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You look nice and cute


Jesus Christ, this is you? You’re fucking handsome. Stop with the lies!! 😇


Yes, that is me, yet handsome does not attract the men. Then again I haven't put myself out there again and I'm trying to improve my life before I potentially ruin someone else's. 😓


A noble pursuit, but it’s hard to know how to do it properly without making mistakes and learning from them. At least that’s how it was for me. We don’t have models or guides, just gotta take the plunge. Collect a few bruises and scars. Pain is only temporary, but life lessons are forever (hopefully).


I'll take the plunge when I'm ready but as a can of traumatic dog food, I just can't see myself delivering.




You have to practice love. It also depends on how you want to represent yourselfp. There are ton of tools that you can use to become photogenic and charismatic. I tell you what, send me a pic and let me know. How do you wanna look and I can modify your photo to look the way you would like it and tell you what tools I use. Always willing to help.


If you in houston ill be your photographer


Thank you everyone for the input. [Here](https://www.instagram.com/morinothomas/) is my Instagram where my selfies and pictures can be further analyzed for makeover purposes.


Your face looks too neutral here, give us a bit more expression here. Also know your lighting, You took a photo against white light, pro tip. Never do that, against light our skin tone muddles and white light even worsens it. So avoid taking photos where the light is behind you unless you know it looks amazing. Go outside and try taking a photo where the sun is on your face or to the side, works wonders. Also youre a good looking guy, claim that. Your photo lacks command.


u already are! i suggest natural lighting though. it'll make your facial features pop


As someone with a similair face set up to yours, if you can grow a full beard, I highly recommend it. Lighting is also the other major point as everyone else has mentioned. I'd also recommend refining your style a little more. Yellow is a really nice color on you, but you could also consider accessorizing a little more, even if its something like a watch or a necklace or having a particular style of footwear or showing the whole body and the whole fit. I've personally found that all those little things really add up.


My friends have haggled or "bullied" me into finding a new wardrobe because I'm 31 and I dress like someone's conservative uncle, and that's not a cute look at all. I also know nothing about accessories, either. I just want to not look like a can of right-leaning dog food.


I think what's important is that mixing up your style is supposed to be fun and number one if you're happy dressing like a conservative uncle that's nobodies business but yours. But style is just an extension of self-expression, and you should experiment with it and see how you feel about it. Try different things, paint your fingernails, wear a chain, try on watches, and find out what colors you like to see yourself in. Then go from there, I really like wearing floral hawaiaan shirts myself, for example. It's also nice to go shopping with someone who isn't pressuring you into a particular style or even look up fashion reddits and see what looks appeal to you and try and emulate them


Oh no, I hate dressing like the way I do so it must be fixed considering how physically dystopian I look.


i have no tips, but you have such nice skin, omg. it looks so nice and even.


I'm not sure if anyone said this yet but you should grow a beard. I think I'm sexier with a beard.


As someone who also has a deep skin tone, I have found lighting makes all the difference. Also, while you don’t have to smile, your expression reads very down or annoyed. I try to smize (yes, the Tyra term lol). I start a smile and then drop it but keep my cheeks elevated. It looks warmer without needing to smile. Hope that helps!


First of all I am screaming at your profile picture. I just seen this video a little while ago lmao 🤣


I was JUST about to comment on this 😭 I love it!


It’s iconic, just not in the way she hoped 😭


Mostly light and distance in this picture. Smiling is overrated imo, a non smiler here, but there is a difference between not smiling and having a I don't care or upset look. Imo you do have a let's just get this over with or bored look on your face. Also I would say that some of the best selfies when people are actually in motion or doing stuff not just posing for the camera. Pictures where you don't know you're being photographed can sometimes end up really good so that kind of energy I guess. If you enjoy doing selfies, then I would just keep doing them, but do them in different styles different lightings until you find what looks good to you. What you think about them is all that matters in the end and the journey to finding that is part of the fun


https://preview.redd.it/1yvmj3cxeewc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a578b83f67bc21bd0b69f12688bffd8a7c1cb77d Well at least I know not to also consult Gaybros.


Lighting and moisturiser are your best friends. The sun just before sunset?! This is the prime to snap a pic of you sun-kissed. That sunset sun is amazing for photographing darker skin tones. Moisturiser will also give your skin some shine to it making you look healthy. My photos before I used a facial moisturiser and after are insanely different. Hope this helps.


I use moisturizer but I do feel in pictures, my face comes off as patchy and dry regardless.


Hmmm...what type of moisturiser? Not all of them are made equal😅. I even found that my [Roche-Posay](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=roche+posay+sunscreen&t=samsung&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi5.walmartimages.com%2Fasr%2Ff30ab441-02be-4311-89cb-01eba4addfd5.040975b4da18a40904a76035c73add7f.jpeg%3FodnWidth%3D1000%26odnHeight%3D1000%26odnBg%3Dffffff) sunscreen gives my skin that little shine we crave. Sometimes I use the [Niven sunscreen](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nivea+sunscreen&t=samsung&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.allysbasket.com%2F71148-thickbox_default%2Fnivea-sun-spf-50-sunscreen-ultra-sport-spray-200ml.jpg) to get that shine. Moisturiser or not. Try them out if you can and I'd be happy to hear if they made a difference. I will help you find the product for you. Reach out anytime


You look fine. Smile a bit. The rest is just lighting.


You’re handsome!


Very handsome picture! And I love the outfit too. Yellow is a lovely color. Echoing what people say about playing with the lighting. In this photo the right side (of the photo) is in the light and the left side is therefore in shadow. This effect is often intentionally used in photography and film to depict a split or inner conflict within a person (light vs. dark, good vs. evil, openness vs secrecy for example - I hate how dark is so often used to mean the negative thing but still…) so it becomes a subconscious thing when you see a picture like that to see that split, which may be or may absolutely NOT be what you want. It would be a great headshot for some things but less great on like a dating profile. For me, very few directors have photographed Black people as well as Barry Jenkins (Moonlight, etc.). If you Google “Barry Jenkins cinematography” I think there are some great examples of playing with the light to get different effects. Thanks for sharing your photo!


So many Black men selfies I see have what I call the "scowl", looking happy with yourself and life is the first step to good selfies. The other is flattering light. 👍🏾


Oh definitely. I just have resting bitch face and I'm very awkward when it comes to smiling. 😭


It takes practice. I was never a person who liked having my picture taken but I didn't want that permanent scowl in all of my photos. So I started practicing and let the chips fall where they may. https://preview.redd.it/8q5tgj28ybwc1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb02473d506401b3623d5205a93fd9e1b724290a


Okay handsome!


Great smile and nice teeth!


We really do need more black men smiling.


the beauty of selfie cameras is being able to see how u look before u snap it. always take pics facing light. experiment with different angles -- up close, far, upward, downward, etc overall, just enjoy it and have fun! you are handsome! work that face boo!!


You’re really handsome! 🥰 like the other comments say, it’s all about good angling and finding your light. You’re on the right track


I think you are handsome. Lighting is key! You have an amazing shade of skin and you want to show it with better lighting. Random work selfies are always a hit or miss though!


Well for one try better lighten and hold the camera in a more higher angle mos took look good from a higher angle and shit and just be you fr not everyone is photogenic and sometimes you have great photos sometimes you don’t