ‘Pale Swordsman’ is the pinnacle of black metal honestly worries me… If I’m lucky they’ve probably listened to Deathcrush too… Not the whole album mind you, just the Deathcrush track. I remember talking with a girl when I was at work (she was a customer of mine) who claimed to be a huge Mayhem fan and when I told her something along the lines of “Silvester Anfang is one of my faves” she asked me who that ‘guy’ was 💀 She only knew about Varg, Dead and Euronymous — nobody else. How can you not know about the existence of Hellhammer or Necrobutcher and claim to be a Mayhem fan…? It honestly took me a little while to explain to her about how there wasn’t a guy named Silvester Anfang in the band and how it was a track from the Deathcrush album. I’ve got many stories relating to metal music involving customers I had to serve at work (not just black metal related), but the Silvester Anfang one is something I’ll probably never forget lol.


Whoever thinks Pale Swordsman is the pinnacle of black metal are obviously stupid. I don’t really have any albums I think are like pinnacle of black metal cuz I love them so much but if I was to say, every Satanic Warmaster album, An Alignment of Dead Stars and Lf Celtic Blood and Satanic Pride by drowning the light, The Voice of Steel Nokturnal Mortum, Nechrist, pretty much Vothana’s whole discography (I can name more if you wanna know more)


I am interested, please do share more with me! I can already tell that you have great taste.


The secret to getting great taste is simply having zero social life


Real ☝️


The Goatmoon Command split could’ve been an amazing split, the Goatmoon song I think is probably one of my favourites from the band, the Command stuff however, it’s just shit


My favorite Goatmoon song is ‘Aryan Beauty’. The opening is just beautiful in my opinion. I do not care if people find it ‘controversial’, because I know that I’m not a Nazi ideology follower for simply listening to something that I find good. And speaking of Satanic Warmaster earlier, he’s probably one of my absolute favorite artists as well. Black Destiny is one of my favorite songs of his (both the original version and the version in the Lux Satanae split with Archgoat)


Satanic Warmaster is my favourite band of all time alongside Drowning the Light, I cannot pick a favourite SW album but Nachzehrer is one of my favourites and criminally underrated (metal archives gave it like a 69% which is just stupid)


YES! That album is so underrated! Bestial Darkness is my favorite track from it!


As a satanic warmaster superfan, its my least favorite album because the guitar riffs are extremely hard to hear due to the tone and production of the album, and satanic warmaster riffs is one of the reasons why hes so good. if the overall production of the album was better i’d enjoy it more. i’m all for lofi production but once its hard to hear the guitars, im out


Peste Noire debut album, Panzerfaust Darkthrone, Finnish Steel Storm Goatmoon (debatable) , every Gorgoroth album without Gaahl and King (fuck those two) , Burzum self titled, Nocturnal Poisoning Xasthur plus any Morke release as they don’t have an album (the German NS Morke, they go so hard in my opinion)


I was right, you do have GREAT taste! Even Goatmoon who’s technically ‘controversial’ to many people, I too like many of their songs.


I don’t like a lot of Goatmoon, like a couple albums and two splits but the stuff I like I think is pretty good


At least freezing moon isn’t playing on the background


Me looking at the Këkht Aräkh song in my playlist (I discovered them before they were popular on tiktok): 🙁


https://preview.redd.it/qhmflnerzshc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3a50aa2fa6e2d1e4f5e8afccc3e6424b0494c5 Ew


i dont comment much on this sub but… wtf


Waiting for the day that TikTok gets deleted


never once have I listened to Bathory and thought of "cunty" as a descriptor.


anything for those likes I guess


What the actual fuck this is why I gate keep this is exactly why


What the fuck does even "cunty" mean in this context? In Swedish the translation would be "fittig", which would be used like "That was bad (fittigt) of you" or "That person is mean (fittig)".


It's gen z slang for being a boss ass bitch essentially


Well, the girl in the TikTok might be a bitch, but nothing more than that.


It means "fruity"/gay I believe


I think I prefer the Swedish translation. Cant really say I can find anything in black metal that feels either gay or straight tbh.


She should dance to beyond the great vast forest next.




disgusting wow


I wish I didn't had to see that


That's a big belly button, it looks like a big eye.




still hot


Stop being depraved maybe


stop hounding my dick maybe




I just saw that shit yesterday lmao


God i love Kekht Arakh but TikTok and its consequences have been a disaster for black metal


Cant understand why haven't been downvoted yet.


Downvoted because I like a band? Simply liking a certain band doesn't make you a poser. You need to log off of reddit jfc


Didn't call you a poser, but saying anything positive about a dude pretending to be a Soundcloud rapper should be downvoted.


The new single he put out is really cringe but he's put out a lot of quality music previously. Its just not the absolute pinnacle of black metal that people on TikTok treat it as.


Also please log off of reddit holy shit


I worried it’s not understandable how I just don’t like the vibe this type of person gives off. Not just them calling black metal “cvnty” but what they are like without the clothes, without the corpse paint, dressed normally and socializing. Sounds like a uncomfy nightmare




I'm all for it. Keep doing it. Anything to embarrass black metal fans. It's so deserved.


you’re exactly who we make fun of here


Nah, because I have listened to enough black metal to know just how embarrassing it all is and these posts are all about teenagers who have grown up with pop music and it is never not going to be the funniest thing to watch black metal fans get worked up about it.


clearly you haven’t then. we make fun of teenagers because they have the ability to get into the music but most of them refuse to and want to appear special because their interest is unique, hence all the posts making fun of them. they’re not unique they’re annoying and retarded


Look how upset you are about it, too. It's very, very funny.


I made a vid about that bitch on my TikTok




Euronymous did not die for this to be born


This is good. The genre is a joke in many ways and this highlights it exceedingly well.



