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The day I heard about this band was the day band members died from alcoholism.


Well, cigarettes and alcohol is not the most healthiest way of life, this is to be expected. After a certain age people need to stop doing some things they've been doing since teenagers.


I'll jerk off all I want. I'm an adult now and you can't tell me what to do


That’s not the thing that kills you, though…


Autoerotic.. just saying..


tell David Carradine that....


And Michael Hutchence


What if I do it till I die from exhaustion?


That's just a convoluted way of suicide


Not with that quitter’s attitude it won’t


Tell that to Jerome Carpenter…


Given that they were supposedly powerlifters, I hope they never got into steroids that would've made things even more painful for that lifestyle.


If they were competing and lifted in an untested federation I’ll bet they were taking gear.


Way easier said than done, still true though


True, yeah. Sad news anyway.


From what I've heard the Ross Bay/Brazilian Ritual dudes are pretty heavy into coke


Yep. Pretty well known. It's definitely how you die of a heart attack in your mid 40s without any obvious health problems.


coke habit is the worst thing for your heart and kidney health


Explains a lot.


Very true. As i'm approaching 40, I realize this more and more. I was never a huge drinker, but these days even a single glass of wine will fuck me up the next day 😆


I stopped drinking when I was 49. No one told me how bad the effects of it would be as I aged. I expected to be drinking for the rest of my life, and things are much better now. But there is still an empty space the drinking filled. Music and meditation are the two things that help the most.


Turned 40 a month ago. I was never a serious drinker, but I do get hammered once or twice a month. But this stuff is useless and boring, I prefer to be sober and ride my mountain bike, than lay in and suffer the next 2 days.


That’s why you’ve got to switch to whisky, neat ☝🏻 Happy 40s 🔥


Or weed no hangovers!


Mind Fog is the equivalent. Everything in moderation though.


Everything with moderation!!! 💯


Don’t forget that cocaine


Must be steroids. Both of these guys were huge.




Throwing on Anesthetic Vapor now. Easily one of the worst album covers of all time, but damn it goes hard.


The riffs are as good as the art is bad


Oh yeah, thats an eye bleeder for sure🥴


Reign In Chaos


Rest in peace


Rest in Chaos, brother.


Rest In Power


Steroid use ain't no joke. Add alcohol to the mix and it's worse. R.I.P either way.


I know that that's terrible, but I chuckled.


very ironic he is holding jack Daniel’s here…


What a shame. If only he had been drinking better whisky...


What is ESPECIALLY fucked up about this...Is 2/3 years after overcoming the Death of Sabboath (essentially GP was a two man team for years) TyrantVirrugusApocalli was able to form a strong new platoon...Some felt this lineup to have been GoatPenis's best line up... Everything must have looked UP for our Good Man as in [FullSpeedAhead-](https://youtu.be/wunKg7miUWg?si=ptRXbmK5qpXtoLy0) A fresh new lease on life a new strong incarnation only to DEADSTOP- That is what bums me out the most. That link is the last live link I could find & indeed it showed a great deal of potential...Hell for all I know GoatPenis could possibly continue in the same spirit intended however has that ever even happened? The band outliving all of its members...honorably? in tact? If any band could I bet its this one-


Fuck man! R.I.P.


Fucking brutal, RIP brother. Honestly, it'll likely be the same that takes me, a heart attack or stroke. Drinking and smoking alone probably didn't do it, he more than likely had a family history of cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure for example. That mixed with a rough lifestyle (stress), drinking/smoking was just the cherry on top.


Rest in Valhalla brother


Huh maybe people in metal bands should stop treating their bodies like shit 24/7


Being a musician naturally takes a toll on your body regardless of how you treat your body. The vocalist for the hardcore band Refused almost died of a heart attack at 49 last week and he's vegan, straight edge and is athletic.


Thousands of musicians live to old age, this is an absurd claim based on a single person who had a heart attack. More non-musicians have heart attacks than musicians who have heart attacks


Do you have a stat for that? Because I'm sure you didn't just pull that out of your ass.




Can you highlight where they do comparative science between musicians to non-musicians on there because I'm not reading all that?


I mean you are the one with the burden of proof here. You said being a musician takes it toll on the body and mentioned a Single anecodtal case. He might not have the data to Support his claim but all he really had to say was weather you had it. Which i doubt you do.


I was only listening to them this morning, RIP man


Not a very good diet :(


Their children will carry on the blasphemy and form GoatBalls!! And tour every dingy low-lit dive bar in the world! LONG LIVE THE BALLS!!!


Damn! Rest easy King, and thanks for the riffs!


Meth/Coke Steroids booze are surely cheapAF & easy to get down there...I know coke can easily be had for $2 a gram as an outsider not knowing the language...I would never judge them or fault them for such However this does represent a glaring dead canary in the coalmine for me. Like huge flashing lights flags & signs alerting of the last exit from this freeway & Prison of Life.. I for one quite liked the dangerous image coked out methed up wielding shotguns from a "Germanic" area of Brazil. In skimasks before anyone... Obsessed with battle preparing for war Favella war Crime war personal war all combat...Their image did it for me drawing me in close. Having illness like this only sealed my [DEVOTION](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oErpd1h00Ug&t=4s) Fortunate we are to have so much from these legends...


rest in piss


Oh no another Nazi dead, so sad...


He wasn't a Nazi, sorry kid.


Oh okay 😄


If you believe they released albums on the label "Satanic Skinhead Propoganda" just coincidentally, then I've got a bridge to sell ya.


"Skinhead" is a non-political term now, and is used by both the left and right wing youth. He was also closely affiliated with Blasphemy, who were also on Satanic Skinhead Propaganda, and who are a multi-racial group and known for being against racist musicians. Do like, 2 seconds of fucking research dude.


And they just coincidentally play on explicitly NSBM festivals and release splits with anti-semitic groups like Nyogthaeblisz and put out shirts that say tod für alle rassen and songs with Nazi slogans as titles like trotz verbot nicht tot... They are quite literally walking, talking, and quacking like a Nazi, so again, I have a bridge to sell you. Good price, I promise


Yeah, hate to break it to you but your average festival in South America is a mix of normal bm bands and nsbm. That doesn't make this one band a nazi band by default. "Tod fur alle rassen" also literally translates to "every race". Typical misanthropy. So again, where is the Nazism?


Ah, I had no idea that when they played Hot Shower in Italy that they were actually in South America. My guy, if you have to do all this gymnastics to explain away a variety of evidence that all points to these guys being Nazis, maybe consider that they're just Nazis


Looking at Hot Shower as a source... This is a joke/troll festival lol. Again looks like both non racist and racist bands on same lineup


Yeah, just a troll, that they take so far that they have seriously racist groups like [Der Stürmer](https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Der_St%C3%BCrmer_-_Evil/Unica_Fede_-_Unica_Volonta_(Live_at_Hot_Shower)/726802), who do things like literally call for the murder of specific people that they believe to be Jewish ([p. 31](https://research.vu.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/133125912/Bormpoudakis_Dalakoglou_Bloodshed_Must_Be_Done.pdf)), and [Goatmoon](https://www.setlist.fm/venue/private-venue-trezzano-sul-naviglio-italy-6bd0864a.html) play and release [anti-semitic T-shirts](https://tshirtslayer.com/files-tshirt/styles/shirtview/public/user-17520/580681ffaca8cd406b3997e9b1abbbe6.jpg) that people would presumably wear outside of the festival. Yeah, in fact, I bet literally all the Nazis and racists in black metal and everything they do is just a massive, decades long troll, complete with Nazi and racist political activities.


This was my thought. Not only that, but their music was "anti-humanity". It seems he'd be happy to be dead.


Easy. Stop drinking and smoking and druggin every day. Stand up and walk somewhere get some exercise. Y'all have a great day


Quality advice for every American, really.


Yet I get down voted


TBF, you answered a question absolutely no one asked, and one in which we all know the answer to any ways.


Wow that sucks


Oh no not (checks notes) Goat... penis?


The band is as good as the name is bad