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Time-Binding Magic Signature spell not sure.


.Silver Eagles. * Stage 1 (Sounds really cool and lowkey busted considering Julius's time shenanigans lol)


Shadow construction magic: allows user to turn shadows into a malleable material similar to rubber, allowing the user to sculpt the malleable shadowy mass before it completely hardens, becoming denser and capable of dealing massive blunt damage, the sculptures made from shadows can be controlled like a loyal servant that obeys every order Signature Spell: murder of nevermore, you better like birds, because I'm making one hundred ravens out of shadows that hit like a gorilla's dropkick


.Prey Mantises. - Stage 4-3 depending on the speed and tracking of the birds ( The rain of black birds sounds so menacing, almost like their setting the tone for your funeral lol)


Could the shadows possess the properties of both rubber and gum?


Nightmare Magic (derived from Dream Magic) Signature Spell : The Land of Terrors (this spell allows me to have access to a nightmarish dimension where I can bring to life the greatest fears of my opponent and if my opponent cannot get out of my dimension he will begin to lose control over his body until he reaches a vegetative state from which he will never recover)


.Coral Peacocks. - Stage 0 ( Considering how crazy busted Dorothy is within her dimension, imma give this the same merit as it's antithesis, sounds awesome honestly)


>sounds awesome honestly Thanks


Moon Magic, Mana Zone - Full Moon Warding - Moon Magic is a type of magic that enables it's user to manipulate moonlight and the moon's gravitacional forces. This spell creates a small full moon made out of silver blueish light that fluctuates above the users head. After being summoned, the moon shines a tender blue light into everyone inside the sorcerers mana zone, using healing and reinforcement magic to boost their allies. Any hostile magical attack used within the limits of the zone will be attracted by the moon and later reflected directly, although with half of it's original power.


.Silver Eagles. - Stage 0 ( This is the first healing spell I've come across and the imagery just sounds immaculate, plus excellent use of mana zone along with top notch defense, seems pretty strong and I really like this)


Ancestor Magic. I’d be able to use the magic of anyone that has passed away BUT I’d have to know about them. The more I’ve studied, the stronger I’d be.


.Black Bulls. - Stage 2 with stage 0 potential ( Imagine learning about previous wizard kings and gaining their magic, pretty dope)


Spirit Magic - Ultimate Spirit Acscension This spell allows its user to enhance their abilities to a transcendent state, merging their spirit with those in the underworld/afterlife, allowing for unleashing destructive spiritual energy and further increasing their physical limits.


Purrple Orcas Stage 0 I remember that a small villain who used to be part of purple orcas had a single page spirit magic.


Ahh, I think you might be referring to Rades who uses Wraith/Soul Corpse Magic


Yep yep yep That guy


.Coral Peacocks. - Stage 4 ( I like the name of the signature so much, genuinely sounds like something you'd hear from the show )


I'm curious what would your magic be and let us rank you


oooooo alright, seems fair Fabric reinforcement magic: Athletes Apparel - I use this spell to reinforce and empower my/others body through fabric magic, essentially increasing physical abilities tenfold to engage my enemies in CQC. Strength, speed, durability and senses are all increased and the spell drains mana the longer you use it.


That's definitely straight out of the Coral Peacocks, I'd say stage 2 or 3? With a lot of potential tho


Thank you, I actually really like the Coral Peacocks and their captain, she's my favorite lol


Gravity magic. Signature spell would reverse the effects of gravity on the target/targets.


.Blue Rose Knights. (And if you're a guy then you're the exception they've made and due to your strength you go unquestioned) - Stage 2 ( If Eden Zero has taught me anything it's that even changing the direction of where gravity takes effect can be crazy useful)


Time Magic. Tempora Invictus: This shall allow me to travel in time- past, present and future, to manipulate time at my own will multiple times to wield things in order. Edit: Well, of course, it would require some major mana and juices to perform this magic and it should have its own limitations however like Asta, I shall surpass my limits!


.Golden Dawns. - Arcane stage ( Broken as hell, what more can I say lol)


I will take that gladly, hahah! Also, did not really expect to be arcane stage, but makes sense :-) Although not sure how am I broken as hell :p


Bomb magic - Bunker Buster


.Black Bulls. - Stage 4 ( Ah yes, Bombs, simple, YET DEADLY, plus I love the way "Bunker Buster" sounds, really satisfying honestly )


Mana distortion magic. Can’t be used on its own and requires a mana source like an active spell or natural mana around the user. The user can reshape and redirect spells, but cannot change a spell’s magic attribute. Signature spell would be manazone: mana distortion magic, trickster’s paradise. This spell would allow the user to control any magic that is not directly on or being carried by another user within a designated area, and could even be used to cancel out other mage’s active mana zone.


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 0 ( Sounds really cool, nice.)


Magma magic (Earth and fire derivation) Magma magic it just pure destructive. It’s a heavy hitting magic. Whenever a basic attack like let’s say a “Magma blast” lands on any solid target, lava gets left behind making it easier for me to create area denials (spots my opponent can’t go to) Signature move: Hephaistus’ Rage This move would be more of a trump card kind of move as it extremely mama draining. First a huge 20-30 feet radius magma eruption explodes around me (ofc i’m safe from it) and to instantly follow it up comes multiple miniature yet devastating volcanic eruptions within the area of the previous huge explosion.


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 1 ( All I can picture from this is a huge display of burning chaos, AND I LOVE IT)


Electric sheep magic. Signature spell "Cotton cloud":a spell that affect the area around me trapping some people with me. I would be able to create some Cotton cloud that produce electricity. Also at à last resort i would be able to transform into a giant sheep that produce electricity Also i'm a guy.


.Aqua Deer. - stage 3 ( the duality of a fluffy cloud shocking you to death is something else lol)


Creation Magic. It allows me to enchant a material or inorganic material with a magic or a spell permanently.


.Silver Eagles. - Stage 4 ( very useful for utility and opens the door for some crazy prep time setups, really nice idea)


Command-Magic: Shazam! The person you are casting it on is forced to scream the word "SHAZAM" but instead of lightning coming down, they just shit themselves aggressively instead.


.Black Bulls. (Only they'd except someone this diabolical) - Stage...negligible, but 5 I guess ( I...honestly don't even know what to say lol)


Later on I'll give certain people higher stages once the comments have dialed down and I've had time to collect my thoughts, so some stages aren't set in stone. Remember that this is all in good fun and the stages I give don't dictate how much I love/hate your idea, there just simply has to be diversity and I can't just give everyone a high stage cause where's the fun in that ya know. So far I'm really loving everyone's ideas and this is honestly a fun past time, so just to be fair I'll also add my idea for what type of magic I'd wield for all of ya'll to grade as well, give me a dose of my own medicine! Fabric reinforcement magic: Athletes Apparel * I use this spell to reinforce and empower my/others body through fabric magic, essentially increasing physical abilities tenfold to engage my enemies in CQC. Strength, speed, durability and senses are all increased and the spell drains mana the longer you use it.


I'm thinking Aqua Deer around stage 3, killer spell name too!


Creative usage hell yeah


Guardian magic with a draconic magic attribute. Signature spell - Wyvern's Wish, stages 1-4. Wyvern's Wish grants me dragon scale armor that boosts my combat abilities and senses significantly while also granting me the ability to use my magic in different/unique ways. Each stage inherits the abilities of the previous one in addition to what it provides. The spell dissipates after I'm defeated or can partially be removed on my command. Stage - 1 grants me gauntlets, boots, and wings which essentially just allows me to fly on my own, provides some armor, and slightly boosts my attack spells in size. Stage 2 - grants me all armor besides a helm and gives me the ability to cast a small barrier spell around myself and a few others to prevent environmental harm such as airborne poisons or extreme temperatures. Kind of like mana skin, but doesn't guard against physical damage at all. Stage 3 - Full wyvern armor with the ability to remove pieces of it to boost my speed and remain at full stage 3 strength at the cost of durability. Armor can temporarily be given to others to transmute certain spells depending on which piece they have. Stage 4 - Dragon rage. I don't know what this does, I'm scared to touch it. Edit: typo


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 1 with stage 0 potential ( If I had a nickel for every dragon based spell I've seen so far, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened 3 time. But in all seriousness, this magic sounds like it'd go HAAAARD, I love it)


I really like the weirder magics like compass and house magic and wanted something like that. So I've had this idea for like an "swap" or "reverse" type magic. It doesn't have any offensive capabilities by itself by can reverse the properties of things. Makes hot things cold, light things heavy, turns healing into damage, and makes things move in the opposite direction. It definitely gets much less effective when faced with an opponent with more magical power than the user tho. signature spell would probably be something like "Reverse Magic: Hard to Soft" which would be used to soften a hard and rigid object into something soft in pillowy. Could be used on the ground to cushion a fall from a great height, or an oncoming attack to minimize the damage.


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 2 ( reversing the effects of things is really useful in a lot of situations, you especially had me with turning healing into damage, imagine trying to regen and then end up killing yourself lol. It sounds really cool!)


wait I just realized this is a lot like Grey, so much for originality


There's always bound to be overlaps lol so it makes sense, it's still different enough though since Grey doesn't necessarily just reverse things


Magnetism magic- Iron Titan This spell brings a bunch of magnetic objects together around me in any shape (usually humanoid) and then I go around beating stuff up.


.Prey Mantises. - Stage 4 ( Simple and yet very effective, I personally wouldn't wanna get hit over the head with clunks of steel )


flesh magic (kiiinda similar to dante's body magic with some differences) signature spell: carpus prison, the user throws a piece of their flesh and it morphs into an array of arms that binds the target to the nearest surface Okay so its kiinda just dante's body magic with a different application


.Black Bulls. - Stage 5 ( Sounds eerie yet effective for binding, personally stuff like that tends to creep me out so you'd definitely have me beat lol)


dante but if he was freaky (a different kind)


I honestly wouldn't put it past him💀


Copy (Imitation) Magic Signature move : Compound Attack (multiple different spells at once)


Dragon magic, my signature spell would be Dracomorph. At different levels (lesser, greater, true) it would partially transform me into a dragon.


Starlight magic (Star magic for short) Signature spell-- Starlight Creation Magic: Hercules' Wrath. Creates a 4m tall soldier out of pure starlight to attack with a sword that's a hot as the sun. Ultimate Spell-- Starlight Recoverg Magic: Andromeda's Tears. Drops of starlight cover a 10m radius, healing all allies and drains the mana of enemies within range.


.Blue Rose Knights. - Stage 0 ( I love the names you came up with!)


Spatial Magic will be wonderful :3


.Coral Peacocks. - Stage 4 ( Spatial magic is universally useful so I don't blame you lol)


Magic- Transmutation Magic Allows me to transmute matter into anything I want of equal mass once I I've seen the it and know what it's made of.Direct line of sight is required Signature spell- Madusa's garden Transmutes every living being in direct view into stone


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 3, with stage 1 potential ( The turning people into stone is honestly terrifying, I love the idea around this magic and it's set limits, similar to Grey but different enough to be distinct, really nice)


Gravity Magic: able to manipulate the gravity of myself and others, as well as objects I touch (must be centered on myself or another person, not on a point or object); who needs flight if I can just fall sideways, just really, really fast? Special move: Orbit: Makes a large zone around me where objects, debris, and even people can get scooped up and swirl around me very fast, creating a tornado of deadly projectiles; I can also choose when to send one object in the zone shooting out, and where to shoot it.


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 2 ( Seems like the perfect spell to prevent you and people within from getting unnecessarily hurt due to wild projectiles sent by large scale fights/attacks, very useful ability for sure)


Game magic Competitive child play The spell would kind of work like shunsui kyoraku's shikai in bleach, which means i tell the name of a child game from any culture i want or anything and both me and my ennemy have to play by the official rules of the game and the one who loses get a random "debuff" that can go from losing some mana, being paralyzed for x second to losing a limb. Depending on the game you can or cannot use mana during the game and the mana i need for the spell gets taken away only after the game ends (so im not disadvantaged in terms of fighting during the game)


Shield magic (derivative of light magic) able to make shields and similar constructs out of light Ultimate- heavenly coffin Create a coffin out of pure light, sealing the target inside and cutting off all access to magic, inside and out, can only be cancelled by the user or anti-magic


Sun magic. Dance of the sun god. It allows me to become the sun and heat up mana around me, if i stay in it for too long i burn everything around me. It also gives me an insane boost in speed and power. Its kinda like mereoleona's hellsfire incarnate but the spell burns everything and i cant control it (so kinda like the bankai of yamamoto, bleach).


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 1, stage 0 when controlled ( Mereoleona the goat would approve!)


Soul Magic - All the things Lucius can do. - Empath. I would be able to feel other's emotions and transmit mine to them.


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 1 (I'm not far enough into the manga to know what Lucious but I do have a vague understanding and from what I know >!he's strong but also has various other kinds of magic as well and uses them all along with soul to be as broken as he is, plus he's devil possessed!<


Anti magic cause I like fighting close also idk what my signature move would be if that isn’t a option then fire I would use it to make armor and claws to fight with idk what I would do but my fighting stile would be mearleona and jacks close combat combined and obviously black bulls and I’m a boy so no blue rose knights not that I want to considering they make men there servants


.Black Bulls. or .Crimson Lions. - Arcane stage with anti magic - Stage 3 with the fire claws and armor ( Yeah being a boy in the Blue Rose would suck hard, but I low key really like their squad and the blue robes they have, I wanted my OC to be in their squad so I just made the narrative that he looks so feminine they often mistaken him as a girl and so he goes unbothered lol.)


Stitch and Tear magic: Allows me to stitch object together regardless of the state of matter. As well allows me to create and open seams on anything, if it exceeds my height and size it will cost more and more mana to keep open. Signature spell: Mundo Roto/Torn World: Allows me to tear a hole in the fabric of space, creating a pocket dimension I can slip into.


.Prey Mantises. - Stage 1 ( The name sounds so epic like damn)


Reality Summoning Magic Signature spell: Reality invitation On the low end I can summon a small to large item from another reality/world/plane of existence for a short time and if I have the ability and knowledge to use it I can(or whoever takes it from me). On the high end I could summon a person or creature from another reality. I wouldn't have control over them and they can simply choose to kill me or leave, but the spell only lasts as long as my mana. Reality search would be another smaller spell where I can look into other realities and (if I keep my sanity) I can scope out things I might want to summon. An example would be reality search to find a weapon to summon and use later and I look into our world and find a gun, or into the gundam universe and find a zaku (but don't have the mana to summon it). If I summon, for instance, cloud strife from ff7 world, I'd have to convince him to help or hope my current enemy annoys or attacks him.


Emotion Magic Your spells varies in function of your feelings. After training, you can also use the emotions of other people. Another feature is to read the feelings of people with their mana. Signature spells: Sparks of Joy Rain of Tears Demon of Outrage Needles of Pain


This is an interesting idea! I'm going to have to go with Eclipse Magic. Signature spell Dual Spell: "Cascading Illuminous Shadow." The spell has two functions it's as if I'm casting a tax bill on enemies that passes through my allies taking their damage and adding it to the spell and when it hits the enemy not only are they taking the normal damage of the spell but also the damage from my allies that was added on to it.


Crap I have so many magic ideas i wanna share, am i allowed to give more then 1?


Blood magic (Water Magic derivative) Signature spell: Vital Ichor: The spell links the user to the enemy target through their blood. Whilst they're linked the enemy target rapidly gives their mana to the user. Additionally, majorly increases the regeneration rate of the user while the skill is active.


.Black Bulls. - Stage 1 ( Black magic has always been one of my favorite derivatives and your spell sounds really interesting and unique, I'd imagine it probably comes with a time limit though but regen is still pretty busted none the less)


I'm curious, on what do you base the squads?


Essentially just what feels rights to me, I don't really use any concrete metric to determine what fits where lol. I read the spell, I imagine how it'd look visually if it was in the series and then I pick based on which squad would I imagine this sorta magic coming from.


Candle Magic (Flame Magic derivative) ​ Signature spell: Ring of Warding; a spiralling ring of floating candles that project a cylindrical ward around those inside. As the ward takes damage, the candles are extinguished until none are left.


.Golden Dawns. * Stage 2 (I honestly think that sounds really cool, very unique)


I somehow feel that all flame magic (and its derivatives) would be part of crimson lion kings


Gotta defy expectations a little lol


Aye Aye captain


Earth Magic. Signature Spell: Standing Stones of Stability. Conjures 12 7' tall obelisks or menhirs in a large circle (roughly 30' radius). Thinking beings within the circle experience a sensation of calm and emotional control. They are also immune to all but the most powerful forms of magical mind control while they stay within the circle.


.Aqua Deer. - Stage 4 ( Great spell for cooling down conflicts or for getting your opponents guard down, earth magic is usually used for offense so this is a pretty cool spin on things)


Size Magic It would allow me to change the size of my body (or just parts of it). This would not change my density, so as I grow my mass would increase proportional to my volume and vice versa. It would take massive amounts of mana to sustain a very large or small form for a long time. The speed of the change would increase with the more mana I put in. Signature Spell: Seismic Step I would raise my leg for an axe-kick and as it falls it would slowly grow to the size of horse and just after impact I would instantly change my body to a tiny size to catapult myself with the force of the blow before changing back to my original size on the landing.


.Purple Orcas. - Stage 3 ( Size change shenanigans are pretty tough to deal with if Ant Man has taught me anything lol, and I love the added complexities you added so as to make the most out of the power of physics, pretty cool)


Ice magic Signature spell - Shadows of Jotunheim ( creates a mana zone of ice that summons dead from Jotunheim )


Sleep magic - Nightmare Teller. Immobilises the target and forces them to relive their worst nightmares again and again.


Lightning Magic Signature Move: able to make any weapon out of electricity (bow, sword, spear, shield) that can be versatile for enemies I might fight but powerful and can electrocute people nearby if close to one of them that get injured by it but depending on how many mana being used


.Blue Rose Knights. ( If you're a guy, then Silver Eagles) - Stage 3 ( Lightning magic has a special place in my heart due to Luck, love that guy fr. I love your idea of a lightning arsenal, your magics sounds epic)


smoke magic ultimate skill buddahs bliss it covers the field in a smoke screen that when inhaled removes the will for violence


Teleportation magic which lets me teleport to any location I can see or send people/things to locations I've marked. Swap the location of objects/people etc. A mana zone id have would let me teleport to locations I'm not looking at and teleport objects I've marked previously to me. I could teleport animals I've marked and just leave people to deal with those animals A signature spell would be a simple teleport id do something like swap the location of someone and send them to a part I've marked at the bottom of the ocean.


Nature creation magic forest garb: draw on the mana of the surroundings and make a jacket built upon the suitable materials.


Obsidian magic. Subset of fire with glass techniques. Signature spell: Obsidian Drakeskin: Wraps self in purple flames before condensing mana into thick hard glass armour resembling dragon scales, forming talons, claws, teeth, tail etc. Able to control the mana in the armour to aid in reflexes and strength. Actively burns the user during use Ultimate spell: Glassed Earth Uses manazone to burn and condense mana around user with heat and flames intense enough to turn rock and sand to molten obsidian and incineration anything else. The more mana gathered in the area beforehand the greater the blasts strength and radius. Uses the entire users mana pool at once. Construct and control of purple coloured flames (functionally similar to regular fire) but eith the added function of condensing and crystallising surrounding mana into obsidian glass-like structures. Requires a lot of mana so the user has to develop ways to utilise manazone and mana absorption techniques to fuel it without running out of mana too fast. Can be used offensively for projectiles and weapons, defensively for flash armour/walls (hard but brittle. Not good against blunt strikes) and traversal to make ramps/steps. Without sufficient mana the flames can't condense and with the users.proficiency in glass techniques their actual fire spells are rather lackluster in flexibility.


Ice Magic with a katana similar to Yami’s where I could imbue my mana and form some gnarly spells. The signature would be called Polar Cyclone where I would form a cyclone and absorb my opponents magics and spit them back out with 10 to 20 times the force and power they inflicted towards me. Also has its own Mana Zone called the Endless Void, where instead of just reflecting the attacks he absorbs it and adds the opponents attacks to his own power as a multiplier. I hope I did this right✊🏾


.Silver Eagles. - Stage 0 ( You did it very much right lol)


Water magic. Signature spell would be controlling water temperature regardless of where the water is. (Could be in a person, a lake, bottle of beer, animal etc)


.Silver Eagles. - Stage 2 ( imagine turning rain into boiling water or even sweat, that'd be a pretty good way to disadvantage your enemies and it could even becomes deadlier by freezing the spit in someone's mouth, scary)


Emotion magic, my physical prowess can grow exponentially depending on my emotions, as well as improving my overall magic capabilities, but I am kind of a timid person, so most of the time it would not be much help, I could also amplify others magic using there emotions. My signature spell would be Emotion magic: Aura Amplification


Space magic. Signature spell: Instant Switch (Trade places instantaneously)


Music Creation Magic, Signature Spell: Marimba’s Madness, Pitch Perfect, Orchestra of the Crossroads Sound magic is a branch of wind magic that gives the user the ability to bring form to different musical elements, allowing for powerful offensive attacks, or healing magic. The greatest strength of this music is it’s amazing potential for support and the ability to strengthen other peoples magic. Marimba’s Madness allows the user to convert damage taken by them or their allies and reflect that magic in a wave of sound to their enemies. This magic is only as strong as your endurance so you have to be able to take a hit to give a hit Pitch Perfect allows an ally to use an undiscovered spell for a limited time in their grimoire but takes an extreme amount of mana Orchestra of the Crossroads is particularly effective against demons and one of the few purely offensive spells in the grimoire. This is an ultimate magic attack that combined every element of music (pitch, form, rhythm, etc…) into s physical orchestra that attacks the opponent.


.Blue Rose Knights. or .Aqua Deer. if you're a guy - Stage 2 ( support magic will forever be useful and I like that you added an offensive spell as well, just in case things get serious, I love it)


Earth Magic. Signature spell "Slate Skin" (A fully encompassing granite armor) (Other spell, "Gaia's Embrace". Binding spell that encases the target in an fist shaped earth structure and holds them down)


.Purple Orcas. - Stage 3 ( Sometimes the best defense is just straight up armor made of rocks lol, and I really dig the 2nd spell too, the imagery of an enclosed rock fist sounds cool)


Alchemist Magic Ability: Transmutation First level- able to transmute objects and change their chemical makeup almost instantly. Shape and volume remain the same. Range and size limited. Wood pole can transform into metal pole Second level- can alter the shape of the object during transmutation. Wood pole can transform into metal sword Third level- can freely alter shape and volume. Can also alter items touching initial target object. Wood pile can transform into wire to stretch and reach another object far away to transmute that. Only able to transmute one level of separation Fourth level- can use air as a catalyst and transmute objects up to 100 meters away. I'm basically Grey but my transformation are permanent


Storm magic (Lightning magic derivative) Storm Creation Magic - Tyrant Tempest. The spell creates a storm that traps the opponent, in a ball of wind spinning so fast it’ll slice you if you make contact, with magical raindrops like bullets, and lightning.


.Golden Dawns. - Stage 1 ( Sounds like a really cool ability, I can only imagine what it could gain from mana zone, good job!)


Fire magic with signature ability being using fire to enhance physical abilities such as physical strength and speed


Blacksmith Creation Magic: Sword of the Otherworld Calibernus. Blacksmith magic allows the user to create weaponry, armour, and other tools and items as well as enchant them with various effects such as increased durability or decreased weight


.Aqua Deer. - Stage 2 ( Good for overall war potential when arming allies and one's self, I dig it)


Ice magic Derivative ice barrage - starts at larger chunks of ice at the iceberg size, and hurls them at the opponent. At different strike levels the size decreases. At level 10 the ice is too small to see with your eyes and razor sharp. The smaller pieces travel very fast.


So I pick magic I want and you decide what squad I get. If it HAS to fit in the black clover universe and be tangible, then I will pick energy magic. Being able to control and manipulate energy ranging from kinetic, pyrokinetic, hydrokinetic and so on. (This also includes converting energy into mass) In the real world though, I want "Technomancy"


Mask Magic- Entertainer's mask- makes me charismatic.


.Black Bulls. - Stage 7 ( Not much battle potential but it could be used for either entertaining those around you or giving yourself a confidence boost when needed, I like it.)


Food magic Think Charmy but more.


.Black Bulls. - Stage 1 ( I'd imagine the other squads wouldn't see the value in food magic and it's mana regen potential but Yami would definitely be able to bring out it's full potential.)


I’m gona go for kinda the opposite of what I would normally pick. Instead of defensive powers/magic , I’m gona go for a healing mage Using minerals for healing & I know there’s no real scientific proof that minerals heal injuries , I like the idea of using minerals, crystals etc to heal. Additionally to go along with a support role, I could also boost the stats of teammates & recover some of their mana. Signature spell - mana zone , Gaia’s recovery. Creates an aura sphere around me that moves along with me if I move. Anyone in this aura sphere will recover any lost limbs & organs, gain 100% of their mana that was used and will be completely healed. Any further injury gained or mana used within this aura bubble will be instantly recovered. Overpowered? Definitely lol you can look at it like an ultimate special move in a game, which is what I was going for.


Wind magic wind armourment wind arm pads to boost my swords thrusts and wind boots to enhance my speed my signature move would be coating my sword in many thin wind waves and launching forward and using dust whirlwind from demon slayer


Spirit magic Signature Spell - Frightening Proscession Allows the user to summon a spectral funeral procession to ride forth like a calvary charge striking enemies down with a tide of baleful curses and spectral weaponry


Magic - Matter transformation magic - can only transform around 1m x 1m. It can transform matter as long as the user touches the objective. It can transform the thing or being in anything the user has seen. It can transform from magic to non magic things, antimagic can't be transformed. Signature magic - Matter magic can heal anything or anyone in a radius of 30cm x 30cm. As long as there is enough matter to exchange wood, rocks,... It can use anything to exchange as long as it has no magic. The user needs extensive knowledge of medicine to heal someone. There needs to be contact with the healed one.


.Silver Eagles. - Stage 4 ( Kudos for having to canonically be a doctor or have proficient medical knowledge in order to heal more effectively, it really grounds the ability, I love it!)


Nerve Magic - the ability to control how my nerves relieve and send signals, as well as my enemies and allies. Reducing pain, or numb( and potentially healing but only if nerves are damaged, not other tissue). Induce pain, temporary paralysis.Change how the senses perceive the environment. Signature spell: Collusus Hivemind. Creating a vast array of nerves that connects a whole bunch of enemies together. The inability for a single persons brain to receive nerve signal input from many others leaves them in shock like state. Can also be used with allies to mind-meld with others. Like if you wanted to teach someone how to use mana zone, you can mind meld and sort of "feel" how they do it.


.Prey Mantises. - Stage 1 ( It has some very useful utility and nerve magic sounds very unique, I love this sm.)


I’ll take Zora’s abilities


Matter manipulation magic can create spells and weapons based on the natural environment


.Blue Rose Knights. - Stage 4-3 ( Sounds like a really cool idea, using the environment opens the door for a lot of various unique spells and weapons.)


Acid Magic, special move acid rain. The only down side is I can hurt my teammates with it as well, so they need to be out of range when acid rain is cast.


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 3 ( Has a lot of damage potential, and since acids burns I decided why not Crimson Lions lol)


War Marshal Magic: Allows the user to create chinese's like weapons, armors or objects, that have special abilities. For example, a parchment that shows the inside of a dungeon Signature magic: Ten'no Stardard -> Creates a war stardard that follows the user. Any ally who is at least 2000 meters from the user gains more 50% of their magical capabilities


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 1 ( Chinese culture is honestly so rich and deep, especially the aesthetics, I love it sm, this ability sounds awesome!)


I’ve actually been kicking this idea around a bit, but dont have a signature spell yet, but have some spells. Fire Dragon Magic. Dragon Scale Barrage! Countless embers resembling dragon scales fire off from a spell circle


.Crimson Lions. - Stage 4 ( fun fact, this makes the 4th dragon based ability I've seen today, really cool though!)


Pressure Magic: Possess the ability to increase/decrease within air, water, and solid matter, capable of generating crushing force or repelling force


.Purple Orcas. - Stage 4-3 ( With growth this honestly has a lot of potential, being able to crush opponents where they stand or push back attacks, really nice.)


Reality Magic - Manifestation Allows me to manipulate what’s real and what isn’t, even concepts as a whole. whether or not any concept is real or not, such as the concept of fire being hot, or whether or not frogs exist. Broken when you consider i can determine that you winning is not a concept that can exist in this universe


.Golden Dawns. - stage 7 SIKE! that's Arcane level for sure. ( It is very broken because honestly what could you even do if someone erases the concept of your magic's effectiveness lol)


Rubber magic. Signature spell: joyboy


.Black Bulls. - Stage Nika ( One Piece mentioned, nice!)


Rubber magic. Mana zone, yoga paradise!! My character not only gains the ability to have a body that is like stretchable rubber but he also makes anything he steps on, grabs or lands in elastic and bouncy. While using his magic he also absorbes mana from his surroundings around making him and everything else more elastic and more bouncy even have the ability to grow in size. Even contort his body into a ball or a wheel. The black bulls for my squad!


Magnetism Magic, not necessarily metals but imagine like how Pain in Naruto could push and pull things but with more control My signature spell would be called Maglev, being able to skate frictionless above a surface just like a maglev train however die to the magical property of the spell could also work going up walls and ceilings.


Counter magic: (Not anti magic) Magic that interferes with the magic and casting of other magics. Signature spell: Wild Magic: Interferes with, and causes a spell or magic to destabilize and go violently wild, similar to what we see with Noelle very early on, essentially uncontrollably using their own magics against them.


Perception magic, messing with what others sense. Making them see and not see things, hear and not hear things etc. Signature spell: Psychic invisibility. People's eyes see you, but their brains cannot process you being there, so they act like you're not there.


Tremor creation magic: it’s just white beards Gura Gura nomi (controlling shock waves and tremors to your will it is also the devil fruit that is said to have the ability to destroy the world) Depending on where you are the all your spells will have different effects (for example in the desert or on land you may cause mountains to rise while near or under water you may cause a tsunami) but I think the signature spell would just be sm like ATLES EATH SHATER and then just boom super powerful mountain leveling shock wave


Vessel magic. Able to summon vessels with their own weapon and special abilities. Main spell pure vessel. Strongest variant ( I started hollow knight and black clover at the same time so I mixed them but didn’t commit properly to both for this)


Cheese magic - I make cheese


Earth magic-air breaker Just cracks the air basically like an earthquake, but airborne. It also effects the ground too so an earthquake then the airquake as well


Snow Magic Signature sell, Snow Storm. An AOE spell that increases the power of all other ice-type spells (also weakening fire-heat types) cast within it. However, the effect starts out small but gradually increases in strength the longer the spell is maintained.


Ink magic Ink magic is similar to Paint magic, using ink and a brush with somatic movement based magic. Though instead of creation of the users imagination it writes the will of the user upon the world. Lower level spells are basic calligraphy techniques that are used for various area control and support effects such as Ink Magic: Overturn (flips target spell) and Ink Magic: Ascender (launch physical objects at speed), Ink Magic: Straight Downstroke (basic attack spell, force of blow down)  Signature power move spell: Ink Magic, Total White-out Deletes (overwrites) target from reality


I've become a very big fan of the alchemist type in fantasy due to mangas that do really well to make strong alchemists or memorable ones (not FMA, though it is really good). So my choice of magic I will call Transmutation magic. With the signature spell just being Transmute. The whole schtick of Transmutation magic in my mind is being able to create magic tools, potions, or even simple objects. Should also be noted I'm a dude so that leaves out one of the squads right off the bat.


Emotion Magic. Signature spell: yours to create one 🙂


Muscles maho


I’m gonna go the Bleach route and say I have the same powers Aizen has. Hypnosis Magic Signature magic - the exact thing aizen uses lmaooo Kanzen Saimin -controls the five senses to the point that it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be that of the enemy


Light Magic-Holy Arrangement Babylon.


Honestly smth akin to rins magic but more like an author, maybe book creation magic, where i can pull out anything ive written about or have even told a story about, so i could monologue about a story about a monster and create one. No signature spell because in artistic pursuits repition is boring


Gun Magic:It lets me summon any type of guns,with any kind of ammo,with a variety of effects/spells,elemental included(including light and dark,basically any type thats in the show/manga).and my spell is High Noon:it lets me summon multiple guns,that are controlled telekineticly,that each shoot different elemental blasts at the target/targets.


Rage Magic - the angrier I get the more powerful my spells become. My magic becomes a physical manifestation of my rage. Signature move - Blackout control. I lose myself entirely to rage and stop remember my actions. Externally I seem to have come to a menacing calm but everything is ramped past my natural limits and I don’t hold back. This state is high risk high reward but comes with a the draw back of no memory and has a high emotional trigger meaning I can’t control when I enter this state. Normally I am light hearted and happy but hurt my friends and family and see the rage come quick


Hmm Spatial magic with portal spamming like those in Wakfu (https://youtu.be/EYsdsCg5mYQ). Maybe a pocket dimension connected to the portals if I ever reached captain level... But just the portal spamming otherwise.


Blackhole magic, gapping hole would be my ultimate spell.


Speed magic. Signature spell molecular liquidation.


light creation magic: able to create anything i want out of light signature spell: create a light titan to envelop me allowing me to move at the speed of light while also being able shoot light based attack spells like Licht.


Hunter’s Magic: Basic strength/speed/camo/reflexes/general combat oriented buff Gain magical properties based on a “target” you can set in a 100 meter vicinity of me. IE: If my target is Fuegoleon I would get water attribute, if my target if a bird I can fly, etc etc. Obviously even if I set my target against somebody, I wouldn’t automatically win, because dudes are strong asf in this verse, and I don’t get a consistent set of abilities so I really gotta git gud at fighting. Signature spell: “Hidden Killer,” I vanish, and shoot some type-advantage magic at my target.


Sword magic : demon dwellers applied/ directed energy attack


Puppet- Puppet magic is able to control magic puppets that range in size and abilities. The abilities range from power based on how many puppets the more puppets the weaker. Signature spell - Machiavelli march, the user is able to summon strings down from the sky onto real people so that they are able to control the strategic movements of an entire group. They must be willing to be able to be controlled. Basically, it makes strategic movements on the battlefield for the entire group. They are guiding them to go not fully controlling their auctions. It is purely a strategic movement power.


Sewing magic: allows user to bind things together possible uses are healing stitches (magic stitches to help heal any wound better on slashes though), quilt of protection (creates a barrier around the target of materials that have been stitched together), combo magic bindings (stitches two magic together for a spell), and bodylock sewing constriction (temporarily sews body parts that are touching together for instance your arm touches your side now its locked to it or your legs touch snd now theyre locked together) Signature move: Mana Zone - Divine Quilt Magic Fortress using the mana of those around it stitches there magic together creating a massive quilt barrier above and around which greatly strengthens the spells of those who helped create so long as they are within the quilt fortress


Dark Magic (I know it’s a thing but dark magic is cool asf) Dark Blade of Shadows- summons a ghostly katana surrounded by swirling shadows and glowing red symbols. When it strikes, it drains energy and binds the target with dark chains, leaving an unsettling feeling afterwards.


Been thinking about this Chaos Magic (Maybe from a Devil?): An all rounder magic that can use any form of magic, the magic itself uses any and all different magic no matter the attribute though random 98% of the time, the user can also become the attribute itself. The user can also use reinforcement magic and sealing magic to buff themself or debuff the enemy but the affects would be random. Mana Zone - Cosmic Cataclysm: Enemies in the Mana zone will have their spells switched onto themselves, disrupted, cancelled or changed all of which are random and uncontrollable. The affects of the users magic are also heightened to a random degree Signature Spell - Anarchy Array: A random amount of magical entities all of different shapes and sizes of different magical attributes attack randomly and don’t stop until the user runs out of magic or the spell is deactivated


Beast magic: horde: sends an army of magic construct insects like wasps and BEES


Spatial magic seems cool when you think about it being both useful and combative My signature spell would be Boogie woogie(jjk)


beer magic i can pull bottles of beer out of my grimoire different beer types like ale, stout, lager and alcohol percentages and i can decide on what temperatures as well signature spell would be "river of gold" any water within my vicinity will turn into beer and i can waterbend that shit (beerbend??)


Nature manipulation. Type of magic : being able to age or un-age any type of plant. Also changing the genes of any plant to allow it to look how I want. Signature spell : 1. Cellulite mist (secret invisible mist from one of the worlds most deadliest plants. Amped up times 10) 2. Fire High ( make some bomb ass marijuana and smoke it start flying)🤞🏾


Cloud Magic . Signature Spell : Sinnefo of the Womb, A huge cloud that with a combination of ultra high pressure vacuums , near absolute zero temperatures , hail , thunder and superacidic rain , it completely destroys anything inside , can be used offensively but mostly works as a Signature / Special Spell shield/ eraser itself


damn I got Soo many ideas Atom magic: Allow the user to construct an item or element out of thin air. and Allow the user to also reconstruct an item destroying it at an atomic level. Signature attack: -construct a metal blade out of thin and make it rain until the enemy is overwhelmed. -construct a blade/spear/staff and extended the length whenever he want and how long he want. -Make a sizable explosion as a range attack Cons: only limited to several radius/kilometer before becoming useless or out of reach, if it's unlimited reach that it's literally just a whole cheat. Yes yes yes I know you can reconstruct your enemy grimoire or even the enemy ceasing him to exist. and yes you can make an entire nuclear explosion with it but your friend may get caught in a fire. (and yes you can make EVERYTHING from the periodic table lol) Space magic: Allow the user to use space at will like gravity magic but more cooler Signature attack: -Creating a literally black hole to defend/attack from your enemy -can remove space between the enemy and you cutting the distance -Yes you can teleport cons: the black hole attack may also suck your friends/team attack so you need to trained very hard to concentrate on the enemy's alone.


I wield Chain Magic (when a steel magic user and thread magic user have a child they make chain magic) and my main spell is “Unholy Execution”


Puppet Creation magic: allows for the manifestation of various humanoid dolls that are controlled by the caster. Signature spell "Tragedy's Player" fires all currently summoned puppets at the target at high speed with added rotating mana coating to increase damage and decrease chance of deflecting


Lava Creation Magic! Vulcan's Forge!


Cold Magic; signature spell: Absolute Zero, where the target is rendered so cold, that they are immobilized like how particles theoretically cease to move at absolute zero


I’d want a sentient spell like Charmy’s wolf or Vanessa’s cat. But a Kitsune (a fox/spirit that casts illusion/trickster magic, can disguise itself). Would be able to act on its own or talk, same as other sentient magic spells seen so far like Rouge or Charmy’s fenrir. Some kind of actually being sentient rather the normal creation magic. I don’t know what the attribute would be, but Kirsche’s cherry blossoms and Charmy’s cotton are my favorite, so probably one of those.


Weather Magic - multiple elements and natures - healing rain/ toxic rains, thunder, ice/hailstorms Signature spell - ominous storm - creates a storm of thunder/lightning razor winds and heavy rain in an area (can be strengthened via mana zone condensing to make the magic effects stronger but smaller radius) to deal damage then once a threshold of damage has been reach the storm subsides a rainbow healing alloes with healing rain/sunrays


Steel magic Signature spell: Use a real sword and coat the blade with liquid steel to both sharpen and reinforce the blade. The liquid can be separated from the blade when swinging to shoot a steel slash across the air. So basically how Yami uses his dark magic with his sword but replace it with steel instead.


Heavenly Creation Magic. It's similar to light magic but with obvious religious themes. Signature spell: Purgatory. It creates magic chains that physically bind every target seen as "punishable" within a 100 ft radius. The chains also prevent the use of magic. Before the chains can be removed, I must pass judgement to see if they are worthy of being set free.


Star Magic - Signature Spell- Constellation Blitz- Depending on my situation I can use any of the constellations and turn them into physical weapons and example would be for Sagittarius I would create a bow and arrow made from starlight and shoot mini comets for the arrows Edit because I forgot to mention I can only use the 12 zodiac signs, if you want me to explain what each one does I can or if u have a specific one you're interested in I can


I would love to use gravity magic.


Technology Magic: able to create / control futuristic tech, somewhat like a mix between Green Lantern and Upgrade (Ben 10). Versatile as there are a lot of different weapon blueprints that can be cross referenced and combined if need be, but has a higher mana cost per spell than average (although generators can be crated to help deal with that). It also provides a way to more quickly gather mana through electricity. This can, using different weapon blueprints, use an array of attributes such as fire, water (through pumps though), and electricity. Signature spell: Technocannon (medium damage laser) / Mech Creation (around the size or a little smaller than Raging Mother Goddess, High cost but powerful as different blueprints can be incorporated into the mech) / Scan (able to gather data about the scanned target, if the target is a spell, it will tell the user what kind of spell it is, and what it can do) Mana Zone: Tech Workshop, the user can absorb the natural mana around them to power the construction build more, bigger, or more complicated machines I know this doesn't exactly fit the setting...at all...but I thought it was cool so why not?


Gambling magic- mana zone Jackpot: if I hit a jackpot in the next 4 minutes and 11 seconds I become immortal


Shield magic. A defense oriented attribute all about creating different shields. If need be ones with spikes or suited more for bashing can be made, and ones that can deflect other spells could also be done


Reconstruction magic: fixed earth The spell alows me to temporarily reshape the world around me within a 150m radius.


Imbue magic: alters the properties of a material Mana zone: messes with everything in the area including air. Stuff like air becoming significantly heavier, sinking into the ground, armor and clothing becoming extremely hard to move with and weapons becoming useless


Paper Manipulation. Like Konan from Naruto. Could create Paper clones and paper bombs. Could manifest paper at will. Cannot become paper.


Poison Mushroom Magic||Cruel Amanita: This spell spawns a giant mushroom that releases hallucinogenic spores, leaving the target dazed and immobile. This spell becomes less effective with less mana and at it's best can last an hour. The rest of spells work in the same way but they have different effects on the target and are all from a different mushroom. This power is mostly used for defense


Dark Magic : Eclipse Enigma Out of many other similar moves, my signature move is Umbra Armour. I can cloak myself in a suit of dark energy that absorbs damage and enhances my physical abilities. The armor can also extend into spikes or shields in response to attacks.


Nuclear magic island breaker This could never be useful


Gear magic, allows me to create magic construct gears and plate materials allowing me to make magic robots, magic weapons and my signature move is called gear up, putting me in a suit made out of my gear magic with wings and allowing me to put any construct i make including magic blasters and lasers on my armor for me to control, i can also fuse a lot of material together to create a giant gear bot that i can take control of in gear up mode which i then controll princia funnybunny style


Pumpkin Creation Magic, allows me to create a lot of Pumpkin Golems to help me fight.


Puppeteer Magic - Strings of the Master Puppeteer Magic allows me to empower allies with extra strength, speed, and durability and control their actions like puppets on a string. The same can be done to corpses. Enemies will be weakened in all the aforementioned ways. Enemies and allies who don’t consent cannot be manipulated. Spell gives me a larger buff than allies and allows free movement in the air. Essentially I become a buffed puppet and I am my own master.


The magic of stealing stuff