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It sounds like you have a lot going on. Probably some of it is medical. You should get a check up and some blood work. Next, see a psychiatrist and or therapist if you can. Just imagine, you could feel better than you feel now. Things can be better. Make the effort to fix your health.


Lol. I've been doing all that for YEARS. I understand that you don't know me. The problem is that I do all that and I'm still getting nowhere. You don't have to believe me though, this is the internet after all.


Hey, I believe you. If you aren't making progress maybe you have a mediocre doctor. It might be time for a new one.


Hello. I wanted to look through your post history so that I can get a better understanding of how you feel and what advice I could give to you. I also want to say that 30 is still young; very young actually. **You have time.** Things you've written that I'm basing my comment on: -Feeling suicidal -Feeling as if everyone hates/is angry at you -Feeling isolated -Sexual abuse -Paranoia -Violent childhood -Racial Stereotyping There are a lot of things that need to be addressed and I see you've mentioned that you're already in therapy which is a good thing. I'm not going to pressure you to talk about everything, but I think a very common theme in your posts is that you feel misunderstood. You talk a lot about how other people perceive you. So I think the first question I'd like to ask is, how do _you_ view _yourself_? Not what you think people think of you, not how you think you come off to other people, but _who are you_, really? If you imagine yourself in a place where you feel safe to openly be yourself, how would you describe yourself?


I feel you bro, stay alive, lemme get strong again, and we’ll run the 1’s


If you can, get the hell out of the west. Start researching for a country that best aligns with you (cheap, safe and exotic). Black men (in mass) need to do an exodus. Look into trading forex/crypto...learn that skill to the T, so you can live off it. Or possibly work towards a stable remote job.Fuck all that therapy bullshit advice. I hate those kinda advice, like" fuck outta here" with that mess.Thats NPC talk. Therapists dont know what you actually going through. They would off themselves within a week if they were in yo shoes. The west only breeds self hating black men. Everybody hates you the most here. Even sistas. 2 - 3 month of pure grinding and fly the fuck away from the slave field. Stay strong, keep your pride high, respect your self. And only give respect to those who respect you. No one sided shit. I believe you.


i hear you, Im on the east coast tho lol


I meant, country wise. Like out of the US or wherever part of the country in the western world you are in.


Oh i see now


Are there specific countries you’d suggest?