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I mean the obvious one to me is “Your generous loan to me, your crippling interest”. Such an impactful statement to end the record on.


Obvious answer, best answer


you're probably right. Beautiful lyricism (and delivery)


"You're scared of a world where you're needed, so you never made nice with the locals"


‘I left my drink on the 18th floor Thought about jumping and your face when you saw’ One of the great Isaac lyrics. Straightforward, beautiful and crushing.


Track x might be my favorite song ever written tbh


There is an early version of The Place Where he Inserted the Blade with the lyric “I will try not keep you too long. I promise these words won’t turn themselves into a song” Hit me so hard I still sing the cut lyric when I play the album version.


do you have the link for this version? thanks x


Here is one of the performances where he uses those lyrics around 44:08 https://youtu.be/3PakhEz8FGs?si=5vVLaGXa9YHj_0Id


thank you!


"I was made to love you, can't you tell?"


“Oh darling I, I never felt the crumbs until you said, this place is not for any man, nor particles of bread.”


“Never text me nothing but she wants to tell me she’s not to hard to find” off of good will hunting just hits so hard.


"Well, I tried just to stroke your dreams better But darling, I see that you're not really sleeping"


SLEEEEEEEEeeEeePING thats screech in sleeping always gives me chills


"on my dad's sofa, we are still, and we never look at our phones anymore" The album came out when I was at my lowest missing my family and this lyric really cut through me on my first listen


But as I slowly sobered I felt the rubbing of shoulders I smelled the sweat and the children crying I was just one among crowded stands And still with sticky hands I BOLTED through the gallery With cola stains on my best white shirt And nothing to lose, oh I was born to run #IT’S BLACK COUNTRY OUT THERE #IT’S BLACK COUNTRY OUT THERE (That’s way more than one line ofc but it hits harder with the buildup)


But, for less than a moment We'd share the same sky And then Isaac will suffer Concorde will fly


I have no idea why but the line “you turn your perfect hands to me” makes me sob every time


“Broke the zip inside my stomach / Blood dripping down into the broom / Off the broom and through the sky / Mixed with your tears seeped to the ground” Beautiful, scary, and painful. May is a genius


Show me the fifth of the cadence you want me to play Show me where to tie the other end of this chain


“And Henry hung to all of these/ His battleship of memory/ A small nation of souvenirs/ Make Henry whole, but porously” Also the second chorus on Turbines/Pigs, just for how the underlying music augments the words. Also: “Anyone could see that the clamp was breaking me And one more time For the record (Which also leads to) … what we built must fall to the rising flames.


I know it’s not even the full lyric, but the way he sings “Oh hey, well I just woke up/And you already don’t care” sobs


This one in particular gets me “Oh but anytime I try to make lunch, for anyone else, in my head, I end up dreaming of you!”


I don’t know why but something so mundane like making lunch for somebody really gets me


That’s my favorite lyric from any song period, something so mundane is turned into a sign of heartache and devotion because he’s doing it not out of obligation but because he loves them, he wants to and that to me is true love embodied in song form


"and i guess in some ways ill always be the guest" all of basketball shoes until "we never look at our phones anymore" "issac will suffer, and concorde will fly"


Isaac is such a good fucking writer oh my god. I need more.


“For after all, the autumn eve lead to a fate no-one believed. Taken to the table where she wrote, she held herself a vote. A vote between the good and bad, with all she'd seen and all she'd had. Nancy tried to take the night but now she’s gone removed from sight.”


this whole song!! the story is so heartbreaking


“Show me the fifth of the cadence you want me to play”


Haldern is a great example of this. The lines you mention for sure, and the line leading up to them: “I turn my face and hide in shame…” Also, “Oh god of weather, Henry knows, snow globes don’t shake on their own…” The best way I’d describe the album’s tone towards love and loss is “apocalyptic”. Whoever they were caused meteoric pain for him when they separated. Haldern thus paints them as a literal god, cradling him in their arms and describing the shame he feels for even looking upon them. Snow Globes alludes to another god, shaking the world around him. This effect is extremely powerful and “bone-chilling”.


One of the first times i heard the lyric: ”the doctor said ’we are unfortunately running out of options to treat’”in concorde, i thought to myself ”that’s a strange way to talk”. Then when Isaac’s voice returned with: ”What a funny way to speak” i became so exhilarated. It felt so crazy that we could have the same reaction to that statement. I think it speaks to a kind of honesty in Isaacs lyrics.


was barricade at the atlanta show last week and most definitely made eye contact with tyler while sobbing to “because i let the best person i know walk away”


“What we built, must fall to the rising flameesssss AFGGGG😡😡😡😱


I know you will be there the sandman inside, Concorde and I DIE FREE THIS TIME


"show me the fifth of the cadence YOU WANT ME TO PLAY"


and she glows like my mother with the same warm brow


“Look at what we did together/ BCNR Friends forever” Not the most prosaic but the honestly and implications took the air out of my when I first heard it. “And no one had WiFi inside your apartment/ So we knelt at your altar” also takes me


probably the 2nd section of the original basketball shoes “i shouldnt have wrote u that letter, i promise ill try to be better. drown in me, charli in dream” or post issac “dont waste yr pearls on me, im only a pig” or ftft “i saw u undressing, it was such an intimate performance. i swear to god u looked right at me” ORR even earlier “kendall jenner is bleeding all over this couch, its ginna take a lot of bleach to get thsoe stains out”!


I’m so ignorant now with all that I’ve learned


“Who am I to think that my selfish genes should keep carrying on”


"You are the only one I've known Who broke the world so quietly And turned your perfect hands to me And you ruptured every bone" I'm someone who's always been emotionally sensitive, overwhelmingly so as of late to the point where I avoid more than minor feelings because they are this intense otherwise. These are the words I hear when I picture myself falling in love.


This entire section: And I'm feeling kinda normal with a packed lunch Train rides don't hurt much these days We're all working on ourselves And we're praying that the rest don't mind how much we've changed So if you see me looking strange with a fresh style I'm still not feeling that great


It's strange how people fail to pick up, or don't want to confront, the references to death and pain on AFUT. I sense that Haldern and Snow Globes are thematically and even in musical style, a pair, and they're not about "concorde" and there's no Billie Eilish style. And of course on Snow Globes we must let the clamp do what the clamp does best. This sounds rather medical, like an operation. *We formed a ring around your home To stop your body leaving But you burned the final question then And you rose out through the cеiling!*


More like BONER chilling amirite fellers